I’m The King

Chapter 643: : Who says women are inferior to men

When Fu Xiao, the commander of the Eastern Army, looked forward to the future with the hopeful prisoner of war Dong Zhuang, Gao Yuan also saw the protagonist of the trip, the former Yushi doctor, the only daughter of his mortal enemy Ning Zecheng, and the current deputy of the Supervision Institute. Dean’s Ning Xin. , Back then, when they entered Ning Mansion together with Tan Feng, Ning Xin left Gao Yuan’s reflection, just the distant sound of the piano and the glimpse of the figure. For the daughter of the country’s beauty and Tianxiang that Ye Jinger praised, there is indeed nothing too much. There are many reflections, but after Ning Zecheng’s accident, this seemingly lonely woman disappeared without a trace under Tan Feng’s eyelids, which made him look at him with admiration. Since the beginning of this year, this woman has been even more even. He did two earth-shattering events one after another. One was the assassination of Tan Feng in Jicheng. Although he did not succeed, he still surprised the insider. Second, after arriving in Jishi City, he assisted Jiang Jiaquan in fishing. In the change of Yang, fishing in troubled waters, from the gap between Yan and Zhao, forcibly seized the Anlu iron ore, which was vital to the Zhengdong Mansion, and ran away with Tan Feng with his tail between them.

These few things gave Gao Yuan a brand new understanding of Ning Xin. Who said that women are inferior to men? This Ning Xin is amazing!

With a preconceived image of lofty vision, after seeing Ning Xin, he couldn't help but feel stunned again. This man dressed in men's clothing, before he raised his hands, looked like a man who was a turbulent young man. He was really the one who turned his hands for the cloud and covered his hands for the rain. Miss Ning?

Surprised, his eyes fell on Ning Xin's body, and she involuntarily looked up and down. Although she was dressed in men's clothing, her beauty could not be concealed anyway, Gao Yuan automatically made up for Ning Xin's appearance in women's clothing. It overlaps with the vague image in Ningfu back then, and can't help but secretly said in her heart, as Jing'er said, the country is beautiful and fragrant.

Regarding beauty alone, Jing'er and He Lanyan also have to bow down to the wind, Jing'er is as tender as water. He Lanyan is warm and hot, and the two of them are good at Chunlan Qiuju, but this Ning Xin seems to have both. The grace and temperament that she has on her body is unique, and she is the son and daughter of the famous family after all. This kind of thing that penetrates into the bones is indeed not comparable to Jing'er and He Lanyan.

Seeing Gao Yuan staring at herself intently, Ning Xin could not help blushing slightly. Bending over, she whispered: "Ning Xin has seen the governor!"

Gao Yuan realized that he was a little misbehaving. He touched his nose and coughed dryly to cover up his rudeness. Even if Ning Xin was dressed in men's clothing, she was still a daughter, and she stared at someone's eldest girl like this. After all, it's not too particular, this is probably the man's heart, and when you see a beautiful woman, you feel a little bit contemptuous.

"I'm sorry. When I saw Miss Ning, I couldn't help but think of Doctor Ning. The deceased has gone, so I can't help but sigh!" Gao Yuan pointed to the chair beside her. "Miss Ning, please sit down."

After Ning Xin heard Gao Yuan's words, Qiao's face blushed, but she turned pale. "When my father was here, he had offended the governor a lot. Ning Xin didn't dare to ask the governor to forgive him, but she hoped to be able to serve under the governor, so as to make a little atonement for her father's sins."

