I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 935: Exploring the Tiger Mountain at Night (2)

Chapter 935: Exploring Tiger Mountain at Night (2) Page 1/1

At midnight, when most of the people in the imperial capital fell asleep, they were located in the mountains more than two hundred miles west of the city, but they were still brightly lit.

"Well, you all sit down! It's not that the deity wants to scold you! The main reason is that the situation is too critical! Tell my brothers, on the basis of the original light and dark whistle, half of the reconnaissance power should be sent, and you must not let People come in! Otherwise our big plan will be in vain!"

"Yes! The final general has already added more manpower! I just don't know where the lord lives tonight!"

"Forget it, just here! Remember the deity, if any villagers who enter the mountain will be killed! What we are doing now is a big thing! Don't let small things affect the overall situation!"

"The final commander!" Just when the person in Jin's central theme uttered the four words "Kill you do not matter", there was also a roar from the entire big account.

"Mother, it turns out that this Jia Mi is really here, and he is still a good soldier! It seems that I look down upon him!" At one point, when Jin Shangyu finally sneaked into the side of the camp, the inside The scene also appeared in Jin Shangyu's sea of ​​knowledge.

In other words, just when Jin was silent in the potential dark place, Jia Mi inside also spoke again: "Well, the generals follow the orders! From today, I will cut off all contact with the outside world!"

"Master! Wouldn't it be so good if we really did this!"

"You mean that information from the outside world can't reach the mountains, no, no!"

"That's what the end means! If this is the case, our losses will be great!"

"Don't worry, let's not go out. If something serious happens outside, someone will naturally come and deliver the letter! The most important thing for you now is to train well! You have also seen that when you fought Liu Kun, the training methods of others are indeed comparative. Great! However, we are not bad here! Okay, let's go down! The deity also has to rest!" While speaking, Jia Mi also appeared to want to rest.

However, just as the generals moved slowly and were about to leave here, a young general rushed up outside, shouting: "My lord, it's not good! There is a situation!"

"Oh, there is a situation! You speak slowly! What happened!"

"Go back to the lord! I just got a report from the outpost, saying that someone was found in the middle of the mountain!"

"What, someone touched it! Then, why not shoot it on the spot!"

"Lord, the body is so fast that we can't see clearly! We just know that someone has passed by!" At the end, the young general also showed a touch of helplessness.

"Mother, I won't be discovered by them! No, I just didn't urge them to the extreme, but they are still far away! How could I find Laozi! Could it be that they can also A stranger!" At a certain moment, when Jia Mi looked at a loss, Jin, who was hiding in the dark, began to think quickly in his heart.

After all, what they said was very clear. They saw the flashing of human figures, and they were extremely fast.

"The lord is not anxious, I will wait to stop that person now! The final will not believe it, he will not be able to lift the clouds and escape the ground! It is really impossible, let's have a thousand arrows!"

"Okay! Go! It seems that we are really being targeted! But no matter what, don't panic everyone! Besides, how many people are there after you said you saw a figure!"

"If you go back to the lord, it should be at least two! It should be three! The villain is also intuitive! However, they are indeed too fast! It is really hard to distinguish!"

"What? It turned out to be two people! In that case, it seems that someone has arrived! Well, now, the Tiger Mountain will be lively! But, who is the latecomer! Is it the person sent by Simalun! "When the young general said that at least two people had entered the mountain, Jin Shangyu's heart was also much calmer.

auzw.com Of course, since then, Jin is not the only foreign guest on the entire Tiger Mountain.

"Well, it turned out to be a reconnaissance squad! Tell my brothers that it's best to catch alive. If it doesn't work, shoot with arrows! In addition, tell the sergeants on the periphery not to move around and keep their positions. They are also one. It's just a scout guy!"

"The final commander!" After feeling Jia Mi's fierce color, the generals quickly rushed out of the camp.

Almost immediately, Jia Mi was the only one left in the huge camp.

"Jia Wei, Jia Mi, I didn't expect your self-protection ability to be so bad! You sent all the generals out! However, your courage to give me away is good!" Seeing the big account, When he was already alone, Jin was also full of emotion.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was thinking about it, a middle-aged man emerged from the ears of the camp. Judging by his clothes, he should be a servant.

"The villain sees the adult! I wonder what the master has for calling the villain!"

"Oh, it's you! You are here! It's time to come! Just now the sentry reported that two or three dead men sneaked into the Tiger Mountain!"

"Master, they really sent someone here!"

"It should be here! But it's hard to tell who sent it! So, you better leave a living!"

"The slave knows! The villain must share the worries for the master!"

"Huo Yun, you don't have to be like this. It was the deity's job to save you at the beginning! Get up!" While speaking, Jia Mi actually stood up and helped the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Mother, Huoyun, what a domineering name! What's the situation! Wearing the clothes of a man can make Jia Mi so important! It seems that this Huoyun must be a person!" When it was unusual, Jin Shangyu also thought quickly in his heart.

After all, there is another strong enemy in front of him, how could someone Jin be indifferent.

"The Lord's great kindness, Huo Yun will never pay for it! Please rest assured, the villain will deal with them now!"

"Okay, you go! But pay attention to safety! If you don't have a 100% certainty to kill with a single blow, just drive them away! After all, your safety is also the most important thing!"

"Yes! Thank you for your kindness, Master! The villain will do this!" The middle-aged man named Huoyun also strode out of the camp.

"You girl, it turns out that these big people are protected by capable people and strangers! It seems that in this world, it is not just Lao Tzu's body that is fast!" After feeling this fire cloud's unusualness, Jin Shangyu also tried his best. With his perceptual ability, his body shape even more lightly, and he followed the middle-aged man named Huo Yun.

Mr. Jin did not speak, but followed the other side softly, and the man did not make any noise. After leaving the camp, he moved and disappeared in place!

"Yes, the body style speed is indeed top-notch, and it is estimated to be a match for the two people who are chasing the wind and Benlei!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu saw that this person's body style was so peculiar, and he continued to mumble Uttered.

Of course, with Jin Shangyu's body speed, keeping up with the opponent's speed is almost not difficult.

Here, Jin Shangyu and the middle-aged man named Huoyun were walking one after another in the mountains and forests. At this time, an unexpected situation appeared on the mountainside of the Tiger Mountain.

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