I’m The King

Chapter 456: : Xin Qier

On the grass, everyone sat on the ground and looked around from afar. Sun Xiao, Zheng Xiaoyang, Meng Chong, Xu Yuan, Naha, Yan Haibo, Infantry, He Lanxiong and others lined up in a circle based on their original intentions. Since the army, everyone got together the most. It can be said that all the senior generals of the Eastern Army gathered together for the first time.

Looking out, the army gathered on all sides, six thousand infantry, three thousand cavalry, it can be said that the people are strong and the horses are strong, the dragons and the tigers are jumping, and they are much stronger than when they just set off from Fufeng. If it were not for the loss of three to four thousand people in Donghu this time, the Zhengdong Army would be even stronger.

Although so many people died in the battle, they caused even greater losses to the Donghu people. Unlike the Zhonglu Army Zhou Yuan, where tens of thousands of soldiers were trapped under the city, unable to advance or retreat, and destruction was imminent. Thinking of this, Gao Yuan Feel that you have the right to be proud.

Luo Feng, Luo Lei was invited to participate in this military meeting. With the strength of the Buyi clan, they are not as good as the Gongsun clan. The reason why they can appear here is that they are better than everyone else in the land under their feet. Be familiar with the migration all the way from Bato. On this road, every inch of mountains and rivers, they have flowed, walked, stationed and grazing.

"Duo Dayan's defeat in this battle has had a great impact!" A lofty gaze swept over everyone, especially staying longer on Luo Feng and Luo Lei. "One hundred thousand Great Yan standing army, the three or four achievements can be regarded as remarkable. Now, when Dayan is defeated, Zhao Guo, Zhao Muhu, and Qi Guotian single-handedly sharpen his sword, all wanting to get a piece of the pie, but Qin is so powerful, so needless to say, in this troubled and desperate autumn, I Dayan up and down It was supposed to work together to overcome the difficulties, but above the court, it was the traitorous minister who was in charge. He even framed my Litong Donghu and colluded with the Donghu people so that the defeat of the Donghu campaign was really ridiculous. Want to cut off the dissidents. It’s shameless to control the court and turn black and white in disregard of the country’s righteousness."

Hearing Gao Yuan’s words, Sun Xiao, Yan Haibo and others were filled with outrage, and Naha jumped up all of a sudden, “Mom, I’m a fool. When Laozi followed the general to fight the Donghu people, they were still drinking and drinking in Jicheng. These years, There are tens of thousands of Donghu people who died in our hands. If it weren't for them to make trouble, the general would surely be able to kill Donghu step by step in a few years. Now they want to pick up peaches, and they have lost the battle. In our heads, are all the people blind? The battle is fought to such a degree. As long as you know the military and repeat the game, you can know how the battle was defeated. If you want to frame us, there is no door."

Gao Yuan raised his head and said, "Naha, I know that you are angry in your heart. In fact, we also know in our hearts that what they need is only a name. The important thing is that our existence has affected some people to dominate the court. Their ambitions, to cut us off, became their natural choice. Not only us, but also Zhang Junshou, General Zhang Shubao, General Lu Hong, and General Huang Desheng have all been killed by them. Now, it is our turn. "

Yan Haibo sneered, "We are not Zhang Shouyue and Zhang Shubao. They want our life, but they come and try to wait for the blade."

Gao Yuan raised his hand and pointed to the direction they were going forward, "Now, somewhere in front of us, Zhou Yu led a standing army of 10,000 Yan Kingdom, preparing to ambush us, and in Jishi City, thousands of soldiers from Tianhe County and Liaoxi Zhang Junbao, the subordinate of the rebel, is about to break into our home. Everyone said, what should we do?"

"Kill, kill, kill!" All the generals jumped up, drew their swords at their waists, and yelled angrily.

"Yes, kill it." Gao Yuan stood up suddenly, "They want to cover the sky with one hand, so we poke a hole in the sky so that the sun that they have blocked will shatter the world, destroy them, expose the truth, and let the world understand which one is right. No, whoever is black and who is white. Heaven is clear, evil does not suppress the righteousness, and nothing can stop us from moving forward."

"Expedition to the Eastern Army, Wan Sheng!" Sun Xiao screamed.

"Expedition to the Eastern Army, Wan Sheng!" All the generals shouted, waving their sabers.

Their shouts shocked the garrison not far away. Although they didn't understand why the generals suddenly yelled frantically, the recent soldiers still raised their swords and pointed their halberds at the sky, shouting in unison, echoing them. Generals. Suddenly, the slogans of the Eastern Expeditionary Army's victorious slogans came one after another, resounding through the world, wave after wave, from the nearest place, rolling into the distance, the momentum was thundering, making Luo Feng Luo Lei and other Buyi people who had just joined the Eastern Army, The discoloration changed dramatically.

Gao Yuan was extremely satisfied. Although Donghu was defeated this time, although he got out of trouble, more than half of the casualties were still affected. Morale was still inevitably affected. The infantry led the troops to help, which allowed the soldiers to greatly improve and recover. This move by Sun Xiao just now , It can be said that the morale of the Zhengdong army has been raised to the apex.

This is the spirit of one's own troops, victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged, as long as there is a short breath, it will be a powerful army that trembles in the world.

