I’m The King

Chapter 622: :4 Fang Yundong

Zhou Changshou turned around and yearned to walk. Obviously, the most critical moment has been reached. If they react slowly, the fat in their mouths will be snatched away by others. This kind of cooked duck flying away, Zhao Mu does not want to go anymore. Let yourself run into it for the second time. Although Tan Feng is young, Zhao Mu did not dare to underestimate him. This young official of the State of Yan, in silence, has let Yan Guoquan be in control for decades. Zecheng fell down. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable) Since he has already started, I'm afraid Jiang Xinliang is at stake.

Zhou Changshou strode to the door, but he almost ran into a guy who was rushing outside the door. Zhou Changshou's eyes were quick, flashing and pulling, he was already grasping in the future and seeing the face of the coming person. Zhou Changshou's heart couldn't help but stunned. It was He Kailai that Zhao Mu was looking for that rushed over. You can see the panic on this person's face. I am afraid that something has happened. He Kailai is a senior general in the tiger and leopard riding. , There are few things that can make him so moved.

"What's the matter, General He, in such a hurry?" Zhao Mu also stood up, feeling the same as Zhou Changshou, and his expression was extremely serious.

"Taiwei, there is news from Handan." He Kailai's voice was trembling, and his body was also trembling. Obviously, the news made him a little panicked.

"What happened to Handan?" Zhao Mu shouted sharply. Handan is the capital of a country. If something happens, it will be no small matter.

"Zhao Zhuo is dead." He Kailai, as if exhausted all his strength, burst out this sentence.

Hearing these four words of He Kailai, Zhou Changshou, who had already stepped out of the door with one foot, turned around, staring at He Kailai, his face was incredible, and when Zhao Mu heard these four words, it was also true. After a while, he fell into a chair with a bang.

Zhao Zhuo is dead. To outsiders, Zhao Zhuo is an unfamiliar name, but to Zhao people, especially to these people in the house, Zhao Zhuo represents a powerful force in Zhao Guozhi. A force that can fight against Zhao Wang and Zao Wou-ki. Because Zhao Zhuo is Zilan's eldest son.

When Zhao Zhuo entered Jicheng to serve as an officer, Zhao Zhuo entered Handan as a hostage. As Zhao Zhuo entered Handan, Zhao Wang and Zhao Wou-ki had to agree to Zilan to expand the number of soldiers to 50,000. At that time, everyone, including Zhao Mu, was greatly relieved. Since Zilan let Zhao Zhuo enter Handan, it can be seen that there is no objection, but it is because of Zhao Wang Wuji’s aggressiveness. That's why I want to expand the army and protect myself. Zhao Zhuo's presence in Handan is equivalent to a buffer between King Zhao and Zilan Zhiji. Both sides can maintain a delicate balance and limited mutual trust because of his existence.

But now, Zhao Zhuo is dead.

"Did the Qin people succeeded or the Yan people succeeded?" At this moment, Zhao Mu seemed to be a little old again. Over the years, he has been careful to maintain his loyalty to the State of Zhao, while maintaining his relationship with Zilan. Friendship, but now it seems that all these efforts will be in vain.

"Neither!" He Kailai lowered his head.

"Then how did Zhao Zhuo die? Is it your tiger and leopard riding? Even if there is water in his head, Zhao Qi can't do such a stupid thing, right?" Zhao Mu violently waved his arm and took the big case. Everything on the board was swept to the ground, and there was a commotion, and Zhou Changshou and He Kailai were frightened. The two had never seen Zhao Mu be so ghoulish.

"It's Gongziyu." He Kailai whispered.

Behind him came the sound of swallowing saliva. It was Zhou Changshou. Obviously, he was taken aback by this answer. Gongzi Yu, the second son of Zhao Wang Zao Wou-ki, is brave by nature, but has a violent temper. He is a guy who catches fire on the spot.

"How did the sonyu kill Zhao Zhuo?" Zhao Mu took a deep breath. Although he had made some psychological preparations, the result was the worst.

"Ten days ago, I don’t know if it was a coincidence or another reason. Both Gongziyu and Zhao Zhuo were drinking and listening to music in the Jinmanlou restaurant at the same time, but there was a conflict during the dinner. Later investigations revealed that it was Gongziyu because of the son. Lan supported his soldiers in Dai County, and tried to confront Handan and questioned Zhao Zhuo. Zhao Zhuo humiliated and ridiculed each other. Gong Ziyu was furious, and the two started their hands. The guards they brought joined in, amidst the chaos. Zhao Zhuo didn't know who stabbed him. He hit the spot and died on the spot." He Kailai said.

"What a coincidence, what a coincidence!" Zhao Mu sneered. "Is Zhao Qi eating dry food? Do you need to ask? There must be spies next to Gong Ziyu, not from Hei Bingtai, or from Yan Lingwei. Maybe there are people from both sides, so he was arrested. No, none of them can let them escape, and they will be tried one by one. You can always find out what is lost."

He Kailai swallowed and looked at Zhao Mu, "After Gong Ziyu found out that Zhao Zhuo was dead, he was afraid that his guards would report the letter and kill Zhao Zhuo's guards completely. The two sides fought fiercely. His men also suffered heavy casualties. After Tian Gong Ziyu ran away with his survivors, Lord Zhao knew that something was not good, and immediately sent a tiger and leopard rider to pick up the guards, but in a short hour, all the guards He died, only Gong Ziyu was left, and he was seriously injured. These guards were assassinated while he was escaping with Gong Ziyu."

