I’m The King

Chapter 449: : Prepare for battle

Jishi City is under Jishi Mountain, and Jishi Lake next to Jishi City. This desolate place has now been changed. The high walls of Jishi City in the shape of a five-pointed star stand, and the water drawn from Jishi Lake is slowly flowing. The five-meter-wide moat gurgled and flowed around the city and then poured into the Jishi Lake.

There were few woods and hard granite on the originally rugged Jishi Mountain. With the gradual construction of Jishi City, the amount of stone on this mountain was reduced day by day, and a large amount of stone was taken out and chiseled into neat stones. It has become a block of houses in Jishicheng, and the large amount of soil from the excavation of the moat is transported up the mountain, spread on the mountain, and then transplanted with trees of different sizes. Today, the Jishishan is already lush and green. Rows of stone houses are hidden in the forest, and a road leads directly from Jishicheng to the top of the mountain.

In the city, the roads extending in all directions divide the city into various areas. In some areas, there are already many houses and construction has been completed. In most areas, there are still countless people who are busy. , Jishicheng is still a big construction site.

The first to be completed was the administrative area and workshop area in the city. The various military workshops transferred from the Juliguan have begun to operate at full capacity. The addition of a large number of technicians from Langya County has greatly improved his production capacity. Nowadays, in the warehouse in the workshop area of ​​Jishi City, all kinds of ordnance are piled up like a mountain, but the long history of Jiang Jiaquan is still constantly pushing them to step up production.

Outside the city, large tracts of fertile fields are now in good condition. The drainage system extending from the city is exposed outside the city, passing through the fields, and providing water for irrigation for a large number of fields. Numerous women, girls and children are occasionally hidden among the crops. Now, without exception, they are holding a large handful of scraps of grass.

Today’s Jishi City has more than 100,000 people, but because it is in the stage of building the city, it is still very poor in labor. Except for those strong laborers who came back to help for a few days during the spring ploughing, the rest of the time , These fields are all taken care of by the old and weak women and children. It is almost September. Seeing it is the harvest season, and Jishi City is also changing day by day. All people are full of happy smiles.

There is no reason not to feel happy. When these crops are harvested, it is considered to have survived the most difficult moment, and Jishi City can start to be self-sufficient. These lands will become the eternal property of the people here, and that tower stands tall. The city of Jishi gave them a great sense of security.

Where there are people, there is life. This originally desolate place is now full of **** and dog barking, and it is very lively. In the wide moat, swarms of ducks and geese are floating leisurely on the water, and on the embankment, Several children carried long poles and said they were feeding ducks and geese, but in fact they were chasing and playing happily.

The soldiers in the city carried guns and knives, patrolling back and forth, looking at the cheerful children under the city, everyone smiled on their faces.

In Jishi City, ordinary people are filled with happiness from the inside to the outside, but among the high-levels, the pressure of tension is getting bigger and bigger with the passage of time.

Zhang Shouyue died and Zhang Junbao ascended to the prestigious position. The first thing was to give Gao Yuan a charge of Litong Donghu. Just a Zhang Junbao, Jiang Jiaquan did not take it seriously, but with Tan Feng, Chun Yuyan and others Upon arriving in Liaoxi City, Jiang Jiaquan had to take this matter seriously.

Zhang Junbao remained unmoved in the seat of the county guard, which shows that the imperial court has acquiesced in the status of this person under the current situation. Seeing that there is no return, the right army Zhang Shubao's army was destroyed, but the left army broke out under the leadership of Gao Yuan. In the eyes of those who do not know the truth, it is not true that it is the crime of letting Gao Yuanli pass Donghu. Become conclusive evidence, otherwise, tens of thousands of troops will be killed in this battle, your team of less than 10,000, how can you escape back?

This is really something that can't be said clearly.

Huang Zhan led more than a hundred cavalry soldiers into the city of Jishi under the guidance of the military law department. The intelligence he brought shocked Jiang Jiaquan. Zhang Shubao, Huang Desheng, and Lu Hong, these three died in this way. He did not die on the front line of Donghu, but died in the hands of his own family, especially when thinking of the deep relationship between Lu Hong and Gao Yuan, Jiang Jiaquan was even more worried.

With the passage of time, more and more intelligence gathered from Fufeng. Zhou Yu and Hu Yanchao broke through. More than 30,000 troops were stationed in the Niulanshan camp for rest. Three thousand elites from Tianhe County were stationed in West Liaoning. In the eyes of Jiang Jiaquan, he slowly joined the line, and he had already smelled the taste of conspiracy.

Things in Jishi City can be concealed from such a idiot as Zhang Junbao, but in the eyes of a shrewd person like Tan Feng, I am afraid that it will be difficult to maintain it. Sooner or later, he will find out that Jiang Jiaquan has never understood Tan Feng. It was Ning Zecheng’s confidant, but he did not hesitate to overthrow Ning Zecheng during the Jicheng Incident. If he was jealous, why could he tolerate Zhang Junbao’s evil deeds? Zhang Junbao killed his father and his brother, Tan Feng couldn’t possibly. I don't know, but he chose to tolerate it. Is it just to stabilize Liaoxi? To stabilize the western Liaoning, Zhang Junbao does not necessarily have to be. Gao Yuan has already broken out. Without Zhang and his son, he could do this with the prestige of Gao Yuan in the western Liaoning.

