Immortal Asura

Chapter 1302: Scramble for ranking

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"How do you say that?" The old man looked at the elder of Emperor Huangzong with a look of shock, and asked in shock.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, the human race has experienced the development of several major eras, and now it is the peak period of the development of the human race. At this time, the human race can be said to be a hundred schools of contention and a hundred flowers blooming. It has reached an unprecedented height and unprecedented strength. I think the real era of the human race has come, but the elders of the emperor's emperor suddenly jumped out such a sentence and had to make people think deeply.

The emperor of the Emperor Emperor Zong said with a smile: "The material must be reversed, and the prosperity must decline. The human calamity is about to come. As long as we can survive this calamity and survive this time, our human race will continue to flourish. . "

"What if it doesn't survive?" The law enforcement guard asked lightly.

The Emperor of the Emperor Emperor Zong said, "It's hard to say, but in the most difficult times, our emperor emperor can lead our people to stand up. Now it is much worse than before, and our people will definitely cross. After this catastrophe. "

"The Emperor of the year was truly unmatched, but in this era, we have n’t seen an immortal emperor for a long time. Even though these younger generations have great talents, they are still far away from the immortal emperor. Ah, "the old man said with some worry.

The elder emperor emperor said with a smile: "This is why our emperor emperor was born. Before us, the emperor emperor had never participated in the battle of immortal emperors, but this time it is different. In the face of the human calamity, we The Emperor Huangzong will also go all out, but I don't know what the guys in the Changshengdian think, don't they want to be a turtle?

The old guardian of law enforcement obviously felt the dissatisfaction in the elder emperor's tone, but he still said a little helplessly: "The Changsheng Hall has always been alone, and we have no way. After all, if the Changsheng Hall also joined in, our people Isn't it more chaotic? "

"Chaos?" The old man said with a smile: "It's been too long, it's time for chaos, otherwise many people seem to have forgotten what awesomeness is, and why this person's royal world is called a royal world. We are the emperor. "

Although the old man's sentence is very bland, it sounds very domineering in the ears of others, but if he speaks from someone else's mouth, he will think that this person is crazy, but this sentence is from the emperor's elder mouth Out, it is a very normal thing.

The guardian of law enforcement sighed and sighed: "It looks like our good days are coming to an end, but I don't know who will be left after this calamity?"

"I don't know who else is left. I only know that as guardians of law enforcement, you must not favor any party, otherwise you will not be necessary," the elder of Emperor Huangzong said suddenly.

The old guardian of the law enforcement guardian suddenly hesitated. He didn't expect that the elders of the Emperor's Emperor would suddenly say such things. The old man could not help but sighed, and then laughed twice, and said justly: Naturally, everything we do for the guardians of law enforcement is for the human race. Of course, we will not do anything to endanger the human race. All of us are to safeguard the interests of the human race and protect the order of the human race. "

"That's good, that's good," said the emperor of the Emperor Huangzong with a meaningful sentence, and then set his eyes on the test fairy stone, and stopped talking.

At this time, someone on the test stone had reached the seventy-fifth floor, and the crowd again exclaimed, and the people discussed fiercely again.

"Look at it, someone rushed to the 95th floor again."

"Yeah, who is this? It's amazing."

"Well, it seems that our people have ushered in the heyday. With so many geniuses, some people have reached the 95th floor. It is really shocking," the old folks on the side smiled with relief. stand up.

At this time, many influential warriors are watching the top person intently, and everyone wants to see who it is.

But at this time a young disciple of the Zhuge family said, "Presumably this person is our breeze boy."

"Yeah, our Qingfeng son is so strong, we will definitely reach the top this time," the young disciples of Zhuge Family aside and talked aloud there.

The soldiers around him heard a cold snorting, and cast their eyes at the Zhuge family, and looked at these Zhuge families like an idiot. I thought it was just a declining family. I was looking for it here. Existence.

When these Zhuge family members brazenly praised Zhuge Qingfeng, only one person was blasted out from the test immortal stone. Everyone looked intently, but found that this person was the Zhuge Qingfeng of Zhuge family. At this moment The young disciples of the Zhuge family were all stunned. They were still preparing to brag about a wave of Zhuge Qingfeng so that they could look for their faces, but found that the person was not Zhuge Qingfeng at all.

Everyone couldn't help but look up at Shixian Stone, and wanted to see the ranking of Zhuge Qingfeng, and Zhuge Qingfeng's name also ranked on the 83rd floor. Zhuge Qingfeng's loneliness looked very unhappy, He did not believe that he was really so bad. Although the 83rd floor was relatively good compared to other martial arts, he looked up and saw those people who were above the 90th floor. Zhuge Qingfeng only knew How big is the gap between themselves and them.

Seeing Zhuge Qingfeng's thoughts, the old man of the Zhuge family can't help but step forward and comfort him: "Don't be discouraged or discouraged, this can only represent your talent and current strength. How can you say it in the future? There are many brilliant geniuses, but the only person who can finally prove to be the Emperor Xiandi is the reincarnation Xiandi, and the reincarnation Xiandi is not the strongest at this time. "

"Not to mention the eighty-third floor is already very strong, and there are only a handful of people who can be above you," the old man comforted with a smile.

At this time, the eyes of everyone watching Zhuge Qingfeng were full of ridicule, and some even whispered, "What about the heirs of the Zhuge family? Is this worthy? Is it worthy of being a family of three?" Far worse than it really is. "

Everyone's words fell into Zhuge Qingfeng's ears. Zhuge Qingfeng's face was blue, his fists were clenched, and he was about to fall into the flesh, but he had no choice but to glance at the crowd coldly. Yin Yin.

