I’m The King

Chapter 868: : Sunrise East (93)

Hearing Ye Jinger's so certain judgment that Qi is bound to cause internal strife, the few people in the lobby all laughed happily, "It's better to make trouble, and the more fierce the trouble, the better. Otherwise, how can we profit from it?" Zheng Xiaoyang laughed loudly: "Heaven revolves, and retribution is unhappy. If Tian Dan's ambitions are a little bit smaller, it would be okay not to attack our idea of ​​conquering the East Mansion, but his heart is too big, and he actually wants to swallow us in one bite. Instead of swallowing us, he broke his belly."

"Xinhui has fallen into the hands of our army again. Next, our army should immediately block the Xiaoshan Pass and add another insurance to the encirclement." Ding Wei said in a deep voice.

"As it should be!" Zheng Xiaoyang turned to look at Cao Tianci: "President Cao, I still have to ask you to **** his wife to go with us, and the wife should also go back to Jishi City."

 `Pig`Pig`Island`novel`www.huhuom; Ye Jing’er waved her hand, "No, Langya suffered a military disaster this time and was severely damaged. Rebuilding his home is not a matter of a moment. The generals have to fight, and Wu Junshou also To rebuild the entire government structure, although I am a woman, I can do many things. At least I can inspire the people of Langya."

Seeing that Zheng Xiaoyang wanted to persuade him again, Ye Jinger waved his hand. "Commander Zheng does not need to say more, I have decided. After you go to the pass of the Xiaoshan Pass, it is enough to pass on my meaning to Brother Gao. I believe him too. Can understand me"

Seeing that Ye Jing'er had made up his mind, Zheng Xiaoyang nodded and didn't speak any more. This time, he had more contact with Ye Jing'er, knowing that this is a typical woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Once she makes up her mind, there will be no change in the slightest.

"The safety of that lady requires Dean Cao."

"What's in it" Cao Tianci nodded.

Five days later, Zheng Xiaoyang assembled all the troops in Langya County. Except for the 3,000 defenders who left Huang Zhan in Xinhui, one thousand soldiers were left in Langya. All the remaining troops will follow him. Yamaguchi advances Zheng Xiaoyang at this time. After gathering the troops of Ding Wei and the newly formed First Army Chen Haoran, there are about 15,000 people in total.

After Tian Jingwen arrived at the Weishan Pass, he was stationed. Now Qingtian has not only tens of thousands of pawns under the command of Zhang Hongyu, but also Donghu. There are only less than 5,000 people under his command. Entering Qingtian, he almost died. I can passively wait for Tian Fucheng's army to come here. After meeting with Tian Fucheng, he will enter Qingtian. At that time, the Qi army will gather nearly 40,000 soldiers. It is not without the strength of the Zhengdong Army to stay at the Weishan Pass. Tian Jingwen made full use of Zhang Hongyu's stay when he retreated. After rebuilding the remnant position, he moved in

But more than ten days later, he was not waiting for Tian Fucheng's reinforcements, but the Zhengdong Army led by Zheng Xiaoyang. When he heard the scouts came back, Tian Jingwen was dumbfounded. Almost fell to the ground

Tian Fucheng actually left like this? Tian Jingwen is fully aware of this fact? It is his father who is trapped in the west of Liaoning now, the pillar of Qi State!

Tan Shan on one side swallowed hard, and looked at Tian Jingwen with an expressionless expression on his face. "General, what shall we do now?"

Tian Jingwen's troops are now at Xiaoshan Pass, with enemies on both sides and enemies on both sides. Are multiples of him

"What to do?" Tian Jingwen burst out between his teeth, "Defensively, to Tian Xiang. At this moment, whether we enter Qingtian or return to Langya, we will not be the enemy's opponent. I can stay here and hold on. Fortunately, the terrain at Xiaoshan Pass is dangerous, and the defensive positions left by the Eastern Expeditionary Army are still intact. It can be all for me with a little adjustment, and we are not short of food and grass."

"It can only be so!" Tan Shan hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking: "Second Young Master, what does he want to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Tian Jingwen sneered. "He saw that Tian Xiang was trapped in the west of Liaoning and was in danger. He thought that Tian Xiang could not go back, so he hurried back to Qi to grab power. What else could he do?"

"He's going to deal with the eldest son?" Tan Shan exclaimed

"Of course, otherwise you think he hurriedly threw down his grandfather and rushed back for what!" Tian Jingwen said angrily: "People are doing things, the sky is watching, people like him will one day be retributed. of"

Tan Shan sighed: "General, but there is another sentence, saying that people do not live long, and the evil is left for thousands of years. Now we are trapped here, with no way to the sky and no way to enter the ground. Tian Xiang is trapped in the territory of the west of Liaoning, tens of thousands. Don’t say anything else, the army alone will make Tian Xiang helpless, and will eventually be forced to take the initiative to attack the East Army, but the general, the East Army has tens of thousands of cavalry! There is no chance of winning this battle. ?"

