I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 934: Explore Tiger Mountain at night!

Chapter 934: Exploring Tiger Mountain at Night! Page 1/1

The night was illusory, and the imperial capital in winter seemed a bit quiet, and even some small businesses were rare. But for someone Jin who likes night activities, it's really not that difficult!

"Shang Yu! You, you have to be careful this time! If they are really Jia Mi Corps, their defense level must be very high!"

"Don’t worry, Mr. Wen! I’ll be careful! Well, Brother Li, I’m calling you over. Actually, there’s nothing, I just want to tell you about this! However, before I return, I can’t let this news out, otherwise it will There are other variables, which is unknown!"

"Okay, I still know this, Li Zhao! You have to be careful! After all, you are our main character!"

"Okay, don't worry! In addition, tell Ling Yun and the others to stay steady. Although Simalun always finds fault with the imperial army these days, as long as he doesn't fight, it's fine!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also got up. Walk to his room.

However, when Jin Shangyu opened the door, he was shocked.

"No, I said beauty, it's almost dark, what are you doing here!"

"Sorry, did you scare the son? Actually, the slave family wanted to water the flowers for you. Look at the flowers, how long have you not taken care of them!"

"Um, sorry for them! They were taken care of before! Forget it, they will be handed over to you! However, when watering the flowers in the future, it is best to open the door, otherwise it will be really scary!" , Jin Shangyu also picked up his night clothes casually.

"Um, son, do you need to put it on for you!"

"Yes, beauty, my son is not that lucky, so let's do it yourself!" Seeing that the big beauty Lv Zhu was going to dress herself, Jin was scared and ran downstairs.

"My son, what are you doing! Why do you want to dress in the hall!"

"Isn't it okay if you don't speak! Okay, my son has already taken care of it, and I'm leaving!" Feeling that there is something in the words of Old Man Wenshuo, Jin didn't say much, and he hurried to the streets of the Imperial City after a few words. Run through the alley.

"Lord Li, look, this is our master, who looks like a child. Isn't it just a green bead? He made him blush!"

"Old Wen, in fact, this is actually the cuteness of Shang Yu! Being able to hold himself, and knowing what he should and should not do! What a good thing!"

"What are you talking about! What a good thing! If you let the girl above follow Shang Yu, wouldn’t it be a good thing! Besides, it’s not a big deal for a man to have three wives and four concubines! Say yes. , Lord Li!"

"Well, someone Li really doesn't have a better opinion on these things, or else, let's drink some tea first!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu disappeared into the night alone, he was sitting in Jin's mansion. The two in the small living room also started a new round of conversation.

Of course, the content of their conversation this time is no longer a matter of dry state affairs.

The atmosphere in the small living room of Jin's Mansion has changed to a warm atmosphere, and Jin Shangyu at this time has already rushed to the direction of Tiger Mountain. This time, because of the long distance, Jin still rode on the tall horse that had followed him for many years.

"Fenghushan! It's only more than two hundred miles away from the imperial capital city. If a major war really happens, they can really take advantage of the trend, capture the imperial capital in one fell swoop, and obtain unexpected results! It seems that what I didn't expect is still There are many!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu murmured in his heart while running at high speed.


Of course, at this time, because it is already winter, there are fewer and fewer people going up the mountain to collect medicine. Just yesterday, their Imperial Capital Medicine Village no longer had the previous sales volume!

However, one thing is better, that is, the stock of medicinal materials in the Imperial Capital Medical Village has reached an astronomical figure, I am afraid that these will be indispensable strategic resources in the future!

In this way, with the strong perception of the future core, Jin Shangyu also took nearly two hours to reach the foot of the Tiger Mountain.

"No, I have to figure out the situation here first! Otherwise, you will start to stun the snake if you are not careful!" Knowing the importance of this place, Jin Shangyu also hid the war horse in a dense forest under the mountain! And he himself is trying his best to release his own perception.

"Mother, this mountain is so big! I can't figure it all out! It seems that I have to go up the mountain!" While muttering to himself, Jin also moved to the top of the mountain.

Along the way, Jin Shangyu was not too fast because he wanted to observe things in the mountains.

At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu came to a place halfway up a mountain, some pictures he wanted finally appeared in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Mother, there are really soldiers garrisoned here! It seems that the thirteen tiger fighting heroes should have been killed by them!" When he felt that there were patrol sergeants patrolling back and forth, Jin Shangyu also guessed the fate of those people before. .

After all, everyone knows that as long as the person who comes here is discovered by the other party, there is only a dead end, there is no other way to find!

In this way, Jin Shangyu was even more careful because he discovered that there were sergeants garrisoned. And his future core is also fully opened.

"Good guy, there are multiple light and dark whistles! It seems that there must be a big man in it! It's not that Jia Mi is on this Tiger Mountain!" Jin Shangyu was also very excited when he thought that Jia Mi might be on the mountain.

After all, it is great news that Jia Mi, who has disappeared for many days, can be found this time. Of course, at least until now, Jin has not confirmed this matter. After all, this matter of Tibetan soldiers in the mountains may be done by someone else, but it is unknown!

Here Jin Shangyu went all-out toward the top of the Tiger Mountain. How did he use his super skills to avoid the sentinel's tracking? Let alone say that there are dozens of people standing on the top of the Tiger Mountain at this time. And there was a person sitting impressively in the middle.

"Tell me, what the **** is going on! Why are a dozen hunters breaking in! Is there anyone else behind them!"

"Master, they have a total of 13 people, they should be professional tiger hunters, but the moment they contacted our secret whistle, our people have killed them all!"

"Is it useful to kill? The deity asked if there is anyone behind them! Don't you think about it! They didn't find us, but if they go back and say that the tiger killer died on the Tiger Mountain, it will be one What kind of result!"

"This, this, seems to be there! But they are all ordinary villagers! Because there are more people, we chose to avoid them! And they also retired when they were faced with difficulties!"

"Stupid! Do you really think these people are just looking for medicinal materials! If the deity didn't guess wrong! This is mostly Smalun's tricks! This time, let's take the initiative to avoid him. He must be very afraid of us, so Want to find us!" At one point, when a general-like person finished speaking, the person above the main seat in the middle also roared loudly.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire big tent became more and more weird. At this moment, although dozens of generals were standing under the tent, no one made a sound.

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