I’m The King

Chapter 460: : The gale rises (2) The arrow comes from the netherworld

Jishi Mountain is such an important place, it is naturally impossible for the East Army to not send people to guard it, but considering that the current Jishi City must be seriously insufficient, no matter how important Jishi Mountain is, we can’t give up and station a large number of elites in Jishi City, so Tan Feng Decided to launch a sneak attack on Jishi Mountain while convicting someone to surrender, and hit the opponent by surprise. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

This task fell on Zhang Junbao. At the second hour of the shift, Zhang Zhuo, the first general under Zhang Junbao's command, set out with a thousand soldiers.

These thousand people are not the army that Zhang Junbao put together after taking the Liaoxi County, but a part of the former Liaoxi County Army Central Army, brave and good at fighting, as the first fire in the attack on Jishi City. Zhang Junbao naturally wanted to make this fire flourish, and he would also use this to prove his worth in front of Tan Feng and prove that Tan Feng's choice was not wrong, and Zhang Junbao was a person worthy of entrusting him with an important task.

There is only one passage to the top of Jishi Mountain. Although it looks spacious, it is not a straight road. Every time you move forward, you turn to an angle. Although Zhang Zhuo's character is worrying, he was able to rank Lu Hong, Huang Desheng, Above Gu Changwei and others, there are naturally talented people who have learned, otherwise, it would be impossible to actually take charge of the commanding position of the strongest Chinese army in Liaoxi County.

He personally took a thousand people to attack the mountain. Naturally, he attached great importance to this battle, and now Zhang Junbao’s subordinates really can’t come up with any decent generals. Originally, Wu Yingdong was not bad, but it was a pity that Jiang Jiaquan and Ye It's really on the grassland.

This road is naturally not built like this accidentally, but deliberately. The zigzag road is extremely steep on both sides, with strange rocks, as long as the opponent is sealed at a high place. The entire road is within the scope of the attack.

In this battle, the first thing is a sudden, if you can reach more than half a mountain before the opponent finds it. Then this battle is very sure. With the strength of this soldier in his own hands, he paid a certain price. It is enough to occupy the entire Jishishan. Zhang Zhuo could see clearly in the daytime. After climbing to the middle of the mountain, the ZigZag road had only two bends. Then the hillside opened up, the **** slowed down, and the road became straighter. At this point, the soldiers and horses are sufficient.

In order to confuse his opponent, Tan Feng has also laid down his capital. Once he launches an offensive here, the special envoy who enters the city for negotiations will inevitably be dead. And that person, but an adult Tan Feng brought from Jicheng, was his confidant. If he misses here, Tan Feng will be in vain. Will anger yourself.

In order to ensure the success rate of the sneak attack, Zhang Zhuo even ordered his subordinates to remove the armor, and only wore a thin layer of leather armor. He was worried that the armor pages would collide with each other or accidentally hit the rocks to make a sound. And alarmed the defenders on the mountain. Everyone of these thousand people had a small wooden stick in their mouths, taking advantage of the night, silently began to march towards Jishi Mountain.

The 1,000 people were divided into three groups, each group separated by two zigzag roads. This arrangement can reduce casualties as much as possible. Once someone in front is discovered, the people outside can also have time to evacuate quickly. .

Zhang Zhuo's preparations and the deployment of military strength were not exhausted. Even any other generals could not pick out any flaws and could not do better than him.

But the only loophole, and the problem that no other generals can't solve, is that you have done your best, but you can't know what the enemy has made. This is the case with Zhang Zhuo now.

He didn’t know what arrangements were on this road or at the bottom of the road. He had observed it very carefully during the day, but he didn’t see any abnormalities, except for the row of forts on the top of the mountain that almost covered the entire mountain road. He didn’t notice. There are other defense facilities.

This also boosted his confidence.

But this is not the case.

On this mountain road composed of nearly ten zigzag roads, from one-third of the height, at every corner, there is a dark fort. These dark forts are all hidden under the huge rocks beside the road. After people enter, Pulling the camouflage up, there is only a gap that is not as wide as a slap. Above these gaps, there is a puff of withered grass, which perfectly covers the gap. Of course, this gap as large as a slap is not used to watch and watch. , But used to shoot the firing mouth of the repeating crossbow.

There are two such hidden forts at each crossing, and ten soldiers are hidden in each fort, but there are fifty such continuous crossbows, seven people shooting, and three people holding crossbows.

When the soldiers of Liaoxi County cautiously, lurking upwards along the mountain road like a ghost, they did not know that from both sides of the road, a pair of eyes were staring indifferently as they passed by without attacking, because they had not yet attacked. Get the signal of attack.

