I’m The King

Chapter 633: : The heart yearns for it

Returning to the heights of Pioneer City, I still feel very depressed. He Lanyan followed her to Hetao. She knew that she was thinking about her. This woman had been wandering with her brother since she was a child. She spent most of her life on a horse. As far as she is concerned, the battlefield is no different from ordinary life. In the eyes of ordinary people, the war that is avoided by ordinary people has an extraordinary attraction to her.

This is a woman who can't be idle at all, and can't make her birthday.

But now her identity is different. She is not only the little princess of the Helan clan, but also an important link between the Huns and the Zhengdong Mansion. More importantly, she is her own wife. As a man, she is naturally not high. I hope that my own woman will still go to the battlefield with a knife to fight and fight for her life.

War is a man's business, even if it comes from an era of highly developed civilization, this is still unchangeable in Gao Yuan's heart.

After detaining He Lanyan in Jishi City for more than a year, she finally couldn't bear it anymore. This time, taking the four hundred black guards trained by hand to try their skills in Dayan City, not only did not relieve her hunger and thirst, but it aroused her desire for war.

Xu Yuan is her confidant and beloved general. He Lanyan certainly dare not go to Xu Yuan first, but ran to Yan Peng to lobby, but she didn't want to think about who Yan Peng was, and that was the former princess of Hejian County. , The eldest son of Yan Shenghao, who was the deputy to discuss politics in the East Mansion first, has a good family background and guessed his own mind very well. Although he also coveted the four hundred black guards of He Lanyan, he would never agree to He Lanyan. Claim. I hate Xu Yuan, who seems so wise, but in fact it is not. He Lanyan has been tricked around, and now it's done. If he forcibly detained He Lanyan back, I'm afraid the backyard will catch fire soon.

He Lanyan's temperament is really going to quarrel. I am really helpless. No matter what, I can only tell Xu Yuan. It must be protected, He Lanyan can never cause trouble.

Feeling uncomfortable, I was too lazy to go to the city to inspect, but nested in the house and took out the documents transferred from Lijishicheng. Suddenly, the whole afternoon passed like this.

It was getting dark early, and Gao Yuan, depressed, couldn't help drinking a few more glasses during dinner. The hateful Xu Yuan, as the garrison general of Pioneer City, actually hid far away. He didn't show up all afternoon and asked someone to ask that this kid actually went out of the city to cross the river to inspect Chen Bin's station.

The **** inspection made it clear that he wanted to hide himself, for fear that he would settle the bill and make trouble for him.

The stall has grown, and everyone has their own ideas. It's not as good as when he was a soldier. Sun Xiao and the others obeyed their words and winked, and they would know what they were thinking. What is it like now?

Gao Yuan shook his head. This is the price of development. Now the Northern Field Army is facing Donghu, and the First Army and Second Army are at the forefront. The generals under them are thinking of ways to strengthen their own strength in the hope of the next war. It is understandable to make a neutral contribution.

Thinking of Sun Xiao, Gao Yuan couldn't help but move from the battle in Dayan City. Fully see Sun Xiao's lack of ability to grasp the overall situation, as the commander of a group army. Sun Xiao lacks a lot, is it a general change?

Think about my son for a while. Shaking his head, put the thought aside,

He Lanxiong is irreplaceable for his four field armies, because he needs to set up the banner of He Lanxiong to attract more Huns to vote under him. Besides, with Meng Chong and his partner, I can rest assured that from At present, the effect is very good. Although He Lanxiong is not good at large group operations, fortunately, he speaks falsely. The planning of large-scale operations is completely handed over to Meng Chong, which makes Meng Chong control the Eastern Field Army. He was stronger than He Lanxiong, a well-known commander of the group army. The two constrained each other to make a pair.

And Ye Zhong, Ye Zhen, both of them were from the Ye Family clan. They have profound backgrounds, strong overall view, and their own skills. They can also be regarded as their own retainers. Loyalty is beyond doubt. Ye Zhongye's true identity was a resounding slogan when Donghu was trying to capture Langya and other places.

Although Sun Xiao is not capable, he is the leader of the civilian generals under his command. Yan Haibo, Infantry, and Naha. Although they belong to different army groups, there is no doubt that they are all headed by Sun Xiao. Human heart. Although Sun Xiao is slightly inferior, he is now in the Northern Army, which can help him conceal this, so let him sit in Dayan City and do his job. After he had won Donghu, he was allowed to sit in Dayan City and travel through the Hetao and part of Liaodong for himself.

Sun Xiao’s loyalty is assured, and giving him this granary in his plan will make people no longer worry about it. Moreover, after taking Liaodong, and then expanding his power, the enemy will not be too strong, and he will not be too strong. Should be competent.

