I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 970: Jingu Incident (2)

The feeling of being condescending in Jingu Garden also made Shi Chong very happy, and the inadvertent smile also confirmed this.

"Everyone, be quiet, since everyone can come here, it means that you are all friends of my Shimou! What is the relationship between friends! Of course it is a relationship that has nothing to do with it!"

"Official Shi, what kind of play are you going to sing! Or talk about today's gambling game, what is going on! Don't tell me to wait here!"

"Okay! Okay! It seems that this adult is more impatient! Okay, then, let's talk about it! Actually, you have all seen it. Today's Jingu Garden is, no, it should be today's Jingu. Gambling is the most special!"

"Daguan Shi, it's very special! How come so many beauties! Not at the price of beauties!"

"This adult is half right! Today's Jingu game is dominated by three games and two wins! Of course, you can also set some rules yourself! But the most important point is that you must pay ten times the previous price. Bet! Of course, because of the huge amount of gambling! We will also send beauties to comfort me! Believe me the level of Jingu beauties, you should know!" At the end of the day, the official Shi of the rich and enemy also revealed A weird smile.

Although Shi Chong's words are not much, they are more informative. For a while, it also caused a strong response among the crowd.

"Brother Li, did you hear that you can actually get the Jingu beauty! This, this is a great thing! In the past, we couldn't get a lot of money for it!"

"Yes! I heard that the beauties here are all selected after years of training, and the elimination rate is extremely high! It seems that this time, Shi Daguan is ready to bleed! No, he, why did he do this? Yeah!"

"It doesn't matter what he is! Let's invest in the gambling first, and don't let the beauties be robbed by others! Besides, there are not many times when Shi Shi is generous!"

"Grab it all, no, look, this, this is too much! But, just in case, the old man will take the shot first!"

"You, you did this! It's so shameless!" At one point, when Shi Chong's words detonated the entire crowd, some people could not bear their minds and went directly to the gaming table.

On the long strip of gaming tables, many beauties are also doing their best to be beautiful, and the provocative and highly sexual moves make people unable to themselves.

"Okay, now someone has taken action! Then, that Shi certain person will not disturb everyone's interest! Hahaha! Jinguyuan will always welcome you to come!" At the end, Shi Chong laughed and said Some polite remarks.

Of course, no one in the Jingu gambling game at this time listened carefully to what Shi Chong was talking about, and most of them started betting.

"Come and come, the old man weighs one hundred thousand taels of silver! This, this should be a lot!"

"My lord is pressing a lot!"

"Then, when do you give the beautiful lady to the old man!"

"Not in a hurry, really not in a hurry, no matter how you say it, adults must not look at their luck! Maybe they can win more money!"

"Okay, it's what the beauty said! Let's open the market!" At a certain moment, on the long strip gambling tables, those dignitaries were also somewhat unable to control themselves.

Of course, Shi Chong did not leave here at this time, just wandering slowly in the gambling game alone.

"Jingu gambling game, once you leave, you can't go back! Jingu gambling game, open!" Just as the old man stared at the Jingu beauty with joy, a familiar voice also slowly started.

Of course, at this time, there was still a middle-aged man slowly lifting up a barrel-shaped stuff, and instantly three dice appeared in front of everyone.

auzw.com "One, one, two, four o'clock! Small!"

"What, it turned out to be small! Impossible! Yesterday I suppressed the small, why is it still small today! But, forget it, isn’t it just one hundred thousand taels of silver! Come on, don’t send the beautiful women over !"

"The adults are really good! I don't know if the slave family can enter the adult's eyes!"

"Good, good! Petite and cute, good figure! It is what the old man loves! Come, come, today's game, the old man is here! If there is nothing else, then, let's go back!"

"Yes! The slave knows! Thank you for showing your love!" At a certain moment, with a soft voice, the ordinary-looking old man also narrowed his eyes.

Of course, after a while, an ordinary old man, a beautiful girl, also walked together, and the disproportionate contrast also made everyone look at him from time to time.

However, this is just an episode in the Jingu game.

In the following time, the entire gambling game became a sea of ​​joy. Of course, apart from those happy men of all colors, the one who is most happy is the rich man Shi Chong.

"My lord, it seems that you have a good idea! It is so easy to gather a lot of silver!"

"You are right! However, this little money will be used a lot in the future! By the way, you said before, it seems that someone came to investigate us! I don't know what was found!"

"In reply to your lord, there is no news! It is estimated that they are all super dead, even if they are caught alive, it is difficult to ask anything! The top priority is to improve their strength!"

"That's right! Forget it, let's take a look at the good show here! Look, the man actually took out five hundred thousand taels of silver! It seems that I have fewer beautiful women!" Feeling the Jingu bet The atmosphere is different, Shi Chong who stands in the dark is also muttering to himself.

Here Shi Chong is secretly watching the changes in Jin Gu's gambling game, and the gambling game at this time has really entered a climax.

For a time, many high-ranking officials have already attacked in an all-round way, some took the initiative to invest a lot of money, and some because of insufficient money they brought directly to the gambling game, and the interest was even more scary!

"Come and come, give the old man another hundred thousand taels of silver! I will send it tomorrow!"

"Good, good! You wait, but the interest is ten thousand taels of silver!"

"Well, forget it, let's take it! 110,000 taels will definitely be delivered tomorrow!"

"Good, good! You take it away!" While talking, there was a maid from Jingu holding a square plate with a hundred thousand taels of gambling on it.

"Here, the old man is here, you just said that this beauty will increase the price, this time it should be enough!"

"Enough is enough! But, as you can see, this time the driver is still small! You lost again! Of course, the little girl can go with you!"

"Good, good! As long as you, a murderer, can walk with the old man, you can promise them anything!"

"The slave family, thank you, my lord!" After feeling the change in the old man's mood, a beautiful Jin Gu also writhed her body and walked outside.

Of course, the old man who had just owed one hundred thousand taels of silver was not at all worried, and his whole person followed the Jin Gu beauty like a trot.


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