I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 995: The weird situation (1)

In the imperial capital city, the chill is strong, but no one on the parties cares about the weather at this time. Because the current situation changed so quickly, in the previous scene, the court sent heavy troops to destroy the Three Kings in one fell swoop, but the situation changed in an instant. Not only Sun Xiu’s three-way army ended in failure, but also the three kings. It was marching towards the Imperial City under the banner of "Side of the Qing Dynasty".

The situation seemed inexplicably critical, and it gave all parties a sense of chaos in the secret struggle.

However, the most anxious person at this time was Sima Lun, the emperor of True Dragon Palace.

"Report! The big event is not good!"

"What are you talking about! This is the Real Dragon Hall! You stinky slave, shouting and screaming! Don't you know that I am resting!"

"Long live, please spare your life! The news is really big, the villain dare not make an evening report!"

"Oh, what's the matter! Come and listen!"

"Uh, uh, according to the latest report, Lord Sun, he, they..."

"He was defeated!"

"What, I really lost the battle! Impossible, that is the elite division of Nanying, and there are also my mansion soldiers to help! How could it be possible to fail! You, have you not understood the real battle report! Come on! , Pass on Sun Xiu!" At a certain moment, after a palace-like person reported the news of Sun Xiu's defeat, the new emperor Simalun on the dragon seat was stunned on the spot, and even the whole person was a little confused. Knowing what to say, just kept calling Sun Xiu's name.

"Long live Lord take care of the dragon body! Actually, Lord Sun has not returned yet, it is just a message! In addition, Lord Sun also asked the court to send more soldiers and horses! Otherwise, if you lose again and again, it will really be difficult to deal with!"

"What, I want to lose again! Sun Xiu, Sun Xiu, you misunderstood me! Someone! You go to inform, and you say that a major event has happened to the court! Please come to the court! Those who violate the order, cut! "

"Yes! The slave will do it!" After feeling the decisive color of the new emperor Smalun, the man did not dare to neglect, and soon disappeared in the true dragon palace.

Of course, because it was the emperor's imperial decree, even if it was too early, the officials still came slowly.

"Lu Zhong, what did you say this time! Why are you so eager! It won't be some big incident!"

"It should be a major event! Let's go in and listen. Anyway, we've known the news of their defeat! Let's see how much money we can make now!"

"Brother Li keep your voice down, if someone hears it, it will be a bad thing!"

"Okay, let's go in too! Remember, this time, don't talk, I can communicate with it alone!" While talking, Li Zhao was also the first to step into the Palace of True Dragon.

After that, the officials filed in, as if they were late and would be blamed by the new emperor.

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

"Everyone, please get up! The reason why I called everyone here temporarily today is really something important!"

"Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on! Please make it clear! Your ministers are willing to share your concerns for your Majesty!"

"Good, good! There are fewer and fewer loyal ministers like Lu Aiqing! In fact, even if I don't say anything, some people can think of it! Let's put it straight, the preface war has already produced some results!" While scanning the front of the True Dragon Palace The ministers, the new emperor Simalun also said slowly.


"What, the war turned out to be a result! Then, what is going on!"

"Does this still need to be said! There must be something wrong, otherwise Long live Lord will not call us into the temple!"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful to provoke the dragon's anger, that's the great sin of the Jiu Clan!" At a certain moment, when the emperor Simalun on the dragon seat slowly spoke, the entire True Dragon Palace was also caught in a whispered discussion.

Although Lu Zhong and Li Zhao did not participate in the discussion, they were not idle, not only scanning the surrounding changes, but also analyzing Emperor Smalun's next plan.

Speaking of it, the main reason for the fierce reaction of the ministers was that Sun Xiu also attacked everyone before he set out. Not only did he collect a lot of money, but he also forcibly recruited many soldiers.

"Dear Aiqing, it seems that your response is very good! Forget it, let me tell you, in fact, we have won! The three kings have already lost one after another! If you want to come, it won't take too long for Sun Aiqing to return!"

"Liu Zhong, the minister, congratulate long live! It seems that Long live Lord Longwei is invincible!"

"What Lu Aiqing said! However, although this battle is beneficial to us, the Three Kings still have the determination to fight! Therefore, I also want to ask everyone to help!"

"What is the meaning of Long Live Lord! You are the lord of the dynasty, and even the emperor of the heavenly dynasty, how can you say that! Everyone said yes?" At a certain moment, I felt that there was something in the words of the new emperor Smalun. Zhong also stepped forward again and said with a smile.

Needless to say, everyone already knows the outcome of the war. After all, everyone knows that the good and bad of the war cannot be expressed in this form.

Of course, no one dared to say anything about this kind of thing, after all, the royal face was involved.

"What a Lu Zhong! Not bad! But it's useless for you to speak alone, Li Aiqing, you usually have the most ideas! Let's analyze the current situation! See what's new!"

"The minister abides by the order! Since your majesty asked the minister to say it, the minister will just say it! Now the momentum is focused on the periphery, that is, whether Lord Sun can defeat the attack of the three kings! The reason for saying this is because the attack of the three kings seems to be Attack it, in fact explore it! In other words, if they win, they will attract the kings. By then, they may not be able to resist by dividing their forces! Maybe more of them will be divided!"

"Okay! Li Aiqing is right! Fortunately, there is Li Aiqing here! Well, then you are going to talk about what else is important in this situation!"

"Your Majesty, in fact, the ministers don't want to say that! But I have to say that they are Jia Mi and Shi Chong, they are also subjects of the heavenly court, but why didn't they come to participate in the court affairs? I'm afraid everyone knows the reason! According to Chen's expectation, if the war is unfavorable to my heavenly dynasty, I am afraid that Jia Mi will send troops and attack the imperial capital directly! This, this is definitely not alarmist!" At the end, Li Zhao also showed a sense of seriousness.

After all, it is normal for Li Zhao to be able to say such things. Therefore, it was normal for Emperor Simalun to have some emotional changes at this time.

"Okay! The truth is! Then, Li Aiqing thought, now how can we resist Jia Mi's offensive!"

"The minister didn't think about it!"

"You, that, would you please Li Aiqing think about it!" At a certain moment, when Emperor Simalun thought he would ask another question, Li Zhao could come up with a countermeasure, but what he didn't expect was that the other party actually Just say nothing!

For a time, because Emperor Simalun appeared embarrassed, the officials were afraid to speak, and the entire True Dragon Palace became quiet instantly.

And time slipped by in such embarrassment.

However, it was the new imperial Smalon who broke the deadlock in the end. Maybe he felt Jia Mi's pressure, maybe there was really no good way, so he spoke again.


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