I’m The King

Chapter 436: : Lesson 1 Zhang Junbao

A group of soldiers rushed to the gate of Zhengdong General Mansion. To their surprise, there was not even a guard in front of the General Mansion. The scarlet gate was closed tightly. Except for the two stone lions with their teeth and claws, they were ghosts. I couldn't see one, and the officer leading the team was stunned for a long time. He thought he would have to fight another game, but he didn't expect it to be closed doors.

In the bang, the door was smashed open. In the entire Zhengdong General's mansion, people had already left the house and nothing was left. After searching the front and back of the house for a long time, the leading officer confirmed that not only was there no one here, but there was also no valuables, whether it was the place where Gaoyuan usually worked, or the long history room, the Logistics Department, the Military Law Department, and there was no piece of paper. stay. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

After a long while, the military official remembered to return to life.

He also encountered all the soldiers who went to the Gaoyuan Private House and the Wujia Winery. Looking at the subordinates returning empty-handed, Wu Yingdong only felt that his teeth were aching, and all the well-planned things were completely wiped out. None of the people designated to be arrested were caught. Not only were Jiang Jiaquan, Cao Tiancheng, Cao Tianci and other important figures in the East Mansion missing, and even the Wu family had disappeared, and those brewers named by Ning Zecheng to be arrested were gone. The master is also missing, and Wu's winery has nothing left except for the empty large wine tanks.

How does this work? Thinking of Zhang Zhuo's solemn explanation, Wu Yingdong couldn't help but get a headache.

"General Wu!" An officer strode over, "Catch the Fufeng magistrate Zheng Jun."

"Zheng Jun?" Wu Yingdong couldn't help being overjoyed, and finally caught a fellow who still had some weight.

"Bring this guy up to me." He shouted angrily. The person to be arrested was not caught, but their whereabouts were about to fall on the Fufeng magistrate.

The clothes on Zheng Jun's body had been torn, and he staggered and was brought up by shoving, looking at Wu Yingdong, he looked confused.

"General Wu. What do you want to do?" He asked sharply, "I am the magistrate of Fufeng County. What do you want to do, rebel?"

"Rebellion?" Wu Yingdong grinned, "It is not us who rebelled, but General Zhengdong Gaoyuan."

"What, General Gao rebelled, how can this be keneng?" Zheng Jun was shocked.

"Hmph, this kid, what's not keneng. He colluded with Donghu, intending to detriment my army to conquer Donghu. The conspiracy was discovered by Taiwei Zhou. Now that the incident has happened, I was ordered to arrest the remnants of the East Army, Zheng Jun, What else can you say?" Wu Yingdong sneered.

Zheng Jun's legs softened, and he sat down on the ground, his face as gray as death. Shaking his head repeatedly, "I don't, I don't, I don't have anything."

"No. You tell me from the top, Zheng Jun, I won't come to embarrass you, you just have to tell me. Where are the people in Zhengdong Mansion, and where are the people in the Wu's Winery? went?"

Zheng Jun shook his head. "I don't, they didn't say anything to me."

Looking at Zheng Jun with a pale face, Wu Yingdong already had a bit of arrogance in his heart. It seems that this guy has no far-sighted vision at all. Although he was appointed as Fufeng county magistrate, the real big thing was nothing.

"Master Zheng, think about it, where can they go? This is a good time for you to lose your merits. As the Fufeng magistrate, you often come to the East Mansion to do things. Didn't you notice any tricks? What's abnormal?" Wu Yingdong asked patiently.

Zheng Jun tilted his head for a while, and suddenly said, "I remembered, I remembered, a few days ago, I went to the General's Mansion, outside the Changshi Gate, and heard that Cao Tiancheng and Changshi talked about the grassland. Everything was prepared over there, and they didn't care at the time. After they went in, they changed the subject and didn't continue to talk about it."

Wu Yingdong was overjoyed, "I'm, they must have given the news in advance, so they fled to the grassland, Master Zheng, but you are here for a few days wronged here, colluding with Dong Hu, trying to rebel, and people who have ties to him naturally escape. No, but I think you are not the person who hooked up with them, but it doesn't count if I say it or not. Let's talk about it when Yan Lingwei's people come. Come, please ask Master Zheng to go back and rest."

Zheng Jun thanked him, stood up, and followed a few sergeants to the back.

Ahead, Wu Yingdong had already given a loud order to assemble the army, ready to go to chase the people of the Zhengdong Mansion. Zheng Jun, who was walking inside, did not turn his head, but above his drooping face, the corners of his mouth slightly evoked a downward arc, it seems to be Sneer.

Curie Pass, the place where Gao Yuan once stationed in the past, has now become a settlement consisting of several villages. These villages surround Curie in the middle. At the core, it is the former Fufeng Army. But when Wu Yingdong and his army arrived here, these workshops were no exception. People had gone to the house, and there was nothing left except those stoves that had become cold, not even the heavy iron. The ingot was also removed. This made Wu Yingdong's heart settle down. It is obviously not something that can be done in a hurry if he wants to evacuate these workshops so cleanly. If the other party had already prepared, he was afraid that this trip would be empty.

Walking out of these workshops with a heavy face, what caught my eyelids was the crops growing in the surrounding area. I couldn’t see the end at a glance. And the villagers living here, Wu Yingdong, were basically Gao Yuan grabbing them from the Donghu people. The returning slaves, as well as the retired soldiers.

