Chapter 53

“It’s really strange…What happened to our Jiangzhou recently? Why are there luxury cars everywhere? This f*ck, hundreds of millions of cars have come out…”

At this time, Yang Ting was looking at the scenery from the inside of the car.

But when he noticed a car driving by, he recognized it at a glance.

I couldn’t sit still in an instant.


Zhang Xin squeezed in by his side and looked at the luxury car that passed the taxi.

“Wow, hundreds of millions of cars, let me check.”

She took out her mobile phone and checked it, and she quickly determined that it was indeed an ultra-luxury sports car worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Looking at the car map and price displayed in the phone, she couldn’t help but swallow.

If one day, anyone could let her ride in such a car, then she would be very moved.

“Husband, you said, when will you let me get in this kind of car?”

She asked Yang Ting next to her.

Yang Ting’s skin twitched…

Although his family is rich, it is not such a rich method, right?

Whoever is TM will buy a car with hundreds of millions of dollars.

Not to mention hundreds of millions, even tens of millions are impossible.

Several millions can still be considered.

If you can drive tens of millions of cars, you can directly chase Jiang Yu and Yang Liuyan, how can you be with you?

“Just now I was thinking, Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan, they had a luxury car and they hugged me and left them behind. They looked amazing. Now it seems that they are in the same car in front of a real luxury car. .”

“Oh, yeah.”

When Zhang Xin said that Jiang Yurou was talking to Yang Liu, Yang Ting echoed:

“Then Ye Liang can only fight, what’s so great? How many times do you need to use force in your life? As long as you have money, you can hire a few powerful bodyguards for a lifetime.”

“Husband, you still understand me.”


The two of them couldn’t help feeling resentful about what happened before.

Ye Liang didn’t help when they were in danger, Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan also avoided whenever something happened, watching them make a fool of themselves.

They may not know that Ye Liang, who pretends to be qualified, does not allow anyone to look down or offend him.

This is providence.

Before they wanted to step on Ye Liang, Ye Liang made them roll over on the spot, and wanted Ye Liang to help them, fearing it was a dream.

They should be fortunate, they just lost face for a day and turned the serial car once.

A guy named Zhang Hao came out to offend Ye Liang in advance, let them know Ye Liang’s terrible, and they would not dare to provoke Ye Liang easily in the future.

Otherwise, they are really dead.

However, obviously, they will not know the correction.

Om——! ! ! !

With the roar of cars, Ye Liang’s car stopped in front of the Zotye Hotel.

“I am not familiar with this place, nor do I know where the garage is.”

Ye Liang looked at the road and said.

[So driving is useless at all, why not just fly with the sword? That’s called a happy and at ease…]

Ye Liang: I want to be able to fly with the sword now, I still use you to say it?

Jiang Yurou: What? Brother Ye Liang, you already know how to fly with swords? Didn’t you say that you were just born again? ‘

Jiang Yurou, who had been depressed all the way, suddenly regained her energy when she heard this voice.

Flying with the sword, that is the method of the immortal cultivator in the novel, and it is also performed in the TV series.

Step on the sword and fly in the sky, so handsome–! ! !

[However, this deity no longer intends to show the ability of cultivating immortals in front of people in this life, and within a hundred years, all the immortal methods will not be shown in front of people]

Ye Liang: I won’t just…

Jiang Yurou: Uh, don’t, why don’t you use the fairy method openly?

Use it, bastard–! ! !

She has been with Ye Liang for so long, but she never saw Ye Liang cast a spell.

They were all guessed based on Ye Liang’s heartfelt words and facts.

She really wanted to see what it looked like, whether handsome or not, how handsome, how cool, how cool, how prestigious, how prestigious…

However, Ye Liang used spells by her side twice, and she just couldn’t see the spells.

A mortal fetus with the naked eye can’t see the movement of aura.

Unless, someday she asks Ye Liang to give her a light or something.

That way, she might be able to see the aura of heaven and earth.

Ye Liang’s car parked in front of the Zhongtai Hotel, and soon a doorman came over.

He greeted Ye Liang and asked:

“Sir, can I help you?”

