Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 192


Chapter 192 Earth Vessel Aura

"Autumn Painting Junior Sister, it's beautiful today!"

Jiang Li Habitually boasted, the skilfully dressed Shenshan Qiuhua formed a contrasting beauty with her own petiteness, which made him feel a little novel.

Although the little girl's face is still flushed, she is no longer shy to dodge in the face of Jiang Li's praise.

The two flew to the place where the Witch Subduing Pagoda was located.

At Shushan Five Elements Peak, Disciple Elder wielded swords from top to bottom, and the gap between the two legs and furnishings was not too big.

In addition, the terrain of these five peaks is too steep, and many places are vertical cliffs at every turn, which are not suitable for walking at all. It may be possible to have a height difference of hundreds of meters if you go to the door next door. So here from the very beginning there is no design ladder.

This Witch Subduing Pagoda is not above the five peaks, but a deep valley surrounded by the five peaks.

This place, suppressed by the joint Formation of the Five Elements Sword Peak, was locked into it, and even a peerless fierce devil could never escape alive.

And even if the demon inside really escaped by means of some means, he had to consider whether he could stand the siege of the Five Elements formation in Shushan.

The two flew down from the top of the water travel peak. After penetrating the clouds and fog, the air below became more and more humid and dark.

When it fell to the ground, there was a strong baleful aura, and the scalp was numb.

If mortals were here, Seven Orifices would have bled to death on the spot in less than a second. Compared with the internal environment of the Yin coffin that was once buried, it was not much better.

Hey, there are still plants growing here.

In this rich baleful aura environment, barren is a normal phenomenon, but there are a lot of them here.

Jiang Li bent down and picked up a few flowers and plants on the ground. But as soon as these plants left the ground, they withered and died before he could take a good look at them.

This phenomenon is interesting, he has never seen it before.

While throwing away the withered grass in your hand, who would have thought that there is such a fierce place hidden in the Shushan Five Elements Peak, which is like the Immortal Realm.

However, this is not a failure, nor is it sheltering evil people and accepting wrongdoing.

Instead, he used his own mountain gate to suppress countless monsters and demons, silently guarding the peace of the Great Zhong Mountain, which is also worthy of his status as the leader of the righteous path in Shushan.

Jiang Li suddenly thought of himself while he was silently sighing.

I, someone like Jiang, are silently fighting against the evil forces of terrifying under the circumstance that the world is not aware of it.

What spirit root ramets, ah underwater cemetery.

Not long ago, he also destroyed a demonic cultivator sect that might return in a swirl of dust, and just now, he also contained an Asura corpse that might be a disaster for Great Zhong Mountain at any time.

To sum up, he has made so many contributions to the Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world without saying anything →_→, as expected, I, Jiang Li, is also a great person who is out of vulgar taste.

The two walked towards a white stone platform in the center of the valley.

In fact, in the bottom of the valley, the only thing above the ground is this stone platform, which is only more than two meters high. Where is there a building that can be called a "tower".

Shen Shan Qiuhua blinked his eyes secretly looking towards Jiang Li, ready for him to ask questions.

Although Jiang Li has learned part of the Witch Subduing Pagoda through the memory of sword cultivator Avatar, but after seeing the other party's expression, he also deliberately opened his mouth and asked the Little Princess of the Kamiyama family for advice.

It turns out that the Witch Subduing Pagoda was not built upwards, but dug downwards, built on the basis of the five peaks leylines.

After all, it is a place where peerless demons are imprisoned. If you want to trap them, normal buildings or magic weapons are absolutely impossible.

However, relying on the power of the leylines and skillfully constructed cages are different. If you want to destroy the tower, you cannot do it unless you have the ability to interrupt the Shushan ridge.

Jiang Li can't help but admire this, and he doesn't know when his own Formation level will reach the level where he can use Power of Heaven and Earth.

The stone platform has been meticulously depicted a huge Spirit Carving Formation. From his current vision, he can see that this Formation is a composite Formation formed by overlapping at least seven different types of Formation.

The level of sophistication is appalling.

