I’m The King

Chapter 461: : Gale rises (3) 100,000 soldiers surnamed 100,000 soldiers

Standing on the city wall, this big figure from Jicheng was pale, with his hands tucked in his wide sleeves, his hands were very tightly clenched, making his entire arms tremble. I don't know if it was because of anger or because of the situation on Jishi Mountain. It's too tragic.

Countless torches lit up on the mountain, reflecting the zigzag passage of the whole Jishi Mountain, but on the smooth mountain road, there are corpses lying and endless blood flowing, forming along the edge of the road. There was a curtain of blood, from top to bottom, covering the road below, making everything in front of me seem a little hazy.

The blood-colored rain curtain and the misty mist looked beautiful, but in fact they were extremely cruel.

Except for the rows of crossbowmen on the top of the mountain, there is nowhere to see the soldiers of the Eastern Army, but the assaulting Liaoxi County soldiers fell in rows because more attacks came from the underground.

Zhang Zhuo couldn't do it. At this time, he already knew where the attack came from, but he couldn't break it, and he couldn't even get close.

The sneak attack, which was thought to be unconscious, turned out to be under the control of the enemy, and they have even been walking under the enemy's eyelids for a long time.

"Retreat, retreat!" Zhang Zhuo shouted hoarsely.

He was lying on the ground, unable to stand, and everyone who was standing was shot down. This was the most constrained battle Zhang Zhuo had fought in his entire life. He even saw the enemy's face and suffered heavy casualties.

No one could have imagined that the Zhengdong Army had created such a perverted bunker.

He couldn't stand up, he could only go straight down the mountain road, and with a bang, he fell down, but he didn't feel very painful, because he was lying on his body.

Dare not stay. Because on this road, the arrow was also roaring, and Zhang Zhuo continued to roll down.

The third man, because he did not step into the deadly trap. It is still intact at the moment. But that violent attack had obviously destroyed all their confidence. They retreated directly to the foot of the mountain.

The Liaoxi County soldiers who had retreated from the mountain road after Zhang Zhuo had stopped less than two out of ten stops, it can be said that the whole army was annihilated.

On the zigzag mountain road, in an instant. There was only a dead body, blood.

On the top of the mountain, He Chong jumped to the top of the stone fort, holding a flag of the Eastern Army in his hand, waving desperately, and the flag was hunting in the night breeze.

"Zhengdong Army. Wan Sheng!" He Chong shouted loudly.

Rows of soldiers jumped out of the hidden place, followed He Chong, shouting loudly.

"Conquering the Eastern Army, Wan Sheng!"

Down the mountain. Above the city wall, the soldiers excitedly waved the banners and weapons in their hands, and responded to the cheers from the top of the mountain with the same shouts.

The cheers of the mountain whistling and tsunami passed from the mountain to the city wall, and then from the city wall to the city. In a moment, the same cheers came from the whole stone city.

The shouts of more than 100,000 people shook the world, not far from the Liaoxi County Soldier Camp and the Tianhe County Soldier Camp, whether it was soldiers or generals, they were all discolored for it.

The besieged city is so afraid that there is no shortage of food and grass in the city, water, all people are united, and there are many examples of unbreakable siege for more than ten years in history.

The people in Jishi City have reason to be happy.

The Huns in the city were happy because they had just got rid of the war and lived a stable life for a few days. There were land to cultivate, pastures to graze, and the army to support them. The slaves from Langya County were happy because they were here. , Getting rid of the status of a slave and owning his own property, which was unimaginable in the past.

But a few days before the good days have passed, the enemy will come. These people want to take away the happiness that belongs to them, so what do they do?


Destroy these invaders and defend your property. u

Tan Feng's face was ugly, and he walked back in his sleeves amidst the waves of shouts that were like a big wave.

Zhang Junbao's face was pale, and his muscles were shaking like a convulsion. This death is the root of his survival! So easily, without any harvest, he was killed like a pig and a sheep.

In the city, Jiang Jiaquan turned and looked at the big man from Jicheng with a smile.

"The imperial court did not know what it was for, and insisted on giving General Gao a charge of Litong Donghu. In fact, anyone who understands knows that General Gao cannot have anything to do with Donghu, not to mention the size of General Gao and Donghu in the past two years. Tens of thousands of Donghu people were killed in the battle of Xiaobai. It was General Gao's father who was killed at the hands of Donghu people." He shook his head and sighed, "I am all devoted to the bright moon, so how can the bright moon shine in the ditch!" "

The special envoy's face was still pale. Hearing Jiang Jiaquan’s words, he seemed to have grasped some life-saving straw. "Jiang Changshi, I am not sure about this matter, and Jicheng Chaotang is not clear about it. Everything is done by Tan. The commander and Lord Chunyu are operating. Perhaps General Gao really has wronged it, but it is always wrong for the two armies to confront each other. Why don't Jiang Changshi stop and let me go to Jicheng and tell the king to understand?"

Jiang Jiaquan looked up to the sky and laughed, "General Gao once said that one's own destiny must not be in the hands of others. If you want to obtain equal right to dialogue, it is a fight, not a lip service, please turn your head back."