“Oh, this is my first time here. I don’t know the road. Can you point me to a parking spot?”

Ye Liang asked.

“This… sir, our business is relatively good today. There is no parking space. If you don’t mind, please park your car here. You can also park here.”

Said the door boy.

“In that case, stop here.”

Ye Liang got out of the car with Jiang Yurou, who had a look of resentment, and Yang Liuyan, who was shocked and did not recover.

At this moment, a few taxis from behind drove over.

Everyone who got off the car cast their gazes here.

Everyone has seen it, Ye Liang who just got out of the car.


As the first person to come down, Yang Ting couldn’t help but explode at this moment.

Zhang Xin came down on the other side and looked at the luxury car, her eyes lit up first.

Then, she saw the three Ye Liang who got out of the car.


At this moment, she also burst into foul language.

Did Ye Liang drive this car?

He, isn’t he from a small county?

Can he afford this luxury car?

and many more–! ! !

Suddenly, Zhang Xin’s expression changed.

She thought of a word she had said to Jiang Yurou before…

It seems to say, ‘Jiang Yurou deliberately said his boyfriend so badly because he was afraid of stealing his boyfriend.’

Could it be that Jiang Yurou, this little bitch, lied to herself from the very beginning?

Ye Liang is not from a small county at all, he is actually a super low-key rich second generation.

In order to prevent me from stealing her boyfriend, she played so much scheming on me?

Also, Yang Liuyan, so is this little bitch.

Have the opportunity to ride in a super luxury car without calling yourself?


I noticed the people who followed, and noticed that Zhang Xin had been staring at Maserati next to him, suddenly speechless.

It’s over, even if it’s about to explain, I can’t explain it clearly.

She would definitely feel that she would not call her because she had the opportunity to ride in a luxury car.

Hey, Ye Liang, you are here again.

At this time, the second generation of wealthy people all came here. Looking at this super sports car glowing in the sun, their expression of Ye Liang suddenly changed from fear to flattery.

It turned out that Ye Liang was not only able to fight, but also so rich.

Is it true that the rich and capable male protagonist in the novel?

Judging from the car Ye Liang is currently driving, they collectively kneel and lick Ye Liang, it’s not too much.

“Brother Liang, where did you get this car?”

“Brother Liang, this car is so handsome, can I touch it?”

“Brother Liang, it turns out that you drove this car just now. Just now I thought which prince was traveling.”


They were originally called by Yang Ting to attend his girlfriend’s birthday party. At the moment, they feel that they are here today.

Unexpectedly, there would be a chance to meet such a super hero.

Don’t talk about them, it’s Yang Ting right now, and I want to come and get to know Ye Liang again.

Ye Liang can fight, but it makes them feel scared.

Because they know that their strength is rich, as long as they insist that money is more important than martial arts, then Ye Liang is nothing in front of them.

However, their only pillar now collapsed.

In front of Ye Liang, they just want to put down their arrogant head at the moment, and want to make a few more lines with Ye Liang.

It is best to leave a contact information or something.

Even the girlfriends brought by the rich second generation are also frequently throwing surprises at Ye Liang.

But they chose the wrong way of knowing Ye Liang at the beginning, and it became a hell start as soon as the start…

Now that they can make good on Ye Liang, that’s a ghost.

They didn’t die in Ye Liang’s hands at first, they were already lucky.

This day has ended successfully.

…For Ye Liang, this is the case.

After eating, Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan pretended to say a few words of blessing to Zhang Xin and left.

Zhang Xin couldn’t help showing envy when looking at the two people sitting on top of the luxury car and leaving.

Obviously, she has the opportunity to ride in that kind of real luxury car.

I blame Jiang Yurou. If she hadn’t deliberately concealed Ye Liang’s identity, how could she have chosen to let Yang Ting step on Ye Liang in the first place?

Unexpectedly, the sisters of many years are still inferior to Ye Liang.

Humph–! ! !

After Ye Liang sent Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan home, they drove home alone.

As for what Jiang Yurou would say after returning, he didn’t care much.

