I’m The King

Chapter 901: : Huanghuang Hanwei (26)

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind "I'm the King", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, and follow the official account of the starting point Chinese website (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly! After taking a rest for one night, the soldiers of the Zhengdong Army significantly increased their speed and arrived at the territory of Yesanguan at noon the next day. Then the whole army marched along the Mashaping Gorge. This was to Chadianzi and forcing Fengcheng. The only way.

The Mashaping Canyon is about 1,500 meters long and 500 meters wide. The terrain is dangerous. Stepping into this narrow valley, Naha suddenly feels a creepy feeling, but it feels like it comes fast, but it also goes fast. In the high-pitched and passionate military singing of the soldiers, they disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This type of terrain is very easy to ambush. When the East Army passes through this type of terrain, it is generally divided into three stages. The forward force accounts for about one-fifth of the entire force, and the main force accounts for about one-third. , The follow-up army is the remaining army, and the three units pass in order.Even if there is an ambush, with the strong combat power of the Eastern Army, the three-stage force can retreat and rejoin in a very short period of time.

There are high and steep slopes all around, and under the howling of the cold wind, a large number of snowflakes will drift down toward this mountain corridor, making the snow in this section of the canyon thicker by other places. The snow in the place where the snow has exceeded the knees has greatly increased the difficulty of the march.It is good for the soldiers to say something, but the ballistas and the convoy dragging the army have encountered big troubles, and the ruts are deep in the snow. Almost all the animals in the trailer were lying in the snow, and the carts were just crawling on the snow like snails. A large number of steppers had to help the carts. This made a neat marching team in this section of the canyon. Among them, it became clusters, clusters.

Naha frowned and looked at the crowds in the gorge, and then looked at the mountains standing on both sides, the previous feeling could not help but resurfaced in his heart.

"Has the leading troops out of the valley?" He asked a general next to him, turning his head.

"The vanguard has already gone out of the valley, and there is nothing wrong with it." The general replied: "General, don't worry, the Qin army is now confronting the Wei and Zhao coalition forces. The army stationed in Fengcheng is a Korean army, and they have no guts to come out of the city. Fight with us, and with their fighting power, even if you set an ambush here, we are not afraid of them."

"That's how it is said, but the terrain here is too bad for us."

"General, the early scouts also came here to investigate, and they didn't find anything wrong."

Naha nodded, "The order goes on, and the speed is passed. The convoy is at the end. Let them figure out their own way. We passed this section of the gorge and waited for them outside the valley."

"Understood, General, I will send the order right away."

As soon as the general gave a step, a screaming scream suddenly sounded in the canyon. There is an ambush.

A branch crossbow came across the air and shot into the army of soldiers and soldiers of the East Army who gathered in the canyon. With a bang, the carriages collapsed, and the surrounding soldiers were under this sudden attack. Falling down piece by piece.

After the bed crossbow, a group of jet black volleyed up in the air, gradually expanding in Naha's field of vision, "Sparkler, stone cannon!" Naha roared, "Blow the trumpet, blow the trumpet, spread the formation!"

From above the mountain peaks on both sides, the flying stone cannons were black and crushed like dark clouds, overwhelming the sky and hitting the narrow valley, so that the snow in the narrow valley was rising, like a thick fog, Naha There was snow and mist in front of him, and the condition of his troops could be seen there.

"Blow the trumpet and order the leading troops to immediately attack the enemy on the left." Naha lay half down on the ground and roared. "This is the regular army of the Qin people."

Above the mountain peaks on both sides, suddenly bursts of shouts erupted from this room, and the black armor appeared particularly dazzling in the white world. A large banner was erected.

"The general, there are ten generals in total, and the Qin army has more than 10,000 people." The lieutenant's voice was trembling beside him.

Naha straightened up and looked at the Qin army who was roaring down from both sides, with a grim expression, "Hold up, prepare to fight!"

The bugle sounded, and the Zhengdong army, who was beaten by the sudden attack, finally recovered from the familiar bugle sound, and began to gather in groups, centered on the undestroyed ballista. The army of the Eastern Army quickly gathered. The ballista soldiers tore away the linoleum cloth covered on the roof of the car, took out the extremely tightly wrapped bowstring from the box, twisted the string at the fastest speed, put the arrow, and the shield was covered by it. Lifting it up, in a blink of an eye, square formations formed in the canyon.

The bed crossbow of the Zhengdong Army finally began to counterattack.Although the momentum was extremely weak compared to the attacks on both sides, for the Zhengdong Army at this time, it was a heart-lifting agent.

The stone bullets thrown by the Qin Jun's trebuchet were still falling. Although the accuracy was not good, the victory was due to the large amount and coverage attack. There were always some that could be shot into the queue of the Eastern Army. There was a huge impact. In the middle, the shield is shattered, and the soldiers under the shield are naturally not much better.

"With arms open, prepare!" Naha slowly drew out his saber and took a deep breath.At this time, he could no longer regret it.Today's improper response was the result of the destruction of the entire army.

