I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 994: The battle report came!

Of course, Jin Shangyu's current world cannot be solved by battle. What he needs is long-term strategic deployment.

"Alright! Brothers, don't get excited! After all, we have not yet reached the time when we must fight! The most important thing for us now is to expand and train, and then wait for the timing to change! If Jia Mi does not move, the three kings and Simalun The battle will be the result!"

"Okay! Then, wait! If Simalun wins, we can brake quietly! On the contrary, if Smalun loses, we don't need to pay attention to him! I believe everyone should know how to do it!" After Jin Shangyu's words, then Li Zhao was the first to express his views.

Of course, with Li Zhao's speech, everyone has a base in their hearts.

In this way, around Jin Jun's development direction and recent action plan, everyone also expressed their opinions, but in the final analysis, Simalun was regarded as a potential enemy.

"Well, since everyone regards Simalun as a potential enemy, then let's wait! See if Sun Xiu wins or loses!"

"Boss, do you still need to say! It must be negative! Obviously you can beat the weak with a strong attack, and each can break it, but Sun Xiu is good, and he chose a three-way attack! If they are undefeated, they will be the next move. What a weird thing!"

"Huifeng, what you said has a certain truth, but it's not absolute! Okay, now that the major issues have been studied! Let's act! After all, Luo Yun and the others have to return to the farm!" During the conversation, Jin Shangyu It was also an end for this party.

Of course, after hearing what Jin Shangyu said, Luo Yun and Murong Feihu also took the lead to leave.

"Brother, our brothers are gone! Let us know if you have anything! Don't worry, although there are few sergeants in the farm, the enemy will not take a grain of grain!"

"Okay, it's good if you two are unwilling! However, eldest brother must be more careful! I heard that Nanling Seven Kills specializes in dealing with masters!"

"Dear Master Feng said well! Since they like to deal with masters so much, let them come! I am not afraid of them!" Jin Shangyu muttered to himself as he sent Feng Luo Yun and Murong Feihu to the camp.

Of course, the fundamental reason why Feng Luoyun would say this is that he also knows the horror of Nanling Seven Kills.

Because what happened here, everyone left one after another.

"Shang Yu! Are you sitting here or go back to Jin Mansion!"

"Well, Mr. Wen, you go first, I want to stay here for a while!"

"Okay, then, the old man will go first!" While speaking, Old Man Wen Shuo also turned on his horse and hurried away.

Of course, at this time Li Zhao and Lu Zhong also left one after another. In the end, only Zhuifeng, Ling Yun and Jin Shangyu were left before the entire Chinese army's big account.

"Why, I didn't expect that we will develop so fast! In fact, our road is still far away, this, this is just the beginning!"

"Boss, starting today, we can kill the Quartet!"

"Boy, talking nonsense! In fact, the more this time, the less we can make mistakes! But again, as long as they don't regard us as the most direct enemy, we have time to become stronger!"

"Big Brother is right! Now Jia Mi did not take the initiative to attack the Imperial City! It seems that he is also an old fox!"

"Yes! If he comes, we can retreat as advancement and take the initiative to evacuate here! But now he Jia Mi is not coming! This is a difficult problem!" At a certain moment, the backbone of Jin Jun left one after another On the occasion, the three brothers also stood in front of the Chinese military account and talked.

auzw.com In this way, in order to better understand the changes in the battle situation, Jin Shangyu is also as far as possible outside the imperial city, that is, the North City Gate!

"You girl, the situation is changing so fast now! If I'm not here! I really don't worry! But, yes, if at this time, the seven guys are killed, what should I do!" One day , Just when Jin Shangyu still had nothing big to do, he was thinking about something in his heart.

However, on the very evening of this day, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng finally brought the latest news of the battle.

"Brother, it is reported that they have already fought three battles!"

"Oh, it really started fighting, originally I thought they were acting!"

"Big brother is right! In fact, at the beginning, the three kings didn't dare to fight at all, fearing that their power would be weakened! But when they saw that their opponents were already divided into three groups, they launched a full-scale attack! In the end, Simalun's three-way army was defeated!"

"Mother, you can't resist being beaten so hard. It's only a few days now, so I can't hold it! It seems that this Simalun is really a idiot!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu learned the latest news of the battle, he thought Also thinking quickly.

In fact, just before, Jin Shangyu still had some small hopes. I am afraid the first small hope is that Simalun's army can withstand the attack of the opponent and try not to appear one-sided.

However, everything has undergone a fundamental change now.

The three kings not only achieved a phased victory, but also attacked the imperial capital without stopping.

"Big brother, it seems that this time, Simalun will be defeated! Do we have to act!"

"Ling Yun, let's not hurry! After all, whoever has strong endurance at this time is likely to get the final benefit!"

"Then, what if Sun Xiu loses and returns to the imperial capital and the three kings chase after him again!" After feeling the change in Jin Shangyu's mood, Ling Yun also whispered again.

"This problem is easy to solve, aren't we some people!"

"Big brother, you, you mean Jia Mi, how could he come to help out! I'm afraid he hopes from his heart that we will have a bad relationship with Simalun!"

"This is not necessarily true! Is it necessary for us to be an enemy of the Three Kings now! No need! Even if the emperor is changed, it has nothing to do with us! After all, we are staring at the True Dragon Palace in the dark! Our goal is not here!"

"Big brother meant to give up here!"

"Forget it! After all, both of them, or the three parties, have fought, what should we do, we can't stand around the imperial capital city! If it is really done, if others do not take action, I am afraid the three kings will attack us! Because of us Blocked their way!" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu's body also showed a strong sense of war.

Of course, Ling Yun could also feel the changes in Jin Shangyu's situation.

"Then, what shall we do now!"

"No need to do it, just wait here! In addition, tell Li Zhao and the others that they can start, and it is better to have more money this time! After all, this item is quite good! As for food or something, we don't lack it now! "

"Okay! Brother understand! I'll do it now!"

"Just understand! Then, then act!" Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile while speaking. And that Ling Yun didn't say more, the whole person also drifted out of the army's account like the wind.


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