Zhao Mu closed his eyes, only his chest was left and he kept fighting. It was a good calculation. The parties were all dead, and only one son was left. But this person was all dead. What to try to find out the truth, saying that someone was instigating. ? Someone divorced? Just by mouth? Will Zilan believe it?

"Taiwei, there is probably only one way to eliminate Zilan's anger." Zhou Changshou walked in front of Zhao Mu, "This is the only way to maintain the current situation that our Da Zhao had so hard to have, without causing another incident. "

Zhao Mu opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Changshou, "Are you trying to tell King Zhao to hand over the son Yu to Zilan?"

"Not to Zilan's disposal, but to immediately hand over the son-yu to Yousi, and close the case as quickly as possible. In the Ming Dynasty, Zilan died of a son, and then he accompanied a son-yu. Zilan died as the eldest son. , The heir, the king paid for a second son, a brainless guy, but in exchange for the praise of the whole world and the calmness of Zilan's anger, this is worth it." Zhou Changshou shook his head. "Zilan is not an ordinary royal family, Taiwei, this is the necessary price for us in exchange for the stability of the Zhao country. No matter who did this thing, can we find out the final truth, Zhao Zhuo always died in Handan, died in the son. Yu's subordinates, this cannot be changed."

Zhao Muchang sighed: "You are all right. We all know to do this, but will the king agree? No, he will not agree at all, or even think about it, or The king thought this was an excellent opportunity. Based on my understanding of the king, he would even use Zhao Zhuo’s attempt to assassinate the son Yu as an excuse to take the opportunity to fight Daijun. Now the Qin people are softened, and the king thinks the opportunity Here comes, Daijun has just expanded its army, and its military strength is not strong, and its combat effectiveness is relatively weak. The king thinks this is an opportunity. If over the past few years, these 50,000 soldiers can be trained to become elites and have undergone the tempering of war. It's harder to deal with."

Zhou Changshou's face changed color, "Taiwei, you have to prevent the incident from developing in this direction. This is a disaster for Zhao Guo."

Zhao Mu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid it's too late. I'm afraid that the king's sentence against Zilan will be sent out soon. Longevity, when have you seen our king is a persuaded king, and he has endured Zilan. For many years, now, he will no longer tolerate. Above political affairs, he has Zhao Qi, Zizhang and others to help, above military affairs, now also has Jing Rufeng, so he will no longer tolerate."

"Taiwei, what should I do now?" Zhou Changshou's face changed color. If things were as expected by Zhao Mu, Zhao's civil war would begin soon.

"What to do? What else to do? Defeat Zilan as quickly as possible and bring Daijun back. This is the only way to prevent Zhao Guo from suffering greater losses." Zhao Muhuo stood up, "Longevity, I I'm going back, and I will take away 10,000 standing troops. I will personally direct the battle in Daijun. This Yuyang matter can only be entrusted to you."

When things have reached this point, Zhou Changshou has nothing to say, and he can only sigh, "Don't worry, Taiwei, I will get things done."

"If the whole thing was planned by Tan Feng, then I am afraid that we will not be able to get much benefit from the Yuyang incident. We can take as many sites as we can. Don't be greedy. Don't miss the opportunity because of greed. "Zhao Mu exhorted.

"Yes, I understand that if things can't be done, we won't be forced, even if we can't get anything, as long as the five cities are well guarded, it will not be too late for us to plan Yuyang again after the lieutenant finishes this battle. "Zhou Changshou said.

"That's it!" Zhao Mu nodded with relief. "It's going to be one day and night to seek the world. Don't just look at the front, but see the pattern in a few years or even dozens of years later. In this game, we are already here. If you lose the first move, if you can't get back the advantage, you have to minimize the loss."

In an inconspicuous courtyard in Yuyang County, Tan Feng, dressed in plain clothes, looked at the information just returned in his hand and couldn't help laughing, "Zhao Mu, I would like to see it, under such circumstances~www. NovelMTL.com~ Do you still have the heart to conquer my big Yan’s Yuyang County? As soon as you leave, the mere longevity will be in my eyes. If he dares to come, I will dare to swallow it. You have taken my big Yan. In the five cities of China, how can I be willing, Dayan, one day, if you take ours, you have to return it to me, and if you eat ours, you have to vomit it out to me."

Almost at the same time, in the Hangu Pass, Zhong Li had a relaxed face and was confronting Li Xin, "Is there any intervention in this matter?" Li Xin asked with a smile.

"A little bit of effort!" Zhong Li picked up a black piece and placed it on the chessboard, "Zao Wou-ki made Jing Rufeng kill more than 20,000 Da Qin Jian'er, so I wanted to let him shed several times as much blood as Zhao Ren. "

"Sure enough, it's a good method." Li Xin put Bai Zi on the chessboard and smiled and looked at Zhong Li: "Master Hou, you lose!"

Zhong Li looked at the chess game, shook his head and sighed, "The general world has a lot of tactics in his chest. Contending with the general on this chessboard, how can I win the opportunity." Reached out his hand and messed up the chess pieces, "But this Tan Feng, it is. A good opponent. This matter makes me admire!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to ***(***.***)) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.***.*** to read.)

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