What exactly does this person want to do?

Jiang Jiaquan had a headache.

But this pain did not last long. When the latest intelligence appeared on Jiang Jiaquan's desk, he had already understood everything.

Tan Feng, such a powerful character!

Zheng Jun sent news that Zhou Yu in Niulanshan camp led a standing army of 10,000, carrying a large amount of ordnance and supplies, and suddenly disappeared from Niulanshan camp, while in the western city of Liaoning, Zhang Junbao commanded thousands of troops and was moving towards Fufeng. .

The purpose of these two armies is self-evident.

Zhou Yu was definitely going to deal with General Gao Yuan Gao, and Zhang Junbao was definitely coming for Jishi City.

Tan Feng relied on Zhang Junbaoan’s accusation against Gao Yuan, to kill Gao Yuan, sit on Gao Yuanli Tong Donghu’s accusation, and then harm Langya. He completely pulled Ye Tiannan off his horse and brought Langya back to the imperial jurisdiction. Now Liaoxi must be under his control. Among them, Zhang Junbao is nothing more than a famous person. This person's plan was to connect Liaoxi, Langya, Tianhe, and Ning Zecheng's fiefdom Fenzhou. He did not think of Tan Feng. He turned out to be a loyal believer of senior brother Li Ru. What he wanted to imitate was the system of counties and counties in the Qin State, and the fiefs of the great nobles were taken back to the court one by one.


Jiang Jiaquan gave Tan Feng a compliment in his heart. This person is young, only in his early thirties. There is such a city, such a strategy, and he is really a hero.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Jiaquan’s heart stopped. Zhou Yu’s attack on General Gao Yuan this time would definitely suffer a big loss. He only knew that General Gao had lost more than half of his 7,000 troops when he set out, but he didn’t know that the infantry had already been lost. He led his troops to take it, and expected the opponent's strength to be wrong. With the abilities of a high-level general, what was waiting for Zhou Yu was bound to be a miserable failure. But here is extremely dangerous!

Now in Jishi City, in addition to Ye Zhen's 1,000 troops, there are only those recruits from the new barracks. There are a lot of young and strong, but it really won't help.

Those who came to attack Jishi City must be those three thousand horses from Tianhe County, and Zhang Junbao might even put together thousands of people to make up the number. Even so, it was not what Jishi City's current strength could resist.

"Come on, pass my order, summon Tang Ming, and Wang Yi led their troops back to defense."

"Order Bai Yucheng to lead the department to immediately return to Jishicheng and give up the outer blockade."

Orders were issued from the Long History House, and Jishicheng began to prepare for battle.

Three days later, Bai Yucheng’s five hundred cavalry returned to Jishi City. Ten days later, Tang Ming and Wang Yi led a thousand troops back to Jishi City. When they set off from Jishi City, each had only one battalion of five troops. Hundreds of people have been stationed in Baokang and Yingkou for nearly half a year, and they have expanded to 1,000.

Jishi City now has three thousand infantrymen and five hundred cavalrymen. Jiang Jiaquan has a heart of Daan. These troops may be out of the city or have insufficient strength, but there is no problem defending Jishi City. As long as General Gao defeated Zhou Yu and returned to Jishi City, everything would be better.

What's more, the strength of Dayan has been greatly damaged at the moment. Two years ago, would Zhao Guo, who was beaten by Dayan and lost his army, wouldn't come to pick up this ready-made cheap truth? Thinking of Feng Fayong's vague remarks ~www.NovelMTL.com~Jiang Jiaquan couldn't help laughing.

Zao Wou-ki finally re-appointed Zhao Mu, with Zhao Mu as the Crown Lieutenant of the State of Zhao, presumably now, Zhao Mu's eyes have been set in the direction of State of Yan.

Two years ago, the four cities Gao Yuan seized for Dayan and the land extorted from Zhao Guo were no longer guaranteed.

As soon as Zhao Mu took action, Tan Feng, who wanted to deal with General Gao, would inevitably die, and turned to seek peace. Zhou Yu's tens of thousands of troops in Niulan Mountain would probably have to rush to Yuyang again.

After the crisis passed, it was time for General Gao to show off his grand plans. Jiang Jiaquan showed a smile on his face. Hejian, Liaoxi, took the two counties, and General Gao was on this continent, so he could speak. Capital up.

"Chang Shi, all the generals are here!" Bo Wang Wudi, the host of Chang Shi, walked in. This person, like Jiang Jiaquan, came from Yuyang County. He was a friend of Jiang Jiaquan’s acquaintance when he was in Yuyang. Like him, he was also full of talents and had nowhere to use it. After receiving Jiang Jiaquan's call, he immediately took his home and voted for the Eastern Army. Now Gao Yuan didn't come back, so he first served as a leader in Jiang Jiaquan's Changshi Fangquan, and handled some of the literary exchanges on behalf of Jiang Jiaquan. rs

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