I’m The King

Chapter 634: : How to practice beauty tricks

He was slightly drunk and excited, his wrist flicked, the thin blade hidden in the sleeve, dexterously sliding between the fingers, the five fingers turned, the blade turned into a white light around the fingers between the fingers, this craft is his In the previous life, one of Yinren’s excellent magic weapons, often when opponents think he has no resistance, this thin blade like a cicada wing will always appear at the right time, sending the complacent opponent into the Yin Cao Netherworld. .

It's just that now this craft has almost become a game for Gao Yuan's self-entertainment. In this era, the wrestling between individuals is the brave and relentless activities of those rash men, like people in the position of Gaoyuan, let alone fighting with others, the chance of going on the battlefield is very slim, and it is hard to earn. There is a chance that close thugs like Shangguanhong are always charging forward, so they can't swept away the opponents in front of him, and just let the horse run high and far away.

And an old man like Jiang Jiaquan, when he knows that Gao Yuan has the idea of ​​personally charging into the battle, he immediately jumps to him with burning eyebrows, and talks to him a lot. In the end, he will often add a sentence, if everything is going to be on the top. If you go to fight for yourself, then what are we doing in the East Mansion to raise so many troops? What do you do to raise so many generals? Do you eat dry rice?

Jiang Jiaquan’s tone is often extremely rude, but Gao Yuan can only pinch his nose and listen. This little old man has no desires and desires personally. The only thought is to help Gao Yuan go all the way, and finally he will The Qin State assisted by Li Ru, his senior brother, defeated him. In the face of such an almost perfect fellow, Gao Yuan had nowhere to find him.

What's more, Gao Yuan also knew that Jiang Jiaquan was right. Zhengdong Mansion now seems to be thriving in all industries and the army is strong, but all of this is tied to oneself. The generals under his command can be described as a series of hilltops, Xiongnu. Yip's one line, Fufeng veteran one line. Coupled with foreign lines such as Meng Chong, Xu Yuan, Yan Peng, etc., it can be said that each has its own circle, and they are in their own circles. These people can unite around themselves, think in one place, and use their strength in one place. . But what if you are gone?

Although Ye Jing'er is pregnant with a child, can you expect him to hold on to the overall situation as a baby?

On the battlefield, there are countless accidents. No matter how tight the protection is, it can't stop a hundred and a sparse. It is even more impossible to predict those emergencies. A cold arrow is enough to kill oneself.

Gao Yuan shook his head and sighed. As the East Expeditionary Army became stronger and stronger, he was also farther and farther away from the battlefield. Like He Lanyan, she can still be willful in front of her, but she has no place to be willful. Every step you take is like walking on thin ice.

"Teacher, are you here?" Shang Guanhong's greeting came from outside. Was he actually on duty today? Gao Yuan hadn't noticed it before. Shangguan Hong is also busy these days. Yan Peng transferred a dozen red guards to serve as officers. Guo Laoyan took a dozen people to Xu Yuan to prepare to protect He Lanyan. The lack of editing is serious. Shangguanhong has been scrambling up and down to search for manpower these days, but by the standards of a red guard. It is easy to fill up these dozens of vacancies. I am afraid that Shangguan Hong will get angry in the future.

Red guard. He was the officer Gao Yuan stored for his troops. There were a few people to protect himself. Gao Yuan didn't care. Someone really killed him and thought about himself. There are not many people in this world.

"Well, are you all over here?" He Lanyan's voice rang.

"I'm here! But I didn't seem to be very happy for a long time today, and I drank a few more glasses of wine in the evening." Shangguanhong deliberately lowered his voice, "The instructor also knows that the governor's drinking capacity is not good. Land, so I personally come to take turns, those boys, don’t know this well!"

Gao Yuan in the room snorted twice in dissatisfaction. What is my poor drinking capacity? Find a time to teach him. Of course, I can't go into battle in person. When it comes to fighting, the two Shangguanhong can't do it myself. However, when it comes to drinking, the two of them can't turn to Guanhong themselves, and he's mostly to turn them.

The amount of alcohol seems to be the eternal pain of Gao Yuan!

"It seems that I'm really a little angry!" Outside Helanyan laughed **** ho, "That kid Xu Yuan ran away, and he ran across the river to Chen Bin this afternoon. He said he was going to inspect, but he was actually fleeing. I laughed at him at the time, and now it seems that this kid really understands your governors. If he wants to stay in Pioneer City, your governors are determined to clean up him."

"Does the coach come over to apologize to the governor at this time?" Shangguan Hong said with a grin.

"Apologize for what?" He Lanyan said triumphantly: "I'm here to comfort him."

Shangguanhong's dry cough sounded outside. After a while, Shangguan Hongcai said, "Okay, okay, let the instructor go to comfort the governor. I'll go and see the lower leaders first."

Shangguanhong's footsteps went away, and the door was pushed open with a creak, followed by another bang. It was obvious that He Lanyan kicked the door back when he came in.

However, Gaoyuan at this time was lying on all sides on the felt blanket spread out in front of the big case. He was already full of alcohol. At this time, he deliberately pretended to be drunk, but he looked decent.