He Chong still squatted on the tallest fortress, his eagle-like eyes fixed on the lower mountain road. Before the enemy attacked Jishi City, they would definitely attack Jishi Mountain first. This was the consensus of Jiang Jiaquan and Ye Zhen, so , When the army attacking Jishi City approached here, the string in He Chong's mind broke tight.

The enemy was smarter than he thought, and it was divided into three parts. This made him a bit regretful, because he originally wanted to use the arrangement on the stone mountain to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop, but now, he can only do his best. It's time to annihilate the first two.

The foremost enemy has already reached the middle of Jishi Mountain, so I can’t hesitate anymore. Once the enemy has passed these last two passes, their people can expand. At that time, my own advantage was not so obvious. I looked back. He glanced behind him and sighed. It would be great if all the five hundred people under him were veterans. But now, he can't take the risk and kill the enemy with crossbow arrows and kill the enemy with knives and guns. They are two concepts. The former will not burden the murderer with much psychological burden, but the latter, when blood is splashed on your face, the weaker will collapse on their own.

With a chuckle, he slid down to the top of the fortress, stretched out his hand to pick up a pine oil torch, and lit it. Then, he reappeared at the top of the fortress without shouting or taunting. He just threw the pine oil torch high in his hand. Then, the flaming torch turned its head and brought out a bright band of light in the air, descending towards the mountain.

Accompanied by this firelight descending from the sky is the sound of morpholine swiftly fired by crossbow arrows.

Zhang Zhuo's first two works, the first with 300 people, and the second with 400 people, were completely exposed within the shooting range of these dark castles. Accompanied by the sound of arrows, the screams immediately sounded.

Rows after rows, one by one, fell to the ground like cropped wheat.

"Lie down, fall down!" Zhang Zhuo, who was in the second position, knew that the sneak attack was bankrupt when the torch fell from the sky. He was lying on the ground. There were people in front of and behind him who were shot to the ground by crossbow arrows. With the help of the soldiers' dead bodies, he managed to avoid the first round of crossbow shooting.

On the zigzag road, there was no one standing. The dead naturally lay down, and the living ones were also lying on the ground, not daring to raise their heads, because they could not tell where the crossbow bolts came from.

Zhang Zhuo lay on the ground, widened his eyes, desperately trying to see where the enemy's ambush was, but to his disappointment, he saw nothing except the jagged rocks.

After one round of firing, everyone lay down, but the deadly crossbow arrows also stopped.

Zhang Zhuo's heart sank, looking at the other party's response, it was obvious that these were all experienced veterans, silently ambushing, silently attacking, and silently waiting.

After retreating, Zhang Zhuo's mind spontaneously came up with this thought, but thinking of Zhang Junbao's instructions before leaving, thinking of Tan Feng's cold eyes, he was not reconciled, so why would he want to try again.

"Offensive!" he roared.

On top of his head, the first soldier got up from the ground with a roar, waved the steel knife in his hand, and rushed upward along the mountain wind. The open area was right in front of his eyes. When he rushed there, he could start the team. Shape, the attack of the bow and crossbow will no longer cause such a large amount of damage.

They just stood up, but they were greeted by storm-like crossbow arrows. Rain-like crossbow arrows covered the entire mountain road, tightly locking the way up the mountain.

Listening to the screams of the soldiers above his head, Zhang Zhuo was furious. Because of the terrain, he still did not see the massacre on his head.

"Go!" He jumped up, holding the corpse of a soldier in front of him. He rushed forward, and the sound of crossbow arrows pierced into the flesh immediately sounded, and the sound of porphyrism continued. This time, Zhang Zhuo finally saw it clearly, but the reality stunned him.

Those deadly crossbow arrows ~www.NovelMTL.com~ actually came from the ground.

At the end of the mountain road, a torch was suddenly lit, and rows of soldiers appeared. They held a longer-range crossbow and launched an attack towards the third assailant at the bottom.

In Jishi City, in the General’s Mansion, Tan Feng’s special envoy was spitting on Jiang Jiaquan’s utterances. Jiang Jiaquan sat still, listening to the envoy’s slobber, while waving his hand and reading the copy without stopping. Sometimes he raised his head and nodded as if encouragingly at the envoy, indicating that he was still listening. This made the bookkeeper who was tidying up the copywriting that Jiang Jiaquan reviewed could not help but almost laughed a few times.

"Chang Shi, Chang Shi!" Huang Zhan jumped into the door, "They started attacking Jishi Mountain, and there was a fight on Jishi Mountain."

The envoy's voice stopped abruptly, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Of course he understands that when he is trying to surrender, the offensive has begun. Then what is waiting for him!

Jiang Jiaquan stood up, rubbed his hands, smiled and said: "This lord, it seems that in the eyes of Commander Tan, you are just a bait that confuses us, let's go, let's watch this lively drama together. "

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