Chapter 52

“Mr. Ye Liang, I really thank you for this incident——!”

At this time, people from the law enforcement team have arrived at the KTV of the’Online Licensing Entertainment City’.

All the strong men in suits, including Zhang Hao, were arrested and brought to justice, and the so-called Boss Li was also arrested in the name of colluding with evil forces…

It’s much simpler than imagined.

What is needed in the novel? Mr. Li, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Liu, and what kind of policeman thinks the protagonist has a problem, and must be embarrassed with the protagonist, and then fall in love with the protagonist’s plot, none of them.

Just a phone call and evidence was presented, and the law enforcement team quickly arrested all suspects.

Moreover, they are hoping to have evidence to catch these criminals.

In fact, when Zhang Hao first started to do things, he still had a sense of measure. He was just in charge of showing people the scene.

But I don’t know what happened, it swelled later…

Gradually, he started to bully people. It is estimated that he really thought that he had already laid a piece of land and could start to enjoy the good fortune.

But, if this time, he met those rich young men, they might really swallow their anger.

After all, these guys have a hand when they bully, but when they are bullied, they are more persuaded than anyone else.

However, he had to think about it and put Ye Liang’s pretend, why bother?


Because Ye Liang’s behavior was already helping the law enforcement team clear an illegal den, the captain of the law enforcement team even came to him to express his gratitude.

In addition, I also emphasized that the Law Enforcement Bureau will make a pennant, and a special bonus of 20,000 yuan will be sent to Ye Liang.


At this moment, Zhang Hao was sitting in the law enforcement vehicle, looking desperately at Ye Liang who was taking over with the captain of the law enforcement team.

There was endless regret in his heart.

You said, are you good at being your security guard?

What are you pretending to be?

It’s just that the place you watched is a bit bigger, so you really think you can be lawless? ! ! !

I’m all right now, I gave myself a song called “Behind the Window”, thank you.

If it weren’t for Ye Liang, maybe he could really be arrogant for a lifetime.

After all, even if he bullied others, many things can be solved with money.

But this time, he wanted to kill Ye Liang, and there was evidence.

No matter what, he went to jail.

Before, he pretended to send Ye Liang to prison with a phone call, but Ye Liang’s phone call really sent him to prison.

In this day and age, if a phone call can send a person to prison, it must be the phone number of the law enforcement team.

This is the difference between pretending fiction and reality.

[I want to come, I have made him understand that Liangchen never speaks empty words. 】

Looking at the law enforcement vehicle going away, Ye Liang’s heart sea once again showed the voice of Xiuxian’s voice packet.

“Hehe, Ye Liang brother, you are so handsome, oh my god, the way you hit someone just now, one stroke, one stroke, one stroke, you are so handsome.”

Hearing Ye Liang’s voice, Jiang Yurou said to him.

While talking, she also did some actions when Ye Liang hit someone.

Ye Liang turned to look at Jiang Yurou and smiled:

“Sister Yurou, you’re not bad, I didn’t remind you, you know about the video, are you not afraid of them hitting you?”

Jiang Yurou replied: “I am not afraid of Ye Liang’s brother.”

Hee hee, although I don’t know what’s going on, but I can be sure now.

Ye Liang’s elder brother must be able to use spells. His spells cannot be seen by ordinary people, but they can cause car accidents and make people sing songs crooked.

It’s just that the spells that cross the universe in his heart, don’t know when he can see them.

[…It’s over. I just wanted to be careful of this stinky girl’s vicious thoughts before, but I forgot to condense my own strength. Now the deity is full…this vicious stinky girl is now afraid of being given to the real by the deity. obsessed with. 】

Ye Liang:…

His gaze turned towards Jiang Yurou in front of him.

The voice of Xiuxian’s voice packet made him suddenly react to something.

Perhaps, the identity and strength that he showed a few days ago really didn’t deserve any progress with Jiang Yurou.

But now I can already do it.

This girl, wouldn’t she really like who she is now?

If this is the case, I am afraid it is not good.

After all, my goal is for the stars and the sea, and I am destined to be the star of the sea king, if I start the game against this girl, I feel a little sorry.

To scum, it is better to scum others first.

That Liu Yan feels pretty good.

Every time I heard Xiuxian’s voice package was good at her voice, I had to press the gun eight times.

[…It’s over, I’m afraid I’m really fascinated by the deity. 】

At this time, Jiang Yurou was also looking at Ye Liang.