"The road to heaven is inexhaustible. I don't know how many storms and waves I have experienced in his life. This time I will definitely be able to save him." Although he knows that Tan Shan is telling the truth, Tian Jingwen would rather believe that there will be a miracle in the sky and bless Qi country. Bless Tian Shanneng in death and prosperity

"Do our own thing! Although we are in a difficult situation at Xiaoshan Pass, as long as we survive for one day, we will be able to attract a lot of conquering troops, relieve the pressure on the master, and tell the soldiers to fight for honor. "Bah" Tian Jingwen said awe-inspiringly

In the west of Liaoning, the 80,000 Qi army built a solid line of defense around the town of Changshou. The entire line of defense is distributed within dozens of miles around Changshou. The lines of defense crisscross each other within these dozens of miles. A series of traps against the attacker

Gao Yuan and his generals are watching the intelligence of the enemy's defense line that the scouts have exchanged for their lives and blood. As time goes by, this map is being improved a little bit. Although the central defense zone cannot be penetrated at all, it is only the periphery. The defense has made Gao Yuan amazed

"Tian Dan is worthy of being the first person in the Qi country. Whether it is in strategy or in specific tactical command, this person has profound accomplishments. I might as well!" Gao Yuan raised his head and nodded his finger in front of him. Of this map.

Ye Zhong laughed, "But it is Tian Dan who has become Weng Zhong's turtle, and we are hunters."

"Although it is an enemy, although we are about to become a victor, the strengths of any opponent are worthy of our study" He is good at field battles and is not afraid of powerful enemies. But in the face of Jiancheng and a mature defensive system, can we break it? Can we achieve the greatest battle results with the smallest casualties? This also requires facts. Let’s test that you’re old and you’ve learned. Anyone who wants to sleep on the past merits will be eliminated by history. You guys, don’t think that we are in the hands of victory. We must know that our greatest enemy, Haven't shown up yet? That is the No. 1 power in the world that has swept over half of the Central Plains."

"Follow the instructions of the governor!" Many generals in the tent bowed together

"Okay, let's go down. You must have kept this opponent's peripheral defense map in mind. Today, this supervisor will assign you an assignment, that is, how to break the interlocking links and activate the defense zones of the whole body. The time limit is three days. The Governor wants to see your plan. The best one, and the one approved by us, will be our offensive plan. At the same time, the one who came up with this plan will be this war. "The conductor" Gao Yuan said with a smile

This is a sweet bait, and also a great honor. Hearing words from a high level, the generals all shot eager rays of light when they were neutral. At the same time, they looked at each other, and they were full of combative looks.

Waiting for the generals to retreat, Jiang Jiaquan gave a thumbs up at Gao Yuan, "All supervise the means."

"Insects, let the sir laugh at you." He smiled and shook his head. "We have never lost a big battle since the army was established. This has cultivated the domineering and self-confidence of our army, but from another In terms of direction, both generals and soldiers are too proud. This is a double-edged sword. There is only experience of victory but no experience of failure. For an army, it is actually not a good thing."

"Does Chengdu Governor still expect us to lose one battle?" Jiang Jiaquan laughed.

"No one wants to fail, but I would rather we fail a few times now than lose in the final decisive battle!" Gao Yuan sighed incessantly.

"So the Governor, you especially value generals like Kumamoto, Luo Weiran, and Chen Bin?" Jiang Jiaquan asked.

"They are indeed valued by me." Gao Yuandao: "These generals have a wealth of theoretical knowledge ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ have had the experience of great victories and defeats, and they have gone through baptisms in our conquest of the East. They are on the battlefield. His judgment and experience are much higher than those of our original generals!"

"Luo Weiran is already the commander of an army, and Chen Bin is now a division commander. Kumamoto is now in charge of the military alone. The governor must be concerned about the feelings of the old brothers when using these people, otherwise it will easily cause dissatisfaction. This is not good for Zhengdong Mansion, and it is not good for them at the same time!"

"So this time I left Luo Weiran in Donghu, and asked him to assist Kumamoto to train Liaodong for me. When we fight against the giant, I will transfer the two of them back. Chen Bin is now just a teacher. If new achievements are made on the battlefield of Qiguo, I will hand in a new army to him.

"The governor is thoughtful and thorough" Jiang Jiaquan nodded and said, "I'm relieved."

The two were chatting to themselves, He Zhiyuan lifted the curtain and entered, "The Governor, the Supervisory Yuan has just sent information about Langya County."

He received the sealed information from He Zhiyuan, and Gao Yuan tore it apart, only to scan a few lines, and suddenly laughed out loud, "How could it be like this, Mr. Jiang, it seems that Tian Fucheng, we all have to re-recognize this person." That's right!" (to be continued...)

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