I’m The King

Chapter 457: : Infernal Affairs

Luo Feng did not expect that on such a major military issue, Gao Yuan would consult him, a newcomer who had just joined him. Looking at Gao Yuan, there was a rush of enthusiasm in his heart. The most rare thing in the world is trust. At that time, he saw trust in Gao Yuan's eyes.

But the more this happened, the less he could be casual, he lowered his head and pondered for a while, and asked: "General Gao, in your opinion, will Zhou Yu make surprise attacks or fight head-on?"

Gao Yuan nodded slightly. Luo Feng is a very thoughtful person. At least, he can think of this. It is not easy: "Based on what I know about Zhou Yu, this person is not good at making extraordinary things. Zhishi is fighting head-on, not to mention that, at this time, in his heart, I have no more than three or four thousand exhausted and depressed defeated soldiers in his hands. Naturally, he is going to crush me with the power of Mount Tai."

"If this is the case, Zhou Yu will definitely choose to fight our army in Dayan Prefecture."

"Dayan Prefecture?"

"Yes." Luo Feng carried the scabbard, stroking a few strokes on the ground at will, and drew the ground opening of Dayan Prefecture. "General Gao, every spring and summer in this Dayan Prefecture, there will be countless wild geese inhabiting here. It only migrates south in autumn, so it got its name. This Dayan State is close to Dayan Lake while leaning on Dayan Mountain. Whether it is Dayan Mountain or the dense forest on the state, it can hide a large number of troops, and even better The thing is, as long as we enter this area, Zhou Yu only has to set up heavy troops on the Dayan Ridge and block our army's back path with cavalry. We will have no way to go unless we jump into this lake."

"It's indeed a good place!" Gao Yuan looked at the terrain outlined by Luo Feng, "Can you go around to his back?"

Luo Feng shook his head, "It's not difficult to get around Dayan Lake, but in the surrounding area, there is only a high ground like Dayan Ridge. The general's attempt to attack him will not work."

"According to what you said, the conditions in Dayan Prefecture are pretty good in all aspects. Isn't there no Xiongnu tribe living here?"

Luo Feng smiled bitterly: "Of course there were in the past, and we were still the big tribes of the Huns, but the general should be clear about what happened in the past few years. The bigger the tribe of our Huns, the more miserable we will lose. Even the tribe was originally able to get most of thousands of horses, but it was all killed by the Qin army. There are not many soldiers left in the tribe, but it occupies such a good place, how can it not be coveted by people, in the past two years, There are small fights every day, and the war is a battle after a few months. Although they guarded this place, the whole clan has fallen to the same level as us. Six months ago, we Buyi passed by here and helped them fight. After a battle, I forged a little friendship. At that time, I persuaded them to go with me and don’t listen. Hey, where is Zhou Yu’s army now? If they don’t run away, I’m afraid the whole clan will be destroyed. After all, they are like General Gao. In this way, the Central Plains generals who do not hold prejudice against us alien races are rare, and can even be said to be rare."

Gao Yuan smiled slightly and stood up, "Well, in that case, let's fight a battle upright. Infantry!"

"What's the general's order to pay?" The infantry stood up quickly.

"Zhou Yu didn't know that you led the troops to arrive. What? You will be delayed, and you will be separated from us by dozens of miles."


"Lore, you are familiar with this area, so you will lead your tribe soldiers to scout ahead as a scout for the whole army."


"Other people, follow me on their way to Dayan Prefecture, let us give Zhou Yu a big awakening. I really want to see what he looks like when he discovers that my department is stronger than him!" Gao Yuan Haha smiled, "Tell my soldiers, the battle is about to begin again!"

Everyone burst into laughter, Zhou Yu only had more than 10,000 men and horses, and now they had nearly 7,000 foot soldiers in their hands, plus 3,000 cavalry, which was more than enough to deal with Zhou Yu.

The generals left one after another and returned to their own tribes. After a while, bursts of laughter came from all directions. Obviously, everyone understood that there was a battle waiting for them in front of them. Obviously, their own soldiers have come out of the shadow of Dong Hu's defeat.

In the Eastern Expedition Donghu, Gao Yuan led his troops to fought countless battles. Although every battle was won and the enemy annihilated was several times the number of casualties of the Eastern Army, from Gao Yuan’s point of view, it was still out-and-out. After losing a battle, he has never been driven by others like a dog.

He flattened his mouth inconspicuously, and his lofty eyes looked in the direction of Liaoxi, and looked at the location of Jishi City. There was not much suspense about the battle he was about to face, but Jishicheng made him a little worried.

Zhang Junbao is not to be worried about, but Tan Feng is different.

This time Tan Feng’s performance shocked Gao Yuan. He never thought that one day, Tan Feng would become his most terrifying opponent. Now, this fact is already in front of him. His previous impressions of Tan Feng , It turned out to be only on the surface, I have never really understood this person.

Thinking of his previous evaluation of Tan Feng, Gao Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

Okay, come on! Gao Yuan stretched out his hand and waved heavily in the air.

On Dayan Ridge, Zhou Yu was sitting on a stump at the highest point. It used to be a big tree that needed two people to hug. But now, he is only left with a short withered pile. The canopy of the trees on the sky over time has become a fertilizer that soaks the soil.