The envoy turned his head back with Jiang Jiaquan’s fingers in a puzzled manner. At this time, the city still resounded with the cry of the Eastern Army’s victory.

"One inch of rivers and mountains, one inch of blood, one hundred thousand people and one hundred thousand soldiers, in this city, there are one hundred thousand people who follow General Gao to the death, if you want to fight, then come! But let's see who has the last laugh!"

The envoy looked at Jiang Jiaquan's waving arms, the tall goatee, and the inviolable awe-inspiring momentum, and he shrank his neck subconsciously.

"If Jiang Changshi can let me go, then I will return to Jicheng immediately and report the situation to the king. At the moment, foreign enemies are watching and fighting is a stupid act. General Gao is the pillar of the country and must not destroy the Great Wall by himself. !" Perceiving his gaffe, the envoy was a little ashamed, but still did not give up the opportunity to save himself.

Jiang Jiaquan smiled slightly, "Although I have enough food in the city of Jishi, there is no food for you. Go ahead, the two armies are at war, don’t behave, I’ll be upright and upright, I’m worthy of heaven, and I don’t want to be downright. Zuo Ren, how can you be embarrassed, but at this time you can't open the gate of the city. Come here, get the rope!"

In the Tianhe County Bing Camp, Tan Feng sat after the big case with an extremely gloomy face. This time the encirclement and suppression was high, and he saw incredible scenes one after another.

First, it was like a stone city that suddenly appeared in the depths of the grassland, the existence of that monster.

Then he heard the cry that shook the sky.

The strongest thing in the world is not the city wall, but the human heart.

And now, in the city of Jishi, there is a solid heart.

"Come here, go to Niulanshan Camp, and transfer Hu Yanchao's 20,000 standing army to help immediately!" In the silence, Tan Feng's orders did not cause any ambiguity. At this time, this place, this situation, and the situation, the generals present have nothing. One still thinks that with their current strength, they can still take down this stone city.

But Tan Feng thought more, Gao Yuan was already preparing, then, can Zhou Yu, who is blocking him in the depths of the grassland, win? The originally determined psychology was shaken at this time.

In the best case, Zhou Yu destroyed the stone city by himself.

In the worst case, if Gaoyuan breaks through, destroys the stone city by himself or died in battle at Gaoyuan, the stone city still exists.

In the worst case, Jishicheng stood still.

If it were the third situation, I would lose in a mess, because I lost not only this war, but also Dayan's future.

I must not allow this to happen. So, just throw it all alone. The 20,000 soldiers in the Niulanshan camp under the command of Hu Yanchao, who was supposed to be transferred to the Yuyang front line, were all transferred here to make a thunderous strike. With the momentum of Mount Tai, crushing the copper pill in front of him.

Even if he returns from afar and without Jishicheng, he can only become a stray bandit. Without a place to settle down, and a foundation for development, he will always be the disease of Dayan's scabies, but not It is a confession.

"Tomorrow attacking the city, first look for their weaknesses on defense!"

Dayan Ridge by the side of Dayan Prefecture, Dayan Ling descends to conquer the Eastern Army.

The three thousand soldiers of the Eastern Army, although their armors are in chaos, are full of spirits. At the forefront, one thousand infantrymen with swords in their hands are stepping on heavy footsteps, making slow and determined assaults, and the big swords raised high are reflected. The sun was shining with awe-inspiring sharpness. Behind them, the other two thousand-person phalanx came to a close. In the middle of the character-shaped formation, a high-character flag fluttered in the wind, holding a knife high and square, in the middle of his body. Around Zhou, He Lanxiong's cavalry shuttled back and forth in the middle of the formation of the character shape, but did not draw the bow.

Above the Dayan Ridge, Zhou Yuling waved the flag, and the cavalry rushed down, toward the advancing expedition army by the side of Dayan Lake.

Zhou Yu stared at the charge of the cavalry. He didn't understand why the high-reaching cavalry didn't come forward and why the high-reaching infantry didn't change their formations~www.NovelMTL.com~ In their eyes, it seemed that there was only the three thousand standing army in front of them. Formed an attacking phalanx.

He looked at his cavalry, his pupils suddenly shrank, and everything that came into his eyes suddenly made him think of a possibility, and suddenly, the hissing of his lungs roared.

"Do not!"

At this time, the charging cavalry, the Huns who took refuge in, fell behind the charging standing army cavalry as a whole, and this is impossible under normal circumstances, because the Xiongnu’s riding skills are compared with the standing army cavalry. Skills are much better, and there is no reason why their charge is slower than the standing army.

Zhou Yu's roar hadn't completely subsided, and Luoley and Helianbo had already grinned.

"Kill!" The two roared in unison, the horses under the hips suddenly accelerated, the scimitars in their hands were raised high, and they fell heavily, but the target was the unsuspecting cavalry of Yan State's standing army who were charging in front of them.

The blood suddenly appeared, the head of the man flew high, but the horse carrying the headless body was still moving forward.

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