I’m The King

Chapter 900: : Huanghuang Hanwei (25)

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind "I'm the King", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, and follow the official account of the starting point Chinese website (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly! Yingying opened the curtain door of the Chinese army's big tent and strode in. Inside the big tent, Lu Chao was facing the tent door, staring at the map hanging on the side, standing still, like a sculpture.

"General!" Although Lu Chao turned his back to him, Yingying still saluted Lu Chao. The military system of Qin is like this. Even if Yingying is a prince, he is only a general in the army. Need to be respected by General Lu Chao.

Yingying and Lu Chao are similar in age. Yingying is over thirty this year, and Lu Chao is only thirty or two. However, Yingying now admires this young general with great admiration. With the battle front stalemate, Lu Chao's brilliant achievements this way will affect the course of the entire war.

"You want to ask, why did we stop our progress?" Lu Chao asked indifferently without looking back.

"Yes!" Yingying nodded and said: "Now that the Zhaowei and Wei coalition forces have been broken by us, why not take advantage of the situation to march forward and approach the big beam? If we can do this, then the Zhao people must mobilize the main force to come to rescue. So as to alleviate the pressure of General Li in the direction of Hedong, only General Li can make a breakthrough from either side, and we will not be far away to destroy Wei."

Lu Chao turned his head and looked at Yingying, "The Zhao Wei coalition was indeed broken by us, but we are now at the end of the battle. We also need time to digest such a large area in one breath."

"Is it because of logistics?" Yingying asked.

Lu Chao nodded, "The sky is freezing, heavy snow is flying, and transportation is difficult. For every ten kilograms of grain transported from the rear, it consumes about six kilograms on the road. In the army, there is not enough food and grass."

"Kongsunying can be ordered to recruit people's husband again to strengthen transportation." Yingying said.

"Now there is no South Korea, but only Yingchuan County in Daqin." Lu Chao turned around and walked back to the big case, sat down and pointed to the chair in front of him, "General Ying, sit down!"

"General Xie!" Yingying sat down, facing Lu Chao.

"When we first flattened Korea, we used thunder to extinguish the Korean rebels and suppress those double-minded Koreans. At this time, we established our prestige. Now, Yingchuan County has been established, and the Koreans have also become Qin people. , We will have to be tender, to fully receive our hearts. For this battle, Yingchuan County has already done everything we can. If we increase taxes and collect more grain and grass, Yingchuan will inevitably be overwhelmed. Those results will inevitably have to be paid for. After the winter, it will be spring ploughing immediately, and we can't rush to fish." Lu Chaowen said: "The battle of extinction of the country needs to be slowly illustrated. What's more, we may usher in now Another enemy."

"Another enemy?" Yingying frowned.

"Hei Bingtai just sent intelligence, and the East Army moved." Lu Chao's eyes flashed with cold light," General Naha under the command of the Army Group Central Army, Ye Zhen, is already moving towards Fengcheng with five thousand East Army troops. ."

"Ye Zhen's forces are insufficient, and the towns are divided into different regions. If he does move, it means that Gao Yuan must have sent a large number of reinforcements. Does he want to officially start a war with us?" Yingying stood up, and he personally arrived. After passing through the city of Jishi, I have seen the military might of the Eastern Army, and the militiamen who were temporarily recruited in the Eastern Mansion.

Lu Chao nodded appreciatively, "You are right. The 6,000 cavalrymen under the command of Ye Zhen's infantry, the more than ten thousand cavalrymen of Donghu who have newly returned to the Eastern Army, and the First Division of the Young Guards are on the way. Hurry to Tianhe."

"Aside from the Donghu people, the infantry and the First Division of the Young Guards are both elite troops of the Eastern Army." Yingying felt a little heavy.

"There are also reasons for this to stop the attack on the Wei people." Lu Chao said: "We must concentrate our efforts to deal with the East Army."

"Stick to Fengcheng?" Yingying asked, looking at the map.

"No, take the initiative!" Lu Chao laughed.

"Proactively attack?" Yingying was stunned, and immediately reacted. "The Zhengdong Army must think that we will stick to Fengcheng. If we take the initiative to attack, we will be able to grasp the initiative on the battlefield. We defeat Naha's army in one fell swoop."

"If it's just to deal with thousands of people in Naha, I need such a lot of thought?" Lu Chao smiled coldly, "This time, let me leave a deep memory for Gao Yuan!"

Looking at the cold smile on Lu Chao's face, Yingying couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

Xintian, the station of the Wei-Zhao Allied Forces. The commander of the Wei-Zhao Allied Forces, Zhou Changshou, looks much older than a few years ago. He is less than fifty years old, but his hair is mottled and gray. Tan Feng, Zhou Yu’s reaction to Quwo The water dealt a heavy blow to the entire Wei-Zhao coalition defense line, which made the defense line he worked so hard to disintegrate in an instant. He had to retreat hundreds of miles and damaged tens of thousands of soldiers. Now, he can no longer hate Tan Feng Zhou Yu. These two anti-skeletal cubs, what he has to do is to re-stabilize this second line of defense.