Holding a knife, Zhou Yu stared into the distance, from which direction would come a high army.

"General Zhou, will Gao Yuan definitely take this road? The prairie is so vast. If he doesn't take this road, we would have been waiting here for many days in vain?" Behind him, the partial general Zheng Han I have some doubts. Why must General Zhou think Gao Yuan would take this path?

"The prairie is indeed very big, but within a hundred miles, there is only a place like Dayan Lake!" Zhou Yu smiled, "there is only here where there is water. On the prairie, water is the foundation of survival, so he The reason why the family did not want to give up this place is because of the Big Wild Goose Lake." Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, they will come."

"Those Huns, what do you keep them for?" Thinking of those Huns, Zheng Han couldn't help but frown. "It's not my race, and their hearts will be different. For these barbarians, they should be killed. It's a disaster for the frontier again."

Zhou Yu laughed and said, "Zheng Han, I have been thinking over the years, whether it is Qin, Zhao, or our Yan, there is always only one strategy for these barbarians. Kill, kill for hundreds of years, and we will kill cleanly. No? No, in history, the Central Plains countries have killed the Huns and Donghu people several times more horribly than they are now, but the wildfires can't be burned, and the spring breeze blows again. Even if they kill them no matter how hard they are, it is too bad. In just a few decades, they will come back from the dead, and the misfortune is even worse than in the past. It is Gao Yuan, who has opened up a new path for us."

He turned his head to look at Zheng Han, "Since there is no end to killing, why not take them for your own use and slowly blend them?"

Zheng Han disagrees, "These barbarians are extremely vicious, how can there be such an easy thing?"

"Because it is not easy, it is fun to do. Gao Yuan’s cavalry is mostly the Huns. Do you know how Gao Yuan dealt with the Helan tribe? He issued these Huns cavalry a generous salary and allocated a lot of land to them. Teach them farming skills. In Fufeng and those who were educated, they actually accepted a lot of young people from the Helan tribe. Do you understand why Gao Yuan did this?"

"Gaoyuan is weak. In order to accept these Huns for their own use, I have to grant them some sweetness." Zheng Han smiled: "But this trick is really effective. Many Huns voted for him!"

Zhou Yu shook his head, "Zheng Han, you don't understand, Gao Yuan is digging the roots of the Huns. This method may be the slowest and the longest, but once he succeeds, hehe, it will definitely be the real root-cutting. Gao Yuan, a talented person, unfortunately, we are now sending him to hell. His existence has affected our plan to revitalize Dayan and has become a stumbling block for us. Langya must return to the court. In the western part of Liaoning, it is not allowed to reappear a cut-off force capable of responding to a hundred responses."

He looked at Zheng Han, "If it weren't for this, I would definitely keep this person. But Tan Feng was right. Thousands of horses often exist, but Bole doesn't often have them. Just clarify the management of officials, open up the way, and recruit talents, like Gaoyuan is such a dusty pearl. I, Dayan, will definitely have a lot, one less lofty, maybe we will gain more lofty. When Dayan becomes stronger, it will attract more talents to invest. This is a virtuous circle. Only in this way can I, Dayan, have long-term stability and the foundation to dominate the world. In this process, many people will fall. Lord Ning has fallen, Taiwei Zhou has fallen, Gao Yuan is about to fall, and maybe I will fall. He will also fall, and Tan Feng will fall, but as long as Dayan keeps moving forward, there is nothing to be a pity."

"The general's loyalty is a lesson from heaven and earth!" Zheng Han bowed, admiring the authenticity.

"Too many people have died!" Zhou Yu sighed: "But if we don't do this, more people will die. Qin is aggressive and we don't have much time. I only hope that I and Tan Feng have done all this. It's all worth it."

Zheng Han silently closed his mouth, and together with Zhou Yu, he looked towards Dayan Lake's road leading to the depths of the grassland, where hundreds of horsemen and horses were rushing toward him.

"It's a member of the Helian tribe, no, why are there other tribes?" Zheng Han narrowed his eyes.

"Maybe we will have some unexpected gains." Zhou Yu laughed.

Half an hour later ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Helianbo strode to Zhou Yu's front, "Helianbo has seen General Zhou. The general was ordered to investigate Gao Yuan's traces, and he had already received the news, so he rushed back to report. "

"Well, Gao Yuan has already appeared?"

"Yes, they are coming in this direction. They are still three days away from Dayan Prefecture. I have deployed sentries along the way. Every day someone will return to report their itinerary." Helianbo said loudly, and stopped for a while, Helian Bo again said: "The general is really a **** and man. There are only three to four thousand men in Gaoyuan's department now, and there are many wounded soldiers, and the logistics are in short supply. It is very miserable!"

Zhou Yu's expression changed, "How do you know so clearly? Is it possible that you have come to observe it?"

"No, no, no!" Helianbo repeatedly shook his head, "Even if there are only this number of people in Gaoyuan, my Helian tribe can't afford it now. This is what the Buyi people say."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pulled out a person from behind, "General Zhou, this is Lore of the Buyi tribe. They have fought against Gao Yuan. Lore, for you."

Lore, covered in blood and dirt, walked in front of Zhou Yu and bends down deeply, "Buyee Lore, I have seen General Zhou!"

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