Immortal Asura

Chapter 1301: All flowers

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Dao Chen, like everyone else, looked up at the test fairy stone in front of him, but many warriors secretly looked at Dao Chen there. After all, no one had paid attention to Dao Chen before. I did n’t even know that there were still Zhang Yan people. Such a strong person, everyone was very interested in Dao Chen for a while, and even some female warriors leaned on Dao Chen's side unconsciously, they only found out now that Dao Chen was very handsome, and The strength is still so strong, if it can be repaired with Dao Chen, it would not be a golden turtle.

But what keeps them speechless is that no matter how winking their eyes are, Dao Chen has turned a deaf ear. Even Dao Chen didn't look at them at all, but looked at the test fairy stone intently. Dao Chen wanted to know Zhang Yan. Where it is, I am relying on the advantages of the heavens and the heavens. In this test of immortal stones, I can walk as flat as the ground, but after the last ninety-seventh floor, it is really difficult. Even Daochen cannot continue to move forward.

Dao Chen only stepped on the 98th floor, but only stepped on the door. Dao Chen felt powerless, and finally had no choice but to give up and walked out of the test fairy stone.

Dao Chen is paying attention to the situation of the crowd, and at this time watching a lot of grids on the test fairy stone of more than 80 layers, Dao Chen knew that these people must be Jian Wujin and others, but I do n’t know where Zhang Yan will be. A person.

Even Dao Chen would not have thought that none of these people was Zhang Yan, and the one at the bottom of the test fairy stone was the real Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan was not impatient at this time, sitting cross-legged on the 62nd floor without irritability. Just at the 61st floor, Zhang Yan was the first to understand the law of wood, so Zhang Yan seemed a little bit Be careful, after all, it ’s the first time to feel the rule of wood. Zhang Yan ca n’t take it too fast, but only take it slowly. What Zhang Yan did n’t expect is that compared with the law of killing, it really needs to be easy to understand. a lot of.

Zhang Yan gradually fully comprehended the law of the wood first, and after understanding, Zhang Yan left the 61st floor, then went directly to the 62nd floor, and reached the 62nd floor. After that, Zhang Yan was no longer as cautious as before, instead of trying slowly as before, but he did not hesitate to take precautions, and let the rules of wood around him impact on himself.

Zhang Yan's spiritual root is like a flower bud in the wind and rain, but no matter how the rules of the wood impact, and how the wind and rain around it, this lotus bud is still not falling, and even absorbs the rules of the wood around Power.

Zhang Yan also did not expect that, before he knew it, his strange spiritual root had taken root, and the law of wood seemed to have a stimulating effect. At this time, under the birth of the law of wood, Zhang Yan's spirit The root has grown into a bud with buds to be released, which is condensing the energy of the Wood Rule a little bit, but there is still no reaction at all, as if the energy of the Wood Rule is insufficient, so that this bud cannot bloom.

But Zhang Yan now finds that this strange spiritual root can not only resist the impact of the power of the surrounding laws, but even directly absorb the law of wood. The power of this wood law is like fertilizer, feeding it there Your own spiritual root.

And this spiritual root also makes Zhang Yan's perception of the power of the Wood Rule more clear. Zhang Yan can more easily understand the power of the Wood Rule. At this time, the duality of the power of the Wood Rule is also being quickly detected. Zhang Yan felt it. Within a moment, Zhang Yan completely realized the dual realm of Mu Zhi's laws. After his own spiritual roots became aware of Zhang Yan, the Mu Zhi's laws around him began to frantically towards Zhang Yan. Gathered in the spiritual roots.

It's just that these wooden rules seem to have insufficient levels to continue to increase Zhang Yan's spiritual roots. Zhang Yan knows that his spiritual roots are absorbing the power of the rules, but the power of these two wooden rules is not enough. Used, what is needed is the power of the triple wood rule.

Zhang Yan smiled at the corner of her mouth, stood up and patted her thigh, and then walked towards the next floor of Shixian Stone. At this time, Zhang Yan was not indifferent, and even forgot to be with the sword. The bet, only the power of the law of wood in his mind, Zhang Yan only wants to understand the power of the law as much as possible, want to see how much he can understand the law of heavy wood.

The so-called beginning of everything is difficult. When Zhang Yan first started to understand the power of the first heavy wood, it was still more difficult, and it took a long time for Zhang Yan to understand it. It will be a lot easier. This second weight is only a moment, and when it is the third weight, it is only slightly slower than the second weight.

Zhang Yan went all the way up, and the grid that represented him started to flash. Each floor only stayed briefly, all the way up.

Although the warriors outside were paying attention to the top group of people, but the grid flashed at this time, everyone also noticed, and said with some surprise: "Look at that, the grid is moving, It actually moved. "

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at the grid, and their eyes were full of surprise. Everyone thought that this was the test fairy stone, and there was no one in it. After all, how could anyone come to the test fairy stone without moving? Move?

But now it seems that there is indeed someone there, and this person looks very strange, even at the beginning of motionless, but now quickly chasing forward, although not as fast as before, but not slow.

The crowd said in amazement: "This man is really strange. What was he doing there before? Why is it suddenly moving now?"

People do n’t think about it, so they do n’t think about it anymore. When they look at the front people, they now pay more attention to this person. Everyone also wants to see what this man is doing, and others want to see what this person is doing. Can you catch up with those people before.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Dao Chen felt a little strange. Suddenly, Dao Chen came up with an idea. Could this person be Zhang Yan? But this idea shook his head as soon as Dao Chen appeared. I thought with the strength of Zhang Yan, how could he be trapped on the 60th floor for so long?

