I’m The King

Chapter 884: : Huang Huang Hanwei (9)

He Lanyan fell silent. As the general who led the war, Ye Jinger could understand things, but how could she not understand? The news of He Lanmin's tragic death also hurt her. It was watching her grow up like a brother, but she also understood what her brother meant, but what did Ye Jinger want to express today?

"Ula, go out!" Ye Jing'er waved to Wula behind He Lanyan. Wula was taken aback, looked at He Lanyan, and when He Lanyan nodded, she bowed to Ye Jing'er, turned and walked out of the door. Bring it up gently

Pulling a chair, sitting next to He Lanyan, Ye Jing'er pondered for a moment, and said: "To tell the truth, to you, I am not without mustard. I used to think that Brother Gao would only be me alone. Until you appear"

 [猪][猪][岛] novel www.huhu.m; He Lanyan lowered her head and said in a low voice: "I’m sorry, I really like Brother Gao. From the first time I saw him, that At that time, I didn’t know about you. Later, when I learned, I couldn’t help myself. I also told myself to stay away from you, but I never did.

Ye Jinger sighed, "I can give you what you want and what I have. When I heard this from Brother Gao, my heart really trembled, if I didn't love him deeply. , How can I say such a thing? Later, I finally wanted to understand, how can such a good person like a big brother, such a heroic person be monopolized by me? Maybe in the future, not only you, but also More women will come to him"

"Thank you sister" He Lanyan raised her head, Ye Jinger said so, naturally she wouldn't blame her.

Ye Jinger smiled slightly, "Big brother will take the swallows instead, a new dynasty will rise, and the steps of the big brother will never stop there. He said that he wants to go on horseback in the world and hunt the Central Plains with the parliaments. Dominate the world and build a unified empire"

"It's right for a big man!" He Lanyan is of course authentic

"In some respects, you are more in tune with your elder brother, or you know your ambition better, and sometimes I just want to spend a little time with the elder brother!" Ye Jinger laughed and said, "But the eldest brother I have decided to support him wholeheartedly. This is the reason why I came here to look for you today."

"Sister, please tell me"

Ye Jing'er stood up, "Behind you is the powerful Huns group. It is strong, and hundreds of thousands of Huns are proud of you and are proud of General He Lanxiong. Behind me, you also know that, no matter what, Ye Zhong, Ye Zhen is also holding a heavy hand, Van Dengke Langya. If you and I are at odds, you will naturally come to the people below, and without denying the fact that the two powers represented are the two most important under the eldest brother’s command. group"

"Sister rest assured, no matter what, the Huns will closely follow the steps of the older brother." He Lanyan understood what Ye Jinger meant.

"My sister doesn’t really understand what I mean. If we two are at odds, it will inevitably affect the sincerity of the people below, and even tear down each other. At that time. It’s not our control, we will only be pushed passively. I think that General He Lanxiong saw this and went to save it desperately, because if Ye Feng really died in the world’s mouth, I’m afraid the seeds of suspicion on both sides would be planted. Maybe you didn’t expect it. But General He Lanxiong thought that I must thank General He Lanxiong not only for saving my brother, Ye’s only blood, but also for his loyalty and willingness to sacrifice to Brother Gao.” Ye Jinger said

He Lanyan didn't really think so deeply. At first, she only felt that her brother was desperate to save Ye Feng, just to resolve the unhappiness between herself and Ye Jing'er.

"Big brother wants to dominate the world, we are his women, so we can't let him worry about his sister about family affairs, don't you think?" Ye Jinger smiled.

"That's natural!" He Lanyan nodded repeatedly, "Sister, don't worry, after I give birth, I will still return to the army to lead soldiers."

Ye Jing'er laughed happily. From these words, she vaguely saw He Lanyan's sparse temper.

"Sister, if you want to make you happy, you, don't even think about going to the battlefield in the future." Ye Jing'er smiled.

"Why?" He Lanyan was anxious. "Is my sister not wanting me to go?"

"No, it's definitely not what I meant, but your identity." Ye Jinger said: "The eldest brother stands on behalf of the Yan, that is the king, and you will become one of the princesses. On the battlefield, that general dare to command you? Or What should I do when I say that you disagree with the general who is commanding the battle? Do you listen to you or him? Sister, I'm afraid that when the time comes, no general will want you to fight in his army."

