I’m The King

Chapter 623: :Competitive

Zeng Xianyi is an old man from Yuyang County and also a veteran of the Jiang family. Not only is he an old person, he is also unmatched in merit, otherwise he would not be the commander of Jiang Dawei's personal guards. However, it is such a person who finally gave Jiang Dawei a fatal One blow, if it were not for him, it would be difficult for Jiang Xinliang to successfully seize the power of Yuyang County from his father. It has to be said that the benevolence formed by Jiang Xinliang's deceased mother left him a big deal. Boost.

The current Zeng Xianyi is stationed in Anzhe. He has three thousand elite men. It is the best equipped and most powerful force among the soldiers of Yuyang County. The trade with the opposite Xinhuizheng East Army has caused Anlu to accumulate a large number of troops. All kinds of military equipment and war horses will get a month before the towers near the water. Of course, Zeng Xianyi’s troops will be the first to obtain these weapons and equip them, which will increase their combat effectiveness.

However, in the past five days, Zeng Xianyi has noticed that things are very abnormal. There are fewer and fewer businessmen from Xinhui. As of today, there is no more. The post road that used to flow ceaselessly suddenly became cold. .

Yuyang and the Zhengdong Army are not friends. At best, they are just a relationship of mutual use. They exchange what is needed to keep themselves strong. This is the essence of the two parties’ transaction, not conflict, and they don’t want to let some fishermen on the sidelines. Profitable.

But this sudden situation made Zeng Xianyi smell a familiar smell, war.

The smell of war is so strong, but Zeng Xianyi is a little confused. Did the Zhengdong Army smell something? Zeng Xianyi didn't know about Jiang Xinliang's conspiracy with Zhao Ren. Although he didn't agree with him, he didn't care if Jiang Xinliang was the master, whether it was Yan State or Zhao State. As long as Jiang Xinliang keeps the throne, it is the same for him. But now it looks. The Zhengdong Army had clearly discovered something, the current position. Are you going to stop the young master's plot?

But it shouldn't! Zeng Xianyi was a little puzzled. Everyone knows the grievances between the Zhengdong Army and the Yan Kingdom’s court. Right now, the Yan State did not attack the Zhengdong Army. In some respects, he even gave in a bit, just because the Zhengdong Army is now fighting with Donghu. Whether it’s fighting, it’s the East Hu or the conquest of the East Army. Both are enemies of the Yan court. Two guys who are evil dogs in the eyes of the Yan court bit each other. Of course, they can’t get a foot in it at this time. From their point of view, both sides bite and bruise all over the body. the best.

If Yuyang County leaves Yan State, it will definitely be a fatal blow to Yan State, and for Gao Yuan, the occurrence of this kind of thing should be happy to see it happen. He should be very clear that if Yan Guo is allowed to slowly accumulate his strength, when his war with Donghu is over. Regardless of victory or defeat, Yan Guo will attack him.

Although he felt puzzled, Zeng Xianyi still had to work hard to deal with this matter. While reporting what happened in Xinhui to Jiang Xinliang in Yuyang County, he began to deploy troops to deal with the emergency.

On the third day, what Zeng Xianyi worried about finally arrived.

On this day, a cavalry of the Zhengdong Army stationed in Xinhui suddenly inserted into the rear of Anlu, and defeated a sentinel stationed at Qixingtai by the Yuyang County Army in World War I and captured the Qixingtai. At the same time, another group of pawns also turned over Mengshan. Suddenly attacked from the trail and took Majiadian in one fell swoop. Two groups of people, one on the left and the other on the right, clamped the back of An Lu Zeng Xian's first section.

The two conquering forces acted swiftly. Before Zeng Xianyi could fully react, they had blocked his back. The frightened and angry Zeng Xianyi was preparing to arrange for a counterattack to retake Qixingtai and Majiadian. Directly in front of him, a force of as many as 5,000 soldiers suddenly appeared, and their soldiers were on the way to Anlu. The commander turned out to be Ye Zhen, the highest commander of the East Army in Hejian County.

When Zeng Xian arrived at this time, he finally understood that all the young master's plots had fallen into the eyes of the other party. No matter what the conquest of the Eastern Army was out of consideration, it was obvious that they did not agree with the young master's move, and the army suppressed the situation. , Maybe it will really fight, maybe it's a kind of coercion.

All the troops scattered outside were withdrawn to Anlu City, the city gates were closed, and they were ready to fight. Once they sent more messengers back to Yuyang Juncheng to warn the young master, since the Zhengdong Army had known the young master’s plan, then Yan Guo The court should also know that this matter must be initiated in advance, otherwise a major event will definitely happen.

The Zhengdong Army approached Anlu City and set up camp, but there was no sign of attack. Zeng Xianyi did not even see that the opponent’s battalion had large-scale siege equipment. Although Anlu was only a county town with both city walls. It’s not high, dangerous, or solid, but since Zeng Xianyi stationed here, he still tried his best to transform the city wall. The body of the city wall cannot be changed, but he can work **** the defensive layout. Lu Cheng, not to mention indecent, is definitely a hedgehog who can only pierce people. What's more, the three thousand Yuyang County soldiers under his command are the elite of the elite. Almost everyone of these three thousand people participated. In the past few years, the great battle between Yan and Zhao.

