I’m The King

Chapter 885: : Huanghuang Hanwei (10)

"It would be great if I had a daughter!" He Lanxiong rode his horse slowly, and slowly said to He Lan Jie next to him. As He Lanyan's brother, he was the first group of generals to return to Jishi City since his longevity.

"Why?" He Lanjie said in a puzzled way: "General, isn't it good to have a son? I would rather be a son."

He Lanxiong slowly shook his head, "Ajie, I have been working hard to learn the culture of the Central Plains over the years, and I have gained a lot. Actually, I didn’t want Yanzi to give birth to a son? But given the current situation, it would be better to have a daughter. As for my son, many things may happen in the future, and the age difference between Xiao Xing and Xiao Xing is too small."

"What does this have to do with Xiao Happiness?" He Lanjie asked with wide eyes.

"How can it be okay?" He Lanxiong smiled bitterly. "Ajie, there are some things that I need to explain to you. Think about it. Now that the governor is under the command, it is divided into different power sections. Who do you think is the most powerful?"

He Lanjie was stunned for a while, "General, I'm afraid it is us?"

He Lanxiong smiled: "The Zhengdong Army now has more than 50,000 cavalry. Except for the 10,000 cavalry of the Donghu, among the remaining 40,000 cavalry, we Huns are nearly 30,000 and hundreds of thousands of Huns. If Yanzi gave birth to a son this time, maybe many people will have other thoughts. This is the source of disaster."

He Lanjie was silent for a while, "General, this is not impossible."

"Look, even you have this kind of thought, but Ajie, let me tell you, immediately put this idea out for me, this is the way to self-destruction." He Lanxiong looked at He Lanjie seriously and looked a little unconvinced. He continued: "You, think about Cao Tiancheng? The Cao family was the earliest partner in the uprising of the governor. Cao Tiancheng was in control of the economic lifeline of the entire expeditionary army. Cao Tianci held the power of the Supervision Institute and controlled the entire expedition. The underground power of the East Mansion. Sun Xiao is the commander of the Northern Army Group. The Cao family is the number one member of the Zhengdong Mansion, but now? Cao Tiancheng withdrew from the Zhengdong Mansion and became a big businessman with an official background. Sun Xiao retired from the army and turned to civil affairs. What does this mean?"

He Lanjie took a deep breath

"This means that the governor will not tolerate any dominance in the Zhengdong Mansion."

"We have no other ideas!" He Lanjie defended.

"Then do you think Cao Tian has become a betrayal governor?" He Lanxiong asked rhetorically

He Lanjie shook his head

"Then it will end!" Helan Xiong said: "Moreover. How are we the Huns now?"

"Very good!" Helan said quickly: "Now we Huns are living much better than before. We have houses, cattle and sheep, property, everything. Soldiers go to war and never have to worry about it anymore, even if they die in battle. The family can also be well taken care of"

"But think about the current distribution of the Huns." He Lanxiong stretched out his hand and drew a circle, "Jishi County. Dayan County, Hetao County, Hejian County. There will also be some immigrants to the Liaodong Peninsula, don’t you? Did you find that we Huns have been quietly cut into small pieces that are not connected?"

He Lanjie thought about it carefully, but he couldn't help but be horrified. It was exactly as He Lanxiong described it.

"How could this be? I never thought about this problem before" he muttered.

"This is the cleverness of my brother-in-law. There is no coercion or threat. Our people go to a new place of residence happily. Because their property is constantly increasing in Helanjie, let me ask you. . If now I ascend the heights and call out, asking all the Huns to follow me in rebellion. How many people do you think will follow me?" He Lanxiong asked

He Lanjie shuddered, "General, this is impossible."

"Look, you also know that this is impossible. In the past, the Huns were poor and terribly poor. We had to rob and seize them. But now, everyone is in charge of the East Mansion. Under the circumstances, you can have a very good life. Who will follow you? In the past, the Central Plains discriminated against us, but in the Zhengdongfu area, can you see this?"

He Lanjie shook his head

"I have also shed blood and sweat on this foundation of the East Mansion. I never hope he will encounter difficulties, but I can't guarantee that none of us Huns will have ambitions not to stir up some contradictions to gain their own interests. Now No, maybe there will be so. Our family may be the best excuse. If the Yanzi gave birth to a son, that is the reason for now. The governor will soon ascend the throne, and the Zhengdong Mansion may become this piece in the future. The most powerful country on the mainland, the king of such a country, wouldn't anyone use Yanzi's son as an excuse for his own benefit?"