At this time, Jiang Yurou returned home, only to see her mother Tang Pinru alone in the living room watching TV, while her father Jiang Shixian was nowhere to be seen.

“Yurou, I’m back, how did you play today ¨‖?”

Seeing Jiang Yurou coming back, Tang Pinru asked her:

“Why didn’t you bring Ye Liang up to sit for a while?”

“Uh… played today… still… okay?”

Jiang Yurou said with a look of entanglement: “Brother Ye Liang said he has something to do, so he should leave first.”


Hearing this, Tang Pinru frowned:

“Yurou, tell me, how do you feel about Ye Liang?”


Upon hearing Tang Pinru’s words, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help but stunned.

She blushed and said:

“Brother Ye Liang is very nice.”

: It’s a big bastard

“And gentle.”

: Ruthless

“Understand politeness.”

: I have been scolded thousands of times in my heart.

“Sunshine again.”

: The mind is too dark.

“It’s not like those dudes, who know how to stare at beautiful girls all day, so honest.”

: The whole is just a wretched man, who keeps screaming when he sees other people’s good figure. I have never seen such a different person.


Hearing Jiang Yurou’s words, Tang Pinru smiled with satisfaction:

“Then, in that case, do you like Ye Liang?”


Jiang Yurou clenched her fists, clenched her teeth, and said with a gritted teeth:

“I like… I like the most…”


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn’t help but brighten up. She held her daughter’s hand and said to her:

“Since you like it so much, it’s better to let your mother be the master and formally match you up with Ye Liang.”


Seeing how excited her mother was, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

She said:

“Mom…what are you talking about, what I said like, it’s just that little girl likes her brother…”

TMD, if I was matched to him, he was afraid that he was not going to scold me for three thousand rounds in his heart.

I feel dizzy thinking about it.

No, no, he must use his true ability to change his view of himself.

Even with a little bit of outsider intervention, he might feel disgusting to the extreme.

Thinking of this, she said:

“Mom, I want to ask you something… Brother Ye Liang, is his family really just ordinary people?”


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn’t help but frown:

“Yurou, there is one thing, I have to remind you. Although our family has a little money and a little status, we are not the kind of family that values ​​the door. If you are looking for someone, you want to see the door of others , Then what else are you looking for? Isn’t it more free to be single for a lifetime? Why do you want to find someone for?”


Hearing that, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

No, Mom, I just ask you, who do you think of your daughter.

Besides, how do you feel that you care about Ye Liang’s bastard more than you care about your daughter.

“Mom, you are misunderstood. I just wonder if Ye Liang’s brother’s house is not as simple as it seems, because I see Ye Liang’s brother, he seems…not short of money.”

“What? You… Did you ask him to buy you something expensive?!!!”

Upon hearing this, Tang Pinru exclaimed again:

“Yurou, I told you that your brother Ye Liang is poor and has no money. He buys things for you. That is because he likes you, but you can’t ask him for valuables. You think he can easily give it to you. You bought something for a thousand yuan, do you know that he might have to eat frugally for several months…”

“…Frugal for months?”

Hearing this, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help but twitched her face.

It seems that my mother was completely deceived by Ye Liang.

Just that bastard, if he can save himself for several months and buy something for himself, no, let alone for several months, even for a week, he will be so moved that he will give him a monkey.

But, do you know what he thinks of me in his heart?

Nauseous, mentally retarded, vicious in mind, likes to play with his feelings, everything he did for me was done for your face——! ! !


At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help but exhaled heavily, and said to Tang Pinru:

“Mom, I know, I just asked…”

“Yurou, what’s the matter with you? Why are you doing this?”

Tang Pinru looked at Jiang Yurou’s red face and asked curiously.


Jiang Yurou said:

“I just thought that Ye Liang was so kind to me, I was so touched——!!!”


Upon hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn’t help but blamed:

“You girl, how do you say vulgar words.”


Jiang Yurou hid her face, not laughing or crying for a while.

correct–! ! !

Suddenly, she thought of something and said to Tang Pinru:

“Mom, I’ll go to bed first.”

“Well, go ahead.”

Tang Pinru nodded.

