I’m The King

Chapter 471: : The whole city prepares for battle

On the stone city, everyone watched Ye Chong with red eyes, all over his body braved the flames, and rushed out from the tunnel on the top of the mountain with firemen, holding big knives, spears, and roaring to initiate the final impact. Seeing the fire men holding Yan Jun rolling down the gentle slope, everyone in the city screamed like a wolf.

"Shoot, aim at those **** and shoot them to death!" Ye Zhen bite out blood on his lips.

The bed crossbow was pulled away squeaky, and with a sharp howling, it shot down the city wall, shot across the moat, and flew towards the Tianhe County soldiers. Stone bullets leaped into the air from the back of the city, crossed the city wall, and fell to the outside of the city. The soldiers from Tianhe County rushed towards the moat, carrying soil bags. Countless soldiers holding crossbows in their arms stood up from behind the battlements, the sound of morpholino lingering in the ears, and the darkness enveloped them like a locust.

In the past several tentative attacks by Tianhe County soldiers, the city did not reveal their long-range attack strength. These things were originally intended to be given to the Zhao State Standing Army. Now, because of the heroic sacrifice of Ye Chong and others on Jishi Mountain. , The angry Ye Zhen commanded Jishi City, showing their fangs.

In Jishi City, there are more than 10,000 artisans with a population of 100,000. And because Gao Yuan was in the beginning of the city, it was predicted that there would be a battle sooner or later. Therefore, in Jishi City, there are a lot of war materials stored, like crossbows and slings. There are countless long-range weapons like planes, and the arrows are piled up in warehouses.

Jushi City is a pentagonal bastion, without any defensive corners. Attacking any city wall will be hit by a joint blow from the other city wall. Under the city, it will cause the greatest damage to the enemy, so as to reduce the casualties of your own fighters during the final hand-to-hand combat. , Is the original intention of Gao Yuan.

At this time, when the Jishicheng city, which had been stunned and uncomfortable, first showed its skills, the soldiers of Tianhe County fell out of luck. They never expected that the long-range strike weapons on the city were so dense and covered such a wide range. They had already dispersed in formation, but they still fell in pieces in the rain of arrows and stone bullets.

Ji ruthlessly, frightened and angry, ordered the flag to flutter, and the soldiers of Tianhe County retreated like a tidal wave. At this moment, among the Yan army's middle army, the gong for withdrawing troops rang in due course.

Ye Zhen looked at the Yanjun banner that was already flying on Jishi Mountain at this time, gritted his teeth, "Come on, come, how much I will destroy! Brother Ye Chong, your heroic spirit is not far away, so he opened his eyes on Jishi Mountain. Watch me take revenge for you!"

Staring at Jishi Mountain for a long while, Ye Zhen turned around abruptly and strode towards the city. When he walked into the general's mansion, all the generals had already been gathered in Jishi City. In the first battle, Jishishan was lost, and the five hundred brothers died before, and everyone's faces were a little heavy. Even Jiang Jiaquan's face is sinking.

"We expected everything, but the only thing we didn't expect was that the standing army of the Zhao country turned out to be tens of thousands to attack us." Jiang Jiaquan said solemnly: "This is indeed beyond our current ability. Are you afraid? "

"Not afraid!"

"Fear of him shit!"

"**Dog* raised!"

Inside the room, the generals pulled out their knives and roared. Today, watching Ye Chong on Jishi Mountain and his 500 heroes die, they are powerless and unable to save each other, and their anger has already burned people.

"Okay, what I want is this energy!" Jiang Jiaquan clapped his hands and applauded, "Jishi City is like a golden soup. As long as it is up and down, the army and the people will work together to make the enemy come back. Now the general should be on the way back. We just need to persist. When the general returns, he will be able to sweep the enemy. Ye Zhen!"

"The end will be!"

"You are responsible for commanding the defense of the city!"

"I will obey!"

"Wu Kai!"

"The next official is here!"

"You are responsible for organizing all the logistics supplies, and you must not let the combat soldiers eat a bite of food and drink a bite of water."

"Don't worry, Changshi, my Wu family has taken out 10,000 catties of good wine. I want all soldiers to drink not only water, but also wine!" Wu Kaiyang said.

Hearing Wu Kai's words, the generals in the room all laughed.

"It's good to have alcohol to inspire morale, but don't let them get drunk!" Jiang Jiaquan also showed a rare smile on his face. "Thank you Lord Wu, who actually used private property to labor, thank you!"

"Why is there any thanks? I have known General Gao for so many years. For the grasshopper on a rope, for his foundation, let alone 10,000 catties of wine, or 100,000 catties, I am willing!"

"Okay!" The generals clapped vigorously. After the Wujia Winery moved to Jishi City, the wine brewed has long abandoned low-end products, and all the products produced are high-end products. His price, even if they are, buy When I came to drink, I felt distressed.

