I’m The King

Chapter 470: : Dead Fight (Part 2)

The Tianhe County soldiers who attacked Jishi City were still launching a tentative offensive. They didn't even approach the moat. The two sides were just using trebuchets and crossbows to bombard Jishi Mountain. From the very beginning, Jishi Mountain entered a white-hot stage.

There was no temptation, no feint attack. From the very beginning, it was a cruel fight for life and life for life. Its tragic level caused Hu Yanchao and Tan Feng under the banner of the Yanjun Army to frown deeply. .

On Jishi Mountain, there were only a few hundred defenders, but the attackers were more than ten times theirs. The first wave of troops directed by Lei Jin from the forward battalion alone reached two thousand.

There is nothing wrong with Lei Jin's style of play. The only thing he didn't expect was that the defenders on this mountain were so fierce and undaunted to die. At this point in the battle, seeing the first wave of 2,000 people in less than an hour, With nearly a thousand casualties, Lei Jin's eyes were red, and he immediately plunged into the second wave of new forces to replace the first wave of attackers.

The second wave of two thousand people plunged into the battlefield. The battle was finally reversed. The mountain roads fell one after another. He Chong took the survivors back to the last line of defense. In front of them, there was a gentle **** about 100 meters wide. Here, the enemy has begun to form a formation, and their geographical advantage has been further weakened.

Standing on the last mountain road, Lei Jin looked at the top of the mountain. With one hundred meters left, he could capture the opponent's position and wipe out his opponents. But this one hundred meters would inevitably be stained with blood, but the battle will reach this time. , There is no longer any hesitation. Between the wave of hands, with the iron shield on one side in front, Yan Junmao leaned on his waist, hiding his body behind the shield wall as much as possible, and began to push forward.

"Rolling wood!" He Chong wiped the blood on his face and shouted. He didn't know when he was injured, and blood flowed down from his head, covering his eyes from time to time, and the scenery in front of him became blood red.

The ramp is smooth, without any obstructions. The rolling logs were thrown down from the top of the ramp, and rolled down the long ramp. The shield soldiers were smashed into chaos by the rolling logs amidst an exclamation of exclamation, and they turned their backs on their backs.

Without the protection of the shield soldiers, the soldiers behind were immediately exposed to the range of the crossbow arrows on the top of the mountain. Amidst the roar of morpholine arrows, one by one soldiers planted on the ground and rolled down the ramp. .

"Put me a wooden stake on the ramp to stop the rolling wood." Lei Jin ordered.

The shield soldiers regrouped. Behind them, the soldiers who followed used sledgehammers to smash wooden piles into the ground every few meters. As the shield soldiers advanced layer by layer, the hillside was covered with wooden piles. When the rolling logs were put down again, after smashing a few stakes, they stopped and could no longer cause any more damage.

Rolling wood is reactive. Yan Jun's morale immediately rose, and his upward speed immediately increased greatly.

"All crossbow arrows, throw them!" He Chong picked up a stone, "While the devil is hiding from the arrow. Use the stone to kill these bastards!"

One after another, the crossbow arrows were thrown into the air, and then turned their heads down and got into the crowd, disturbing the attacking crowd. The shields were raised to the top of the head to resist the sharp arrows falling from the top of the head.

"Smash!" He Chong jumped up, lifting a stone with both hands. Smashed down hard. The stone rolled and fell to the ground, bounced up, and headed downward at a faster speed.

Countless stones were thrown out by the soldiers of the East Army, tumbling, jumping, and rushing towards the Yan army. Wooden stakes can stop the rolling logs, but they have no choice but to do with these round stones.

On the gentle slope, countless Yan army lay down again.

In the distance, Hu Yanchao's eyes twitched, holding the handle of the knife in his hand, and looking back at Tan Feng, "Master Tan, I will go personally."

Tan Feng shook his head, "No, they are at the end of their crossbows. Tell Lei Jin to throw fire bombs on me with a trebuchet, and scorch them with fire. Simple stone bombs won't work on them, they won't hit them, but fire Well, it's different."

Hu Yanchao was startled and couldn't help but patted his head. He was really confused. There were so many trees planted on the top of Jishi Mountain. Together with the big fire, even the iron men would be burnt so hard that they would not come out. Once they came out, it was their end.

"Come on!" Hu Yanchao stretched out his hand, "Get some grease from the logistics, tell Lei Jin, use fire to ignite the trees on the mountain, and force these tortoises with heads out."

Seeing the soldiers flying away, Tan Feng shook his head, "The soldiers from the East are good at fighting and have a well-deserved reputation. When I was in Yuyang and worked with Gao Yuan, his soldiers were not as fierce as they are today. Only two years. His soldiers went up to the next level. This person is really a talent."

Hearing Tan Feng sighed and sighed, Hu Yanchao couldn't help but squinted at Tan Feng, "Since the commander Tan is so cherishing his talents, why must he put this person to death?"

Tan Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, "You don't know this person. I want to kill him for two reasons. One is that if this person and Langya County want to get one out of the other, I want Langya. Langya has millions of people, There are countless fertile fields, and the rich is second only to Tianhe County. Gaoyuan does not die, and Langya cannot be nationalized. Then, no matter how rich he is, what does it have to do with Dayan, it just fattened Ye's and then fattened him. Second, this person has. He was talented, but he was not necessarily loyal to Dayan. He just built a city privately here, recruited the Huns, attacked Hejian, and almost wiped out Yan Shenghao’s strength. What does this mean? Do you believe he was doing it for his father-in-law? Tone? I'm afraid that the drunkard's intention is not in the bar? General Hu, think about it, now Liaoxi is abolished. If you don't kill Gaoyuan, do you think Zhang Junbao is his opponent? I'm afraid that after a few clicks, Liaoxi will return to Gaoyuan. If Langya, Liaoxi, and Hejian County are all returned to Gaoyuan, are we Dayan still Dayan? With this talent, we might change our surname to Gaoyuan."

