I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 913: Strange war (2)

In the unnamed mountains, fighting broke out in an instant, and almost no one was spared...

"Master General, it seems that they have come prepared, maybe they have discovered our intentions long ago! Or they have laid ambush here before! Otherwise it is impossible to escape our eyeliner!"

"Yeah! It seems that this Simalun is really calm! He knew that he was here for a long time, and he was able to fight calmly! No, if you think about it according to this thinking, even if Jin Shangyu doesn't help, they probably will. We will find an opportunity to let us run here!"

"Jin Shangyu, did he make a move!"

"Yeah! However, this time, he was a single person to help, but in the end he rescued us from the siege!"

"Oh, he didn't even bring his team!"

"Forget it, although there is his team in the Royal Farm, it is not always possible to pull it out!" At a certain moment, when the battle was still fierce, Liu Kun was also studying with the generals around him. The current situation.

However, at this moment, the ancient wind and wind also came quickly.

"General, this battle should be a fierce battle! It seems that they are determined to destroy us! You see, now our two wings are already full of cavalry, at least as many as fifty thousand, and our rear is still A large number of cavalry came over!"

"Yunfeng, you mean that they are going to drive us forward!"

"There is such a possibility! Actually, the final officer has already checked it out, and there is a huge valley fifty miles further ahead! Could it be possible that they have also laid ambushes there too! If it is really like that, our side Fighting back will be the most undesirable tactic!"

"It's so vicious! Don't worry, if it's so, let's go in another direction! So, let the whole army pass the encirclement to the north, and be sure to use powerful means to open the gap! Also, tell my brothers, don't worry about everything! The vitality is the most important!"

"The final commander!" At a certain moment, after Liu Kun felt that the situation was getting worse, he also made up his mind, not to retreat to his old base area, but to directly attack the north.

For a time, because of Liu Kun's order, the situation on the entire battlefield also changed fundamentally.

If someone can get a bird's eye view of the battlefield from a high altitude at this time, they will find that Liu Kun's army is thrusting northward like a dagger.

Because this style of play was not foreseen, the imperial army on the left wing, which is also located in the north, could not stop Liu Kun's desperate blow. Almost in an instant, a huge gap was opened.

"The generals listen to the order, right now! They are now at the opportunity to wait and see, this is the best time to break through! Get out!"

"The final commander!" With the roar of anger, the entire Liu Kun army also exerted its greatest combat effectiveness.

For a time, although countless sergeants fell in the unnamed mountains, the vast majority of the cavalry successfully broke through the northern line of defense.

"General, we are considered to have come out! However, they will not give up! You see, they seem to be the two armies united, and they will cover up from the rear together!"

"Don't panic! This time, they are already at a disadvantage! Tell my brothers, leave 10,000 soldiers, divided into two teams of 5,000, and quickly shoot with crossbows in turn! Then slowly retreat!"

"The general is wise, the general will send the order now!" Feeling Liu Kun's calm and steady, Gu Yunfeng also conveyed the general order again.

At this time, the tens of thousands of cavalry who were chasing after him were already approaching Liu Kun's rear army.

auzw.com However, at this moment, five thousand cavalrymen suddenly turned their horses, and it was a volley of bows and arrows!

"Go back! Go back! They are crazy!"

"The general can't retreat! They are already bereaved dogs! Can't let go of this best time!"

"Go away, shut up to Ben! Who do you think you are! If you have another speaker, kill!"

"Yes, but Master Jia asked us to take Liu Kun!"

"Come here! Kill this person! Disrupt my military spirit! Disturb my fighting spirit!"

"You, you can't do this! The general is the supervising army sent by Master Jia!"


"Ah!" With an unwilling roar, the supervising army who had just questioned others just fell into the unnamed mountains like this.

"Master General, he, he was sent by that person!"

"What did he send! Can't you see it! The opponent has already jumped out of our encirclement, even if it pursues further, it is impossible to win! And this Liu Kun did not mess up at all. Look, he After thousands of people shot, thousands more came up behind him! What kind of tactic is this, this is the method of reducing the size and delaying the big! If this continues, not only will we not be able to catch Liu Kun, I am afraid that the casualties of our brothers will also not be. It's a small number! So, the most urgent thing is to stabilize the whole army! This battle is already over!" At the end, the commander general didn't say much, but just turned his head.

"Pass the order, the whole army retreat! Those who violate the order, cut!"

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! Violators, cut!" For a while in the unnamed mountains, the continuous shouts also turned into retreat.

"Report, Lord General, they, they actually turned their heads!"

"Oh, I turned the horse's head! It seems that things are not that simple! Maybe this is their suspicious strategy! The order is passed on! The whole army must not slow down, and must leave the battlefield at full speed! As for the ten thousand cavalry, they can retreat alternately!"

"General, did something big happen to them! Otherwise, it is impossible not to chase them! You know, although we sent ten thousand cavalry to drag them! But they can completely destroy ours with a powerful attack force. defense!"

"Yunfeng! Sometimes, tactics are not necessarily the most important thing! Maybe the enemy in front of us doesn't want to make such a big sacrifice! It's not known!" At the end, Liu Kun also revealed A touch of weird color.

In this way, because the pressure of the pursuit became less and less, so as the night fell, Liu Kun's army had all left the main battlefield.

"Tell my brothers, you can adjust it now! In addition, if we put up torches high up here, maybe our people still haven't returned! As long as they come back, even if they climbed back, they would have to take them. Walk together!"

"The general really has the heart of a benevolent man! The final admiration!"

"Alright, Yunfeng! You have been with this general for some years, knowing that this general's approach is definitely not a small measure to buy people's hearts!"

"Yes, yes! I know the heart of the general! Besides, we are all old brothers who have followed the general for many years! How can I not know what the general is like!" At one point, it was not too big in one place. In the mountains and forests, Liu Kun was also talking about some things with his generals.

Of course, during the time they were talking, there really were a lot of outdated soldiers slowly returning to camp.

The dark night is like an illusion and the mountains and forests are like abysses. After several successive battles, it is unrealistic to say that the sergeants are not tired.

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