I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 987: Lu Zhong's thoughts!

In the imperial capital city, the cold wind was gradually rising, but the cold winter still could not stop the early days of the new emperor. And this early dynasty also made many ministers very excited, because they benefited from this collective award.

Of course, there is joy and there is sadness, and the most difficult thing before Simalun is how to deal with the changes in the political situation, and then solve his own security problems. However, Li Zhao's sudden attack still made the new emperor Smalun very unhappy!

After all, what Li Zhao said is very straightforward, that is, the imperial army cannot be sacrificed for nothing! The ministers on the scene also knew the fact that the imperial army was not from Smalun at all, and the method was to take the imperial army through Jia Mi's hands.

Facing Li Zhao's words, the new emperor Simalun was obviously a little displeased. He glanced at the ministers in the True Dragon Palace from time to time, and then said in a deep voice, "Li Zhao, you, what do you mean! Isn't it the imperial army? People from Dajin! Besides, I am not letting them go out to fight, just waiting here. Whether there are any changes on the Tiger Mountain is not yet known! And you just say it! So, Isn’t it dangerous that Sun Xiu and others led a hundred thousand to attack the kings!"

"This, this!"

"Why, I can't tell it! Actually, it's not that you Li Zhao can't tell it, but you have no reason at all! So, my intention has been decided, so let the Forbidden Army go out of the city to meet the enemy! Of course, this food and other logistics The supply problem will be solved by you Li Zhao! You, you will not have any troubles!"

"This, this!" The successive speeches also made Li Zhao very embarrassed. After all, for Li Zhao, such a scene may never have been encountered.

However, just when Li Zhao didn't know what to do, one person also took a step forward and broke the embarrassing situation.

That person is not someone else, but Lu Zhong, who has a small official position.

"The minister Lu Zhong has something to play!"

"Lv Zhong! Say it!"

"Your Majesty, your opinion is correct, and you are also responsible to the people of the Imperial City!"

"Lu Zhong, you, what do you mean! Don't you know that doing so will make the imperial army uncomfortable! Besides, let someone Li be responsible for the logistics support! But where is the money and where is the food! That is The protection of tens of thousands of people!"

"Master Li is terrible! As Long Live Lord said before, it is good for the Forbidden Army to not go to the front line! Now that you have to move, let's move! Logistics support seems to be a difficult task, but I believe Master Li There will still be a way!"

"Good, good! It's better what Lu Aiqing said! Does it make sense! Li Zhao, did you hear that? Even Lu Zhong, who doesn't speak much, knows these truths! Do you still object to it!"

"This, this, forget it, the minister abides by the order!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao saw Lu Zhong stand up to persuade himself, he simply agreed.

Seeing that Li Zhao finally made some concessions under Lu Zhong's persuasion, the new emperor Simalun was also very happy, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay! Is it right for Li Aiqing to do this! Of course, you can. Go directly to inform Ling Yun and ask him to move out of the Imperial City within seven days and defend outside the city!"

"This, this, yes! The minister obeys the order! However, the minister still has one thing to ask for!"

"Li Aiqing, please speak! As long as I can be satisfied, I will satisfy you! After all, it is more difficult to be stationed abroad!"

"That, in fact, it's nothing serious! It's the logistics support of the Forbidden Army!" At the end, Li Zhao also showed a touch of helplessness.

In fact, it is no wonder that Li Zhao is uncomfortable. After all, the food of these tens of thousands is not a small number. He is a civil official, where he goes to get food, after a long time, he can no longer bear it without fighting!

"Li Aiqing, you actually know my situation. If you have money and food, I will not treat you badly!"

"Well, the minister only wants your Majesty to help solve half of it! After all, you can't make the soldiers hungry!"

"This, this is still more! So, I will guarantee one-third of the food! The rest is up to you!" At the end, the new emperor Smalun also showed a touch of helplessness.

After all, what he said is the truth, the current court has no extra money at all.

auzw.com"Well, one third is one third, but one third of your majesty’s food minister wants to get it before leaving the city! After all, you have to give the minister some time Raise food!"

"Okay! Since I have promised you, I won't regret it! Then you will ask Sun Xiu for it!"

"Chen Zunzhi!" Knowing that the matter was over, then Li Zhao didn't say much, but just said "Zunzhi" without saying anything.

At this time, the True Dragon Palace was really as Li Zhao had imagined, and it disbanded before too much time.

"Long live the ministers! May our emperor long live long live long live!" As the officials read in unison, the first early dynasty after the new emperor became the throne came to an end.

Of course, in this early dynasty, a lot of things were done, such as the ensignment of the officials, and the integration of Sun Xiu's soldiers and horses to fight against the kings, and then the forbidden army leaving the city, etc. In short, everything is It is showing a problem, that is, the situation is really unstable.

"Lu Zhong, go slowly!"

"Master Li, I don't know what to call the minister!"

"What's the matter! You did this to me! Why is that!"

"All the ministers are here! Is Lu Zhong just to be fair?"

"Yeah! What Lu Zhong said is not too much! Why is Lord Li! Do you still have the right not to let others speak in this True Dragon Palace!"

"People Li didn't mean that! Forget it, let's talk! Goodbye!" As he spoke, seeing four or five ministers surrounded him, Li Zhao also sighed and left slowly.

Of course, Lu Zhong smiled awkwardly at this time, and then he left the Palace of True Dragon.

In this way, shortly after the early dynasty dispersed, several big figures were already seated in the small living room of the Jin Mansion.

There are Lingyun, Li Zhao, and of course, Feng Luoyun who came from the farm.

"Shang Yu, what is going on with this Lu Zhong! Is he really changing his heart!"

"Brother Li, you think too much, in fact, he is right to do this! Look, he is here! Don't quarrel! There are some things, as soon as this son says you will understand!" In fact, just now Jin Shangyu said At this moment, Na Lu Zhong really walked in slowly from outside.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry about today's affairs! But if we don't do this, we will suffer even more!"

"Why do you suffer even more, let Master Lu show it!"

"Brother Li, can't you listen to what this son said!"

"Okay! So, what are the advantages of Lu Zhong doing this!" At a certain moment, after feeling the change in Jin Shangyu's mood, Li Zhao was also a little sober.

However, he insisted on a statement. After all, it was really embarrassing for him Li Zhaojin to be above the early morning.

"Well, my brother Li, let me calm down! Actually, there are some things that you just didn't think about! If you really think about it, you will thank Lu Zhong yourself!"

"Really! Then, let Mr. Jin talk about it!"

"Well, Lao Li, listen carefully! Now this young man will tell you the pros and cons!" Jin Shangyu's expression also became more relaxed while speaking.

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