"Sit, sit!" Gao Yuan pressed his hands down, "As long as I have this spirit of conquest of the Eastern Army, there will be no army that we cannot defeat in this world."

Xu Yuan nodded repeatedly, bulging a pair of triangular eyes, and said bitterly, "Zhou Yu is a hammer. When I was in Yuyang, I saw that he was not a good bird. At that time, the general led us to hold tens of thousands of Zhao Jun. This grandson of the tortoise just didn’t send troops to flank our army. If it weren’t for the general’s conspiracy, I, Meng Chong, would have all died. This bastard, this time he actually hit the general’s idea, just the new account. Let’s do it all together and destroy it. Dayan’s famous generals, this time Zhou Yuan will be buried in Donghu, and this Zhou Yu has become a fish that slipped through the net. Let’s kill Zhou Yu again, and the general will simply lead us all the way. In Jicheng, wouldn’t the general be much stronger than Zhou Yuan when he came to the post. Let’s follow the general’s promotion and get a general to do the job, to make sure it’s much better than the corpse-level vegetarians, don’t you?"

Everyone responded loudly, "Well said!" The infantry jumped up, their iron feet clinking on the ground and the stones, "As long as the general is at home, it doesn't matter what Zhao Guoqi Guo is, he is regarded as Qin State. , We have the guts to bump into it."

This is the spirit of the generals of the Eastern Army. Even if they are not out of trouble and are in a dangerous situation, no one regards these difficulties as anything. It used to be many times more difficult than the current situation. Everyone is not going all the way. coming. From a hundred soldiers of Fufeng County, all the way to the current tens of thousands of troops, and a solid backyard like Jishi City, General Gao Yuan Gao flies high, it is only a matter of time. One person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky, and the General Gao has the aspiration. Would it be no good for their confidantes?

The people gathered here are either Gao Yuan’s brothers in trouble at the time, or they are talented like Meng Chong Xu Yuan, but are lent to people who are too crowded to gain a foothold in the original, or they are grassland barbarians such as He Lanxiong. Thinking of being able to enter the world of flowers and flowers like Jicheng and live in eight people, there is no reason not to be excited! What's more, right now the mainland is surging. It is just when heroes are coming out in large numbers. How did Wang Hou, general, know that there is no one of them?

Xu Yuan seemed to be a heartless sentence, but it was to pick up everyone's fighting spirit. He glanced at the smiling Meng Chong, and his heart moved. Although Xu Yuan is a general, but this kind of words It's not something he can think of. It seems that Meng Chong must be swaying in the back.

People like Sun Xiao Infantry and others are loyal to themselves, but they don’t think so far. They only follow their own orders. They call out wherever they go, and they will rush up when they draw their swords, while Meng Chong, Obviously it is a notch higher than them.

Ever since he was in Yuyang, Gao Yuan has admired Meng Chong very much. This is a horse of thousands of miles. As long as he manages it properly, he will definitely become his right-hand man.

Those who want to make a major event must have not only Sun Xiao infantry, but also a loyal and thoughtful adviser like Jiang Jiaquan, and even Meng Chong who has ideas, a general strategy, and a stand-alone man.

"Okay, okay!" Gao Yuan smiled and pressed his hands down, "How big is the belly, how much food to eat, the food needs to be eaten one bite at a time, the road has to be taken step by step, we must not go far, we can't think of so much right now. There are some things that we can't talk about right now."

The generals understood, and Meng Chong smiled even more. Xu Yuan's temptation made everyone present understand the lofty intentions. It is not that they can't talk about it, but the current strength is not suitable. Then wait until the strength is enough?

Liaoxi, Hejian, Langya, and nothing else, these three places alone, as long as they hold the hands of high and far, his power is enough to make any power on the mainland look at him.

And these three places, after Gao Yuan is out of trouble, there are enough reasons to get them.

"Zhou Yu expects the enemy to be unknown. He thinks that our army has only three or four thousand tired soldiers, few soldiers, and lack of materials. It must be vulnerable. With this alone, he will lose in this battle." Gao Yuan laughed. Looking at everyone, "But we shouldn’t be careless. Strategically despise the enemy~www.NovelMTL.com~ But in terms of tactics and specific styles of play, we must pay attention to the enemy. Zhou Yu is not an incompetent person. Seeing that he can highlight the encirclement of the Donghu people, he should be respected. Moreover, I want to get the greatest victory at the least cost. Every soldier is the wealth of my conquest of the Eastern Army. If you can kill one less, you should die one less. "

"The general is kind!" Meng Chong nodded and said, once he was successful, his lofty mentality may bury hidden dangers for future battles, but it will undoubtedly help soldiers to return to their hearts. There is no benefit. Just look at the time. Is the situation more profitable than profit or is it more profitable? Perhaps in the future, with the enhancement of Gaoyuan's strength and the rise of status, this situation will be changed. "What Zhou Yu wants is the life of the general, and what he wants is to completely defeat our conquest of the East. Then there are not many battlefields he can choose. Otherwise, if the general is allowed to get out, his plan will mostly fail."

Gao Yuan nodded, "Meng Chong said very well, this is what Zhou Yu wants, Patriarch Luo Feng, you know the terrain on this road very well, where do you think Zhou Yu will choose as the battlefield?"

Gao Yuan's gaze turned to Luo Feng and Luo Lei who were sitting at the farthest end. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to ***(***.***)) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.* **.***read.)

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