But Dao Chen thought again, if it wasn't Zhang Yan, which one of them was Zhang Yan? According to his own estimation of Zhang Yan's strength, even if Zhang Yan is not as fast as himself, I am afraid it will not be much slower, right? But the fastest of these people has now reached the eighty-fifth floor. Which one is Zhang Yan? For a while Daochen was a little bit confused.

"Look, that person stopped again," the warriors on the side exclaimed again.

The crowd looked at the man with a strange look again, not knowing what happened to the man and why he stopped again.

Those who speculate that this person is a hidden master, even want to watch this person counterattack all the way, and finally surpassed the others before, but now they are somewhat discouraged, shook his head helplessly and said: "It seems that this is the only one This kind of degree, it seems that this person has reached the limit, or he will come out soon. "

Dao Chen also looked at this person a few more times. The more he looked at him, the more he felt that this person was Zhang Yan, but Dao Chen didn't understand. If it was Zhang Yan, what was he doing? Why not catch up? Want to stay here?

Zhang Yan didn't know that he had become the focus of attention at this time. It was just because others climbed the peak that they were getting higher and higher on the test fairy stone and got the attention of everyone, but Zhang Yan was because of his slow.

Zhang Yan walked up all the way, and walked nine floors in one breath. He directly understood the rules of Mu Jiuzhong, and he saw that it would be completed. But when Zhang Yan stepped on the 70th floor, he found the power of the surrounding laws. It turned out that the rule of wood disappeared completely, but replaced by the law of water.

Zhang Yan was also stunned. He originally thought that with the power of the rules here, he could directly practice the rules of wood in a single breath, but he did not expect that the rules of wood were gone.

However, that's the case. Zhang Yan has also learned a lot. His rule of wood has not only reached the level of Ninefolds, but he can be completely completed in half a step, even exceeding Zhang Yan's law of killing.

At this time, Zhang Yan's spiritual root has grown a lot. After nourishing the rule of wood, Zhang Yan's spiritual root appears greener. Instead, a petal of emerald green appears, and this petal is Condensed by the law of wood.

When the rule of water slammed into Zhang Yan frantically, Zhang Yan's spiritual roots were blooming with green fluorescence, as if it were a vigorous green grass that was nourished by rain dew, and gradually Zhang Yan Ling's roots are evolving.

At this time, Zhang Yan was comprehending the law of water. After experiencing the experience of the law of wood before, Zhang Yan knew that this law of water could not hurt himself, so he felt relieved.

Everyone outside did not know what Zhang Yan was doing, they all thought that this person had reached the limit, or he would be bombed out by the immortal stone soon.

However, after waiting for a long time, he didn't see the person coming out. The grid was the same as before, and there was no flickering.

Everyone was too lazy to care about this person, but they set their eyes on the test fairy stone. At this time, many people have been blasted out, and most of the warriors who can leave their names on it are also mostly. They are all from several major gates and families, but they are still weaker than Jian Wujin and others. At this time, they have also been shot out of the test fairy stone.

But even so, the major families are already very satisfied. After all, most of the powerful soldiers in their family have left their names on the test fairy stone according to the plan. Now all that remains is their descendants. In the end, they competed for a ranking, and they were weak and strong. After this trial of the immortal stone, they saw it thoroughly.

At this time, the top of the test sword stone is a row of five grids. These five grids are side by side and have reached ninety floors. It is enough to see that the talents of these five people are very close, at least until now. Win or lose.

Some warriors began to discuss there, and they talked about who these five people would be, but what everyone didn't expect was that a young warrior from the most obtrusive Zhuge family of the three great families said, eloquently: "There must be one of us, Zhuge Qingfeng."

Everyone around them couldn't help but look at the warrior disdainfully. The young warrior at Yunhai Pavilion snorted and said, "You really put gold on your face. Will there be a son of your family among these five?"

"That is, how can your Zhuge Qingfeng be qualified to compare with our son?" Ling Tiange and the young warriors of Emperor Zong also taunted.

The warriors at Yunhai Pavilion began to analyze and said, "Among the warriors who have not yet come out, the first five must have invisible boys."

"Naturally, we have our son Lingfeng," said Ling Tiange's warrior.

The Emperor Huangzong also said, "Of course there are our two sons."

Everyone heard the words and they were also stunned. At this time, they remembered that the Emperor Zong had two talented disciples among them. By contrast, the strength of this Emperor Zong was indeed not to be underestimated, and it was indeed the oldest imperial monarch.

"Who will there be one more?" The warriors on the side asked a little curiously.

"Zhang Yan!" A warrior shouted aloud, "It should be Zhang Yan, right?"

Everyone heard the words and they were also stunned. At this time, they remembered. Before Zhang Yan had a fight with the sword without a trace, the two still had a gamble. Presumably the true strength of this inflammation must not be weak. This person should be Zhang Yan. ?

The old man of the law enforcement guardian laughed and said, "This generation has so many talented disciples, and it is a great blessing for our people to have all the flowers bloom."

"It's terrible after birth, terrible after birth," the old man smiled very happy.

The elders of Emperor Huangzong murmured, "It is true. This life is a big age. Geniuses are full of people, but they just do n’t know if they are good or bad. After all, there are more geniuses and more disputes. Up. "

The former said with a smile and said, "Who can tell this kind of thing? It's just that your emperor has not been out of the mountain for many years, but this time they are two peerless geniuses. It is really a big deal."

The emperor of the Emperor Emperor Sect said with a bitter smile: "This life is extraordinary, and our Emperor Emperor can only be born."

"Oh? Do you guys have any unexpected expectations?" The old man asked in shock.

The emperor of the Emperor Emperor Zong smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "It was because we were not expected to be born, because the future of our people is no longer clear.

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