I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 977: Master tricks (1)

The night was illusory and the cold wind hit, and the surrounding environment became more and more weird, giving people a mysterious feeling.

"Oh, Jin Shangyu, Jin Shangyu, what's wrong with you, every time you go out, you have to choose in the dark night! Was it a bat in your previous life?" While sneaking slowly into the Golden Valley Garden, Jin was confused in his heart. Muttered.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu passed through the periphery of Jingu Garden and approached the core area of ​​Jingu Garden a little bit, a wave of strong perception was quickly released.

Of course, in the next time, all kinds of beauties, as well as the ugly faces of the gamblers, were all captured by Jin.

"My mother, the business of this official Shi is still so prosperous, how much money do you have to make! In the future, I will have money and open a big casino! Anyway, this game will come soon! Pooh, pooh, what are you thinking about? , Can't be a little serious!" While thinking indiscriminately in his heart, Jin's figure also slowly came to a very familiar place-the Jingu Game.

Here, Jin Shangyu not only saved Jin Feier, but also won a huge amount of money.

In this way, because he was here to inquire about the news, or to see Nanling Seven Kills, Jin Shangyu's actions were also very careful, for fear of being discovered first.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was visiting Jingu Garden at night, one person rushed to the outskirts of Jingu Garden.

"Yes, it's here! Fortunately, the old man came here once, otherwise it would be really hard to find!" While muttering to himself, the old surnamed old man also floated and ran towards the core area of ​​Jingu Garden.

Of course, at this moment, Jin Shangyu also discovered him.

"Old guy, he is here too! It seems that Simalun is not worried about Shi Chong! No, it seems that they also know about the existence of Nanling Seven Kills!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu, with his strong perception, advanced in advance When he locked the old man with the surname Gu, he was also a little surprised.

After all, this kind of thing is too coincidental.

Here Jin Shangyu and the old surnamed old man have sneaked into the core area of ​​Jingu Garden. At this time, there was still singing and dancing in the Golden Valley Garden.

Especially the place called Jingu Gambling Game is very lively and even noisy.

"Official Shi, you, you are too interesting! Why did you have a beautiful girl a couple of days ago, but today you are gone! This, this is not fair! Come out quickly, we have something to say!"

"Masters! Masters, please listen to what the villain said! This matter, in fact..."

"In fact, shut up everything! I won't leave if you don't invite Shi Daguan out today!"

"Who is this! I have to see someone from Shi!" As he talked, I didn't know where a person walked out from, and that person was in white clothes, very handsome, who could not be Shi Chong.

"My lord, they, they all want to see you!"

"Okay, I see, let's go ahead! Brothers, are you looking for someone from Shi!"

"This, I'm sorry! Some of our brothers really want to meet Master Shi! Well, we heard that a few days ago, there was a beautiful woman in the Jingu gambling game! I wonder if this happened!"

"Hahaha, this is what you are talking about! Of course there is! But, not today, and not in the future!" At the end of the talk, Shi Chong's face became serious, and the whole body exuded. Powerful self-confidence.

Everyone knows that this is the power of self-confidence inherent in the superior.

In the face of such Shi Chong, even though those characters are the masters of good money, how dare they fight Shi Chong!


"Yes, sorry, our brothers are not here to stir the scene! You, don't think about it!"

"Really! So, what are those people here for! The family has family laws, and the rules of the business. Are these few people the first to come back to my Jingu game!"

"No, it's okay! We knew it was wrong!" As he spoke, the three or four wealthy businessman-like people also accompany their smiling faces and slowly withdrew.

"My lord, they, they seem to be gone!"

"Let's go! Forget it, just some little people! Well, is there a new situation!"

"My lord! Not yet! However, since the opponent has lost two dead men, someone should come over and check!"

"Well, you guys have to hold on! Also, tell them to be ready to fight at any time! Just say that I will not send their money!"

"Yes! The slave will do it! Please don't worry, Lord!" At a certain moment, when the wealthy businessmen slowly left the Jingu gambling game, a man who looked like a housekeeper also whispered a few words with the official Shi.

However, at this moment, there was also a person floating in from the periphery of the Jingu game.

I saw that man was like wind and clouds, very relaxed, although there were many Jingu warriors patrolling, but the man was able to pass through the middle.

"Mother, it seems that this old guy also has a certain sense of perception! Otherwise, how could he find the patrol behind the building! It's not right! If he can spot Laozi, then he should do something! Maybe I'm wrong. ! In other words, his perception is only very close!" After feeling the weirdness of the old surname, Jin Shangyu did not dare to move, but steadily dived above a tall tree.

The dark night became deeper and deeper, and the night of the Golden Valley at this time was destined to be unable to calm down.

In other words, when the old surnamed Gu floated outside the Jingu gambling game, he also saw three or four people coming out of it.

"Let's go, let's go! What a beauty, our life is the most important thing!"

"Yeah! You didn't see Shi Chong's murderousness just now! It seems that we are his enemies! It's too scary! This place, the old man dare not come again!" While you muttered to me, Those three or four wealthy businessmen also gradually disappeared in the Golden Valley Garden.

However, not long after these people left, there was also a sound in the dark night. Although it was not loud, Jin Shangyu and the old man with the surname Gu listened carefully.

"Hahaha! You are here! Since you are here, let's show up!"

"You, you knew the old man was coming!"

"Of course I do! However, I just didn't expect that your body technique has improved a lot!"

"Really! Then, you are ready to serve this person to the end!"

"How come! You know, no one can order us!" While talking, through the light of the candlelight emitted from the Jingu gambling game, seven people did not know where they fell.

"Mother, under the black cloth on the roof is the hiding place for the seven of them! It seems that they know that someone is coming, and they also know that this person has some power of perception! You girl, It was a little careless just now, I really thought it was just a black cloth!" After feeling the strangeness of the seven, Jin also muttered to himself in the dark night.

However, at the same time that Jin Shangyu was startled, the old man with the ancient surname that had been discovered was slowly falling from the tip of a tree. Although the dark night was like a fantasy, and facing the Nanling Seven Kills, the old man didn't have a trace of panic, as if the things before him were in his expectation.


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