I’m The King

Chapter 437: : Yan Lingwei's Change

When Li Yuncong stepped into the gate of Jicheng City, he felt extremely happy. He lurked in Liaoxi City for more than half a year, and finally got all the work. Zhang Junbaojiu killed his father and linked up with Zhang Zhuo, the commander of the Chinese Army in West Liaoning, and Shi Pengbin. Sima Wu Yi, taking advantage of Zhang Shubao's army to go out to fight, took control of Liaoxi in one fell swoop, but at the same time, he also gave himself a big handle.

Admiring him, he wanted to slam his hips with a whip and quickly return to Yan Lingwei’s headquarters, but when he raised his hand, his right arm felt a pain, and he couldn’t help but feel distressed. Fighting, I was too careless. Gu Changwei, who had suffered his own fatal blow before his death, broke his right arm. This is also to blame for Zhang Junbao’s puss, if he hadn’t been there. The hiss in the room begged for help, how could I be so upset that I didn't make up for Gu Changwei?

Thinking of the scene in the study that day, Li Yuncong still felt a little cold in his heart. Such a poisonous substance was taken by Zhang Shouyue. After the attack, he could still hold the knife to chase Zhang Junbao. When he entered the room, Zhang Junbao The trash shrank in the corner, shivering, and Zhang Shouyue's knife was placed on his neck.

In the end, Zhang Shouyue gave up on his own. With that long sigh, Li Yuncong heard very clearly that Zhang Junbao was his son after all. Although at this time, Zhang Shouyue still failed to make it. With that sigh, Li Yuncong felt the endless suffering.

The steel knife fell to the ground, and Zhang Shouyue fell to the sky in the study. In addition to the **** smell, there was also a smell of excrement and urine. The pustule was actually scared to incontinence. Thinking of this, Li Yuncong frowned. No wonder he supported Zhang Shubao with a high-level and clear-cut stand. He had spotted Zhang Junbao as a strong foreigner. It is simply impossible to control the strong generals of Liaoxi County. However, for Master Ning, Zhang Junbao is more pustular, the better. Such a person is easy to control.

The horse's hoof was so good that he ran all the way to Yanlingwei's headquarters. Li Yuncong’s heart is just like today’s weather, the sun is shining, and the whole Jicheng is also a joyous scene. The victory of the front line makes the capital of Dayan also very proud, although they can’t realize that the people in the border towns are deeply deeply affected. Donghu's raging pain. But it is always a joy for Dayan to prosper abroad and punish barbarians. LU

Yan Lingwei's headquarters is in an alley close to Dayan Palace, in this alley. Basically, they are some unremarkable small yamen of various departments of Dayan. The simple facades can't reflect Yan Lingwei's famous reputation. Compared with other yamen, there is not even a guard holding a knife in front of his door. , Just like an ordinary home, it seems that anyone who comes here can easily step into this door.

But the officials of Dayan who knew the power of this yamen gate, even if they only passed by his gate, were willing to lean on the street on the other side and pass quickly. It seems that inside this gate, there is a scourge of beasts hidden in it, and the street will go down for a long time. The bluestone slab on the other side was ground extremely smooth, and its height was a little lower than that on the other side.

Li Yuncong got off his horse and walked towards this gate. As he stepped up the steps, a guard quickly greeted the gate and gave a light salute, leading Li Yuncong’s horse to the stable on one side, while Li Yuncong strode around. After passing the wall, walked towards the inside.

A Pi will greet him.

"Is Lord Ning here?" Li Yuncong asked.

"Back to Master Li, Master Ning was summoned by the king into the palace early this morning, and he has not yet returned. Master Tan has been waiting for you!" Pi Jiang whispered.

"Tan Feng?" Li Yuncong frowned. He has always disliked this Tan Feng, but a stubborn boy who has become his immediate boss, Master Ning originally agreed to Yan Lingwei’s position, but his arm never twisted his thigh. The king favored Tan Feng, and the partial birth Tan Feng himself was liked by Master Ning. He was the confidant of Master Ning. There were rumors that Tan Feng, who was widowed in his early years, had been pursuing Master Ning’s only daughter, Ning Xin, and Master Ning also had this. I mean, I'm not close to you! Li Yuncong sighed.

But even if Tan Feng occupies the position of Yan Lingwei’s commander, it doesn’t matter. In addition to Master Ning who has his own confidant, he also has a set of people among Yan Lingwei. Counting it down, Tan Feng can control. It was only one-third of Yan Lingwei's strength. If it weren't for Tan Feng's leadership and respect for him, he would have had fun with him long ago.

"Master Tan said, please go to him as soon as you come back, and he has something to ask you!" Pijiang still spoke softly, as if his voice was a little louder, and he would be heard by others.

Li Yuncong was displeased. Is this ordering himself? He really regards himself as a character! In the spy industry, Li Yuncong, who has been immersed for decades, naturally does not look down upon this half-way monk.

Although he has a belly, Tan Feng must be the commander of Yan Lingwei who is a genuine brand. After he comes back, he should indeed report to him that he should have gone to Master Ning first, but since Master Ning was recruited by the king, he just had to I can tell this leader first. While walking towards the independent small courtyard belonging to the leader, Li Yuncong reviewed all the words in his heart. A stubborn kid like Tan Feng may not be able to do things, but he wants to find someone who wants to find someone else. Good hand.