Ye Liang’s aspirations just now emerged in her heart sea.

Jiang Yurou:

Watch out for my vicious thoughts?

My mind is vicious?

I am fascinated by you?

Bah baah baah, I didn’t–! ! !

Hmph, I just want to make you change my mind, I won’t like you…

A bastard who only yies others in my heart.

A wretched man who can only yell at others, just like you, will become some kind of immortal, I don’t believe it.

I don’t believe it anymore, your future will really have something to do with Liu Yan.

There are still stories happening in many places.

I didn’t understand what balcony, living room, and kitchen, ah, bah, disgusting, I didn’t even dare to think about the scene.


Seeing Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou still staring at each other, both of them showed a very caring look on each other…

Yang Liu on one side couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

These two guys, sprinkling dog food, really don’t consider others to exist.

Please, it hasn’t been cleaned up here yet.

Although Zhang Hao and the others were arrested, the KTV was not closed either.

Because Zhang Hao is only a KTV, please come to see the venue. The so-called stewardship seems to be very good, but it is actually a security guard.

It’s just that Zhang Hao, the security guard, has grown bigger and has already been weighed on the customer’s head…

For what happened here, the real KTV boss was so scared that he rushed over to apologize and compensate everyone.

It’s just that what happened just now, if everyone can still play here now, that’s the hell.

Therefore, everyone decided not to karaoke.

Mainly, Yang Ting has no face anymore. The recording of his singing just now seems to have become more impressive after a panic.

Now, as long as he hears other people say K songs, he will involuntarily think of “I dreamed of that mung bean”…

With this shadow, he felt that he would never dare to karaoke for the rest of his life.

Moreover, because Ye Liang showed an exaggerated force value, everyone was scared.

With a slap over, the air was full of violent special effects.

Those who were originally hostile to Ye Liang, or even fantasizing about when to teach Ye Liang, are all dumb at the moment.

Now they just offend no one and dare not offend Ye Liang.

Seriously, their luck is really good…

According to their personality, if it wasn’t for Zhang Hao who had offended Ye Liang to death in advance, they would have offended Ye Liang to death sooner or later.

And if they offend Ye Liang to death, their fate will naturally not be much better.

It will be even worse.

After coming out of KTV, Yang Ting didn’t dare to step on Ye Liang’s feet as before.

Now, when he saw Ye Liang’s expression, he was shocked.

Seeing that Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang were still looking at each other, he didn’t dare to come over and interrupt.

He could only ask Yang Liuyan to come over.

And Yang Liuyan looked at the two dog men and women who were looking at each other, and didn’t know how to speak.

“Yurou, Ye Liang, when will you two spread dog food?!!!”

She couldn’t help it anymore, she asked the two of them.

“Where do we spread dog food?”

Ye Liang turned his head and looked at Yang Liuyan: “Beauty, you have misunderstood, I’m just complimenting sister Yurou for her good work. If it weren’t for her good video recording, I’m afraid I still have a lot of trouble.”

[This is troublesome, the most disgusting thing in this deity’s life, I am afraid that Jiang Yurou has taken a fancy to it. 】

Jiang Yurou: ——! ! !

[If she is taken in by her, the deity doesn’t know how to refuse. 】

Jiang Yurou: WDNMD——! ! ! !

[After all, she has made no mistakes until she showed her vicious side. 】

Jiang Yurou: I don’t have a vicious side at all, don’t talk nonsense.

[The deity is also not good at rejecting the kindness of a girl who has not made any mistakes. 】

Jiang Yurou: Really? You don’t know how to reject a girl who has never made a mistake? Then you are done.

[Ah this… how can this be good. 】

Jiang Yurou: You are dead, now let me hear your weakness, I have a way to deal with you.

It turns out that you don’t know how to reject girls who haven’t made a mistake, huh.

I don’t like you, don’t be narcissistic, I just want revenge.

[Hey, if I was not careful, I showed such a strong charm that I am now taken by the most disgusting woman in my life. What should I do? 】

Jiang Yurou: If you don’t say anything vicious about me, will you die?

Will it die? ! ! !

[Wait online, it’s anxious. 】

Jiang Yurou: I’m still anxious–! ! !

Damn it’s stinky guy——! ! !

Bastard, wretched man——! ! !

Ye Liang:…

Seeing her own Xiu Xian voice pack began the daily narcissistic pretence that forced Jiang Yurou to damage.

Ye Liang also began to apologize to Jiang Yurou on a daily basis.