And above the stone platform, it was also pasted with densely packed runes of various colors.

There are not many types of these talismans, and they are basically used to exorcise evil spirits.

It can be seen that Shushan takes care of it every year to avoid too many baleful auras in the tower.

But even so, there are too many monsters in the tower.

Enter the stone platform, in the center, there are already a group of cultivators waiting there. Jiang Li also saw Chang Wanzhou standing beside Wei Wangxuan. Besides him, there are also eight other Disciples in Shushan waiting.

Apparently they are also going to enter the Witch Subduing Pagoda today.

The Witch Subduing Pagoda is a big deal, and every time it opens, the Five Peaks Elder must be present at the same time, and a Peak Master will preside over it.

Today's host is naturally Wei Wangxuan, there is no one else.

The crowd waited in silence as the sun gradually rose overhead.

Because the Shushan Five Elements Peak is so high up into the clouds, the sun can only be seen at noon during the day, which is the only time the Witch Subduing Pagoda can be opened.

The noon sun was blocked by the layers of clouds and mist in the mountains, and it was no longer violent when it fell, but it also made the sun at the bottom of the valley rise to the peak of the day.

The noon sun gradually illuminates the entire stone platform.

In the most central position of the stone platform, an embedded Five Elements Array disk automatically lights up rays of light.

As the Array Master Jiang Li, seeing the rays of light, even a little dizzy. This means that with his current spirit attribute, he still cannot support him to understand this Formation.

Wei Wangxuan took out a token and was the first to strike an aura.

Then the remaining five peaks Elder, in the order of Five Elements, produced aura.

After the Five Elements were fully rotated, the stone platform at the foot began to shake slightly, and the Five Elements Array plate in the middle opened slowly with the sound of the stones rubbing against each other.

This just opened a gap, and baleful aura, ten times stronger than the surrounding environment, spewed out.

Among the ten Disciples, the less powerful ones took two steps back in shock, and one person even sat directly on the ground. It can be seen that this baleful aura is really not an ordinary horror.

At Disciple, only those who have awakened their sword hearts can face doesn't change.

"Remember! After you go down, don't touch what you shouldn't touch! Don't communicate with monsters cunning! You can't sympathize with them and don't believe them!"

"Remember to keep your mind steady. Do what you can! If you are unable to continue after burning the incense tower tablet, go back immediately, remember that you must not go below the Third Layer!"

"Wanzhou, you are advanced."

Open the tower After speaking, Elder Wei repeatedly reminded the precautions to keep everyone in mind.

In this Witch Subduing Pagoda, after all, there are countless wicked demons, even if they are locked firmly, but they must be careful, if something goes wrong, there will be big trouble. .

Elder Wei let Chang Wanzhou take the lead, and Chang Wanzhou was also unafraid, took two steps forward and glanced at the hole where the baleful aura was still spewing, then jumped down.

Someone took the lead, and the courage behind Disciple became a little stronger.

Ten Shushan Disciples jumped into the tower one after another, but Elder Wei left Jiang Li to the last one.

After Shenshan Qiu painted, Jiang Li also wanted to follow closely from behind, but was stopped by Elder Wei, and then handed a pentagonal token into his hand.

"You brat is just as restless as your Master. This is the opening token of the back floor of the Witch Subduing Pagoda."

"You are not my Shushan Disciple, and the old man is also It's hard to say anything, but you still have to do what you can and don't be brave, understand?"

Jiang Li touched the token and was a little surprised. My own Master is really reliable and has nothing to say.

Jiang Li had already learned about the general situation of Witch Subduing Pagoda before, and knew that under normal circumstances, Qi Refinement Realm Disciple is not allowed to go below the third floor of Witch Subduing Pagoda.

The baleful aura Monster Qi there is too strong for the Qi Refinement Realm Disciple to resist. But Jiang Li is naturally impossible and satisfied with this.

At first he went to Elder Mu for help, but the other party refused Jiang Li's request for safety reasons.

Because Jiang Li is the Disciple of Hidden Scripture Valley, Shushan naturally has to consider the issue of responsibility in case of an accident, and it is impossible for him to agree.