Gao Yuan shook his head and said: "You will be wrong about what I mean. Sit, sit and say!" Reached out a chair and sat down on his own. "My dispute with Dr. Ning is actually not a lot of personal grievances. Or, at that time, I couldn’t get into Dr. Ning’s eyes at all. At best, it was just a knife and a tool in Dr. Ning’s hands. At the end of the day, the political opinions were different and confronted each other. Dr. Ning’s eyes are poisonous like a knife. It is understandable to see my ambition and want to cut me off in advance. Of course, if possible, I can defeat Dr. Ning and let him be killed under my hands. It’s a pity that Dr. Ning was a wise one, but in the end he miscalculated to his confidants. The deceased is dead, and the grievances and grievances disappeared. Moreover, from another aspect, I am also a victor. Therefore, for me, Dr. Ning is already In the past, Ms. Ning was able to come to my Jishi City. I am very pleased. Ms. Ning’s ability is now praised in the East Mansion. I conquer the East Mansion to expand the territory, but the foundation is weak. I can win Miss Ning’s. When people come to vote, I can’t ask for it, so how can I make atonement?"

"The governor is broad-minded, and Ning Xin admires it." Ning Xin sat down generously. "Although the governor does not pursue it, Ning Xin is ultimately uneasy in her heart. Therefore, this time when she comes to Hetao, she will definitely do her best to help the governor get all the results. Don't destroy Donghu and vowed not to return."

Gao Yuan laughed, "Miss Ning..."

"The Governor, please do not call me Miss Ning. I am currently in the Zhengdong Mansion and have a military position. I was appointed by Jiang Yizheng as the vice president of the Supervisory Council. If the Governor does not reject Jiang Yizheng’s appointment, please call me each Ning Xin's position can be directly called Ning Xin's name." Ning Xin interrupted Gao Yuan's words.

Gao Yuan was choked again, thinking how this woman is so powerful, in front of her, she will show her timidity if she is not careful.

"Okay, Deputy Dean Ning, forget it, I've called you special points like this. Besides, I've never called my subordinates this way. I'm really not used to it. Just call your name. Ning Xin, you don't actually need to. Come to Hetao, Jiang Yizheng and the others let you come, or they want to use this to test you. In my opinion, there is no need at all. I believe you, let alone anything else, just got it for me in the East Mansion. Anlu Iron Mine, this is a great contribution. If it weren't for the timing, if the place was controlled by the Kingdom of Yan or Zhao, then I would really be caught blind. Now Hetao is about to go to war. Yes, you, a girl, staying here is indeed inconvenient and too dangerous. So, you should leave for Jishi City as soon as possible. I have read all the reports given to me by the Supervision Institute, and you can go back. Help Tianci to perfect the Supervisory Institute, establish various networks, and integrate your strength with the original Supervisory Institute’s strength. That is what I need most. Since you have already entered the Supervisory Institute, you should be clear that compared to In the military and political aspects of the Zhengdong Mansion, our intelligence work is really weak. It is good to say internally, especially externally. Except for some ears and eyes in the Yan Guochao, other countries are completely fragmented. Blank, this is extremely detrimental to the future Zhengdong Mansion." Gao Yuan made a long speech, thinking it would be best to send this Miss Ning away quickly.

Hearing Gao Yuan's words, Ning Xin felt uncomfortable in her heart. To tell the truth, not long after her family's disaster, Ye Jinger asked her to invite herself to Jishi City over and over again. She has always had an idea in her heart. Does Gao Yuan have any thoughts about herself that made Ye Jing'er find herself? Ning Xin is still very confident about her appearance, but now it seems that she is self-conscious and passionate. When she thinks about it, she feels unreasonable in her heart. Sour, for Gao Yuan, she is not without thinking.

Someone like her. With eyes high above the top, most men in the world are muddy things. They were like Tan Feng at the beginning, but in her eyes they were nothing better than those muddy things. Since Gao Yuan was introduced to her ears, it was very magical. Hue, afterwards, she almost watched Gao Yuan step by step, under extremely unfavorable circumstances, to become the overlord of the party today. Such a hero can only make her Ning Xin fall in love with her.

It's a pity that the famous flower is in charge. Thinking of this, Ning Xin couldn't help but feel a little feverish. I couldn't help being jealous of Ye Jing'er's luck. Living in the small border town, he could actually meet such a real son, but he was himself. The celebrity Guiyuan wants to be a confidant but can't.

