I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 988: Jin House meeting!

In the imperial capital city, in the small living room of Jin's mansion, everyone was also listening. After all, what Jin Shangyu wants to say is what they want to know.

"Brother Li! Everyone, in fact, Simalun's accession to the throne is a good thing or a bad thing for us!"

"This, it should be half and half! It depends on how we deal with it!"

"Okay, Mr. Wen is right! But here comes the problem. Now Simalun can send his army out to fight, but he wants to send the Forbidden Army out of the city! Why is that! Didn't you think about it!"

"It goes without saying that the purpose of sending people out to fight is to destroy the dissidents, and to transfer the forbidden army away. Most of them want to take the hand of Jia Mi to destroy!" After feeling Jin Shangyu's words, then Li Zhao said with a slight smile.

"Good, good! It seems that Big Brother Li is not impulsive! Then, Brother Li will think again, what kind of situation would it be if our Forbidden Army were not sent out!"

"This old man still hasn't thought about it!"

"Big Brother, you didn't think about it, but Ling Yun and I thought about it! First, although the power of the Forbidden Army is still in Lingyun's hands for a short time, I dare to say that this is temporary. After all, the Forbidden Army is for the Imperial City. , Even for Smalun, it is extremely important! How can people put this right, or such a force on the side of their bed! This second is actually very simple, the previous logistics guarantee It was supplied by the court, but now you are not under the leadership of others. Just imagine, will Simalun be the logistics officer! The answer must be no!"

"This, this old man really didn't expect it! Then, if that's the case, it seems that the old man is still anxious!"

"Brother Li knows the reason! Of course, this time, Brother Lu did a good job. Not only did he successfully reverse the matter, but he also convinced Simalun that he was a middleman." At the end, Jin Mou He also slowly cast his gaze to Lu Zhong who was sitting on the side.

And that Lu Zhong was a little embarrassed to see such a situation.

Although I did it myself, it was bad for Li Zhao to feel unhappy after all.

"Well, Brother Li, the younger brother was a little anxious at the time! Please forgive me, Brother!"

"Brother joked! Actually Dao Qian should be my brother!"

"Okay, what's all this! Let's study something right! Well, you guys tell us how we act, do you really leave the imperial city according to other people's arrangements!"

"Of course not!" Just before Jin Shangyu's voice was over, Ling Yun, who had never spoken, also answered first.

"Oh, Ling Yun, tell me what you should do!"

"Big brother, younger brother think that we should consume the resources here as much as possible! Of course, we can also transport them away! But after all, there are too many eyes staring at us!"

"Good point! However, I have an idea! I don't know what everyone thinks!"

"Boss, just speak up if you have something! Don't get this or that!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu wanted to further express his views, Luo Yun also interjected at the right time.

Of course, these are just episodes. Faced with Feng Luoyun's urging, Jin looked like a okay person.

"Okay, let's make a long story short! My son's idea is to do everything!"

"No, I said the boss, do whatever you can do! Do we really have to guard outside the city and serve as sentry for Simalun!"

"No, no! Actually, Simalun might not have a problem! That is, if we encircle the imperial capital, you think, then, who is safe?"

"Oh, why didn't we think of this layer!" When Jin Shangyu mentioned the key points, the people in the small living room were also stunned on the spot.


Because among them, no one really thought about such a problem.

For a while, everyone's eyes slowly stayed on Jin's body, and this sweeping movement made Jin Shangyu very unnatural.

"No, you guys, what are you doing! Have you said it all! Let's just study the countermeasures! How come they have become like this!"

"Shang Yu! It seems that you are right! Since the advantages of the forbidden army's relocation outweigh the disadvantages, then let's do it! But if Jia Mi does attack, what shall we do!"

"Brother Li, in fact, I have thought about this too! If he dared to come over, it means that he has a deal with Simalun! We must withdraw from the Luoyang area!"

"Yeah! If Jia Mi does not cooperate with Simalun, he would not dare to fight, after all, they also know the combat effectiveness of our Forbidden Army!" After hearing Jin Shangyu's words, then Li Zhao was also thoughtful. Said.

In this way, everyone expressed their opinions around the staying of the Forbidden Army, the military operations in the farm, and so on, and time slipped by in this analysis.

Of course, in order to better deal with the current situation, Jin Shangyu also sent people to the north to inform the situation of the changes.

"Well, everyone has reached a consensus just now! Then do it, Ling Yun and Li Zhao set out to move the forbidden army camp outside the city! And Luo Yun, your task is to maintain contact with Ling Yun, if there is an unfavorable situation , It is necessary to unite soldiers! However, the temporary storage of food at your place is not at all scarce. That is our life-saving money in the near future!

"The final commander!"

"At the end, Luo Yun will also lead the command!"

"Two brothers don't have to be like this!"

"Brother, when is it now, we all know! And military discipline is the most important combat power!" At the end, Ling Yun and Feng Luoyun also smiled at each other.

In this way, in order to cope with the changes in Simalun, Jin Shangyu and others also adopted a strategy that would do their best.

"Mother, didn't you let Lao Tzu take the Forbidden Army out of the city! Okay, then Lao Tzu will do as you arranged! However, when you get outside the city, Lao Tzu can just surround the Imperial City! Simalun, Simalun! , It seems that you were still dazzled by the throne." At a certain moment, when everyone left one after another, Jin muttered to himself in the small living room.

At this time, the old man Wen Shuo also slowly returned to his seat.

"Old man, what do you think!"

"Shang Yu! From a big point of view, we are doing a good job! However, from a small point of view, there are many shortcomings!"

"Oh, old man, what do you say!"

"Actually, the prince also knows! The current situation, the overall situation is okay, it is a matter of the Forbidden Army and the Farmland Corps! But when it comes to trivial matters, there are still a lot of troubles!" At the end, Wen Shuo The old man showed a weird smile.

Facing such Wenshuo, Jin Shangyu also thought of something.

"Old man, it looks like how the logistics staff you want to take refuge! And the biggest person here is the old sister of this son!"

"Shang Yu, you are right! After all, there is still a soldier talisman on her body, which is a good thing everyone is fighting for!"

"Yes! But, Elder Wen can rest assured, these little things, sometimes, you have to rely on this young man!" In the end, Jin Shangyu also exudes a strong fighting spirit.

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