The only thing to be thankful for is that in this big defeat, Zhao Jun lost very little and basically maintained his combat effectiveness. This is also his biggest reliance. The second thing he can rely on is this cold winter weather, Wei Zhao Although the coalition forces suffered a miserable defeat, they are fighting locally. The Qin people are indeed morale like rainbows, but they have advanced hundreds of miles and stretched the logistics supply line extremely long, which will increase the difficulty of their offensive. The coalition is not without hope of holding the line of defense.

In the past two years, Zhao Guo has successively increased about 10,000 troops to Wei Guo, bringing the Zhao army under Zhou Changshou's control to 15,000, but Zhou Changshou knew that the 10,000 people who came later were also in the DPRK. Those who sympathized with themselves won the last reinforcements for themselves.Zhao Qi controlled the government and had always been unwilling to see him, but it was a pity that he had failed in Yuyang, otherwise the situation would collapse to where it is now?

"Is there no response from Handan?" Although he knew that he didn't have much hope, Zhou Changshou still raised his head and asked the staff around him, "We need reinforcements, we need food and grass, and we need weapons."

Mu Liao shook his head embarrassedly, "There is no answer, General, I'm afraid there is nothing to count on."

Zhou Changshou spit heavily on the ground angrily." Zhao Qishu was short-sighted, and he didn't want to think about it. If the situation here collapses, can we Zhao be alone? Wei is a barrier for our great Zhao, as long as Wei is still there. , Can hold the Qin people's offensive all the way, why can't Zhao Qi see this?"

"It's not that Zhao Qi can't see this, he just doesn't wait to see the general!" Mu Lao sighed: "If he hadn't had a general who could support the overall situation, he would have withdrawn the general long ago."

"Which side of the Wei people?"

"The king of Wei was also terrified. He was recruited across the country again, but even if the recruits are recruited, what can these recruits do in front of the Qin army? General, the next battle, I am afraid that our Zhao army can only fight with Qin shirtlessly. The army has resisted."

Zhou Changshou sighed: "There is really no good news!"

"No, there is still one piece of good news." Mu Lao suddenly said: "Wei people have asked for help from the Eastern Army. I heard that Gao Yuan of the Eastern Army has agreed to join the army. As long as the Eastern Army is dispatched, the combat effectiveness of the Eastern Army will be conquered. , It will inevitably stabilize the precarious situation."

"The Zhengdong Army has insufficient troops in Tianhe. How much troops can be drawn to help us?" Zhou Changshou said indifferently, his face seemed calm, but his heart was ups and downs. If possible, he would never want to relieve his immediate difficulties. The people in the game are the soldiers of the Eastern Army. Isn't it the gift of the Eastern Army that I fell to the point of being in front of you? For a while, I really have mixed feelings in my heart.

"No matter how many soldiers and horses there are, as long as they move, they will inevitably contain the Qin army. In this way, we will also have time to operate this second line of defense."

"What's the use of just operating the line of defense? We need to counterattack and regain lost ground. Otherwise, if this continues, there will be times when this line of defense is lost. If we lose again, we can only retreat to the main beam. At that time, everything will be fine. It's too late." Zhou Changshou said angrily, "Unfortunately, after the death of Taiwei, we Da Zhao no longer have a long-term vision."

The staff was silent.

In the ice and snow, the navy blue military uniform is on the wilderness, like a squirming giant python, advancing towards Fengcheng.This is the five thousand men and horses of Naha of the Eastern Expeditionary Army, and it is also the pioneer of the Eastern Expeditionary Army this time.

Several war horses formed a small circle, which slightly blocked some wind and snow.In the small circle, Naha was crouching on the ground, on his knees, with a military map spread out.

"We are in Baishaping now, and further ahead is the Ye Sanguan. After leaving the Ye Sanguan, passing through the tea shop, we arrived at our destination this time, Fengcheng! Commander, there are still nearly a hundred miles away. Well, it's not early, and if we move forward, we won't find a good camping site. We simply rest here for one night and leave tomorrow!" a member of the general said loudly.

Naha touched his stubble beard, which was covered with icicles, looked up at the raging and snowy weather, and nodded, "Anyway, I can't make it to Ye Sanguan today, so here it is. Set up camp, rest for one night, and we will try to get to the tea shop tomorrow. We will try to attack Fengcheng in three days."

"I heard that the garrison in Fengcheng is composed of Koreans, and its combat effectiveness is very limited. That's not a battle!" Another general smiled relaxedly.

The Koreans are weak. In the war with Qin, they basically have no resistance. They were beaten by the Qin in a very short period of time. The country was subjugated and the country was extinct. Faced with an army composed of such people, it has always been Naturally, the powerful lieutenant generals of the East Army Army did not take them seriously.

"General, let's hurry up. I heard that the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division came very quickly, but don't wait for them to come and take our credit."

"Yes, these Donghu people can come faster than the infantry generals! If these Donghu people take the credit, where should we put our faces!"

"Okay, okay, I see, the Donghu people can't take our credit." Naha waved his hand, "Let the brothers take a good night's rest." (A good activity for pie-dropping in the sky~www.NovelMTL.com ~A cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Chinese website official account (WeChat add friend-add official account-enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread WeChat official account immediately!) ( To be continued for your support.)

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