"I will obey the order" Helan Yan said anxiously

"That's yours, even the eldest brother, and I won't let you go on the battlefield again. Besides, if you have a child, do you leave him alone and just lead the soldiers to fight? A child can't live without his mother by his side. "Ye Jinger said

Hearing Ye Jing'er's words, He Lanyan touched her abdomen, fell silent for a while, and then muttered: "If I can't lead soldiers to fight, what else can I do?"

"Have you forgotten what the generals of the East Army call you? The head of Helan" Ye Jinger said: "If you want to go out to do things, then go to the Jishicheng Military University, won't you be able to help your eldest brother in the same way?"

He Lanyan sighed: "What's the point!"

"This is the price of marrying the eldest brother!" Ye Jing'er leaned back slightly. "If you gain, you lose everything. It depends on how you measure the gains and losses."

"I see, since I already have a big brother, I shouldn't ask for more, sister, thank you for telling me this." He Lanyan exhaled a long breath.

"I, you, and Ning Xin, because we can love each other like real sisters, and use our abilities to help our elder brother achieve his great cause as soon as possible." Ye Jinger reached out to Helanyan.

Hold the two hands tightly together and smile at each other

"Sister, do you want the child in your belly to be a son or a daughter?" Ye Jinger put her hand on He Lanyan's lower abdomen and asked

"Of course it is the son!" Helan Yan said: "The son can be as high as an eagle in the sky, like a tiger, Mercedes-Benz on the top of the mountain if he gives birth to a son, I will make him the first warrior on the horse."

Ye Jinger nodded slightly

He Lanyan suddenly seemed to realize something, paused, and then said: "He will also become Xiao Xing's most powerful helper in the future, with one heart, it will cut money."

In the yard, Gao Yuan is holding a little happy, accompanied by Helankang and Helanjian, watching dozens of tall horses with no variegated body.

"The Governor, these are all prepared by our Huns for you. There are a total of 108 horses. This is only the first batch. The others are still on the way to Jishicheng, and they will definitely arrive on the day of the wedding." Helan Kang presents treasures. typical

"One hundred and eight horses?" Gao Yuan was also taken aback. How rare it is that he knows these snow-white war horses without a trace of miscellaneous hair.

"Capital Governor, this is extremely difficult for any Central Plains country, but the partiality is not a difficult task for us. We have heard the news very early that the Xiongnu people scattered across the prairie. In response, we are the best, and we will be eliminated if we have a little time. "Helan Jiandao:" When the governor ascends the throne, these horses will be used as ceremonial horses. I think we will surely let those who come to watch the ceremony. The Central Plains countries were taken aback"

"That's very true!" Gao Yuan nodded, "This kind of pomp, I'm afraid no one else in this world can do it."

"In addition to these, we have also prepared a dowry of two million taels of silver." Helan Kang coughed lightly, seemingly calm and authentic.

"How much?" Gao Yuan was taken aback, choked himself and coughed loudly.

"Two million taels!" Helankang was very proud of the effect of the news.

"Where did the silver come from?" Gao Yuan asked, his eyes widened.

"The Governor, there are hundreds of thousands of Huns. Even if each person takes one tael, it is hundreds of thousands of taels. What's more, over the past few years, our Huns under the governor’s rule have had an earth-shaking experience. The change, everyone is not short of money in their pockets"

"Have you donated to the tribesmen?" Gao Yuan's face became serious.

"Where~www.NovelMTL.com~Where?" Helankang waved his head again and again, "We just conveyed this meaning and called on everyone to have money and contribute hard work. Even we did not expect that they were gathered together in the end. There are more than two million taels. After discussing with He Lanjian, I took a whole number, and there are tens of thousands taels of silver left. We want to invest him as a capital into the commerce and trade of the world, and the annual income will be used for compensation. The family members of the Huns who died on the battlefield, or as a pension for the injured Huns"

"This is a good idea! Although there are pensions and land in the mansion, it is still less. With this money in the future, I want to come to the injured soldiers to get better. I think this idea can be promoted in the future. It is also possible to set up some such funds. "After listening to this arrangement, Gao Yuan was very pleased by the accident."

"Not big, not big, we still feel a little light. When Mrs. Ye got married back then, what a style it was. There were 50,000 craftsmen alone. Mrs. Ye's family origins, but we swallows are also our identity. Noble, this dowry can't be taken lightly."

Hearing this, Gao Yuan's heart beat, and turned to look in the inner hall. Ye Jing'er and He Lanyan have been in for so long, and they don’t know what they are talking about. They haven’t come out yet. Continue...)

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