I’m sorry, sister Yurou.

However, you can’t hear it anyway, it’s not a hindrance.

In other words, there are a lot of rewards triggered today.

Could it be that this system is not actually a cultivating system, but a forced system?

As long as you pretend to be forced everywhere, you will naturally get rewards?

Give it a try.


Looking at the couple of dogs and men in front of him, Yang Liuyan gritted his teeth for a while.

She has seen dog food, but she has never seen such a presence in dog food.

How to say it, it’s like the feeling that the whole body is glowing.

Especially Ye Liang, even if he hides in the corner, as long as he is there, his presence will always be ridiculously strong.

Theoretically speaking, the people around the person in love are big light bulbs with a strong sense of existence, right?

However, the scenes of Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou are reversed.

No matter where they are, they will be noticed, and they don’t know if it is an illusion.

Seeing the picture of the two of them together will make people feel embarrassed inexplicably.

Seeing Ye Liang finally turned his gaze over him, Yang Liuyan was also relieved.

“Everyone has decided to go, let’s go, Yang Ting and the others seem to be scared by your strength, and they don’t dare to come over and talk to you now.”

Thinking of the performance of the few people in Yang Ting, Yang Liuyan also secretly disliked.

She already knew what kind of temperament the group of people were like.

When Zhang Xin was dating Yang Ting before, she had already thought that one day she would be a stranger to Zhang Xin.

I just didn’t expect that this day would come so soon.

Just now Zhang Xin was forced to have a drink with the boss Li, but she and Jiang Yurou were protected by Ye Liang.

With Zhang Xin’s character, if you don’t hold a grudge, then there will be ghosts.

Now, she has only maintained superficial contact with Zhang Xin and the others.

As for Zhang Xin and others, obviously they must be even more dissatisfied with them and Jiang Yurou.

They might feel that this is because they and Jiang Yurou deliberately kept Ye Liang from taking action, waiting for everyone to make a fool of themselves.

Today, Ye Liang helped her and Jiang Yurou escape, but it also completely broke the plastic friendship between their three girlfriends.

But Yang Liuyan would not blame Ye Liang for this.

Because she also knew the reason why Ye Liang didn’t want to shoot.

If it wasn’t for those guys to be too much, even for the sake of his peers, Ye Liang would not fail to take action.

She actually doesn’t understand that being rich means being rich, and being rich proves that you are richer than others. Why… do you have to find superiority in others?

It’s a pity that plastic emotions are plastic emotions after all. Even if everyone knows that the emotions are gone, as long as they haven’t torn their faces, everyone still has to get along well.

“Oh, let them go first, we’ll just follow them behind.”

Ye Liang said casually.


Yang Liuyan asked, “Do you take a taxi yourself? I’ll go with you.”

Now she doesn’t want to be with those guys anymore.

“Okay, go and say something.”

Actually Ye Liang didn’t quite understand it. It was all the same just now, why these guys can still pretend that it hasn’t happened before and are in normal interaction.

Is this the world of the rich?

Theoretically speaking, since everyone doubts each other, why not just stay old and stay away from each other?

Isn’t that uncomfortable?

[In this life, although I don’t know why there have been so many changes, Jiang Yurou should no longer have too much involvement with Zhang Xin. Maybe she will not be damaged by Zhang Xin. 】

Ye Liang:…

Jiang Yurou:? ? ?

What, it turns out that in your heart, I was taken astray by Zhang Xin?


At this moment, Jiang Yurou also began to ponder.

If, if Ye Liang is not the reborn Immortal Venerable, if he does not have the ability to hear his heart.

Then, what is the relationship between myself and Zhang Xin now?

What is the relationship between myself and Ye Liang?

Will you… really be taken by Zhang Xin?

If I hadn’t heard Ye Liang’s voice, and with his low-key style of acting, would I still have so much contact with him?

Without contact with him, would I still act as well to him as I do now?

Maybe, soon, I will really become a snobby person like Zhang Xin?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help feeling guilty.

No way?

[However, the country is easy to change, the nature is hard to change, the dog can’t change the shit, the quality of one person is not easily affected by another person. 】

Jiang Yurou: My dog ​​can’t change eating shit? !

You are too much–! !

[Even if Jiang Yurou is fascinated by the deity now, the deity still can’t give her any chance. 】

Jiang Yurou: Who wants you to give a chance–! ! !

You narcissistic wretched man——! ! !