Looking at my daughter’s appearance, she seems to like Ye Liang’s appearance very much. When she mentions him, her face is red.

You must be shy.

If Jiang Yurou knew Tang Pinru’s thoughts, she wouldn’t know if she would split it on the spot.

God is so shy, I was so angry as this–! ! !

After returning to her room, she picked up her mobile phone and began to contact Yang Liuyan.

“Hello, Liu Yan, are you asleep yet?”

At this moment, Yang Liuyan, who was in his own home, who had just taken a shower, saw Jiang Yurou’s letter and replied:

“I haven’t slept yet, what’s the matter?”


Jiang Yurou said: “I have a secret thing and want to ask you.”


Yang Liuyan curiously asked, “What’s the secret thing?”

“Jiang Yurou: So what, do you have a butterfly mark on your body?”

——! ! ! ! !

Seeing the letter from the phone, Yang Liuyan was dumbfounded.

She stared blankly at the other party’s message in the phone.

The mark of the butterfly is the last secret I can’t let people know…

Because where it is, it’s too wrong.

It’s totally wrong.

Because it grows in a place that is absolutely invisible.

Therefore, no one knows except for himself that he has a butterfly mark on his body.

Did Jiang Yurou peek at herself?

No, she shouldn’t have such a chance, probably, maybe, maybe…

“How did you know?”

She asked Jiang Yurou: “I have never told anyone about this.”

“Hehe, secret.”

With that said, Jiang Yurou hung up the phone.

Only Yang Liuyan with a dazed face was left, holding the phone, not knowing what was going on.

At this moment, she thought of countless possibilities.

But no matter what possibility she thought, she couldn’t fall asleep.

what is the problem?

And Jiang Yurou was also dumbfounded at the answer she got in her phone, she couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

What Ye Liang thought in his heart, is it true?

Then, what he thought before was that he was a vicious woman, was it true?

It’s true that your father would divorce his mother and then marry an 80-year-old girlfriend?


At this moment, Jiang Yurou completely began to doubt life.

Fortunately, she had received enough information bombardment before, and at this moment, she could remain calm.

Thinking of Tang Pinru who was still outside the house, she couldn’t help but feel pitiful for a while, Mom, you are so miserable.

Tang Pinru: Why do you suddenly feel a chill?

Early the next morning, Ye Liang had just got up, and there was a phone call.

“Hello, Mr. Ye Liang?”

Opposite is a very refreshing voice of a girl.

“This is Xu Yingbing, I don’t know, are you free today?”

She asked Ye Liang respectfully.


Ye Liang said, “Are you trying to pick me up to visit your old man?”

“Hehe, yeah, after hearing about you, my grandfather wanted to see you and learn about martial arts with you.”

Xu Yingbing said casually.

After coming back yesterday, she had already told her grandfather about Ye Liang.

Of course, she didn’t say that she could hear Ye Liang’s heartbeat such weird things.

Her rhetoric is like this.

“Grandpa, Ye Liang doesn’t admit that he beat the stone like that, but at all I guess, he is that person, but his personality is a bit low-key and he doesn’t want to show it to others because of his ability. When we meet with him in the future, it’s best to be a little measured.”

Hearing her remarks, Xu Lao was naturally very excited.

No matter what Ye Liang’s character is, as long as he is the one who beats the stone, he is a real master, master, and master, then the Xu family and Ye Liang are right.

At that moment, he even wished to visit Ye Liang directly.

However, Xu Yingbing said that Ye Liang has a low-key personality and doesn’t like high-profile, so it is better for her to pick up Ye Liang.

Hearing Xu Yingbing’s words like that, Xu Lao had to endure the excitement of visiting the real strong man and waited obediently at home.

No, Xu Yingbing called Ye Liang early in the morning.

“If you are free, please go downstairs, I’m already waiting for you downstairs.”


Ye Liang couldn’t help being speechless when she heard Xu Yingbing’s words.

This woman is very active.

He casually cleaned up his appearance and went out.

When he opened the door and came out, the opposite door happened to open.

I saw a woman with long hair coming out of the house.

