Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 191


Chapter 191 Disappeared Hundred Refinements Mountain merchant ship

Above the clouds, a wide flying boat is stabilizing drive.

Several young Foundation Establishment cultivators were chatting, laughing and complimenting a magnificently dressed youth. This is the norm for Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple.

These Foundation Establishment cultivators are all inner sect disciples, but since they chose to join Hundred Refinements Mountain, it means that they are impossible and truly equal in their entire lives.

Over time, the Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple has formed such a chain of relationships.

Two Great Families Disciple oppressed inner sect disciple, inner sect disciple violated Outer Sect Disciple, family Disciple and inner sect disciple bullied Outer Sect Disciple together.

Hardships are not terrifying. What is terrifying is that the common disciple will never have a chance to break away from the identity of the victim, which is very hopeless.

The only thing fortunate is that there are a lot of common disciples in Hundred Refinements Mountain, so they won't necessarily bully you.

Repairing immortal cultivator like this can only be said to be embarrassing.

At this time, a Disciple was suddenly disturbed. Looking at the direction of the bow of the flying boat, I felt a little uneasy inexplicably.

"Senior Brother, you said that the two demon cultivators in Shushan will not attack our fleet, right?"

Hundred Refinements Mountain has a lot of merchant ships, each of which is impossible Golden Core cultivator escorts are arranged on board. If they were really hit by those two, they would have no chance of being spared.

"What are you afraid of, you're still too young. Two demonic cultivators will scare you into this."

The Disciple in Chinese clothes smiled and looked disdainful. .

"Think about it carefully, those two guys, the targets they attacked before were just a few small sect merchant ships."

"Who are we, we are Hundred Refinements Mountain!"

"In this Great Zhong Mountain area, few people dare to oppose us. Even if Shushan Five Elements Peak acts, we must ask our Hundred Refinements Mountain's opinion."


"Trifling two sword cultivators who fell into the demonic path, they decided to don't dare provoke ours."

"You have to be a little more courageous when you follow me, if you are outside It's a shame for me, you guys look good."

"Yes, yes, Senior Brother is right."

This Senior Brother is very confident, just from the point of view of self-confidence Look, he did surpass Shushan Disciple.

Where other Disciples dared to refute, they also cooperated.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this time, they found that a lot of white fluff suddenly appeared on the outside of the flying boat Spiritual Qi's baffle.

The magnificently dressed youth walked to the fence, reached through the hood made of Spiritual Qi, and touched the cold air outside.

Immediately, his palm froze, and a mass of white fluff fell on his palm.

"This is... snow?"

Pulling back his hand, he was a little stunned. A white snowflake was slowly melting in his palm, and soon Turned into a water stain disappeared.

"Senior Brother, is it snowing? I didn't expect snow to be so beautiful in the sky."

The flying boat at Hundred Refinements Mountain was not due to a little weather It turned and swerved, crashing directly into a snowy airflow.

Despite the presence of the Spiritual Qi shield, the temperature on the deck quickly dropped.

"Really.. it's snowing.. how is that possible?"

But not everyone is so heartless, and they've noticed that they haven't turned the corner for a while. A strong sense of disobedience.

When they looked at the clouds, it turned out to be a dark cloud.

The problem, however, is that they are now. . . But flying above the clouds!

The sky is clear and bright, and there are heavy dark clouds below.

How can it be possible to float on the flying boat from bottom to top when it snows. Even in the cultivation world, it is extremely unreasonable.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

A vigilant cultivator watches the environment carefully.

Then, they discovered that something was wrong with the dark cloud below!

"Damn it! There are ghosts in the clouds!"

In that dark cloud, all the sights are densely packed innumerable ghosts, moving towards their greedy hiss in the clouds roar!

Several Foundation Establishments saw this scene and instantly went from scalp to heel.

"Call the Elder! Call the Elder!!"

Amidst the shrill screams, a blood-colored coffin fell from the sky, just in time to hit The flying boat that is still at high speed.


The coffin instantly pierced through the emergency-opened outer shield with unparalleled momentum, and hit the flying boat unstoppably!

In an instant, more than a dozen decks were directly pierced by it, and even the hardest and most important central keel on the bottom layer was broken on the spot!

A Disciple was dying, and dared to probe into the cave to see the situation.

Looking from the top down, with just one impact, this expensive flying boat was actually smashed with a big hole that was pierced through!

The flying boat shook violently, the keel was broken, and the Formation on the flying boat failed instantly.

