I’m The King

Chapter 869: : Sunrise East (94)

Taking the file from Gao Yuan and reading it carefully, Jiang Jiaquan also showed a look of surprise on his face. "Tian Dan covered the sky with his own hands in Qi State, and even the King of Qi has become a decoration. Qi State and everyone thinks Tian Dan. Wanting to seek to usurp the throne is as simple as smashing a piece of paper. Under such circumstances, the two sons of the Tian family are naturally competing with each other. Who doesn't want to be above the tens of thousands of people? From the previous point of view, the boss, Da Tian Long-distance has the upper hand. Not only has it received widespread support in China, but Tian Shan also appreciates the image that this eldest son Tian Fucheng gave to everyone before is a brave man, but looking at the decision this time, this son Don’t underestimate it! When you break it, you break it. If you dare to do things that others don’t, you can be considered a hero."

Gao Yuan thoughtfully listened to Jiang Jiaquan’s analysis of the Qi’s domestic situation, a white light lingered between his fingers, and the thin blade of cicada-wing flexibly turned between his fingers. "Mr. Jiang, Tian Fucheng still has 30,000 under his command. Yu Ren, I estimate that after he returns to Tianhe, (pig) (pig) (island) (novel) www.zhu will also wrap up Wang Pei from Tianhe, so that he will have six or seven. Wan Dajun, this army returned to Qi, I was afraid that Tian Yuanyuan would have no resistance, and Tian Fucheng was in the position. Then the previous plan was about to fail. If he wanted to come to Tian Fucheng, he definitely didn’t want Tian Dan to go back. , He is only afraid that we will be happy if we kill Tian Dan!"

"It's true." Jiang Jiaquan nodded in agreement. "If this is the case, then even if we win this big battle in the military, we will suffer a great loss economically. If there is no benefit, the sequelae will cause me a headache. It’s incomparable, and it will be our next strategic layout!"

Gao Yuan waved his hand and grabbed it. The knife flew out of his hand and inserted it accurately on the map hung on the side, which represented the small city of Linzi, the capital of Qi. "Is there such an easy thing?"

"What can the governor do now?" Jiang Jiaquan asked

"Tian Fucheng's main reason for doing this was a surprise. He would definitely block all the passages to Qi. Let Tian Yuanyuan be kept in the dark until his army suddenly appeared within the border. At that time Tian Yuanyuan was caught off guard. If we can’t make a corresponding response, we will be defeated. But we can let Tian Yuanyuan know the news in advance. Since Tian Yuanyuan has won Tian Shanxintong, he is not a stupid thing. As long as he responds properly, Tian Fucheng will not be so easy to succeed. A long way

"This is a good way, if the two of them fight in Qi. No matter who wins or loses, it is good news for us!" Jiang Jiaquan's eyes lit up.

"Of course we can't let them tell the difference." Gao Yuan sneered. "Only when two people stand in a stalemate, we can have greater benefits. At that time, Tian Yuanyuan will put Tian Dan back and use Tian Dan's reputation. Clean up Tian Fucheng, and Tian Fucheng naturally hopes that we will keep the field slips forever. Neither of us let go of this field slip is really valuable!"

Hearing the high-level analysis, Jiang Jiaquan also laughed, "This is the best thing, but this strange thing in the eyes of the governor. At present, he still has seventy to eighty thousand soldiers, and he is not our prisoner!"

"We are only one step away from our prisoners!" Gao Yuan said: "This is the guy we want to exchange for large sums of money. We must not let him give birth to anything."

"Even if Tian Dan's position is arranged well, 70,000 people need to eat. Now Tian Fucheng has gone, Tian Dan has cut off foreign aid, and there is no way to the sky. There is no way to enter the ground, let's grind them slowly."

The expedition army is indeed not in a hurry. Now Tian Shan's tens of thousands of troops are trapped within tens of miles near the town of Changshou County. Around them, tens of thousands of expedition troops have surrounded them, including several Wan, let alone Tian Dan is unlikely to be able to break through the siege, even if he rushes out, how to deal with the chasing of the cavalry?

It is rare for the Expeditionary Army to encounter an army and commander who is proficient in position defense. It is also in such a Jedi. Naturally, it is necessary to make good use of it to hone its own army’s offensive skills. Flying from the hands of generals to Gaoyuan’s desk in general, there are some fantastic ideas, so Gaoyuan is also amazing.

On the west side of Liaoning, the knife was sharpening, and the door was closed and ready to beat the wild dog, and in Hejian County, the 10,000 Qi army led by Huo Siwei and the 5,000 east army in Naha were also in the midst.