At this moment, Ye Liang couldn’t help but froze for a while.

What a nice view–! ! !

He has seen a lot of beauties, Jiang Yurou, Yang Liuyan, and Xu Yingbing are all good beauties.

However, they are all young girls, so naturally they still inevitably carry the young girl’s youthfulness.

Even if Yang Liuyan and Xu Yingbing are already in shape to crush most of the mature women, they are still young girls.

However, the woman in front of her was different.

She is a mature woman.

She seems to combine the advantages of all the beauties Ye Liang has seen.

Compared to Jiang Yurou’s face that was not bad, compared to Yang Liuyan and Xu Yingbing, he was a super hot body that did not lose the wind.

She wore a decent professional dress in black, a white shirt that was torn apart, and black stockings. As a working woman, she was now wearing a very delicate makeup.

Moreover, it is not the same as the makeup of ordinary women that is so thick that mothers don’t recognize it.

Her makeup is very light, but surprisingly suitable, as if she deliberately put her makeup like this.

Obviously, what is revealed in her bones is a sense of indifference that strangers shouldn’t enter, but her makeup makes people have a feeling of’come, up, come, tease’.

She is tall and tall, with long, jet-black hair that was struck behind her head with a jade comb, but even so, behind her head, there is still a long beautiful hair hanging down like a waterfall.

She was supposed to be the cold and proud person, but when she saw Ye Liang, she couldn’t help but raised her lips slightly.

“Hello. ”

She said.


Ye Liang hadn’t noticed before that there was such a beautiful woman on the opposite side of him.

He also responded.

“My name is Yan Qing and I just moved here.”

The woman slowly approached Ye Liang for a few minutes, and said to her:

“I’m not used to this neighborhood, please take care of it.”

“Ok, I just moved here not long ago, and I’m in a nearby reading school…”

Is it an illusion?

It always feels like this woman is deliberately approaching herself.

No, I can’t have such a big charm.

It should be an illusion that people deliberately approached at the first meeting.

Looking at Ye Liang in front of him, Yan Qing was also curious.

What kind of story will happen to this hapless boy who became the son of the president?

If one day in the future, he is obsessed with himself because of his powerful charm and cannot extricate himself from it. Then, how sad he will be?

Hey, don’t blame me, blame, just blame your mother for being unreasonable.

I don’t want to be like this, but unfortunately, I can’t help myself.

At this moment, Yan Qing’s heart showed unparalleled self-confidence.

In terms of beauty, she believes she is not defeated by anyone, and in terms of body shape, she is even more impeccable.

In terms of aura, although she is only Ye Ziqian’s subordinate, even those true female executives in the workplace can’t compare to her.

On charm, as long as she has a look, I don’t know how many people will be crazy for her.

It was so easy for her to win a teenager like this.

It’s just a pity that this young boy’s innocence, hey, how did he become such a wicked woman?

Isn’t it, I have to compensate him a little bit?

Thinking about this, her face was cold, and the corners of her lips curled up with a charming curve.

“Brother, you haven’t told your sister, what is your name?”

She asked Ye Liang with a very soft voice.

“My name is Ye Liang.”

Ye Liang smiled.

[This woman, seems to be interesting to the deity? 】

? ? ? ! ! !

Hearing Ye Liang’s answer, Yan Qing’s expression suddenly changed when he was about to say something.

Just now, I seemed to have heard it, what sound?

That voice is so strange that it actually emerged from my heart?

[The charm of the deity is unmatched, but the deity can be hooked up by ordinary glamorous fans. I think that with a little makeup, I want the deity to look at you differently. Could it be that I dreamed of it last night? 】

I heard it again–!

This voice really came from my heart.

It’s strange, what sound is this?

At this time, Yan Qing couldn’t care about Ye Liang in front of her. She was exploring the origin of that voice in her heart.

But, no matter how you think about it, I can’t figure it out, where does this sound come from?

There is only speculation, it seems to have something to do with the boy in front of you?

Could it be that this is his voice?

Haha, how is this possible, although I have heard of love words that show people the heart, but this kind of thing can’t happen.

People’s minds are the most to change, and who can guess what others are thinking?

