I’m The King

Chapter 642: :hope

Sitting at the long table, Dong Zhuang looked at the two white-faced buns and a bowl of steaming mutton soup in front of him. He couldn't help being in a daze, and the same expression as him was the dozens of people sitting with him. A brawny man who came from afar, they were all soldiers of the standing army who were captured after the First World War in Yuyang County. "

During this journey for thousands of miles, Dong Zhuang’s heart gets colder as he goes, and he doesn’t know where the Eastern Army will send them. Anyway, the weather is getting colder and colder. Fortunately, the Eastern Army seems to have been prepared for this. So they put on the cotton-padded clothes of the Zhengdong Army. Along the way, they saw more and more Humen, and there were also a large number of Humen in the army escorting them, which made many people feel more worried. When they were enlisted for training, they were instilled in the news that General Zhengdong Gao Yuan had colluded with the Hu people, and the scene they saw confirmed these views.

Most of them came from the interior of Yan, and they didn't know anything about Liaoxi and Hejian in the border area. For Hu people, they thought they were just synonymous with savages. Could it be that they were sold to the Hu people as slaves?

There are not a few people holding this idea, so there were many accidents on the way, and some people tried to escape.

Although they were captured, the Zhengdong Army did not control them strictly, and no one specifically guarded them. This created an opportunity for those people, but Dong Zhuang was unmoved. The general of the Zhengdong Army seemed to be still A very high-ranking general once told him that as long as he can go to that place for three years, he will be allowed to come and go freely. Dong Zhuang doesn't think it is necessary for such a big man to deceive him such a small pawn. So he was still very at ease. Although he was farther and farther away from home, he couldn't say that he was not afraid, but when he thought of the three-year period, his heart became hot again. Now he has no idea of ​​promotion and fortune, Guangzong Yaozu. I just want to return home safely after three years and serve the two elders for a hundred years, which is considered to be filial piety.

So when someone ran away with him, he flatly refused. Not only did he refuse, but he also tried his best to prevent the 100 soldiers he led from not participating, because Dong Zhuang's performance was outstanding and he had a history with Ye Zhen on the battlefield. Exchange, all this guy was appointed to the task of managing one hundred prisoners of war soldiers.

It turns out. Dong Zhuang's prudence is justified.

A total of thirty-eight escaped persons were all caught back at noon the next day. No, they should have been dragged back. They were tied behind the horse's tail and dragged in front of them, they were dying.

Then, there is no more, these people. He was chopped off his head.

The dripping blood shocked everyone, and no one tried to escape again, in this unobstructed place in Ma Pingchuan. Even if you let you run for a day first, the cavalry can search for your tracks in a very short time, and then catch you back.

Dong Zhuang originally thought that he would return to his old career from now on. When a farmer arrived, he found out unexpectedly when he arrived in Pioneer City. There is a breath of war coming here, it seems that he still wants to be a soldier.

But the food here is really amazing. Even when they were trained in Jicheng, they only ate black-faced buns. They could see meat and fish once in seven or eight days, but for them, it was already an amazing treatment. . But now, they were prisoners of war, but they had eaten the steamed bun and mutton soup, a sea bowl that was so big, and the aroma of the bone with fat mutton inside made Dong Zhuang swallow involuntarily.

In fact, it's not just him. In the big canteen, the voices of drooling one after another are endless.

They salivated, but no one dared to take it, because they learned too many rules along the way, and they could only move their mouths after the officer ordered them to eat. Otherwise, you will get a whip.

Someone walked across to him. Dong Zhuang looked up and saw an officer who escorted them along the way. He heard the soldiers of the Eastern Army call him the company commander.

He didn't know how old the company commander was, but this person was assigned to the hundred-man team under his jurisdiction to be responsible for supervision, so the two of them were familiar with each other. Dong Zhuang knew that this person was called Fu Xiao.

"Captain Fu!" He stood up abruptly, looking at the two large bowls in Fu Xiao's hands, he couldn't help being startled, because the food in the other's hands was exactly the same as the one in front of him.

"Sit down, sit down!" Fu Xiao smiled and sat in front of him, looking at Dong Zhuang, "Along the way, you save me a lot of heart. Compared with other hundred-man teams, there are more accidents. Our company, There is nothing wrong with it, you are indispensable."

"This is the credit of company commander Fu!" Dong Zhuang whispered.

"Don't be detained like this." Fu Xiao smiled and waved, "You have also seen that we are about to fight here, so in the future, we will no longer be managers and prisoners of war. We will all be colleagues in the future. Here, There is only a distinction between the people from the East Mansion and the Donghu people, and you, as the people from the East Mansion, naturally have to work hard with the Donghu people, otherwise, no one can live."