Donghu, the top priority is to conquer Donghu! Thinking of this, Gao Yuan's head couldn't help but feel a little bit painful. Yuwenke was defeated. Thorpe, the lord of Donghu, was furious. He had deprived Yuwenke of all his duties and put him in idle. Instead, he appointed Yan Qi as the hetao camp. The general, assembled several nearly 50,000 cavalry, ready to re-enter the loop. Among them, what caused Gao Yuan's headache was the palace guards with as many as 5,000 men among the 50,000 cavalrymen.

In the entire Donghu, there are only 30,000 people in the palace guards. In addition to the 20,000 guarding Helin, another 5,000 people are stationed in the area between the white mountains and black waters, the origin of the Donghu forces.

It seems that Thorpe has really begun to deal with himself seriously this time, and his current Hetao force does not have any advantage. The entire Northern Army is now only about 30,000. Among them, Xu Yuan has more than 5,000 people, Yan Peng has more than 10,000 people, and Sun Xiao of Dayan City has only 5,000 people directly under the headquarters. As for the cavalry, there were only more than five thousand horses, which had to count his own red guards and He Lanyan's more than four hundred black guards.

As far as strength is concerned, Donghu still has a huge advantage, and it is no wonder that everyone, including Tan Feng, is not optimistic about his move to conquer the east.

Gao Yuan couldn't help but laughed. Everyone wanted to wait for his defeat to beat down the dog.

Even so, Gao Yuan is not discouraged at all. He is not without advantages in Hetao. Pioneer City and Tongwan City have been pierced in the Hetao like two nails. To defeat him, the Donghu people must first take their lives. These two cities, not to mention, there is a Liaohe River in front of the two cities. If you want to cross the river, wait to dye the river red.

Compared with its own key operations on the west bank of the Liaohe River, on the east bank, the Zhengdong Army adopted sand-mixing tactics. There were one fortress every ten miles, and there were tens to a hundred people stationed inside. There are not many troops, but the weapons are the best, grinding! This is Gao Yuan's strategy on the East Bank. If Yan Qi wants to completely control the East Bank, he has to remove these fortresses one by one, and the cost of removing these fortresses will surely make him heartache.

These soldiers on the east coast are actually abandoned sons. Their only role is to consume Donghu’s troops and fight on the plains. I am afraid that five to ten infantrymen can be exchanged for a cavalry on the other side, but with a fort. With plug and sharp weapons, one infantryman can even exchange the lives of several cavalrymen. This is a good deal.

He invested 3,000 troops on the east bank, under the unified command of Xu Yuan’s Chen Bin. I believe that with Chen Bin’s ability, he would not fail to see the mystery inside, but this person took the task without hesitation. It is also a personal character. If he completed the task well this time, this person can be promoted many times.

Gao Yuan felt that as his status became higher and higher, his heart became harder and harder. With the lives of three thousand soldiers, he actually put them on the table at will, betting that they could consume more Donghu cavalry. , Causing a heavy blow to the enemy.

He rubbed his aching temples, and he was done for a long time. Now he can finally understand this sentence deeply. For the three thousand garrisons on the east coast, the only thing I can do is to dispatch cavalry under his command at the right time to support them in their operations. With the existence of the first bridge, I can go in and out of the east and west at will.

This year, Yan Qi is too late to launch an offensive. It would be good if he can set up the Hetao camp this year. Donghu started up, those troops from various ministries, he needs a lot of time to integrate. After the beginning of spring, there will be two. Fang's contest ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Thinking of the war in the year, Gao Yuan couldn't help but laughed. He said that he was farther away from the Hetao Plain, but by the beginning of the spring next year, he would have been able to be self-sufficient in food. Long-distance supplies are needed again, and Jishi City only needs to transport enough weapons for itself, which greatly reduces the transportation pressure of Jishi City.

Compared with himself, Yan Qi's logistics completely requires long-distance transportation. The money and food consumed in this are not known for how long the current Donghu can last.

Thorpe now realizes that his determination to seize the Hetao Plain is too late. He can drag it, but the Donghu people can't afford it. Every day the war stalemate, the balance of the war will tilt one point to oneself.

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan couldn’t help but feel proud again. The average person takes one step and sees one step, and the discerning person takes one step and sees three steps. However, he himself, taking one step and ten steps, naturally wants to gain the upper hand. Yan Qi fought. Back in Liaoxi City, I had learned Yan Qi's personal strength and abolished one of his hands. Now, I want to learn his commanding ability again, but I don't know if he is worthy of the title of East Hu's first general. (To be continued)

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