"Cao Sima!" Jiang Jiaquan pressed his hands and calmed everyone down. "Your task is to urge the craftsmen in the city to produce a large number of arrows, knives and guns, as well as catapults, bed crossbows, and the loss of the war will be astonishing. I don't want the bows and crossbows in the hands of the soldiers to lose their arrows. , Trebuchets cannot be supplemented!"

"Understand!" Cao Tiancheng stood up and said loudly.

"Guo Quan." Jiang Jiaquan clicked another person's name.

Guo Quan, who was standing by the door, did not expect Jiang Jiaquan to call his name. He was shocked, and quickly stood up, bowed and said, "Master Chang Shi, I don't know what's your order?" He is just one of Wu Kai's men. Little Gong Cao, Jishicheng defended such a major event, he originally thought there was nothing he could do.

"Guo Gongcao, you have been responsible for the construction of this stone city. I have heard from the general that the sewer tunnel in this stone city is very spacious and can almost be used to walk inside. Where is the exit? The opponent noticed that it was not a trivial matter to touch it in."

Guo Quan said with a smile: "Don’t worry, adults, there are four exits, but when they leave the city, they are gradually scattered into countless small passages. Dogs are almost the same, and people are definitely not allowed. What's more, we were at these entrances at the time. There are also some organs set up in the office, and it is true that they have people about the size of a dog getting in, that is a dead end."

"That's good!" Jiang Jiaquan said: "I'm relieved, but just in case, you have to organize some young and strong people to guard there. If something happens, you must report it immediately."

"Yes, Long History, I'll do it right away!" Guo Quan turned around and wanted to do it.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Jiaquan stopped him. "You are familiar with the masons and masons in the city. You can weave the threads of those who have not joined the reserve team, and polish the stone bullets. It is best to sling stones. The stone bullets of the aircraft are polished into a spherical shape, which can increase the lethality."

"Yes, not only these people can do this job, but the elderly, women, and children can also do it. After you get off the government, you will immediately organize people to do it."

"Okay, your suggestion is good. Anyone who is idle can do something to help us defend the city. Van Dengke, half of the residents in the city are from Langya County. You turned out to be their leader, so this time, On their side, you have to run more."

"Yes, long history!" Van Denke nodded repeatedly.

"The head of Helan, Mrs. Gongsun!" Jiang Jiaquan had a smile on his face, "The Huns in the city account for 30%, so it's up to you two."

He Lanyan raised her eyebrows: "As for this comforting matter, please ask Mrs. Gongsun to worry a lot. I will take the cavalry with you to prepare for battle."

"That's fine, Mrs. Gongsun, I'm tired!" Jiang Jiaquan smiled and looked at Mrs. Gongsun.

"My lord, don't worry, I will do this."

"If this is the case, the others will go and do their own things, and the leading generals will stay and discuss with General Ye how to defend the city and kill the enemy. General Ye is an expert in this area and the main general of the defense this time. Others, etc., must strictly abide by the order and must not slightly violate the order."

"Yes!" Tang Ming, Wang Yi and other generals took their orders in awe.

The civilian officials left one after another. Only the generals were left in the house. He Lanyan suddenly said, "General Ye, today the Yan army won the battle. I think I will be very proud of it. Or I will take the cavalry to the camp tonight and kill them. A handful. Revenge for Ye Chong."

When Jiang Jiaquan heard this, he was also moved by it, "General Ye Zhen, what do you think?"

"No!" Ye Zhen shook his head, "Helan teacher, Chang Shi, our opponent is not ordinary people, although Hu Yanchao is not well-known, but this person has been step by step since childhood ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ combat experience It is extremely rich, and Tan Feng is even more cunning and wise. This person is from a cavalry background and has a deep understanding of cavalry coming and going like the wind. Even if they don’t know that there are cavalry in our city, they will definitely prevent us from robbery and go out. It will inevitably not benefit, and it will also reveal the secret of the existence of a cavalry in our city, the head of Helan, I have told you before, when the most critical moment, when they think we are already on a budget. At that time, two thousand cavalry attacked suddenly, and they would surely be able to defeat them. These days, I asked the coach Helan to endure them well, so that they screamed. When the time comes, they will definitely be fierce and fierce. Stop a hundred!"

"Well, since you said that, then I'll just wait!" The proposal was rejected, and He Lanyan was a little startled.

"Teacher Helan, you are not idle these days. Your two thousand cavalrymen are different from the cavalry under Bai Yucheng. The old are the old and the young are young. It's no longer possible to open the bow right away. I have made Cao Tian be each of them. Equipped with a crossbow, when charging, it should be of great use."

"One crossbow per person!" He Lanyan was surprised and delighted. This type of crossbow is a continuous crossbow, which can shoot three at a time. It is very powerful. When the high expedition and the infantry are going to meet, they have almost emptied their inventory. Empty, unexpectedly, within a short period of time, another batch was created in the city. "With such a good guy, if we meet each other, Yan Jun will definitely suffer a big loss!" She said with joy. rs()

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