I’m The King

Chapter 450: : On the banks of the Liaohe River

It is the beginning of October. The green and sea-like prairie is now withered and yellow. Looking at it, the yellow and green are alternating with the wind, and the Liaohe River has just experienced an autumn flood, and the mighty river rushes away, dividing the prairie into one. two.

On the side of the Liaohe River, hundreds of large tents stand in succession. Simple fences surround these large tents. Amidst the lush grass, cattle and sheep are leisurely and contented, chewing on the grass for themselves, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds from time to time. Buzzed a few times.

Inside the camp, the man was swinging his axe to split the logs into small pieces, and then stacked them outside the big tent. On the side of the pile, there was dried cow and horse dung, a little farther away. , It is piles of forage piled up like a mountain. This season has come to prepare fuel for the winter and prepare rations for cattle and sheep.

Gathering here is a small tribe of the Huns called the Buyi tribe. The entire tribe has only a few hundred accounts and less than 2,000 people. Before, it could gather four or five hundred cavalry soldiers, but since the Xiongnu was taken advantage of by the Qin State, it was defeated. None of the three hundred cavalry soldiers of the Buyi tribe returned, which greatly injured the vitality of the tribe.

With the advent of the troubled times of the grassland, the Buyi people are weak and weak. They migrated all the way. It was a fluke that they almost traversed the entire prairie and came to the banks of the Liaohe River, which is far from the Central Plains countries and away from Donghu. There is not a short distance, and the winter is coming soon, Luo Feng, the head of the Buyi tribe, decided to stay here temporarily, waiting for the winter and spring to come, and when everything recovers, he will move again.

Today's Buyi tribe has only two hundred men who can go on horseback and fight. The whole tribe, as many old and weak women and children as they can, long-distance migration, has long been exhausted, and can now settle here temporarily. They are all very happy. There are luxuriant water plants here, and many people have the mind to settle down here after they were born.

Luo Feng rode on the back of a great horse and smiled at the children among the tribes who were galloping on the grassland with horse poles. Although they are all riding ponies. But it is already there, and many of them will be in a few years. Then they can grow into a man, and when they grow up in this crop, the Buyi people can thrive again.

It has been almost two years since Qin defeated the Xiongnu, and the pain is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The dead are gone, and the living will continue. Fortunately, the chaotic grassland has gradually stabilized. Where the Buyi people are now, there are no other tribes around. This gave them a perfect environment.

In a few years, life will be better, and as the children grow up, there will be more and more cattle and sheep. The good days will not be too far away.

Luo Feng happily turned around and was ready to go to the camp for another round of inspections. Winter is coming soon. The fodder must be available and fuel must be prepared. Otherwise, the days will be difficult when the snow arrives.

The moment he turned his head back, the whole person stayed there. At the end of the field of vision, a black line appeared steeply, but after he blinked, the black line had become black and heavy. One piece, that was countless cavalry soldiers advancing in this direction, the ground began to tremble, Luo Feng's face turned pale.

The cavalry who came rushing forward is by no means counted as a thousand. He didn't even see the flags flying in the opposing cavalry, and he rushed to the camp desperately, and shouted hoarsely: "There is an enemy here, the enemy is here, get on the horse, everyone on the horse."

In fact, everyone in the camp felt the tremor of the ground without him saying. The men hurriedly put on their horses and ran out of the camp, while the women hurriedly saddled their horses and threw their children up. At this time, the things in the big tent were completely ignored.

Less than two hundred men gathered to the left of Luo Feng. They desperately watched the cavalry galloping over there, separated from left and right, and outflanked their camp. Their opponents opened up this position. Catch it all in one go. Looking at the speed of the other party, I'm afraid this time the Buyi clan will be annihilated in this place.

On the current grassland, there are no friends. As long as the two races meet, if the strength is quite good, if one is weak and the other is strong, it is the result of the weak and the strong. m

Luo Feng's heart was bleak, and he didn't expect that after a long time of fleeing, he finally couldn't escape.

"Patriarch, who are they from?" A strong man beside Luo Feng finally saw the waving flag. In his reflection, there had never been such a tribe on the prairie.

"Zhengdong!" Luo Feng muttered, "This is that tribe? Helan, is it the Helan tribe?"

Next to Zhengdong's banner, another general was flying, but the word Helan was written on it.

This cavalry was a cavalry battalion under the command of He Lanxiong, which was under the command of the Eastern Army from Jingyuan. When they discovered the Xiongnu tribe here, they immediately outflanked the tribe and surrounded the tribe. At this time, behind them, more soldiers of the Eastern Army just appeared on the horizon.

Starting from Yulin Xiang Jingyuan at the end of August, they finally arrived on the banks of the Liao River in almost a month. Although all of them are now ragged, and all of them are thinner, they still look extremely energetic. At this time, a saber came out of its sheath and surrounded the Buyi people.