[Fortunately, he didn’t know that the deity could not be good at rejecting girls who did not make mistakes, even if she knew that she was a girl with a vicious mind, I didn’t want to do anything to her when he did not make a mistake. 】

Jiang Yurou: Hmph, I knew it a long time ago, and when I have time, I will arrange for you——! ! !

[Next, I have to think of a way to keep her from pestering me all day. 】

Jiang Yurou: I think too much. If you can have a little freedom, my Jiang Yurou will have your last name–! ! !

Just when Yang Liuyan went to tell everyone to let them go first, Jiang Yurou heard a long list of Ye Liang’s heartfelt voices.

At this moment, she cast her eyes to Ye Liang.

This feeling was like when she was taking a deep breath, Ye Liang suddenly came to her and let out a fart.

It’s… smelly–! ! !

She looked at Ye Liang’s eyes, which was depressed and angry.

Feeling Jiang Yurou looking at her, Ye Liang shifted his gaze to Jiang Yurou.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou had transformed into a girl next door who was smiling sweetly.

The degree of ease with which this expression changes, I am afraid that he is now recognized as the strongest actor, after seeing it, he will kneel on the ground and apprentice.

If someone comes to interview Jiang Yurou and ask where she learned her acting skills.

Then she will definitely say to him with an expression that blesses your family happiness and well-being:

“As long as you have experienced everything I have experienced, your acting skills will be better than mine.”

At this time, Yang Liuyan came to Yang Ting and the others and said to them:

“Ye Liang asks you to go first, and he will come over by himself.”

“Oh, let’s go then.”

Obviously, at this moment, Yang Ting and others are afraid and hate Ye Liang…

What I am afraid of is Ye Liang’s strength.

What hates is that Ye Liang didn’t stand up when they needed help.

Obviously so strong, but watched them being bullied.

Not only Ye Liang doesn’t want to see them, they also don’t want to see Ye Liang now.

Unfortunately, Ye Liang was with Jiang Yurou, and Jiang Yurou agreed to accompany Zhang Xin on her birthday.

They are here to accompany Zhang Xin.

Unless the three women have a complete fight, otherwise, before the end of the meal, everyone will have a chance to get along for a while.

Ye Liang didn’t want to go with them, and it was naturally very cool for them.

With a grievance, everyone got into the car they called.

“Yang Liuyan, won’t you get in the car?”

Zhang Xin, who was already in the car, asked Yang Liuyan.

“No, I’m with Jiang Yurou and others.”

Yang Liuyan said.

She knew that Zhang Xin must be blaming her now, and even thought she deliberately prevented Ye Liang from taking action at the beginning.

However, she did not want to explain.

For people like Zhang Xin, the more you explain, the more self-righteous she becomes.

It feels as if you can’t do without her.

If she can figure it out, it’s naturally good. If she can’t figure it out, then count the ball.

She Yang Liuyan didn’t live by Zhang Xin either.

“Oh, then you come back.”

Zhang Xin replied faintly.

Oh, don’t you think, what supercar he would ride in?

Don’t be kidding, he was lucky just now, and someone happened to come to him to ask questions.

Now, isn’t he going to take a taxi?

What can I do, whether I can fight or I don’t have money, and I don’t need to be able to fight all my life.

But life needs to be rich all the time.

After speaking, everyone went to the Zhongtai Hotel.

It can be said that this birthday party will become the most depressing birthday party in their lives.

Because all the bad things have been met by them, and all the pretending work has been done by others.

Life is so unfair.

Of course, they don’t think that all of this is what they asked for, only that it was the arrival of Ye Liang that made them so unlucky.

They can’t think about what the outcome would be if they met Ye Liang in the first place…

“Hey, I don’t know if she can figure it out.”

Looking at Zhang Xin who was leaving, Yang Liuyan sighed, turned and walked towards Ye Liang.

I have to say, Ye Liang, this guy, is really a miracle.

He just appeared here today and didn’t say anything. He just pretended to be a bit coerced, and inexplicably let the friendship of their plastic sisters almost come to an end.

Moreover, Jiang Yurou is so stupid and sweet, maybe she hasn’t noticed this yet.

If Jiang Yurou knew what Yang Liuyan was thinking, she would laugh.

Do you call me Silly Baitian?

Actor, do you know the actor? ! !

“Ye Liang, where is your car?”

After coming to Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou, Yang Liuyan asked Ye Liang.


Ye Liang pointed to a car in the corner and replied to her.


At this moment, Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan both looked in that direction.


