Chapter 510 When everyone can hear the narration

[When he thought that Ye Liang’s grades might be bad, Liu Yu couldn’t joke about it all at once. After all, he still had to consider Ye Liang’s mood anyway. )

Just when Ye Liang’s good classmate was thinking about how to comfort Ye Liang next, such a voice suddenly appeared in his ears.


At this moment, everyone present couldn’t help but change their expressions.

“Who is speaking?!!”

They looked around, but saw nothing.

Ye Liang also looked at the sky with a bit of curiosity.

The voice just around came from the sky.

However, with his eyes, he could also see that there was nothing in the sky.

“Ye Liang, have you heard what you just said?”

Ye Liang’s good classmate, the boy named Liu Yu asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang nodded and said:

“I heard that voice saying, you are worried about my grades.”

“Yeah, I heard one too—!!!

Liu Yu said in surprise.

“No, that voice was clearly saying that I was happy because I got good grades in the test, but I didn’t know that my brother’s grades were fifty points higher than mine.”

At this time, a boy turned 18 and said to this side.

But another girl said:

“No, what I heard, it was obvious that I was immersed in the joy of being admitted to the first tier, but I didn’t know that the boy I had a crush on was saddened by the failure.

[Everyone heard the voice, but everyone was surprised to find that what the voice said seemed to be different from what the police heard.


At this moment, everyone was confused and scared. ”


[The voice is caught once again, and everyone can’t help but exclaim.

Some people say that they are different, some people are afraid, and some people take the opportunity to jump into the arms of the boy who is secretly in love with them.

This voice came very suddenly.

It was as if the sound came from the sky, but there was nothing in the sky.

Everyone looked at the sky with strange emotions, very puzzled, what happened. ”

“This… what is this voice?!!”

Omg”, what the hell is going on?!!33

Someone said in surprise.

“Did you all hear that voice?”

[In front of the list, everyone panicked. )

“Great quiet.

[At this time, seeing the panic at the scene, Ye Liang couldn’t help but ask.

His voice seemed to have a magical power that could make Da quiet down.

Everyone turned their attention to Ye Liang.

(The above narration, all the plot characters have heard it.)

[Everyone’s eyes are on Ye Liang, and they are all flustered in the face of this strange situation.

Some people think that this is whether someone is using high technology to play pranks. ”

“That’s what I thought!

a boy said.

(Some people also think that this boy is so handsome, why haven’t I found such a handsome boy before?]


A girl said shyly.

The voice from the sky seems to be rhyming the truth.



[Ye Liang coughs lightly. ”

Ye Liang:

His speechless Bai Xiaotian glanced at the sky and said to his family:

“Great panic, do you think that this voice is like a narration in a play?”

[Ye Liang’s words are like a refreshing tea, and with a flash of inspiration, they all feel that this statement is really interesting. ”

[But after thinking about it carefully, I think it’s impossible, narration or something… Even if they are acting, they haven’t seen anyone doing the dubbing. ”

【It must be someone’s prank, right?」

[Most people think so.

[But only Ye Liang thinks that this is definitely not a prank, he can’t see it wrong, there is nothing around that can make such a sound. ”

Hearing that voice, everyone looked around curiously.

There really isn’t anything that could make a sound.

And they are not deaf, if there is such a thing, they must be able to hear the direction.

But this voice, like it came from the sky, has no direction.

“Besides, even if someone really did a prank, how could it be possible for everyone to hear different voices at the same time?”

The voice continued to speak.

[Ye Liang is Ye Liang after all, he soon had an idea, he thought, this voice might be able to rhyme a person’s true thoughts.

So, he decided to ask a girl to think of a number. )

Ye Liang pointed to a girl:

“Beauty, try to think of a number. 99


[Juren was stunned by what just happened.

The sound continued.

[Everyone turns their attention to the girl, although Ye Liang calls her a beauty, she is not beautiful. )

[When the girl heard the words, she couldn’t help but feel bored. She decided to think of a special number to prove that the voice was a prank. ”

[So she didn’t think about the numbers, what she thought was, if she could, she really wanted to drag the owner of this voice and beat it up one by one!]

The girl named by Ye Liang couldn’t help but exclaimed diligently:

“Oh my God, this voice is right, I just thought so-!!!


[After hearing this, everyone felt very shocked.

【Could it be that this is really not a prank, but a supernatural power?】

“I never believe in supernatural powers—!!!

A boy with glasses said.

[His name is Zhao Chao, and he thinks that the SWAT is smart, so he thinks that this must be a reality show, and he is about to say: This must be a reality show, the show team doesn’t know where 120 is hiding. ”

As soon as the boy with the eyes opened his mouth, he closed his mouth in shock.

– The words were held in my mouth, I wanted to say something that didn’t rhyme, I couldn’t swallow it, so I had to whisper:

“I don’t think I’m smart.”

[Seeing him like this, everyone can’t help but look weird. ”

[Obviously, the voice spoke again. ”

[However, there are still people who doubt whether these two people were invited by the voice, and whether this is a situation where a program team was secretly filming here. )


“Fuck, is it really the same as what Ye Liang said, what kind of voiceover is this?”

[At this time, Liu Yu said to everyone.

Because he usually likes to read novels, his ability to accept this kind of thing is obviously more than the policeman.

Therefore, he chose to believe Ye Liang’s words.

Liu Yu:


[Seeing this situation, Ye Liang thought it was quite interesting, and he said to everyone:

Ye Liang: “No matter how powerful the technology is, people who are standing together should not be able to hear different voices at the same time. We only need to try each other’s words to know whether the voice is true or false. 22

[As soon as Ye Liang said this, everyone was immediately convinced that he was right.

[So, everyone decided to talk about it separately and see if the sound would still rhyme.

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