"So, I hope Yanzi will give birth to a daughter"

"However, our little princess is still very young and will have another child. Even if she gives birth to a daughter this time, won't she have a son in the future?" He Lanjie asked back.

"What I hope is that when I am happy to grow up, the situation may be better." He Lan Xiong said: "In this battle, I lost more than 2,000 elite cavalry to rescue Ye Feng. I know that many people are not. I understand, but I’m trying my best to make up for the relationship with the Ye family. I don’t want our two big groups to deepen the existing gaps because of this incident. We Huns have now lost the foundation of self-reliance and can only cling to Above the big tree of Zhengdong Mansion, what I ask is that my people can live better. I don’t want them to be dragged into the flames of war again now or in the future. You know, we have no chance of winning at all."

"I understand the great general's painstaking efforts." Helan Jie Dao, the general's good intentions, but why didn't he just express his thoughts clearly to the governor?"

"Needless to say, he should see clearly what I did. Moreover, Ye Zhongye is really a smart person, and they also understand some things. If it is clear, it will be meaningless." He Lanxiong laughed. "In fact, As long as we Huns live a better life, it doesn’t matter whether we can support ourselves, don’t you think?"

"Ah, this is really troublesome!" He Lanjie sighed, "I just want to fight, but I don't want to bother with such messy things."

"Ajie, you have to understand this. You are a high-ranking general of the Eastern Army. As the Eastern Army moves forward, you will stand alone and become more and more powerful. If you don’t understand this, maybe you will. Will be used by others and don’t know it. When that time comes, it’s too late to regret it. That’s why I told you this."

"Thank you General!"

"Look at you, a big general with one mouthful, it's really a gift, I still hope you call me big brother like you did before!" He Lanxiong smiled and patted He Lanjie's helmet with a riding whip.

"This time we married the princess of the Helan clan, it is really not a small show. The two elders took the boss's thoughts!" He Lanjie laughed and said, "To be honest, I can't wait anymore now."

"The two elders are really going to cause trouble." He Lanxiong's face was full of joy. "What are you doing, do you want to make a difference with Madam Ye? Want the world to see that the swallow is no worse than Madam Ye? Ajie, now you Understand why I am upset, why tell you this?"

"The two elders don't have other thoughts, do they?" Helan said quickly.

"They may not, but their actions have given some people wrong signals. I don't know how many people think this is what I mean?" He Lanxiong sighed.

"Then what should I do now? Is it possible to take it back?"

"Of course not, I don't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble!" He Lanxiong laughed suddenly, "Now that we have done it, then be generous. Don't let people think that we have a ghost of two million taels of silver in our hearts. But it is really a large sum. Now that the financial resources of the Eastern Mansion are empty, it can be a relief. I really did not expect that our people can easily make up such a large sum."

"If the hearts of the people are united, the mountains will move!"

When He Lanxiong was a little worried on his way home, Gao Yuan opened his eyes wide in his mansion and watched Ye Jing'er and He Lanyan walk out from the inner hall with smiles and hand in hand, watching them. The human expression did not seem to be unpleasant, which made Gao Yuan a sigh of relief.

Ye Jing'er is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. He Lanyan has a firecracker temper. He is really afraid that the two of them will not agree with each other, so suspicion will arise

"Mother, mother!" Seeing Ye Jing'er come out, Xiao Xie in Gao Yuan's arms immediately stretched out her hands to Ye Jing'er and walked a few steps high, before reaching the two of them~www.NovelMTL.com~ and passed Xiao Xie In the past, he smiled and said: "I haven't seen you in a while, he has quarreled several times."

Ye Jing'er smiled and took Xiaoxing over, "We will leave after disturbing my sister to rest. My sister will be able to rest and recuperate. After two days, she will still be tired!"

"I send my sister" Helan Yan said

"No, you are heavy, so go back to the room and lie down obediently!" Ye Jinger smiled and shook her head, looking at Gao Yuan, "Brother Gao, let's go back first!"

"Okay!" Gao Yuan nodded to Helan Yan, and walked out with Ye Jing'er until he got into the carriage, Gao Yuan finally couldn't help asking: "What did you say to Yanzi?"

Ye Jing'er gave him a white look, "Why, I'm afraid I wronged your sister Yanzi?"

Gao Yuan chuckled, "Where, Jing'er is broad-minded, where would she do this?"

"Don't worry, it's all the private words of women. You, a hero and hero, don't care about these trivial things!" Ye Jinger smiled. "You only care about your major affairs and family affairs, so you don't have to worry about it, don't worry. Well, your women will not cause you trouble" (to be continued)

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