I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 982: All parties are moving (2)

In the imperial capital city, the situation changed suddenly, and the final imperial palace on the true dragon palace also allowed the Zhao Wang Simalun to expand again.

At this time, the small living room of Jin's Mansion was studying the countermeasures nervously. After all, Jin Shangyu and others could roughly guess what Simalun did, but they didn't expect the other party to move so fast!

"Shang Yu! In fact, the current situation is quite clear. It is a temporary cooperation! To put it bluntly, Simalun does not want to fight against us, nor does he want us to become stronger! Although our strength on paper is only Royal Farm!"

"Yeah! Mr. Wen made sense! But the question is whether we will take the initiative or wait for time to change!"

"Big Brother, both Mr. Wen and Brother Li just said something, but the younger brother thinks that the most important thing is how to control the situation! If Simalun succeeds in taking the throne tomorrow, he will definitely face his opponent!"

"Well, what everyone said makes sense! Then, let's do it! Brother Li Zhao, you should go back now. If he needs your support, please support him! Anyway, we too There is nothing to lose! And Lingyun, you also go back and explain some things with Chasing Wind. In short, there is only one purpose, and that is to preserve your strength, and it is best not to directly confront them! It's that simple! Let it go! After a long time, It is also prone to new changes! God knows if this Simalun will act in advance!" At a certain moment, in the small living room of Jin's mansion, Jin Shangyu finally made up his mind.

In this way, when it was not too much time, only Mr. Wen Shuo was pacing slowly above Jin Mansion!

"Master! Look at your state, it seems to be worrying! Are you still a little worried!"

"Don’t tell me the truth, tonight is the most uncomfortable, especially Sima Zhong in the True Dragon Palace! Maybe he is thinking about his ending! And we are also very uncomfortable. After all, tomorrow is going to change, and this Simalun will take the lead in the end. It's really hard to say who to attack!"

"Don't worry! We will have God's favor! Besides, even if Simalun turns his face ruthlessly, I believe we have a certain chance of winning! If it doesn't work, we will fight out of the Imperial City and wait for time to change!"

"Yes, you can only do this! Son, go upstairs and rest! The old man is not sleepy at all now!"

"Good, good! Then, see you tomorrow!" After feeling Wen Shuo's mood swings, Jin Shangyu didn't say much, and he got up and walked to his third floor cabin.

"My son, has something serious happened!"

"That's right! But it has nothing to do with you! You should sleep well and raise flowers!"

"Then, can you tell me what it is!"

"This, this, forget it, just tell you! Sooner or later, everyone will know!" At a certain moment, when Jin had just arrived on the second floor of Jin's mansion, a beautiful figure was standing in front of him. .

That person is no one else, but the first beauty of the Jin Dynasty, Lvzhu.

Facing the beauty's doubts, Jin Shangyu didn't want to say anything at all at first, but in the end, even Jin himself didn't know why he followed them into a small house.

"Um, people who live here are still used to it!"

"The son is joking! The conditions here are not comparable to ordinary people! The son should tell the important things earlier!"

"Look, I forgot about business as soon as I entered the house! In fact, there is nothing, it seems that Sima Lun is about to replace Sima Zhong!"

"What, this, isn't this going to rebel!"

auzw.com"Rebellion! This is a bit serious! I believe the girl knows how the Sima family seized the world back then! Let’s not say who is right and who is wrong! But this time It is estimated to be true, because just before today’s early morning, Zhao Wang Sima Lun has already explained what he said, and Emperor Sima Zhong accepted it!” At the end of the day, Jin Shangyu did not have any strong mood swings. , Even at a certain moment, Mr. Jin reached out and took a glass of water on the table and drank it.

"This, it turned out to be like this! Son, sorry, the little girl didn't even pour you water!"

"Okay, it's all from my own family, don't do so much. Isn't there water! What do you think about this matter!" After feeling the emotional change of the big beauty Lvzhu, Jin Shangyu also slowly Asked a question.

This time, Lu Zhu didn't speak in a hurry, she only let out a sigh of relief, and then said with a full voice: "My son, then, will we leave the imperial capital!"

"Girl, why would you ask this topic! Is it because you want to leave here! Still don't want to leave here!"

"It's nothing, just ask! Of course, as long as you can serve the son one or two, it's the same everywhere!"

"You bastard, what's the situation! Here again, you go on like this, how can this son be able to hold it! Forget it, stop talking and go to sleep!" Feel the affection of the Lvzhu girl How could someone Jin dare to stay here more, he had already started to think randomly.

"Um, son, what are you thinking! Is it too important tomorrow?"

"It's not important! No, it's important! So, you should rest early, and my son must rest too!" I wanted to say something else, but when I saw Lvzhu's breathtaking eyes, even It was Mr. Jin who couldn't resist.

"It turned out to be like this! Then, the little girl will send the son upstairs!"

"Um, no need! I can go by myself!"

"Good! May the son have a good mood tomorrow!"

"No, I said, how come this woman is like this! When is this, what a good mood is there! However, they are right, if it succeeds, of course it is a good mood!" When going upstairs, Jin muttered to himself.

After all, this Lvzhu girl is relatively smart, and Jin Shangyu has long seen this.

In this way, because of the Luzhu girl's blocking the way, Jin also reduced his sleep for a while. Of course, these episodes are not a big deal.

No words for a night, but some people are destined to be awake! For example, the person in the Palace of True Dragon, or Sima Lun who couldn't sleep happily. However, no matter what people's thoughts are, the setting sun of the next morning will still slowly rise from the east.

On this day, the sun came very early, and the people of the early dynasty were also anxious than before. Before the conventional time, the ministers had already stood in front of the True Dragon Palace and waited.

"Master, it turns out that you also got up very early!"

"Li Zhao! You are very good! Of course, after today, this king hopes that you can face everything about yourself!"

"Thank you, Lord! The minister will take everything seriously!"

"Okay! I hope you can do what you say!" As he spoke, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, also slowly walked to the True Dragon Palace.

"Don't open the door yet! What are you waiting for! Don't you know that the prince is already here!"

"This, yes!" In the face of Sun Xiu's bad words, the young man who looked like a palace man wanted to say a few words, but when he thought of today's affairs, he also replied weakly, and then he will be true dragon The door of the temple opened.

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