I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 978: Master tricks (2)

The night of the Golden Valley is getting darker and darker, but under the faint candlelight, the outline of the shadow can still be distinguished!

"Hahaha! It turns out that the famous Nanling Seven Kills also has the habit of committing to others! Not to mention, in that case, the old man doesn't say much!"

"I know you, although I can't name it! Ten years ago, the old man also had a battle with you! Maybe in the dark night! But that time, you escaped! Did you forget!"

"Good memory! Of course the old man remembered! But that time, the old man was seriously injured! Besides, at that time, your seven kills had not yet formed! You said, the old man said so. No!"

"Hahaha! You are right! I am Nanling Seven Killers. Although there are seven people, there will always be seven people. The reason is the same, because we only live for this reputation!" At the end, Nanling Seven The old man who was killed also laughed.

Faced with such a weird situation, Jin Shangyu, who was potentially in the dark, remained motionless, just pondering it inwardly.

After all, whether these masters have some special abilities, no one knows.

"Seven kills, heaven kills plus land kills, all five elements kill! What a scary name! Again, what the seven are going to do today! It won't be the order of the master, let's fight to the death!"

"How to do it! This sentence should be up to us! Most of the night, you are not sleeping in the palace, what are you doing here! Could it be my Nanling Seven Kills invited you over!"

"Oh, you actually know the old man's whereabouts very well! It seems that the old man underestimated you! However, from this point, it can also be seen that this Shi Chong has become your master!"

"Bah! No one can be our master! Boss, let the younger brother step forward and kill him! Save him from farting here!" Feeling the excitement of the words of the old surname, the opposite old man has not yet spoken, ranking Old Qi's soil killer was already anxious, so he almost jumped out and faced off on the spot.

"Young man, your temper is not small! But I just don't know how capable you are!"

"Boss, he is provoking! Let the little brother play!"

"Well, it seems that for today's things, wanting to be good is already impossible! However, I hope you can finish it!"

"It's easy to talk! The old man knows what you mean! Come on, young man! Just treat it as a warm-up, after all, old man, I haven't touched my hands for a long time!"

"Okay! Come here, this son is the seventh kill of the Nanling Seven Kills-the soil kill. While talking, the young man who claimed to be the soil killer also showed his body like a thunder to the old surname. Shot away.

"Good physical strength! However, if only such a method is used, it is not enough!" Feeling the unique physical strength of the other party, the old man with the ancient surname was not too anxious at all. He just leaped slightly, and his figure turned out to be miraculous. The reverse is reversed.

"No, this old guy has such a tricky and weird posture! Said it is a posture, in fact, it relies on his own internal strength to forcibly change the direction of the attack! It's amazing, an old guy!" After feeling the changes in the field, Mr. Jin It is also a quick analysis in my heart.

However, at this moment, the old and the young in the clearing were already fighting in one place.

"Old guy, I didn't expect you to have such a technique that has been lost for hundreds of years!"

"Why, I'm scared! If you're scared, let your brothers go together! At that time, the old man will be able to learn about how powerful Nanling Seven Kills are!"

"Hahaha! My Nanling Seven Kills is one, even if they are together, it is normal. You don't need to be excited! But to deal with you, you don't need to!" The young man who claimed to be the seventh kill also increased his attack. strength.

For a while, the two of them were getting faster and faster, and after that, ordinary people had no idea who was who!


"Mother, you are really angry! Three sentences before the beginning of the fight! Good, good, good, I want to see what you are good at!" At a certain moment, just away from the Jingu game Even in a flat place too far away, the two shadows became more and more courageous.

Here Jin Shangyu watched the battle between the two sides secretly. The six people in front of the Jingu Gambling Game also started to communicate.

"Boss, I don't think the old seven will work! After all, this old guy's body is too weird!"

"Yeah! Brother, this old guy's body skills are too fast! Although the old seven's skills are also good, but it is harder to win with a single blow! Besides, even if the old seven has a trick Son, the other party may not have no tricks to deal with!"

"You guys are right! It's really difficult for them to tell the victory or defeat quickly! But if we go together, even if this old guy is more powerful, it will be doomed!"

"Alright! Don't say anything! That person didn't give his full strength at all! Of course, you also know what the old seventh is capable of!"

"Boss, you mean that they didn't fight to death at all!"

"You can't say that! After all, the other party is also a hidden world master. Even if you take refuge in Simalun for a while, you won't fight to death! And let's not say more! Living is more important than anything! In addition, you must remember clearly Now, this time, we have no promises to the surname Shi!"

"Yes! We know!" Feeling the emotional change of their boss, the five people also stopped talking.

However, at this moment, I don't know who was the first to kill, and there was a new change in the time of lightning fire.

"Ah, you, you old fellow, my son is merciful everywhere, but you are going to kill you! Earth-colored flying sand!"

"You, you have misunderstood! It's not what you think! No good! You, you, ah, my eyes!" I wanted to explain one or two, but at this moment, countless flying out from the right hand of the soil killer Of earth-colored sand.

These sand grains are obviously not ordinary sand grains, they are all round and heavy. What's more terrible is that they are like being forced out by a force of gravity, almost instantly diffused towards each other.

For a while, even though the old man with the ancient surname flicked the dagger in his hand with all his strength, his body shape changed rapidly, but he was still hit by the earth-colored sand on his face.

"Ah! It hurts people! You, you wait!"

"Wait, you don't have to wait! Just stay here!"

"Old Qi, come back, can't chase!"

"Boss, he has been hit hard now, it is the best time to kill him in one fell swoop!"

"Forget it, you have to be forgiving and forgiving! Besides, if he fights for his life, I am afraid you are also vulnerable! Let him go! Well, why do you use your own unique skills!"

"Big Brother, I really didn't do it first, but he used his short sword to secretly explode and hurt my left arm!"

"Oh, that's the case! Okay! Let's deal with the injury first!" As he spoke, the boss of the Nanling Seven Kills also slowly walked over.

"You girl, this is not addictive! I just give a slight assist, how come it's over! I knew it was like this, then, I won't make a move!" At a certain moment, I was fighting in the dark. When the curtain came to an end in this way, Jin always had a feeling of being full of meaning in his heart.

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