The most important ones, attacking Formation, Defensive Array, and accelerating Formation, are all paralyzed!

Only the floating effect remained, which prevented the whole flying boat from crashing.

This is the formidable power of the burial coffin that has pierced through the ceiling of the Mysterious Grade magic weapon and is transforming towards the Earth Grade magic weapon.

Although this coffin is not an attacking magic weapon in essence, it contains a large amount of high-grade Spiritual Qi, which makes it extremely large and has infinite formidable power when thrown out.

The burial coffin successfully completed the mission of the raid, and then a pure white cultivator with a mask fell from the air and stood on the deck.

The several Disciples on the deck looked at the people coming in with horror. Although they didn't know each other, the pair of puppet-like eyes under the mask made them instinctively shiver coldly.


Before the flying boat sounded the alarm, the freezing cold wave swept the entire flying boat in an instant, and the merchant ship was completely covered by a layer in an instant. Covered with thick frost.

Those Disciples who bear the brunt of the brunt turned into a vivid ice sculpture. For them, Spiritual Qi of Golden Core cultivator alone is an irresistible force. .

"Damn it! Who dares to attack my flying boat on Hundred Refinements Mountain!"

The two Elders of the Core Formation Stage managed to stabilize the Formation of the flying boat, and hurriedly rushed. out.

But when they saw the enemy, their hearts sank.

It's Golden Core!

"Fellow Daoist, please leave quickly! Otherwise Hundred Refinements Mountain will not let you go!"

Both of them are still in the solid stage, not far from the Golden Core. There is a gap of huge chasm.

This cultivation base is not as good as others, and its confidence is weak by three points. The two Elders can only move out the sect to try to deter the enemy.

But apparently, their warnings did nothing.

The other party didn't even bother to look at them, didn't mean to pay any attention to them, and was still releasing the chill continuously.

If it goes on like this, the whole flying boat will be frozen by it, and all the Disciples on the boat will die here.

At the moment, they can't allow them to think too much. In this case, they have to fight hard!

The two of them each took a Crimson's medicine pill from their arms, and after a moment of hesitation, they stuffed it into their mouths.

This is the traditional craft of Hundred Refinements Mountain, and the strength is not enough for medicine pills. The skyrocketing Spiritual Qi gave them a little confidence, and rushed towards the mask Golden Core.

The two magic weapons continued to emit a terrifying scorching heat.


Two loud bangs, the shock wave that erupted blew the entire deck into a mess, and the ice sculptures were blown away by the airflow and fell into the air. In the dark cloud of ghosts.

But the airflow dissipated, and their attack that was enough to shatter the mountain was blocked by two snowflake-shaped ice shields.

In the Mutated Spiritual Root, wind dominates speed and thunder dominates attack. . . , and Ice Spirit Root is the strongest defense.

At that time in Yunxi City, the injured Elder Duan Shuang relied on the ice attribute's extraordinary defense, and forcibly held back the three Elders in the Hidden Scripture Valley with the Thunder Tribulation.

Now times have changed, things have remained the same, but people have changed, the ice attribute Golden Core has long been integrated with the corpse pill, and it has achieved a heavenly thunder that is rare in a century.

The power is several times higher than before, and the opponents facing him are only two cultivators in the realm of solid core. It is really difficult to cause him any considerable pressure.

Detonate the ice shield at will, blasting the two Hundred Refinements Mountain Elders into the air. The terrifying cold air made their faces turn purple, and the shattered ice also scratched them all over.

There is only one round, and the judgment will be determined.

Nine Nether Avatar didn't chase, and just slapped the deck with a backhand.

The flying boat slammed for a while, under the power of the Golden Core cultivator, it could no longer maintain its height, and slowly sank down into the dark cloud that was still rolling with rich Yin Qi.

This flying boat sinks, and there is no chance of seeing the light again.

Countless Ghost Soldiers armed with Yin-blade Talismans, like sharks who smelled blood, rushed towards the flying boat frantically, with no opportunity, tearing everything inside.

The massive Ghost Soldier in the burial coffin sacrificed a caravan of Hundred Refinements Mountain for the first time.

. . . .

In the city that never sleeps recently, Nine Nether Avatar's Green Hill House is arguably gaining fame.

The high-end cultivation community of Qingshanju he made did not directly violate the cake of the city that never sleeps, but became a highlight of the city that never sleeps, attracting a lot of fresh blood to the city.

However, despite the fact that the Spirit Stone that Qingshanju earns every day has to be packed in baskets, there are really not many people who are jealous of it.