Hu Yanchao was silent.

"At the Niulanshan Camp, I discussed deeply with you and reached your consensus. This time the king and I, Zhou Yu, conspired to overthrow Lord Ning, and all the feudal lands headed by Lord Zhou were returned to their fiefdoms. State-owned, and then gradually establish a system of prefectures and counties like the Qin State, and do our utmost to strengthen the centralization of power, gather the power of the whole country, and prepare for possible dramatic changes in the future. It has always been smooth, but there is absolutely nothing I thought that our conquest of Donghu would fail."

Having said this, Tan Feng hung his head deeply, his frustration could not be concealed, "A campaign without suspense, and finally became like this, Taiwei Zhou could hardly escape his guilt. If it weren't for his greed of merit. If you advance rashly, but fight steadily, how could this be the case? Time is also fate. The original plan was for me to win Lord Ning, and after Taiwei Zhou defeated Donghu, he would definitely lose Gaoyuan. When he moves back to the DPRK, with Zhou Yu as a testimony, we can use this as a reason. In addition to Zhou Taiwei's other illegal activities, we will take Zhou Taiwei again. In this way, I am done. I have been in charge of Yan Lingwei for more than two years, and I have basically controlled Yan Lingwei in a quiet time. This is also the reason that Lord Baining trusts me so much. And with Zhou Yu, we can also firmly control the standing army, this way The smooth transition. It was originally the most stable, but we lost almost every game when we defeated Donghu!"

Hu Yanchao nodded, "The painstaking efforts of Commander Tan and General Zhou. In the Niulanshan camp, I already understand. I naturally support the two who want to revitalize Dayan. Both of you are sons of Guijie. I heard of Master Ning. There is the only daughter Xu Pei Tan, and General Zhou Yu is a member of the Zhou clan. Although he is a member of the Zhou clan, he has not appeared in the five clothes. Both of them can be like this. I, Hu Yanchao, a civilian background, and An Neng will not help me. I just don't understand, you two..."

"Are you trying to say why we want to exterminate relatives righteously?"

Hu Yanchao's mouth twitched slightly, but it was hard for him to say this.

"If the skin is not there, Mao will be attached?" Tan Feng was silent for a long while, "If even Dayan can't keep it, what family are you talking about? Zhao Guo is now strong in the outside world, but there are still people like Zhao Mu and others. As soon as Zilan goes, the country of Zhao will collapse, and the Qin people will come from the east. What do we take to protect ourselves? We are like this. Not only can we save Dayan, but it is also an act of preserving the family. Zhou family, because Zhou Yu and I will not suffer from the end of Ye family and Linghu family, just stinging for a few years. Therefore, General Hu used this righteousness to destroy relatives, but it was only Zhou. The clan and the Ning clan are only a clan, the loss is nothing more than some wealth. The fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders, and these wealth will eventually flow into Dayan’s treasury and become swords, guns, bows and arrows, and war horses. If the people of Qin come in the future, Then it will all belong to outsiders."

"Can't Zhao Guo stop the Qin people?" Hu Yanchao asked in surprise: "They are a big country second only to Qin."

"If Zilan is King Zhao, it is still possible. Within Zilan and outside Zhao Muzhu, the Kingdom of Zhao must be strong enough to threaten the Kingdom of Qin, but it is precisely because the two are too strong that Zao Wou-ki is extremely jealous of them. Zilan was kicked out of Handan. Although Zhao Mu was reactivated, he still kept his elbows. Zhao Qi went back!" Tan Feng sneered, "Zao Wou-ki seems to be shrewd and capable, but he is short-sighted. Not perish in his hands, and the future perish will inevitably be the grave he dug."

"What should I do now?" Hu Yanchao looked at the Jishishan in the fierce battle, with sadness in his eyes.

"People are not as good as the sky. We have counted everything, but we have not counted that Taiwei Zhou will fail. But the arrow is on the line and I have to send it. Since the facts are unchangeable, we will try to recover some losses as much as possible." Tan Feng The depression on his face gradually disappeared, "Fortunately, Dong Husuopu is a sober person~www.NovelMTL.com~ In this way, we have room for buffering. As long as the high powers are eliminated, we will stabilize the situation in the East. , Take back Liaoxi, Langya, and Yan Shenghao of Hejian since he has no capital, let him go to the elderly. With these places as capital, there is finally the capital to make money. Since Thorpe is willing to do business with us, then we will do it. Satisfy him, exchange the horses, form a powerful cavalry, can recruit the Huns at a high level, can't we?"

"Commander Tan, have you ever thought about what should we do if we fail to wipe out Gaoyuan?" Hu Yanchao asked.

Tan Feng's body shook, and it took a while before he said: "So Zhou Yu went to the grassland, and I transferred you here. We can't afford to lose this battle. If we lose, Dayan will lose. So, General Hu, Please work hard!"

Tan Feng owed his body immediately.

Hu Yanchao turned his head silently and looked at Jishi Mountain. There was already a sea of ​​flames. In the sea of ​​flames, the Eastern Army in navy costumes rushed out. Most of them were burning with flames. Holding the sword and gun in this way, along the gentle **** towards the attacking Yan army, they launched the last attack of their lives.

"Jishi Mountain is taken!" Hu Yanchao sighed, "Next, let us break through the Jishi City!" (To be continued...) u

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