Soldiers who have been on the battlefield, soldiers who have killed people and have seen blood are completely different from ordinary soldiers.

But what made Zeng Xianyi unable to let go was that the Zhengdong Army was stationed in this way and trapped himself in Anlu City, but had no intention of attacking.

I don’t know if the courier sent out can arrive safely, and if he can remind the son of a major problem in the plan. Since the East Army has been launched, it must be an endless stream of backers, although I can’t see why the other party wants to do so. They are stuck here, but obviously, they don't let themselves have the opportunity to intervene in the next thing.

Zeng Xianyi might not have imagined that the Eastern Army has no secondary players, and the target of the Eastern Army is An Lu and his three thousand elites under Zeng Xianyi, but the so-called secondary players are Tan Feng’s in Yuyang County. All furnishings. If Jiang Xinliang did not collude with Zhao Ren, Tan Feng would not have launched so quickly, but when Tan Feng realized that Zhao Ren had intervened in Yuyang County, he had to come in advance to harvest the crops he had raised for two years, although it was not. Particularly mature.

"You mean, Tan Feng already knows what's going on between us, and he's about to do it to me soon?" Jiang Xinliang's face looked very ugly as he looked at the envoy of Zhao Guo who was sitting across from him with a tired look.

"It's not going to do it, but it's already started." The State Zhao envoy said solemnly: "The lieutenant can confirm this, so Junshou Jiang must act immediately, without delay."

"But Zeng Xianyi's troops are still in Anlu. Before he was transferred back, there is still a risk in this matter!" Jiang Xinliang hesitated.

"There is no time." The messenger shook his head flatly, "Zeng Xianyi is in Anlu, and the opposite is the Zhengdong Army. They must have smelled it too. Would they easily let Zeng Xianyi get out? It's not a big deal, as long as you can control Yuyang County smoothly, it will be a victory for Jiang Junshou."

"Why did the Taiwei leave?"

"A major event has happened in Handan, Taiwei must go back!" The messenger vaguely said, Zhao Zhuo was assassinated, and Zhao's internal chaos was imminent. Things are rampant. "General Zhou Changshou is an old subordinate of the Taiwei. When the Taiwei was leaving, he gave the opportunity to him. General Zhou has mobilized his army and set off from the whole city, ready to join forces with the general to deal with possible errors. Only the five thousand standing army and nineteen thousand soldiers stationed in Jiuyuan County are the only troops to be deployed. So what Jiang Junshou has to do now is to immediately control his subordinates, regardless of whether they are willing or co-operating to force them. , They must all be pulled aboard the boat. As long as the soldiers of Yuyang County are united, even if Tan Feng comes, they will not be able to do anything. When General Zhou arrives, Tan Feng will not be reconciled and can only retreat."

Jiang Xinliang let out a sigh of relief, "It can only be so. It's just that, Yuyang County, I'm afraid it will be messed up for a while."

"Don’t be afraid of chaos. Junshou Jiang and my general Zhou will work together to calm down the chaos. Or just take this opportunity to remove a group of people who are dissatisfied with the county and have hostility, so that the county can firmly control Yuyang. In the hand." The messenger couldn't help but smile when he saw that Jiang Xinliang had already moved.

A famous guard flew out from the county guard house and rushed to the military camp stationed around Yuyang County. Jiang Xinliang’s guard camp surrounded the entire county guard house and regiments. The guards were heavily guarded. The garrison troops in the county town, I also opened from the barracks and walked up the city wall. All the gates of Yuyang County were closed in the first time~www.NovelMTL.com~ The entire Yuyang County was ordered by the county guard At the beginning, the whole city was under martial law, all shops were closed, and all the people were ordered to stay at home and were not allowed to go out. For a while, in the huge city of Yuyang County, there was no one in sight except the hurried soldiers. Idler.

After a night of panic, the generals stationed on the four sides of the county city entered the city one by one, and every time they entered the city, Jiang Xinliang's frowning brows were unfolded. These generals who came back only brought their own personal soldiers at most, which meant that they did not know what was going to happen, and the only ones who knew the reason for this were their personal guards and the city of Yuyang County. The gate is guarded.

There are more than 1,000 personal guards, and the gate guards all carry 5,000 people. With these more than 6,000 people controlling Yuyang County, it is enough.

Inside the city of Yuyang County, the house hidden by Tan Feng was also overcrowded. In addition to Yan Lingwei under the leadership of Tan Feng, there were also many generals in the costumes of Yuyang County soldiers, looking at these people. A smile appeared on Tan Feng's face.

"Let’s continue, let’s take action. Let Yuyang County be messed up first, and let Jiang Xinliang stay busy for a while." Tan Feng stood up, "After Tan Feng’s guard camp moves, let’s go to the county guard house. Come on!" He stood up and said with a smile: "Yuyang, it's time to come back." (to be continued)

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