Hejian belonged to Zhengdong Mansion earlier. In this area, the ruling foundation of Zhengdong Mansion has penetrated into every corner. Similarly, the reserve military service system has taken root and blossomed here. Although Naha has only 5,000 regular troops, but In the countryside, in the fields, and in the mountains, there are countless militia groups under the leadership of some retired veterans. They have launched harassment operations by the Qi army, or attacked the grain road, or set up ambushes to attack scouts and small groups of Qi army. These are extremely targeted. Although a strong little fight will not hurt the Qi army’s vitality, it will also depress Qi army’s morale. He will have his own safety anytime and anywhere, and it will also make Huo Siwei a headache. In the end, the soldiers will not be more than 100 soldiers, basically not Go out

Tian Dan hoped that Huo Siwei could open another channel from the river, but Huo Siwei was caught in the vast ocean of the whole people fighting in the river. He was struggling to move. The opposite Naha, but the battle retreated, all the way to Hejian County. Huo Siwei got up and won steadily, but Huo Siwei, as a general, knew in his heart that the opponent was not retreating, but retreating step by step. Every step he took, he was taking a step toward the center of the vortex and moving forward. The greater the resistance, the more difficulties you will encounter

Whether to move forward or stop there, waiting for further orders from Tian Xiang, Huo Siwei is a little hesitant. After all, he is only a partial division with only more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in his hand. It is difficult to carry out ordinary occupation and attack on Hejian.

Huo Siwei finally waited for Tian Dan’s order, but when he saw the messenger covered in scars and ragged clothes like a beggar, almost his own eyes, and listening to the courier’s narration, looking at Tian Dan’s letter was almost lonely. With a throw of orders, Huo Siwei was almost fainted.

Things have developed to the point where nearly 200,000 Qi troops set off from Qi. How vigorous, they attacked the city all the way and captured the capital of Yan State without any effort. How unstoppable was that. After a long time, I fell into the sand in the west of Liaoning and fell into

"General Huo, Tian Xiang commanded you to destroy everything in Hejian County at any cost. It is best if you can pass through the room and get close to the accumulated stones. This way, the pressure on the main force can be reduced to the greatest extent, and the main force will fight the enemy decisively. He won the victory, coupled with the heavy bargaining chip Tian Xiang said, with the ability of General Huo and the loyalty of General Huo Qiguo, this matter will definitely be done perfectly."

Huo Siwei swallowed, his face was extremely heavy, and he was not impassioned by the messenger's beautiful words. He stared at the messenger and asked in a deep voice, "Are you coming from Langya?"

"Yes, General!" The messenger lowered his head anxiously.

"Since you came from Langya, how did you become like this? Isn't Langya under our control?" Huo Siwei pressed, "Say, what happened to Langya, these days, my messenger sent to Langya? , All of them have no return, what's the matter?"

The messenger hesitated for a while, and finally spoke, but the news that he said made Huo Siwei like five thunders.

"General Tian Fucheng took all of Langya's Qi army and had already withdrawn from Langya. Now Langya County has been completely under the control of the Eastern Expeditionary Army. The villain and his party originally had more than ten people, but in the end they were lucky enough to come and find your general. I am the only one, and the others are either dead or caught."

Tian Fucheng ran away! Huo Siwei sat down sullenly, and the matter has developed to this point, is there still room for recovery? He looked up at the messenger, hesitated for a while, if he did not make a decision, I was afraid that his end would not be better. Tian Fucheng had already returned to Tianhe, but he would never take Tianhe as his end point. His end point was definitely If Wang Pei in Qi State and Linzi Tianhe also left, he would be like Tianxiang in the west of Liaoning, becoming a caged bird at any time, with its feathers and wings broken.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, the sound of steel knives being unsheathed, and the sound of messy yelling. Huo Siwei was anxious. Hearing this, he couldn't help being furious, Huo Di stood up and rushed out of the big tent, with anger. He shouted: "The army is noisy, do you want this general's marching method? Are you tired of living?"

Outside the big tent, Huo Siwei’s soldiers lined up to block the few people in civilian clothes in front of them, and the side leading those people in civilian clothes ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is actually in front of him. Generals of the battalion

Seeing the helpless look on the face of the former battalion general, Huo Siwei's eyelids twitched, staring at the one in the middle of the few people, took off the hat on his head, raised his head, and looked at Huo Siwei: "General Huo, you want to treat me Military law?"

Seeing the person opposite, Huo Siwei's expression changed, and he spoke with a astringent voice: "General Tian? Didn't you go to Tianhe?"

The visitor was Tian Fucheng's second son, Tian Fucheng, he laughed, stretched his hand away from Huo Siwei's soldiers, and strode to Huo Siwei's front, "Yes, I went to Tianhe, but I came here to give General Huo, you point to a clear road. Your brother Huo Si'an has already been killed in the west of Liaoning. General Huo, you must know very well that if you stay in the river again or follow your father’s orders, you, I’m afraid you will follow your brother. In the footsteps of "

Huo Siwei took a deep breath. Tian Shan’s messenger did not say that his brother had died in battle.

"How did my brother die?"

"He led the 30,000 Qi army on the left to attack Liaoxi from Yunyang, and was besieged by the Eastern Army in Yunyang. After the city was broken, he died in battle. General Huo, we lost this battle." (To be continued... )

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