Luo Feng swallowed nervously. Each of these guys looked extremely tough, and the thick murderous aura on their bodies was simply rushing toward their faces. Then, when he looked at the nervous people around him, Luo Feng knew that there was nothing at all. The suspenseful confrontation, as long as the other party gave an order, the entire Buyi tribe would cease to exist.

He sighed, rolled over and dismounted, and threw the scimitar in his hand high on the ground. At the same time, he turned his head and said loudly to the tribe: "Dismount, throw away the weapon!"

The Warriors of the Buyi tribe looked at the patriarch hesitantly. Behind them are the women, children, old people and children of their tribe. Now, these people are blocked in the camp. If they lay down their weapons, wouldn't they be slaughtered?

"Let down your weapons!" Luo Feng roared. The opponent's position is a war. Is there any difference in the result?

In the stern voice of the patriarch, the men of the Buyi tribe reluctantly threw off the scimitars in their hands, rolled over and dismounted. Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hands high above his head, and walked towards the leader among the cavalry on the opposite side.

Seeing his opponent put down his weapon, He Lanxiong was also relieved, "You are the Huns, which tribe do you belong to?" This sentence was asked in the Huns language.

Seeing the other party’s questioning, Luo Feng’s high-hanging heart finally let go a little bit. He didn’t immediately order to do something, and there was a chance for the matter: "This lord, we are the Buyi ethnic group, and I’m the patriarch Luo Feng. Migrating from a distance, we don’t know this is your pasture. We also invite a large number of adults to let us leave. We are willing to contribute cattle, sheep and horses to your tribe."

Here came the Huns who had migrated from a long distance. He Lanxiong was surprised and delighted. He got off his horse and greeted him with strides. "Buyi, I’ve heard that I’m Helanxiong from the Helan nationality, and I’m not here. In our pasture, aren’t you Buyi grazing in the area of ​​Batu? Why did you get here?"

"It turned out to be the Helan Xiong Patriarch of the Helan tribe!" Luo Feng was overjoyed. "I have also heard the name of the Helan Patriarch. I heard that Helan Patriarch is now working for Dayan. Why did he get here?"

He Lanxiong waved his hand, "I followed General Dayan and Zhengdong to fight against Donghu. Now that the battle is over and I am going to go home, how did you go so far, before moving forward, you are about to enter the territory of Donghu people, that is a group of cannibals. The one who doesn't spit out bones!"

Luo Feng looked at the appearance of He Lanxiong and his party, guessing whether it was because he had lost the battle, or how could he be so embarrassed. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but get nervous again. The army that had lost the battle was even more cruel.

"The prairie is so chaotic, and the tribes are fighting endlessly. The Buyi tribe is weak and limited in cattle and sheep, so they can only escape here all the way." Luo Feng said.

"It's been half a year, is this still the case?" He Lanxiong was a little depressed, "Isn't there a big tribe coming out to clean up the mess?"

Luo Feng shook his head, "The big clans have either moved away or battled with each other. If small clans like us stay in Batol, they can only become slaves to others. We can only leave. The Gongsun family of Shishan is harassing the Huns in large numbers, and the Shannan County newly established by the Qin State is also recruiting cavalry of our clan."

He Lanxiong couldn't help smiling when he heard Luo Feng mention Jishi Mountain. He didn't expect Jishi Mountain to be so famous now. Seeing Luo Feng's nervous appearance, He Lanxiong laughed, "Patriarch Luo Feng, don't worry, I am not a prairie horse bandit, nor a prairie robber. I am now the commander of the cavalry under General Gao Yuan, General Dayan Zhengdong~www.NovelMTL .com~Our army has strict military discipline and will never come in disorder. The patriarch can rest assured." He turned his head and pointed to the army coming here on the horizon, "Look, where is our main force? General Gao Yuan was among them, and we just returned to Liaoxi from here."

Hearing He Lanxiong's words, Luo Feng finally relieved himself and said, "Prairie etiquette, when you meet, you are a guest. Helan Patriarch, I wonder what the Buyi people can do for you?"

He Lanxiong smiled and said: "There is really a place to ask the patriarch for help. To tell you, we have lost the battle, so we can only detour to go home on the grassland. We have eaten up all the food and grass. I want to ask the patriarch to help me through the difficulties. Self-reward."

Luo Feng looked at the thousands of cavalry around He Lanxiong, and then at the pawns that were quickly approaching here in the distance. His expression was bitter. Looking at the formation in the distance, there were at least three thousand pawns. I'm afraid it's only enough to fill people's stomachs. But he had no choice, as long as he dared to say no words, these fierce cavalry would go into the camp. When the time comes, the property will not be preserved and even their lives will be lost.

I regretted in my heart, but there was a smile on his face: "It is an honor for the Buyi people to be able to serve the army."

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