"I'm not afraid of war!" Dong Zhuang straightened his chest, "Just, aren't we prisoners?"

"From now on, you are soldiers!" Fu Xiao said: "They are also soldiers of our East Army. Oh, there are still some differences. You still have a probation period. Only when you pass the probation, you can officially become a Zhengdong Soldier."

"Probation period?" Dong Zhuang asked suspiciously.

"Yeah!" Fu Xiao nodded, "Originally, you were in a three-year probationary period. During this period, you were full of food and warm esophagus, but there was no salary to get. But now that the war breaks out, this period will be shortened. Actually, this period will be shortened. Like you, I used to be a prisoner of war. I was from Hejian County. I fought against the East Army and was captured. I have been a trainee for three years before finally becoming an official Soldiers of the Eastern Army."

Dong Zhuang was shocked. Can a prisoner of war become an officer of the East Army?

Seeing Dong Zhuang’s look, Fu Xiao smiled, “After you become an official soldier of the Eastern Army, you will understand that in this army, regardless of your origin, as long as you have military exploits, you can advance step by step. No one dares to make things difficult for you. There are special judges in the army who record everyone's combat achievements. With your ability, as long as you dare to work hard, you will surely be like me in the future, maybe even stronger than me."

"How dare you compare with Captain Fu!" Dong Zhuang shook his head again and again. Although his face was humble, his heart became hot. He has been with Captain Fu for more than a month. Dong Zhuang also knows him very well. Speaking of personal martial arts, if the two company commanders are added together, they are not their own opponents. He can be the company commander. Can he be higher?

"Dong Zhuang, I have also carefully observed you along the way. You are also a simple and honest person. I will tell you the news that the First Army is selecting a group of elite men and preparing to form a special brigade. I have already signed up to participate. If you are interested, I can help you sign up. If you can be selected, you will immediately become an official soldier and be treated as an official soldier."

"I'm willing to participate!" Dong Zhuang said immediately. Anyway, when a soldier is fighting, he can't do it wherever he can. If he joins this special brigade, he can immediately get rid of the two ugly words of prisoner. Why doesn't he do it?

Fu Xiao smiled, "You first think about this. Go to the special brigade. It is to kill you. The danger is much greater than that of ordinary soldiers. You prisoners of war will first be assigned to the team defending the city. In this way, the danger of death is greatly reduced, and if you join this special brigade, you have to go out of the city to fight. In the face of the East Hu cavalry, death will come at any time. Of course, the risks that accompany the risks are of course high returns, as long as you can live. When I come back, I will be promoted to the ranks, of course."

"I did it!" Dong Zhuang nodded firmly. "If you take a little risk, you can get a good future. Why don't I do it? It's not dangerous to defend the city. You are really going to die. Maybe you slip on the top of the city. I fell to death, but I am not eligible to sign up, so please help company commander Fu."

"Well, as long as you are willing, I am willing to apply for you, a guy like you, I believe the general leading the team will like it." Fu Xiao nodded and smiled.

Dong Zhuang was also going to ask for more details. In the distance of the cafeteria, there was a short horn sound. This was the sound of a meal. Dong Zhuang immediately stopped the sound, grabbed the steamed bun with one hand, and took the belt out of the sea bowl with the other. With the bones of fat mutton, eat a steamed bun, nibble on the mutton, chew a few times, then lean down, get to the sea bowl and drink a delicious mutton soup~www.NovelMTL.com~ slow down! "Seeing Dong Zhuang devouring a wolf, Fu Xiao couldn't help laughing. "Our food has always been like this. From now on, if you eat like this every day, you will still get tired of it. The soldiers stationed in this Pioneer City look forward to eating something every day. The **** dishes are like hope, this lamb is not a good thing here."

"Meat is not a good thing?" Dong Zhuang's eyes widened. "When I was at home, I couldn't eat meat several times a year. Do you mean you can eat meat here every day?"

"Of course, I can eat meat every day!" Fu Xiao couldn't help but feel a little bit sour when he heard Dong Zhuang's words. When he first joined the Eastern Army, it was not like this. Looking at Dong Zhuang, he couldn't help but remember that he was still in the Hejian countryside. My family, I heard that the new policy of Zhengdong Mansion has also been implemented there, or the family’s life should be much better. Counting, I have not returned home for a full four years, and my parents do not know how to add How many gray hairs are there, does the younger brother grow taller, and the younger sister is already married? If any kid who married a younger sister dared to bully the younger sister, after he returned, he would be beaten so that his mother would not recognize him.

Fu Xiao naturally didn't know. When he thought this way in his heart, Dong Zhuang couldn't help but think of the guy, eating more and more slowly, his eyes were red, and he was captured. I'm afraid that his family thought he was dead, right? (To be continued,!

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