Because the supply of Spiritual Qi in Qingshanju is too generous, there is really no false propaganda, and the full high-grade Spiritual Qi will make your cultivation very cool.

After a little calculation, you will know that this Green Mountain Residence can only make a small profit when all the rooms are full.

But most of the low-level cultivators are still struggling on the line of food and clothing. Some of them have small savings and only regard Qingshanju as a luxury service. They will only come to open a temporary membership for a few days when the realm breakthrough. .

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, this layman Qingshan is making a profit at a loss, and there are probably not a few Spirit Stones who lose money every day.

Without losing Spirit Stone's business, there's no reason to be jealous.

The only thing that made them curious was that he, Aoyama layman, where did he get so many high-grade Spirit Stones to spend freely.

But no one will take a shot at a Golden Core cultivator just out of curiosity. At least not so easily.

Nine Nether Avatar also met a lot of Golden Core through this platform.

The news that the two sword cultivators surnamed Zuo are wandering around the city that never sleeps recently will affect the prosperity of the city that never sleeps.

He also got second-hand information from those Golden Cores.

When he heard the news at that time, he knew that the two Golden Cores who sent seed came to the city that never sleeps, most likely because of them.

During this time, Man Jianghong cooperated with Nine Nether Avatar to continuously harvest each other's spirit root seed.

About fifty people can be digested every three days, and I am even preparing to speed up the pace.

Jiang Li intercepting the opponent's spirit root seed in this way is tantamount to breaking his path to becoming stronger and destroying the foundation of his avenue.

The nature of this is very bad, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is absolutely irreconcilable.

But before the spirit root grows to a certain stage, the spirit root ramets cannot directly affect those False Spiritual Root Disciples, nor can they directly understand who is behind the bad.

The Nine Nether ramets can only determine the approximate orientation of their disappearance by sensing the spirit root seed.

However, the Golden Core sword cultivator is unable to directly attack the city that never sleeps, so it can only attack the merchant ship that leaves the city.

Jiang Li has no idea of directly confronting the Golden Core sword cultivator.

However, Jiang Li was a little concerned about the attack on the caravan.

Hundred Refinements Mountain seems to have just acquired a batch of good spirit wood recently, and plans to ship it to the Misty Mountains to build a magnificent stronghold.

And the advancement of Nine Nether wood just needs a lot of spirit wood as auxiliary materials.

And before, the other party used the drug person's method to make it clear that he was going to kill him, which offended Jiang Li hard enough. At that time, I wanted to take revenge, but I didn't find the opportunity.

Then a gentleman loves money in a proper way, let's not be polite, who made you Hundred Refinements Mountain offend me. . . Do a lot of evil.

In Hundred Refinements Mountain, there happens to be a "good friend" of Jiang Li, and the identity of this good friend is also not low.

Let him give him a tip, Jiang Li easily grasped the route of the Hundred Refinements Mountain merchant ship.

So he didn't follow and kill at all, but ambush ahead of time. In the meantime, he even had time to go to the ruins of the Black Lotus religion, and brought back the corpses of sword cultivator Avatar and Asura.

The only pity is that the two Core Formation cultivators fought resolutely and desperately to resist, and Nine Nether Avatar tried their best to capture only one of them.

After feeding the spirit root seed and putting on a mask for him, the Green Mountain Residence in the city that never sleeps finally has a talent to start.

It was really frustrating to have Qin Shuman and a group of ghosts to support the scene all the time.

And Jiang Li wasn't afraid that Hundred Refinements Mountain could touch his head.

As everyone knows, Qingshan layman is Wood Attribute cultivator, but the one who attacked Hundred Refinements Mountain merchant ship is Ice Attribute Golden Core.

Let them want to break their heads, but they can't think of coming here!

The thick dark clouds slowly dissipated, and in this clear sky, where is the existence of the Hundred Refinements Mountain flying boat.

. . . .

Three days have passed in a flash.

Jiang Li has been working on his Essence, Qi, and Spirit for the past three days.

With the help of the Golden Core state, this process is not difficult.

He could feel that as long as he wanted to, he could take that last step at any time.

And he also has a Dao Foundation Spirit Fruit in his hand. The Foundation Establishment is by no means a problem. The problem is, what level of Dao Foundation he wants to build?

Opening the door, Kamiyama Qiuhua was already standing there waiting.

She was obviously dressed a lot more smartly today, with loose sleeves tied up. After a few days of special training, she is now ready to face challenges at any time.

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(this chapter end)

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