I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 983: All parties are moving (3)

In the imperial capital city, the sudden change of the situation and the occasional snow falling down also heralded the impending reform of the palace...

"Boy, why didn't he come! Didn't you dare to come! Go and tell him that you have to come today, and you have to come if you don't come!"

"This! This!"

"What are you waiting for! Didn't the emperor have already said yesterday that he is going to abdicate today and let the virtuous!"

"Yes! The minion is going to tell you!" Feeling Sun Xiu's strength, a young man with the appearance of a palace man rushed to the real dragon palace.

At this time, the ministers also followed behind Zhao Wang Simalun, and slowly stepped into the Palace of True Dragon.

The scene is still the original scene, but the ministers at this time have different ideas. Maybe some people still miss the goodness of Emperor Sima Zhong, but more people are watching and even waiting for the appearance of the new emperor.

At a certain moment, when everyone in the True Dragon Hall was in a different mood, a familiar figure also slowly appeared on the True Dragon Hall.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Get up! Actually, you don't have to be like that! After all, today, no, just today, I am no longer the master here!"

"Your Majesty, why bother to say so! Xiao Wang dare not be it!"

"Lord, everything is already irretrievable, and it is useless to say more! You should speak!"

"Little Wang dare not! I just don't know why your Majesty said this today!" Feeling the depression of Emperor Sima Zhong, then Zhao Wang Sima Lun also had an expression of ignorance.

For a while, it also made the officials sigh.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that at this time, Zhao Wang Simalun's approach is showing weakness, or is waiting for an opportunity.

"Long live master! It seems that you are thinking about it! Then, let's do it today! Please long live master read this edict!"

"This, what is this! Haven't I already agreed!"

"Long live Lord, don't worry, you will know the edict in the hands of the minister! Of course, this is what you said in your heart! All the ministers are waiting for this moment! Please read it out soon!"

"You, you are here! Forget it, King Zhao, I won't say much else, just want to know how you arrange me!" At a certain moment, I felt Sun Xiu's aggressiveness, the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat There was also a look of helplessness.

In fact, it is already clear that the situation has developed to the present situation, that is, Sima Zhong's emperor's life has come to an end, and that Zhao Wang Simalun will become the next emperor of the royal court.

Facing the plea of ​​Emperor Sima Zhong! The Zhao Wang Simalun who was standing at the forefront also took a few steps forward slowly, and then whispered, "Your Majesty! It is because this king has not managed the government well that the current situation will appear! Your minister, please come down!"

"The prince does not need to be like this! It seems that this is God's will! I still said that, how the prince is going to deal with me!"

"This, this, your Majesty is forcing Xiao Wang!"

"Okay! If the prince doesn't say it, then I will say it! I hope you can treat my harem well! As for where to live, everything depends on the prince's arrangements!"

"This, this..."

"Why, can you not even agree to my last wish!"

"Can you! Xiao Wang dare not!" At the end, Zhao Wang Simalun also made a very helpless expression.

In fact, just when Sima Zhong was talking with Sima Lun, the entire True Dragon Palace was in silence, and everyone could only hear the conversation between the two.

Of course, everyone at the scene knew that Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, asked Sima Zhong to speak first, and he didn't need to be charged with conspiracy and rebellion.

At this moment, the time has also become more and more slowly, as if everyone's breathing has become clear.


"Well, since King Zhao has already agreed to my request, then I will read this edict!"

"Long live master! In fact, there is still one thing unknown to the young minister, please let the long live master express it!"

"Sun Xiu, what do you want!"

"Um, the minister didn't think about what to do, but didn't know how to do this about the forbidden army in the future!"

"This, this, forget it, how do you say this thing should be done!"

"It's very simple, disband the Forbidden Army and return it to the soldiers of the South Camp! Of course, that Lingyun can no longer be used!" At the end, Sun Xiu also showed a strange color.

After hearing Sun Xiu's questioning, Emperor Sima Zhong was also impatient, but at this time he already knew the ending, so there was no attack, but he did not immediately answer.

However, just as the atmosphere in the True Dragon Palace became more and more awkward, a voice slowly floated in.

"Your Majesty! You will come uninvited at the end, you won't blame it!"

"Ling Yun, you, you are so courageous, you dare to trespass into the Palace of True Dragon! Are you not afraid of destroying the Nine Clan!"

"Boy Sun Xiu, of course the end general is afraid! But with you here, the end general will not be afraid of anything! Even if you want to dissolve the ban, you have to oust the general! It seems that you are more courageous!"

"Why, can't it? You should know that from today, there is only one emperor here, and that is our prince!" Seeing Lingyun suddenly arrived, his tone was still very tough, then Sun Xiu also looked sideways. People also become more hysterical.

For a while, surrounding the ownership of the Forbidden Army, the entire True Dragon Palace was once again caught in an atmosphere of confrontation.

"Long live the Lord! You make an order now to dissolve the Forbidden Army!"

"Your Majesty! Even if you make an order, the end general will not follow the order! Because the end general knows that this is not your majesty's intention!"

"You, are you looking for death?"

"Sun Xiu, dare you talk nonsense again! I will accept you now!" At a certain moment, feeling Sun Xiu's rudeness, Ling Yun also stood up with his sword eyebrows, and one hand was already on the saber in his waist.

Faced with such a scene, even Zhao Wang Simalun was a little scared. Because he knew that if Ling Yun was violent at this time, he might not hurt Sun Xiu alone.

"Quiet! Don't quarrel, everyone! Long live Lord, such a mess can happen! Xiao Wang has an unshirkable responsibility!"

"The prince is serious!"

"Long live, now that things have reached this point! Look at how to do it!"

"Master, this is a good point! How to do it, I am already powerless to do it, let Ling Yun take care of it!" Seeing that Zhao Wang Sima Lun pushed the topic to himself, the Emperor Sima Zhong also pushed Ling Yun to it again. Front desk.

For a while, the eyes of all the officials focused on Ling Yun.

"Why don't you speak! General Ling, you should know that this king is a person who loves talents!"

"The prince is indeed a person who loves talent! But he is the commander of the Forbidden Army, so how can he easily give up everything!"

"Good, good! It's straightforward! Then, what will Ling Da do?"

"It's very simple! Whoever of you will be the master will be powerless! But the soldiers of the Forbidden Army are like my arms, you can't lose them in one day!"

"Well, good! Well said! Then, the king will promise you that from now on, the Forbidden Army will still be under your command by Ling Yun! How!"

"Lord Xie is perfect! Since this matter is over, I will leave!" At a certain moment, seeing that Zhao Wang Simalun had actually made a concession, Ling Yun also took a step forward, gently hugged his fist, and then walked away. , Leaving only the surprised eyes of the ministers, scanning Ling Yun's back from time to time.


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