I saw a Maserati parked in that corner, and I don’t know if it was an illusion. This Maserati seems to be the latest limited edition…

It’s a newer model than the one that Xu Yingbing drove before they saw it, and it was an internal car.

“This… is your car?”

Yang Liuyan’s gaze turned towards Ye Liang.

Jiang Yurou looked at him with a similarly shocked look.

Brother Ye Liang never speaks big words.

What he says will always be thousands of times more humble than what he thinks in his heart.

So, he said that this car is his, then it must be his.

But, this, this… how is this possible? ! ! !

Ye Liang’s brother’s house, is it really a poor single-parent family?

In fact, Ye Liang’s brother has always been rich in his family, but, as he thought in his heart, he just didn’t want to show it.

Want to keep a low profile?

This TM is really too low-key.

“Well, it’s mine.”

Ye Liang said seriously:

“Originally, I didn’t want this car, but someone had to give it to me. If I don’t want it, this car can only be thrown here. It’s a pity to think about it, so I’d better drive it away.”


At this moment, Yang Liu couldn’t help taking a deep breath, then exhaling it again.

She seriously looked at the car and confirmed her guess.


This car must be Maserati’s latest concept model. It has not been officially launched yet. It only has an internal price, which is hundreds of millions –! !

Cars with hundreds of millions of dollars are generally used for exhibitions. Who would have the money to drive cars with hundreds of millions of dollars on the road?

Moreover, it was given by someone else?

She cast a look at Ye Liang with a weird look.

“Are you sure, someone else insisted on giving it to you?”

“you do not say.”

Ye Liang said: “I said I don’t want it, it has to give it.”

[Although the deity was reborn in the world and his cultivation level is no longer, he still remembers the contact information of some famous people in the world, and casually reveals some news to them. They are afraid that the deity does not want their thanks. 】

[Small meaning, don’t make a fuss. 】


Yang Liu said: “Why don’t I have to give me such a supercar with hundreds of millions of dollars?”

“Ha ha.”

Ye Liang smiled slightly: “Get in the car.”

[I will give it to you later, maybe Jiang Yurou will stop pestering me when I see me giving you such a good car. 】

Jiang Yurou:? ? ?

Did it hit me again?

Did I plan your ancestral grave again?

Would you rather give a car worth hundreds of millions to Yang Liuyan just to keep me from pestering you?

Yes, brother——!

I’m still pestering you, hum——! ! !

Jiang Yurou was depressed and had to pretend to be happy. After Ye Liang opened the car door, she got in at once.

Too wronged, TMD——!

Yang Liuyan sat beside Jiang Yurou, both of whom were in the back seat.


Ye Liang said:

“You two, who has learned a driver’s license?”

“…I don’t, I’m not age yet.”

Jiang Yurou shook her head.

“What do you mean?”

At this moment, Yang Liuyan finally reacted.

Ye Liang, it seems, does not have a driver’s license?

No way, no way?

Was it a fairy who gave him the car? Send a luxury car worth hundreds of millions to a person without a driver’s license?

Who came up with this? ! !

Ye Liang smiled and said:

“I don’t seem to have learned a driver’s license yet.”

[The deity… The deity is a god and does not need a driver’s license. 】

Jiang Yurou: Hahaha, Ye Liang, do you have embarrassing moments too?

Others sent the car, but you didn’t have a driver’s license?

“I have a driver’s license, let me drive it, or forget it. If it breaks, I can’t afford it.”

Yang Liuyan was about to tell her to drive, but when she thought of the consequences of accidentally hitting the car, she shook her head quickly.

Although she can make money on her own, no matter how much money she can make, it can’t compare to a wheel of this car.

“do not be afraid.”

Ye Liang said: “If it breaks, I’ll send you off. The car is useless to me anyway.”

According to my own growth rate, the car seems to be of little use.

Before long, the only function of this car is to act as a force.

[I have a good day, I don’t like pretending to be forced. 】

Ye Liang:…

Jiang Yurou: …I believe in your evil, no one in this world can pretend.

But Yang Liuyan was immediately stunned.

“Fuck? What did you say?!!!”

Thinking of her, Yang Liuyan is known as the most glamorous school girl of the young talent, and she is also a character who doesn’t like to be happy.

Not to mention, it shocked her.

However, today she has been shocked many times.

But this time, she was undoubtedly the most shocked–! ! !

Give this car to yourself if it breaks down?

He really dare to say–! ! !

I’m not afraid that I really want it.