In the small courtyard, there are many bright and dark whistles, all armed with serious expressions, and Li Yuncong can't help but sneer when he sees this look. In the headquarters of Yan Lingwei, he also has to show off his authority, is it showing off his authority? ? He was disdainful, but his face showed no strangeness, and he walked directly to the door.

The guard in front of the door bowed in salute, "Master Li, the commander is waiting for you in the room."

Li Yuncong nodded, pushed open the door, and walked in. Seeing Tan Feng's appearance, Li Yuncong burst into anger when he was at ease. At this moment, Tan Feng, Gao Zhi was holding a book in his hand after the big case. Li Yuncong entered the door with gusto. He didn't seem to hear or see, his eyes still fixed on the book.

Forcefully suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, Li Yuncong took two steps forward and bowed to Tan Feng in salute, "Commander, the subordinates are back." He cursed secretly in his heart, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. It was Master Ning and saw himself. When I come back, I will be seated to greet him personally, pat my shoulder, and say hard work.

Following Li Yuncong’s remarks, Tan Feng seemed to be awakened, raised his head, put down his book, saw Li Yuncong, smiled on his face, but the person is still high after the big case, "Deputy Commander Li, you are finally How are things done in Liaoxi City?"

"Everything went well!" Li Yuncong was a little proud, and quietly killed a high-ranking county guard, and he was the famous Zhang Shouyue. This is not something ordinary people can do. He has been lurking for more than half a year before finally success.

"Oh, everything went well, I don't know what Master Li did?" Tan Feng asked with a smile.

Li Yuncong was stunned. How could Tan Feng know what he was doing in Liaoxi City? Looking up at Tan Feng's extremely narrowed eyes, Li Yuncong suddenly stood upright, and a sense of extreme danger came to his mind.

"Does the leader know what his subordinates did in Liaoxi City? It was arranged by Mr. Ning himself. I thought leader Tan knew about it!" Li Yuncong moved out of Ning Zecheng.

"Master Ning arranged it!" Tan Feng nodded, "I wonder what Master Ning arranged you to do in Liaoxi City?"

Li Yuncong stared at Tan Feng, and his anxiety became stronger and stronger.

Tan Feng smiled and drew out a stack of paper from the case and gently patted it on the table, "I got the information that Zhang Shouyue, the guardian of Liaoxi County, died violently, suspected to be poisoned. Zhang Shouyue was a general guarding the border and a heavy minister. The king was very angry when he found out, and asked me to find out the truth. Is the death of Commander Li and Zhang Shouyue related to you? You have been lurking in western Liaoning for more than half a year, planning this matter?"

Li Yuncong looked at Tan Feng dumbfounded.

"Oh, that's right!" Tan Feng seemed to have just remembered, "Just now you said that Master Ning arranged all of this. Could it be that Master Ning ordered you to do this?"

Li Yuncong stared at Tan Feng’s hateful smiling face, but his mind was like lightning and thunder, cleaning, coup, and a series of words kept turning in his mind. Tan Feng had betrayed Master Ning, and he Who is behind it, it goes without saying that the young king wants to seize the opportunity to regain power.

"I want to see Master Ning!" Li Yuncong said a little bit.

Tan Feng laughed: "Master Ning was recruited by the king to enter the palace. I heard that it was the king who asked Master Ning to accompany him to play chess. After playing chess, he naturally wants to give a banquet. He can't come back for a while. Now. Deputy Commander Li, you should make this clear before me!"

Li Yuncong's vest came out in cold sweat, and he suddenly remembered that in the courtyard of Tan Feng, the densely packed light posts and secret guards, the fully armed guards, were not for Tan Feng to put on the air, but to deal with himself.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Yuncong's footsteps had already begun to go backwards. There was already a dragon's den, and he wanted to escape.

Looking at Li Yuncong’s frame, Tan Feng smiled slightly, patted his palms lightly, and the door was pushed aside. Behind Li Yuncong, four guards appeared, each of them carrying a crossbow~www .NovelMTL.com~ The crossbow arrows gleaming with a long chill, all aiming at Li Yuncong without exception.

"I heard that Deputy Commander Li is superior in martial arts. I don't know if he can dodge this crossbow shooting at such a distance?" Tan Feng walked off the big case with a smile, "Vice Commander Li, what happened to you? Attached corners to resist stubbornly will only be counterproductive, so let's catch it!"

More guards rushed in, Li Yuncong's face turned gray, Tan Feng had already laid a net of heaven and earth, waiting for his return, he sighed and gave up resistance. Allowing several guards to surge up and press him to the ground, Wuhuada was tied up, and his right arm had just been injured. At this time, he was twisted back and wrapped in several ropes, and bursts of heart-piercing pain passed.

"Tan Feng, Master Ning will not let you go." He stared at Tan Feng and said sharply.

Tan Feng smiled slightly, "Which is my business, Deputy Commander Li, I need you to have a detailed report on this matter without any omissions. You know about Yan Lingwei's torture chamber. Let our colleagues play a game. , I don’t want to take you to that place for interrogation, so you should be more conscious!"

Li Yuncong's body was suddenly cool and whizzing.

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