He Lanyan who walked in obviously didn't expect this to be the case. She was taken aback, squatting in front of Gao Yuan, reaching out and pushing him, Gao Yuan didn't move at all, but the snoring sound was louder.

"Are you really angry?" He Lanyan muttered to herself: "How much alcohol do you have to drink to become so drunk? My brother said I pour one bowl, but you pour three bowls. See how it looks, it's more than three drinks. bowl."

Gao Yuan, with his eyes closed, hated in his heart. It seems that his poor drinking has become a public joke of the Zhengdong Army. First Shangguanhong, and then He Lanxiong, said that he was three bowls.

Feeling He Lanyan stretched out her hand to touch her forehead, and pushed herself again, Gao Yuan still closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

"That's not okay, lying on the ground, you will catch a cold." He Lanyan touched her head, "It seems to be really mad at him. Go ahead, let him go, get him on the bed first, and wait until tomorrow. Shall I apologize to him when I wake up? But this guy has always been a bit soft and hard. How can I get him to promise me to be the teacher?"

He Lanyan simply sat cross-legged next to Gao Yuan, thinking about her mind. If Gao Yuan is determined to be stubborn, Xu Yuan really dare not keep herself. Even if she stays strong, he can easily vacate his military power and let him What's the point of being a master of a vase?

After thinking about it for a long time, to no avail, at the end, He Lanyan suddenly started to hate, come early tomorrow, and use a beauty trick to catch this guy, not afraid that he will not be fooled.

Thinking of my pride, I couldn't help but stretched out my hand and twitched Gao Yuan's ears, and swayed from side to side, "Tomorrow, I will let you take a small advantage, and then I will tell you about this. I am not afraid that you will not agree."

His ears were sore, but Gao Yuan laughed in his heart, letting me take advantage of it, hum, if there is such a cheap thing, I definitely want to take advantage of it.

With a certain mind, He Lanyan stood up, stretched her hands under Gao Yuan’s flanks, and with a force, she hugged Gao Yuan and dragged it towards the big bed not far away. Gao Yuan’s head happened to rest on Helanyan’s high drum. On her chest, as He Lanyan moved forward with difficulty, she felt the softness of the high peaks and mountains, and her body suddenly became hot. His head swayed, pretending to be crazy with the help of wine, and wantonly taking advantage of the other party.

"Ah, you bad guy, you're so drunk and don't forget to take advantage?" He Lanyan looked at Gao Yuan's head constantly arching into her arms, and suddenly became embarrassed. Although she was ruined with Gao Yuan, she still Strong is a big girl with a yellow flower, and the most intimate behavior with Gao Yuan is nothing but estrus, only to give a gentle hug, Gao Yuan is also very disciplined, how presumptuous like today.

His body was a little weak, and he almost threw Gao Yuan to the ground again.

From the place where Gaoyuan lay, to the big bed, there are a dozen steps away. Although He Lanyan is not lacking in strength, it is still hard to drag Gaoyuan such an Ang-Tibet man like this. This is not a matter of kung fu, fighting is all about strength. He also pays attention to skills, sometimes breaking Qianjun by chance, but now He Lanyan is all relying on strength, this is him, if he changes into a physique like Ye Jinger, let alone drag high, I'm afraid I want to move high. Don't think about it for a while.

Finally moved to the bed, drag Gao Yuan, put his **** on the bed first, then bent down to put Gao Yuan's head on the pillow, just leaned down to put Gao Yuan's head, He Lanyan was about to let go. Gao Yuan’s loose hands hanging on both sides suddenly turned upside down, and he grabbed He Lanyan’s waist, one sideways, already knocking He Lanyan down on the big bed, and the other turning over, actually pressing He Lanyan unceremoniously. Underneath.

He Lanyan yelled in surprise, staring at her and opened her eyes, with a clear vision in her eyes, "Are you pretending?"

Gao Yuan laughed happily, the two noses were facing the nose, and there was only a few inches between the face and the face, "If you don't pretend, how can you know what you guys say behind me? Swallow, you Earlier, I said that I was going to give me a beautiful plan. How can I use this beautiful plan? Can you tell me about it first!"

Helanyan pink face flushed, she couldn't find a hole to get in, she just wanted to run far away right away, but now it looks like this~www.NovelMTL.com~ It’s difficult to even move, except for two arms. Besides, the rest of the body is crushed to death by high and far. Damn, what is it that is pressing against his belly? Just when He Lanyan thought about this idea, she already understood what it was?

With a light hum, the whole body seems to have lost all strength at this moment.

Feeling the suddenly soft body of the woman under her trembling, the male hormone erupted from a high distance and suddenly, her head was lowered, her mouth wide open, and a small mouth of the other party was completely contained in her mouth.

He Lanyan only twisted her body slightly, but her hands were wrapped around the other's waist, her legs were crossed, and her legs were twisted tightly, and the two were tightly attached to each other without any gaps.

Outside the house, when Shangguanhong came back from his patrol, he just heard the exclamation of He Lanyan in the room. He was shocked, then stuck out his tongue, quietly made a few gestures, and removed the red clothes of the surrounding guard posts. Wei recruited.

"Go back three feet and set up a post." (To be continued)

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