Moreover, a man can’t believe it credulously. In case he breaks the car, he directly reports the crime. Then what will he pay for it?

Can’t believe his nonsense.

“I don’t dare to drive, you’d better find a driver.”

She said to Ye Liang.

“But, even if it’s a proxy driver, I’m afraid I don’t dare to touch this car.”

Looking at the car in front of him, Ye Liang was a little embarrassed.

To be honest, the car is so expensive, in addition to pretending to be compelling, is there something to do with it?

I, Ye Liang, don’t like pretending to be forced.

The system gives myself this car, and does not get myself a driver’s license or something.

and many more–!

The system just said that this car has all the documents, and I don’t know if it has a driver’s license.

He sat in the driver’s cab, touched the co-pilot’s data warehouse (I haven’t taken a car with hundreds of millions of dollars, I don’t know if there is such a thing.), he found out a driver’s license from it.

“Huh? The person who gave me the car also got the driver’s license, so it’s okay.”

He said happily.


At this moment, Yang Liuyan and Jiang Yurou were stunned.

“Someone got you a driver’s license? I won’t say if it’s true… But, can you drive?”

Yang Liuyan looked suspicious.

She didn’t want to confess her life to a luxury car with hundreds of millions of dollars.

The next day, there may be news that a rich man, with two girlfriends in a car, died of unfavorable fate, and passed away ominously…

“Don’t worry, I can drive, I’m a thief six.”

Ye Liang smiled.

[Although the deity’s previous life and wealth have not been touched before the exposure of a luxury car, how can it be difficult to drive the deity? 】

Hearing Ye Liang’s voice, Jiang Yurou said to Yang Liuyan:

“Yang Liuyan, don’t worry, Ye Liang’s brother will definitely be able to do it, and nothing will happen.”

Ye Liang: “Haha, sister Yurou still trusts me very much.”

[No good, now let her know that I am rich, capable, rich, and luxury car, now I am unparalleled in charm, doesn’t she want to pester me even more? 】

[To the effect. 】

Jiang Yurou: I knew you were rich a long time ago. I thought you were low-key. I didn’t expect that if you pretended to be so high-key, you would just sell a 100 million luxury car.

Humph, I am not interested in cars.

Bah, do you think of me as a gold worshiper?

Too much–! ! !

Are you so worried about me pestering you?

I just want to pester you so that you can’t say anything.

As long as you don’t say what you are in your heart, confront me, and return my innocence, I will pester you every day.

“I can say yes first, if something goes wrong, I will be a ghost and I won’t let you go.”

Yang Liuyan saw that Jiang Yurou had said so, and had no choice but to doubt it.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

[If the car breaks down, I won’t let you have trouble, of course, Jiang Yurou incidentally. 】

Jiang Yurou: I TM obey you M——!

With that said, Ye Liang started the car and drove the Maserati out.

Although it is a luxury car, the basic operation method is no different.

After getting used to it, Ye Liang began to accelerate.

This kind of car, there is a lot of wind on the road, I believe everyone who knows the car knows…

This is no longer a simple interview.

This is simply pimping.

There is no doubt that if Ye Liang wants to, he only needs to stop the car to the side of the road. Basically, most of the girls who want to pull can be reached.

Of course, you have to know the car.

Otherwise, in the eyes of people who don’t know the car, it may just seem to be expensive, but it can’t tell how expensive it is.

Om——! ! !

The super luxury cars passed by, and the people who were driving on the road were scared to give way.

Just kidding, if you touch this thing, just touch it with a little responsibility, you’ll be over for the rest of your life.

People who drive this kind of car on the road really don’t think of others at all.

Fortunately, Ye Liang abides by the traffic rules very much. As long as others don’t hit him, everyone will be in peace.

“Fuck, look at it, that is Maserati, the 2021T is the first model, and it is a newer model than the car that brought them to Jiang Jiang.”

“No way, isn’t this car not on sale yet?”

“I heard that this is a concept car…”

“Compared with this car, the car that carried Jiang Yurou and the others just now is not worth mentioning.”

“I don’t know who it is, too rich, right?”

“Oh, pretend, this kind of car, as long as you wait for the first half of the year, it will drop tens of millions. Buying this car really has money and nowhere to burn.”


In a taxi, a few rich second-generation generations looked at the car that easily passed them, and said with envy and sourness.

In fact, the rich people look at the richer people’s facial expressions the same way the poor look at the rich people’s facial expressions.


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