I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 971: Jingu Incident (3)

It was still in the Jingu Park, or the lively Jingu gambling game, but the scene at this time had already entered the point where people could not figure out.

"My lord, I really didn't expect that so many people would borrow money! Our good day is here!"

"They don’t want to borrow. Who would let the deity only give them one day! You know, our beauties here, they mentioned it many times before! However, they were all rejected by the deity! Now their appetites have been adjusted? It's very high! Next, we can watch the show well!"

"Yes, yes, the villain knows! However, among these people, it seems that other people are involved! What should I do? Is it to drive them away directly, or to take something else!"

"Don't worry about it, let them see how powerful our Golden Valley Garden is! Hahaha, since you are so concerned about Lao Tzu, let you take a good look!" At one point, Shi Chong realized that there was something in the game. When he was a spy, he also said plainly.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Shi Chong's sharp eyes, mainly because these outsiders don't have that much silver at all.

And the regulars here are all characters from the rich side. Of course, the consequence of doing so is to directly highlight three or two people.

"Boss, what should I do! Today, today they actually came this hand! We have no money at all!"

"Forget it, if you have come, you will be safe, let's take a look! However, this Shi Chong is really scary! After all, I have never seen such a lot of money!"

"Yeah! Big brother, our brothers have never seen it! However, if this goes on, I am afraid they will find it! If that is the case, it will be too miserable! After all, this is Jingu Garden!" Actually, it is in Shishi While Chong and others were whispering in the dark, the three people in the crowd already knew their situation.

After all, everyone is rushing to place bets on the long table. Only the three of them are shuttled here. If this is not enough to attract the attention of others, then it is a strange thing!

In this way, with the passage of time, the entire Jingu gambling game has become more and more deserted. Because most of the high-ranking officials, as long as they get Jingu Beauty, they will choose to return in the first time.

Of course, there are also three people who are not accompanied by beautiful women. They are the three who did not place bets.

"My lord, they are gone! Don't we need to stop them or take them down!"

"No, let them continue to check here! One day, I will make them look good!"

"Yes! I know it!" I wanted to take down the three people in one fell swoop, but the official Shi stopped the plan!

In this way, with the happy return of the last rich man, the whole Jingu gambling game also came to an end.

"My lord, you are here!"

"Yes, the deity is here! Tell me, how much can you get today!"

"If you go back to your lord, it should be around ten million! However, three of them seem to have not placed a bet from beginning to end!"

"Okay, the deity knows! Let's go to rest! I didn't expect that today's gambling game would end so early." At one point, when everyone left and only the people of Jinguyuan were left, Shi Chong did too. very happy.

Because this time the concentrated sale of beautiful women has made a lot of money. This cannot fail to say Shi Chong's strength and intelligence.

Nothing happened all night. When the morning sun again spread to Jingu Garden the next morning, Shi Chong had already arrived at the big casino in Jingu Garden.

"My lord, what if they come back today!"

"That's it! It's not easy to do! Otherwise, please remind me, remember, treat them as ordinary people!"

"What the adult said is extremely true, the young one understands!"

"Okay! Go ahead and do it!" As he spoke, Shi Chong also stopped speaking, but still secretly followed the Jingu gambling game.

auzw.com on this day, because Shi Chong once again released the news, saying that the day should be extended. To put it bluntly, just another day of promotion!

And this kind of news instantly became the biggest reason for attracting people.

There is still a constant flow of people, and there are still mostly rich people, but the three people still show up.

However, this time is different from the past. The three people did not look around, but quietly watched the direction of the situation.

"Jingu gambling game, once you leave, you can't go back! Jingu gambling game, let's go!" It was still the familiar voice, but at this time the crowd changed a lot of faces.

Of course, there are also the old faces of yesterday, and they also greet them with smiles, as if they weren't here to gamble at all, and the goal was directed at the beautiful Jingu women.

"One, one, one, three o'clock! Little!"

"How is it possible that this period of time has been small! Is it something abnormal?"

"What's wrong with this! Didn't you see that everyone sent big beauties out! It seems that this Shi Daguan is trying to make money! However, with his financial resources, do you still need to do this!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's take the beautiful woman home!" While talking, many high-ranking officials have already completed the mission of this day, that is, bringing home the beautiful women of Jingu Garden.

Here, the Jingu gambling game is still prosperous, but an episode appeared in the crowd at this time. Although it is not a major event, it still makes many people look sideways!

"Three adults! You, what are you going to do! Although our beauties are not afraid to look at them, they can't stare like this!"

"Why, don't you see it!"

"It's okay to see, but if you keep staring at it, the beauties will be unhappy! Besides, since yesterday, the three of you have not placed any bets! Are you not here to play!"

"You, forget it, of course we are here to play! But can't you not bet!"

"Yes, yes, my eldest brother is right! Isn't it OK if we look at it! Besides, no one is making money now, you think our three brothers are just like them, thinking about beautiful women!" Finally, the younger of the three also said with a smile.

However, in the face of such an explanation, the people of Jin Gu did not buy it at all, and in the end there was a very embarrassing scene.

"Well, since you said you are here to play, then place a bet!"

"Why do we place a bet!"

"Hahaha, it turns out that you are here to stare at the beauties, and you don't even have the capital to bet! That's fine, if you are such a person, please come back! This bet is a person with good looks!

"You, you..."

"Forget it, don't let it look, let's go!" Feeling the disdain of everyone's eyes, the elder of the three also made up his mind.

In this way, when it was not too much, the three people who had never gambled also slowly walked out of the Jingu game.

At this time, the wealthy Shi Chong was observing the three people who went away in the dark.

"How about it! It's okay to deal with it like this!"

"Yes! Go ahead! Don't let them take the money away!"

"Yes! The villain knows!" At a certain moment, after the three were "invited" out of the gambling game, Shi Chong also showed a smug smile.


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