Chapter 50 Crossing the First World


Zhao Ziyan looked at Ye Liang in front of her, and for a while, she only felt like she was dreaming.

Did you not wake up from sleep, why did the world become like this when you opened your eyes?


Can you really be a cultivator yourself?

“Can I?”

She asked Ye Liang.

“There’s nothing wrong with it. 12

Saying that, Ye Liang took a few steps, and Zhao Ziyan’s aura instantly entered the congenital stage.


An ordinary person suddenly entered the congenital stage, the kind of terrifying change in aura, and the sense of refreshment brought about by the change in which his body became incomparably light and everything around him became fragile, making Zhao Ziyan unable to help but stunned. .

“I… I’m a cultivator?

She was excited: “Am I a cultivator?”


At this moment, there is a miserable “one zero three” screaming around.

Because the breath on Zhao Ziyan’s body was so strong that everyone could not breathe.

Seeing that Ye Liang had turned Ye Ziyang into an immortal cultivator who could overwhelm them with breath alone, everyone around couldn’t help but cry with envy.

If you work hard all your life, you are not as good as someone’s fingertips.

“Okay, let’s put away your breath first.

Ye Liang reached out and touched Zhao Ziyan’s head, reminding her:

“Look, everyone is suppressed by your breath.


Zhao Ziyan was shocked when she fell to the ground, and even her parents jumped down because of her breath, and she couldn’t help but feel stunned.

Until then, she continued to really understand.

I really wasn’t dreaming.

Ye Liang has really exposed his identity as an immortal cultivator to everyone, and he has also become his girlfriend?

Oops, omg.

How am I going to face him next? I’m so shy.

“Ye Liang-!!!

Just as Ye Liang was about to bring Zhao Ziyan into the examination room, a voice sounded outside the crowd.

I saw a woman like a fairy walking past.


Such a beautiful woman must be a fairy.

Looking at the beautiful face of the person who came down to earth like a fairy, everyone present was exclaimed again.


Ye Liang looked at this man and couldn’t help but feel strange.

Ye Ban, what is she doing here?!

I saw Ye Ziyang shouting to Ye Liang:

“When you go to the exam room, don’t be nervous. If you encounter a question that you can’t do, then you can scan the policeman’s answer with your divine sense. Anyway, the policeman can’t see enough. You are copying the answer to see who’s answer is more correct. The answer, whoever copied it, must take the test seriously, and can’t miss the score, did you hear it?»


Hearing Ye Ziban’s words, everyone present was speechless for a while.

Is this the cultivator?

I used the ability of a cultivator to copy the policeman’s answer, and I fell in love.

Seeing that Ye Banyu was still spoofing at this time, Ye Liang couldn’t help but rolled his eyes at him and said:

“I know.”


Hearing this, everyone present couldn’t help spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

Ye Liang’s answer is even more extreme…

Please, since you are immortal cultivators, then give me a good job as your immortal cultivator, since immortal cultivators have come to take the exam.

Can you not bully people like this when you come to the exam?

Invigilators like you will be very depressing to know about it—!!!

In fact, these people just spit out noises in their hearts.

Of course they knew that even if Ye Liang blatantly copied the policeman’s answer, the invigilator would probably assume that nothing happened.

What they didn’t know was that Ye Liang had no interest in the college entrance examination in this world.

What he is really obsessed with is the world before he crossed.

Therefore, when Ye Liang stepped into the examination room, his figure disappeared.

He returned to the world before his time traveled.

In this world, there is no immortal cultivation, no heavenly realm, and no nine-day immortal realm.

This is an ordinary person’s world, and Ye Ziban is not her daughter, nor did he transfer to Qingxiu Academy.

He is just an ordinary senior high school student in a small county town.

Ye Liang came to this world alone, and he did not bring the light that belongs to the cultivators, nor did he bring the girls.

I spent most of the ordinary half a year in this world alone, and just like a normal person, I finished the college entrance examination.

However, his grades…

Today, it’s time for the whole school to release the rankings.

The teachers and students of the whole school are crowded in front of the list, looking for their own place.

This is the usual practice of Ye Liang’s high school. Graduates’ results will be published in the school’s ranking column, so that all students can come and check.

In order to experience this kind of mood like putting a list in ancient times, most students do not check their grades by themselves, but go to the school to see the list.

“Ye Liang, how do you feel about your test this time?”

A boy who is usually close to Ye Liang asked him…


Ye Liang said casually, “Probably okay.”

“Uh…Is it, I’m miserable. I feel that I’m very bad in the test this time. I have several questions, and I feel that I can, but I can’t write.”

The boy said:

“It’s a pity, if I fished those questions, then I would definitely be more sure, and I don’t know how many lines I got on.

Hearing Ye Liang say that his grades were okay, the boy was obviously panicked.

At this time, the front of the list was crowded with many people.

“Wow, I tested five hundred and fifteen points, three hundred and fifty, and I’m on the front line—!”

“Ah, I’m done, I circled four hundred and sixty-eight minutes, just two lines and one point and one point-!!

“…Speaking of which, why are so many people crowded at the top of the list?

Everyone is crowding here to watch the list, but there are many special police officers at the top of the list.

However, it is not incomprehensible. Everyone wants to know how many points the champions in the county have scored.

Ye Liang’s good classmate searched the list and finally found his name.

A pair of student numbers, sure enough.

“Haha, I’m on the second line, Ye Liang——!!!”

He shouted to Ye Liang excitedly.

“Huh? Is it? Then congratulations. 99

Ye Liang smiled and said: “In this way, your father should not beat you.

“Yeah, by the way, how many marks did you get in the test?”

That good classmate asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang pointed to the top 5.0 position with his finger and said:

“I don’t know either, but I should probably see it there.


Hearing Ye Liang’s words, the good classmate couldn’t help laughing.

He said:

“You’re making fun of me… Although you have been studying more seriously during this time, I remember the last time you took the mock test, you continued to be less than 500 percent, right? It’s already amazing to be able to go online… That Location, not what you can imagine.

Forget it, let me help you find it, I guess your highest score is more than 500 points. 11

As he spoke, he looked for Ye Liang’s name in the column with more than 500 points.

However, no.


Could it be that he did poorly?

Thinking of this, the good classmate couldn’t help but look a little weird. Later, he had to think about it carefully, how to comfort him to detour.

Can’t be too joking.

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