This lofty person is a talent, but it is a pity that he has offended people who should not be offended. Now, it seems that he is going to be killed in a foreign country, even if he is dead, he will also be given a stigma that will never be washed away.

Wu Yingdong sighed.

"General Wu!" A general hurried over. "I asked the villagers here to find out. They said that one day ago, there was indeed a large group of people who left here. According to their description, it should be Jiang Jiaquan and his party. undoubtedly."

Wu Yingdong was overjoyed, "Which direction did they go, can you find out clearly?"

"To the west!" Pian will definitely be authentic.

"Will they lie to us, the people here receive a lot of favors from lofty places." Wu Yingdong was a little worried.

"No, they are not what we do. I said that we are General Gao's subordinates." Napian said triumphantly: "I asked several people separately. Everyone said that. It should be credible."

Wu Yingdong laughed, "Okay, your kid is smart enough, go, set off, catch up with these guys, don't let any of them go!"

A thousand soldiers and horses immediately set off on the road, passing through the fields of green oil and oil, rushing to the west, listening to the description of the village family, Jiang Jiaquan and the others, carrying a lot of carts and carts to salute, in any case, there is no keneng. Go fast by yourself.

One day later, on the endless prairie, Wu Yingdong finally saw that a group of black spots appeared in front of him, "Where are they, hurry up, speed up sudu, and catch up with them." Wu Yingdong was very excited, and finally wanted to catch up. They are.

In front of them, those people seemed to perceive the chasing soldiers behind, but to Wu Yingdong's surprise, they didn't run away anymore, but stopped in place, as if waiting for them.

The two sides approached quickly. Wu Yingdong finally saw each other's figure clearly. Numerous carts joined end to end, forming a circular formation. About three to four hundred soldiers lined up among them, standing under the flag of General Zhengdong. It was General Chief Shi Jiang Jiaquan, beside him was Sima Cao Tiancheng of Zhengdong Mansion.

"Everyone in the Zhengdong Mansion, listen well. General Zhengdong colluded with Donghu in an attempt to rebel. I was ordered to arrest the remnants of the Zhengdong Mansion and only take the first evil and the rest. Anyone who assisted the general in arresting the anti-thief Jiang Jiaquan and Cao Tiancheng would not Regardless of the previous events, there are still many rewards." Wu Yingdong shouted loudly. Behind him, a thousand soldiers were already lined up and ready to attack.

Hearing Wu Yingdong's words, the reaction among the people in Zhengdong Mansion was a big surprise to Wu Yingdong. Without exception, they all laughed, **** ho **** ha ha, and the sound of haha ​​was endless.

Wu Yingdong was furious, drew his sword and yelled, "Do you want to die? You need to know that when the swordsman moves, you have no place to die."

Jiang Jiaquan raised his whip and shook it in the air. The laughter stopped immediately. Looking at Wu Yingdong, Jiang Jiaquan sneered: "Wu Yingdong, looking at you with a confident appearance, could it be that Master Zhang Shouyue has returned home. Huh?"

Wu Yingdong was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to react, "Jiang Jiaquan, what are you talking about, Mr. Zhang, how dare you curse at him?"

"If you want people to know it, you can't do anything unless you do it!" Jiang Jiaquan pointed at the other party, "You wait to help you be abused, but the pigs and dogs are better. Since they are here, don't leave!"

Wu Yingdong was furious, "seeking death."

Jiang Jiaquan looked up to the sky and laughed. Amidst his big laughter, drum horns were heard everywhere, and several people and horses suddenly appeared from a distance, slowly surrounding here.

"There is an ambush!" Wu Yingdong was shocked.

Coming from a distance, not only the infantry, but also the cavalry of the brigade, are coming from all sides. Two big flags fluttered in the wind, one for the leaves and the other for the steps, but it was Ye Zhen and the infantry.

"Take them all, don't let them run away!" Jiang Jiaquanji pointed at Wu Yingdong and shouted.

Ye Zhen led a thousand private armies of the Ye family, all in heavy armor, while the infantry from the other side ~www.NovelMTL.com~ led by five hundred cavalry, one left and one right, approaching. Wu Yingdong.

The five hundred Liaoxi County soldiers under Wu Yingdong's command, and the five hundred standing army suddenly panicked.

There was basically no suspense in the battle. First, the infantry led five hundred cavalry to rush into the formation, and then Ye Zhen's 1,000 heavy armored soldiers launched a raid. With a stick of kung fu, Wu Yingdong's 1,000 soldiers and horses fell into an army and were left to be killed.

Ye Zhen and the infantry would never personally participate in this level of battle. They rode up to Jiang Jiaquan's side and saluted with their fists.

"General Ye, you have worked hard!"

"Don't dare!"

"General Infantry, in order to cut off these tails, I kept you for ten days. Then, you will be on your way all night!" Jiang Jiaquan turned to the infantry again and said with a smile.

"I have one man and two horses, along the way, changing horses and not changing people. It will not take long before I can catch up with the big brother Sun's army, and will not miss the big event of the general!" The infantry said with a smile, "Today, It is the first lesson for Zhang Junbao. When General Gao returns, we will make a good calculation with them." (To be continued...)

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