Breathing out gently, Ning Xin withdrew her thoughts. Looking at Gao Yuan, he smiled and said, "The Governor's words are bad. Whether Jiang Yizheng or Jing'er, they all trust me very much. Otherwise, I won't be allowed to come to Hetao to meet the Governor. Since the Governor also has everything to do with me. Knowing, when it is clear that Ning Xin is not a vase with only a leather bag, Jiang Yizheng asked me to come to Hetao to help the captain take down Donghu."

Gao Yuan smiled bitterly, just about to speak, but Ning Xin didn't give her a chance to speak, "Just now the governor said that the loop is going to war, and women are not suitable to stay in this place, but as far as I know, there are female generals under the governor. I will come today. But I heard that Master He Lanyan of the first division is now, isn't she also a daughter?"

"You are different. He Lanyan is a military commander. She grew up in wars since she was a child, and you have no power to bind chickens." Gao Yuan finally found a reason to refute.

"Although I have been a child, I am not helpless. Some people need to use a knife to kill the enemy, and some people kill the enemy with their mind." Ning Xin smiled and retorted, "I am not the first kind. , But I am sure that I can do the second. As the Governor said, strengthening the intelligence work of the Supervisory Institute was arranged before Ning Xin left. The power in my hands in various countries has been handed over to Dean Cao. , Deputy Dean Yi Bin of Anji is now embarking on the fusion of the two parties, and I have also left the manpower to cooperate with this matter. Therefore, there is me and no me, it’s the same. But when I come to Hetao, it’s a big deal. It's the same."

She looked at Gao Yuan and said, "The governor and the Donghu people are using swords and spears. As far as I know, as far as I know, in the intelligence work and secret battles, the general is in the Donghu control area.

Looking high at Ning Xin, who was confident, her eyes lit up, "Could it be that you still have a dark child in Donghu?"

"Of course." Ning Xin nodded and said, "My father and former Taiwei Zhou Yuan have always had a dream, that is, to conquer Donghu. My father has been in power for decades. Is there any reason for the arrangement in advance? My father has always done things clearly. One dark and two lines, the one on the bright side is no longer there."

Ning Xin shook her head, "Lv Shiren’s betrayal caused my Dayan’s spy power in Donghu to be devastated. The power on the surface was swept away. It can be described as a heavy loss, but Lu Shiren couldn’t think of it. There is another line, but the manpower on this line is not as high as Lu Shiren's status. Most of them are hidden among the common people in the market. Their tasks are also different from Lu Shiren. After Lu Shiren betrayed, these people were completely settled. Going on, although there are not many people, as long as it is used properly, it can play an unexpected role."

"In addition, I have dispatched a group of operatives and sneaked into Donghu in batches. After the war broke out, their role would become apparent."

"It turns out that before you came here, you had already started the layout!" Gao Yuan exclaimed.

"To help the governor to quell Donghu~www.NovelMTL.com~ Ning Xin should do her best." Ning Xin smiled and said, "It's just that the final battle is still on the battlefield. What I can do is only a little helpful."

Gao Yuan stood up, walked around the house a few times, and finally made up his mind, "In that case, you should stay and take charge of these things. The Supervisory Yuan has also stationed a responsible person in Hetao. The name is Tang He. You know him. Right?"

"Tang He came to meet me before he left, and he knew I would come too."

"Okay, it will save a lot of trouble. You will preside over and Tang He will help, but Tang He used to focus on internal affairs, and this foreign affairs is up to you to determine."

"Thank you for your trust in the Governor!" Ning Xin stood up, Yingying smiled and bowed to Gaoyuan, "So, I will leave."

"You came all the way and worked hard, and you will stay in Hetao again in the future. I will host a banquet tonight to introduce you to some important generals in Hetao. It will also facilitate future collusion and communication." Gao Yuan laughed, "It's just that this is a war zone. , Everything is simple, there has always been a big bowl of meat and a bowl of wine, I wonder if you are used to it?"

"Follow the customs in the countryside!" (To be continued,!

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