This is the same reason that the doctor must sign the family member before major surgery.

So Jiang Li had no choice but to call the Spirit Stone back to Hidden Scripture Valley and let Elder He come forward to communicate with Peak Master Wei.

Unexpectedly, it really succeeded.

Maybe in addition to Elder He's face, his performance in Wenxinjiandong last time also allowed the Peak Master to recognize his strength.

I deliberately let myself be the last one to enter the tower. It turned out that I wanted to give him a little special treatment, so as not to make other Disciples feel unbalanced. This is also thoughtful.

“many thanks, Peak Master Wei, I will pay attention.”

After thanking him, Jiang Li put away the iron card and jumped down.

After Jiang Li entered, the five Elders immediately reversed the Five Elements, and the array disks closed together in the sound of friction.

Wei Wang Xuanyi waved his hand, a golden pagoda illusory shadow immediately appeared on the stone platform.

It can be seen that in the First Layer of the Witch Subduing Pagoda, ten light spots are slowly flashing, and another light spot is falling into the First Layer from the channel.

"Peak Master Wei, then Jiang Li is only a Qi Refinement Disciple no matter how strong it is. Is it really possible for him to go down to the Fourth Layer?"

An Elder couldn't help but be a little curious. Wei Peak Master actually gave the pass tokens of the last few floors to a Qi Refinement Realm Disciple.

The Shushan Disciple has sword hearts, and very few can go down to the Witch Subduing Pagoda Third Layer every year.

Fourth Layer, or even more? Is it really possible?

"This Jiang Li's sword heart is extraordinary, and he has dragon blood on his body, so he can't guess according to the general Disciple."

. . . .

Jiang Li was in a free fall in the vertical passage, and the violent airflow rushed back, blowing his clothes flying.

A weaker qi cultivator, under the impact of this baleful aura, might get wet in the crotch, or faint on the spot, and if the timid and weaker are weaker, it is not impossible that he will be directly washed to death.

But for Jiang Li, there was little feeling.

Seconds later, Jiang Li slammed his feet to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

He doesn't care about buffering at such a height.

However, what surprised him was that the slate under his feet was not damaged at all, and the material was so hard that there was nothing to say.

Not far away, ten Shushan Disciples were still waiting there. Except for Chang Wanzhou and Shenshan Qiuhua, the faces of the others were somewhat pale.

Two of them even took off the Flying Sword on their backs and leaned on the ground, looking breathless and struggling.

In this Witch Subduing Pagoda, there is no need for disciplines and monsters to fight.

In fact, the monsters equivalent to Qi Refinement Realm are not qualified to be locked in Witch Subduing Pagoda, the worst and worst monsters are also equivalent to the cultivators above Foundation Establishment Realm.

But even so, it's not an easy thing to do in this Witch Subduing Pagoda.

Seeing Jiang Li's arrival, Chang Wanzhou made a gesture for everyone to leave.

Everyone was nodded and walked along the passage to the tower of the First Layer.


The footsteps of eleven people are particularly clear in the silent First Layer.

Around two corners, they have entered the cell area of the First Layer.

The outside movement obviously broke the calm of this layer.

Pairs of glowing eyes lit up from the shadows in the cage, staring at the eleven people tightly, the rays of light flickering with ferocious bloodthirsty.

He was breathing heavily, exhaling a lot of foul-smelling air from his mouth and nose.


A Boar Monster suddenly rushed out from the darkness of the cage, and its huge body slammed into the metal fence.

The fence didn't move at all, and the rune engraved on it also lit up rays of light, burning the opponent's pig skin into smoke, and strands of lard flowed down the railing.

But the red-eyed wild boar didn't seem to notice it at all. A pair of fangs rubbed against the fence and roared at several people.

A Shushan Disciple was so frightened that it retreated and rammed directly into the prison door on the other side.

And from the shadows, a bald tail protruded suddenly, wrapped around the Disciple's neck in an instant, and pulled it inward with all his strength.