At this time, Zhuge Qingfeng hated Zhang Yan. In his opinion, if it wasn't for Zhang Yan's injuries and he hasn't recovered completely yet, how could he make everyone laugh like this now?

Zhang Yan, sooner or later I will make you pay, and these people who mock me, you all wait for me, we Zhuge family will not let you go.

The side of Zhuge Qingfeng was shaking with anger, and the people of Xuanyuan Family and Nangong Family were very happy. After all, this also meant that they must have surpassed the Zhuge Family.

And everyone looked at the remaining few people on the test fairy stone with great enthusiasm, and everyone said strangely: "The first few people can already sit on the right seat, but who are the remaining people? There is no one in Yunhai Pavilion. Mark son, Ling Tiange still has one Ling Feng son, two Emperor Zong, and Zhang Yan who has never come out. "

There are already five people, but to everyone's surprise, there are still a few grids in the test fairy stone, and they are all on the 80th floor, but the strange person is still on the 70th floor. Everyone felt incredible.

For a while everyone was guessing who was left to test Xianxian, and now the people who can be left are all top geniuses.

While everyone was thinking about it, a figure flew out of the test fairy stone, and landed quietly on the ground. Everyone saw it clearly and found that it was actually Fei Liu of Fei Liu Xian Gong, but Yun Fei Yang showed 80. On the sixth floor, everyone was surprised when they saw this. Yun Feiyang was so strong that he thought he was the emperor of Fei Liu Xian Gong.

With Yun Fei Yang coming out, another man flew out of the test fairy stone. This person looked a little bit embarrassed compared to Yun Fei Yang, but it was not a big deal. People in the Nangong family could not help but feel a little disappointed. The thought of Nangong Yu didn't persist until the end.

Nangong Yu, like Yun Feiyang, is also on the 86th floor.

Nan Gongyu shook his head reluctantly and said, "I tried my best. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to test the immortal stone. I guess there aren't many people left this time?"

Nangong Yu originally thought that even if he was not the best, that should be the top five strength. There should not be many people left in this test of Xianxian, but when he looked back and tried to test Xianxian, he I was completely dumbfounded. I was in the spot for a while, and he never expected that there were so many people in this test fairy stone, and now everyone's ranking is even higher than him, except that it is still not moving on the 70th floor. Guy.

When Xuanyuan Mountain saw Nangongyu also came out, the smile on his face couldn't help it. I thought that the three family members were still the strongest members of Xuanyuan family, but Xuanyuan Ming gave them the face of Xuanyuan parents.

At this time, everyone was also looking at the test fairy stone. Those who can now be on the test fairy stone, except for the strangest guy at the bottom, are all the top geniuses of the Emperor Emperor. They want to be good. Look, see who these people are, and see who has the highest ranking, especially Zhang Yan and Jian Jian. These two people have a gambling contract, but everyone wants to see who can win.

At this time, Zhang Yan has successfully comprehended the laws of water, and stood up and walked towards the next level. As before, this time, Zhang Yan's pace has also accelerated. Zhang Yan's understanding of the laws of water is also in front of Zhang Yan. It becomes easier.

The people outside exclaimed again, and said loudly, "Look at this, this strange guy is moving again."

Everyone's eyes gathered on Zhang Yan again. The crowd watched Zhang Yan catch up to the front step by step, quickly, and stopped until the 80th floor. At this time, Zhang Yanshui's law has also been realized. Nine heavy, Zhang Yan's strange roots in the sea have grown a little more, and there is a piece of crystal clear water-blue lotus petals.

When Zhang Yan entered the 80th floor, the impact pressure suddenly increased around him, and what Zhang Yan didn't expect was that it was not the impact of a single rule of force. With the impact of the power of the Five Elements, Zhang Yan didn't respond.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan's spiritual roots are strong, and the surrounding killing rules surround him. He did not let himself be hurt by the power of the Five Elements. Zhang Yan once again sat down with his knees crossed. The rules of water and the rules of wood were all Offset by Zhang Yan's law.

Here Zhang Yan started sitting cross-legged on the ground, quietly comprehending the power of the remaining three laws: gold, fire, and earth. This time, Zhang Yan directly comprehended the powers of the three laws and used them together.

At this time, everyone just looked at Zhang Yan and started to rank, but they looked at it and found that the person stopped again. This could not help but make everyone more confused. I didn't know what this person wanted and why. How about staying in the test fairy stone?

Dao Chen looked more and more and felt that this 80-story person is Zhang Yan, which is also a feeling in the meditation, because Dao Chen thinks that such a strange thing can only be done by Zhang Yan.

At this time, someone in the test fairy stone has already reached the 96th floor, and the onlookers are boiling again. They did not expect that this time there was a road dust. Not to mention, there are still people who can go to the 96th floor. It is unprecedented. The talents of everyone this time made these old people feel terrified.

If they were with these younger generations, wouldn't they be completely compared?

Just as everyone was watching, a woman in the test fairy stone flew out. When everyone saw this beautiful Chinese shadow, they all looked at it, even those old people who could n’t help but could n’t help it. A few more glances.

"The Fairy Fairy came out," many martial artists shouted excitedly.

"Wow, Jinghong Fairy has reached the 90th floor, it is really amazing," the warriors shouted with excitement, as if they were even more excited than they reached the 90th floor.

Yun Feiyang came to Jinghong Fairy and said with a smile: "Sister, I didn't expect you to reach the 90th floor. It's really amazing. This time, we also exceeded our expectations. We're done, just don't know Brother Zhang Yan How's it going."

Fairy Jinghong also smiled at this moment, looking very happy, said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I could reach the 90th floor, but I was lucky."

While the two were talking, they heard the soldiers around them exclaiming together.

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