Perhaps, others may not know it themselves.

Did you hallucinate yourself?

But this illusion may not be too real.

“Sister Yan Qing, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing Yan Qing in a daze in front of him, he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her.

“Ah… I’m sorry, my sister looked at my brother just now, you were so handsome, you were accidentally fascinated.”

I haven’t figured out what the hell is going on, Yan Qing’s face has already recovered his composure at this moment.

She said to Ye Liang.

Ye Liang: Damn, this young lady, can you speak so much?

This little mouth is so sweet.

Suddenly it was a little overwhelming.

[Heh, Sao Fox Spirit, this method may be useful for those who have never seen a woman, but this deity has read countless women throughout his life (Qian Li Zhao), and I want to make the deity be moved by this? 】

[However, if you can see in the crowd that the deity hides hundreds of millions of times the charm, you have a good vision. Whatever the case, the deity will give you a face and cooperate with you. 】

Ye Liang: Uh… it’s worthy of a voice pack for Xiu Xian, such a beautiful woman, you just don’t want to be moved.

To be honest, I can’t stand it anymore.

Looking at the best OL mature woman in front of her, listening to the words she didn’t know whether she said it intentionally or unintentionally, Ye Liang said embarrassingly:

“Sister Yan Qing, stop joking with me, don’t I know what I look like?”

At this moment, Yan Qing seems to have gradually begun to be sure.

This seems to be the voice of Ye Liang.

You can’t go wrong.

But, what is this little guy thinking in his heart?

What kind of showy vixen, what countless women, what billions of times the charm?

If this is Ye Liang’s son, Ye Liang, he thinks too much, right?

Although I don’t know what happened, it seems that Ye Liang seems to be very narcissistic.

She has always been a woman who has been chased by others and brought endless failures to others.

Unexpectedly, if you take the initiative today, you will be looked down upon by others?

Haha, it’s interesting–! ! !

She said to Ye Liang:

“Brother Ye Liang, what do you say, look at you, you are so handsome, don’t you usually praise you?”

She has investigated it.

Ye Liang is single so far, without a girlfriend, it is impossible for anyone to praise him as handsome as himself.

The appearance of a person like himself, to Ye Liang, is like an angel coming down, and it will surely touch the weakest string in his heart.

Hearing that, Ye Liang smiled awkwardly:

“Not really.”

Although Jiang Yurou often praised herself, she still couldn’t regard Jiang Yurou as a goal.

After all, I want to be the Sea King, a sister next door like Jiang Yurou, if I really treat her, then maybe he will be locked up.

When that happens, I am too embarrassed to be a scumbag.

Therefore, the best choice is to ignore Jiang Yurou first.

Well, that’s right.

[Joke, superficial women who praise the deity’s appearance, I don’t know how many, each of them is coveted by the deity’s peerless fairy face, for such a person, the deity will never give up. 】

[You are just one of those people. 】

[If it weren’t for the deity’s good face, I would have pushed you away long ago, he~tui——! ! ! 】

Ye Liang: …Xiuxian voice pack, you are the envy of my thiefTM.

When will I be able to live such a life.


Listening to Ye Liang’s words and her voice, Yan Qing couldn’t help being dumbfounded at this moment.

Before contacting Ye Liang, she thought about countless possibilities of Ye Liang.

She knows that Ye Liang is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

He not only has money himself, but also has some wealthy friends.

She also knew that when she appeared next to Ye Liang, she might be regarded as someone with ulterior motives and wanted to approach him.

However, she has no doubts about her charm.

She doesn’t believe that Ye Liang can escape her charm.

What is even more unbelievable is that Ye Liang, who seems to be very gentle to her at this moment, has actually regarded her as ordinary goods in his heart.

Moreover, he wants to push her away and spit?

Oh my god, Ye Ziqian, what monster son do you have?

Is he… narcissistic too much? ! ! or!

At this moment, Yan Qing was so shocked that he didn’t want it.

Is this more than narcissism? ! ! !

It’s simply, domineering——! ! ! !

Hmph, Yan Qing wants to see how much you can do.


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