The Disciple was strangled, rolled her eyes, and creaking her cervical spine, as if it were about to break at any moment.


A hand was on the tail.

It was Jiang Li who stepped forward in time, reached out and grabbed the tail of the sneak attack.

With a forceful pull, the monster still hidden in the shadows, immediately unable to resist the force, was directly pulled out and smashed on the rune iron rod.

It was a scrawny monkey demon, with sparse hair and bruises all over his body, but his ferocious nature was still the same.

Although monsters that have reached this level, like the Foundation Establishment cultivator, no longer need to eat to maintain their lives! But their thirst for blood food has not changed.

As long as there are living people here, they all want to take a bite at all costs.

After Shushan Disciple got out of trouble, Jiang Li did not let it go easily. With another force on his hand, he tore off the opponent's tail, and the monkey demon wailed and fell to the ground, then retreated into the shadow in a woeful manner.

The strength of this monkey demon is very poor, even a sneak attack can't directly kill a weak Shushan Disciple, and it can't even wrestle with Jiang Li.

Witch Subduing Pagoda is not a retirement institution after all. After staying here for a long time, Spiritual Qi will be slowly taken away by the great formation, and it will become weaker and weaker.

"Junior Brother Chen, are you alright."

Chang Wanzhou put away the golden light sword that was a step late, and quickly stepped forward to help the Disciple.

"cough cough cough, I'm fine, I'm fine."

That Disciple is tough enough, even if it's not timid. After coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood in the throat, instead of rushing to heal the wound, he got up and thanked Jiang Li first.

"Jiang Li Junior Brother, many thanks for helping out, and please accept me."

"It's okay, no effort at all. It's all senior and junior brothers. , we should help each other, how can we afford this."

An episode made everyone more vigilant.

Chang Wanzhou repeatedly reminded everyone to be careful before going deep again.

As it goes deeper, the strong wild beast smell becomes more and more pungent.

Jiang Li also gradually discovered that the cells are also arranged according to the Formation, which is even more labyrinth than the maze.

Chang Wanzhou, who was at the forefront, led the way with a token. Jiang Li glanced at the token in his hand, and sure enough, there was an aura indicating the direction.

In this First Layer Witch Subduing Pagoda, after all, only the monsters of the Foundation Establishment Realm are imprisoned. As long as you have the guts, there is basically no difficulty.

Their entire group soon reached their destination, where the first tower tablet was.

A stone with a height of two people and a slightly strange shape exudes aura there, and several chains are wrapped around it, connecting this tower tablet with the entire Formation of the Witch Subduing Pagoda First Layer.

There is no doubt that this tower is the array core.

There is a futon in front of the tower tablet, that is the chance in this tower.

After all, it is a benefit for your own Disciple. Although there are difficulties, as long as you are careful, there is no danger at all.

"Junior Brother Jiang, please ask first."

"You are a guest, you helped to save Junior Brother Chen just now, please don't refuse."

Chang Wanzhou took out three sticks of incense sticks, lit them, and inserted them into the incense burner in front of the futon, but he did not sit down by himself, but gave them to Jiang Li first.

The people in Shushan all looked at themselves, and even the scary Disciples with pale faces had a firm expression. Full of humility.

"Well, well, then I'm welcome."

Jiang Liit nodded, and no longer refused, stood first to cross-legged on the futon.

As the incense burnt, a strange energy was extracted from the stone tablet, and an iron chain in front of it started to light up rays of light from the end of the stone tablet, and it continued along the chain. It spread to the rest of Jiang Li's futon.

The next moment, Jiang Li felt a force different from Spiritual Qi pouring into his body.

[Absorbs Five Elements Peak's Earth Vein Ling Yun, and Earth Pulse Ling Yun (left foot) acts on itself]

[Earth Pulse Ling Yun (left foot): Slowly make up for the lack of Innate, the acquired loss. Increase the Foundation Establishment success rate, slightly increase the strength of building the Dao Foundation, the duration is 30 days] (-+)

I'm dizzy. This chapter was originally finished, and it was changed and delayed until so late.

(end of this chapter)

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