On the top of the peak, a young general stared at the battlefield coldly.At his position, he did not play a flag, but the generals of the Qin army standing by his side stood solemnly, and he knew the identity of this person. , Is the highest here.

He was the commander-in-chief of all the troops of the Qin Army attacking the Wei Kingdom. This year's 32-year-old general Lu Chao. No one thought that Lu Chao would come to Fengcheng in person, and even Qin Jun's own generals couldn't imagine his own home. Why did the coach of the team pay such attention to such a small battle? In the opinion of General Qin Jun, this is indeed a war that is too small.

But when the coach is here, the Qin general will naturally do his best to express himself. Qin’s military rules have always been strict, and there is no retreat. Once defeated, the first to be dealt with is the leader of the generals. At this time, under the attention of the coach. , Naturally raised twelve points of strength.

"Has the vanguard of the Eastern Expedition Army eliminated?" Seeing that the Eastern Expedition Army was ambushed in the narrow valley, it organized an effective defense in a very short period of time, and Lu Chao's eyes flashed a little astonishment. The look, but the surprise is fleeting.

"The opponent resists stubbornly. Although we are surrounded on all sides, the fierce battle continues." On the side, the general whispered.

"Go and supervise the battle yourself, destroy this vanguard force as quickly as possible, and seal the exit of the narrow valley." Lu Chao looked at the Qin army that washed down like a tide on the mountains on both sides, "I want Weng Zhong to hold back. Don't even try to get out of this conquest army!"

"Understood!" General Qin Jun took the order and walked away.

The crossbows and catapults on the mountains on both sides have stopped firing, and the soldiers of Qin sergeants are pouring into the canyon like a tide. On the slopes, the snow is relatively thin. When you step into the canyon, the snow is knee-high. Immediately, Qin Jun's attack speed slowed down.

"Crossbow!" Naha roared.

In the phalanx, there was a buzzing sound of arms stretched and crossbow shooting, and the locust swarms of arms stretched towards the Qin army.The Qin army's shield players immediately raised their shields, but the snow in the canyon As a result, the Qin army's queue was uneven at this time.After a round of crossbow arrows were shot, there were still hundreds of soldiers falling in the snow.The armor on their bodies had a limited effect on the strong defense of the crossbow.

The crossbows of the Eastern Army are generally fired in three rounds, that is, all crossbowmen are not fired at once, but fired one by one. This round of firing makes the third round of firing after the first round is basically completed. The movement of winding.

The one-time shooting caused hundreds of casualties of the Qin army, but the Qin army did not seem to be affected at all.The shield soldiers began to approach and advance step by step. Behind them, there are rows of clothes. Sergeant Qin in black armor.

The crossbow was immediately changed from flat shooting to overhead shooting.A crossbow arrow flew over the shield and then turned down, got into the Qin army's team, and shot each Qin army to the ground.

After four or five rounds of shooting, the distance between the two sides finally approached two hundred steps, and the crossbow arrows of the opposite Qin Army finally began to fire, reaching a range of nearly four hundred steps with the arms of the Eastern Army, and the range of the Qin's crossbow arrows. It was nearly doubled. After the Qin army had paid heavy casualties, it finally began to counterattack. Although the range was short, the victory was more than the amount. Above this distance, the two sides shot at each other, and the Zhengdong Army fell into a disadvantage. .

Looking up and looking around, Naha's heart is miserable.Here, all the regular troops of the Qin army are more than twice as many as his own.I am afraid that I am unlucky today. He sighed and sighed. This defeat, I'm afraid it will hinder the entire strategic deployment of the governor.He can't help but hate himself for being too careless.If he is more careful, how can he step into such a trap.

"Destroy all arms and crossbows, the whole army is ready to assault!" He roared, reached out his hand to grab a long spear, and strode towards the front of the queue.

"Kill one is enough, kill two to earn one!"

The split crossbow was still on the ground, the big knife was raised, the light of the knife flashed, and the handle of the crossbow broke in two. The soldiers straightened their weapons and stood up straight.

The sound of the charging bugle sounded from all corners of the battlefield.

"Kill!" Naha stood at the forefront of the team and killed the oncoming Qin army.

The two strongest armies in the world collided. In this narrow valley, which was more than 1,500 meters long and less than 500 meters wide, fierce fighting broke out everywhere, and the soldiers of the two armies fought desperately. together.

On the top of the mountain, Lu Chao's expression was a bit ugly.Although Qin Jun occupies an absolute advantage, the strength of the opponent's resistance was even more unexpected.

"Have someone surrendered?"

"General, it's useless. They don't mean to surrender at all. Even if there is only one person left in a team, they will rush to fight with us desperately. Up to now, we have not caught many captives."

"In that case, kill them all!" Lu Chao stood up and walked away. (A good event for pie-dropping in the sky~www.NovelMTL.com~A cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~dot/中文网Official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now follow the qdread WeChat official account immediately!) (Your support is to be continued.)

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