I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 912: Strange war (1)

In Luoyang, the imperial capital, the four gates were closed tightly, and the cavalry teams that appeared from time to time also rolled past like iron currents, which made people feel like a war is just in front of them.

In other words, at this moment, among the unnamed mountains in the south of the city, a good scene of compilation is being performed.

"You don't need to ask, you are the sergeant of the Commanding Mansion! No, the Commanding Mansion does not exist anymore! You said, do you return to the original army or just follow this king!"

"Master, they are military personnel! Isn't it a bad idea to do this!"

"Master Jia, don't worry! In fact, if you don't tell, I don't tell, just treat it as the previous battle damage! Besides, can the two of us treat our brothers badly!"

"Well, if the prince said so, there is actually nothing wrong! Let's go, in fact, the officer is not too interested in these sergeants, you two and one!"

"Okay! This king thanked Master Jia! Brothers, you have heard, now you can choose, this king only needs 20,000 people, and the rest belongs to Master Jia! Of course, you can also choose to return to the original The army! But if you do that, you know the consequences!" At the end, Zhao Wang Simalun also showed a weird look.

Faced with such a two-choice situation, all soldiers who have been in the army know that the current situation is actually very simple, that is, a choice must be made, otherwise there is only a dead end.

"That, prince, I would be willing to loyal to you from now on! Of course, my brothers have the same idea!"

"Good brother! What a good brother! Come on! Stand up quickly, in fact, this king is in a hurry! I'm afraid you won't come over!"

"The general dare not! Brothers, what are you waiting for, don't come with the general!"

"Well, I'm sorry, Master Jia, you have also seen that, this general, he, he doesn't want to break up his team!"

"You, prince, it's not good for you to do this!" At a certain moment, when a general brought all the more than 30,000 sergeants to the side of King Zhao, that Jia Mi also trembled with anger.

Of course, in order to take care of the overall situation, Jia Mi finally swallowed this bad breath.

"Wang Zhao! The things here are not too bad now! As for these sergeants, you still let them continue to chase and kill them! As for Liu Kun! I believe I have fallen into a circle now!"

"That, it seems that Master Jia is strategizing! I'm sorry, but, tomorrow, Xiao Wang will give fifty thousand silver! I hope Master Jia can accept it!"

"The prince is serious! However, now the official is really lacking this! Thanks!" While speaking, Jia Mi was also a Boma and left.

"Jia Mi, you want to fight this king, you are still tender! Hahaha!" At a certain moment, when Jia Mi's figure slowly disappeared among the mountains, Zhao Wang Simalun's laughter was also unscrupulous in the world. Reverberated.

Here, how Zhao Wang Simalun sent troops to continue chasing Liu Kun will not mention it for the time being. Let alone Liu Kun at this time, although he has left the main battlefield, there are still followers faintly behind him.

"Master General, it is reported that there should be a small group of cavalry trailing not far behind us!",

"What are you afraid of! Let them come! In a few dozen miles, we will join the reinforcements! At that time, even if Sima Lun led an army to attack him, he would have no return!" said finally, Liu Kun's expression also turned cold.

However, just as Liu Kun led an army of fifty thousand to continue advancing quickly in the northeast, suddenly thousands of cavalry rushed forward.

"Master General, no! Someone is coming!"

auzw.com "The generals are in no hurry, they should be our own people!"

"My lord, really, look, it is General Gu Yunfeng who has arrived!"

"General, the young general, please convict the army for the delay!"

"Forget it, it's all out now! Besides, you can't tell the situation of the battle for such a long road! You wouldn't be unreasonable! How about, there are enemies around!" At one point, Liu Kun led the team. When meeting with his reinforcements, he also raised a very sensitive question.

Facing Liu Kun's question, the ancient general did not dare to neglect!

"Master General, the final general has already sent a large number of outposts, but he hasn't returned yet, so he should be back soon!"

"Yunfeng! No, we must have been targeted. If the order goes on, the whole army shrinks and assaults to the northeast with all its strength! If you encounter a blocking enemy, you can just rush directly over, and you can't love it!"

"The last general Gu Yunfeng takes the order!" Feeling the seriousness of the situation, the general named Gu Yunfeng also quickly ran towards the army behind him.

After a while, the army of a hundred thousand people was also tightly shrunk together, and then moved forward quickly to the northeast.

"General, who do you think is staring at us! It should not be the King Zhao!"

"This is hard to say! However, I would have thought that at least it shouldn't be the kid Simalun. His ultimate goal is not on us! Could it be him!"

"You mean Jia Mi!"

"Maybe! But, we can't stay here too long! Otherwise, there will be the danger of the entire army being destroyed!" At the end, Liu Kun also glanced at his team again.

However, at this moment, Gu Yunfeng, who had given orders before, also slowly came to Liu Kun's horse!

"General, everything is set up! Even if we encounter a strong enemy, nothing big will happen in a short time!"

"Yunfeng! Can't we be careless! The mountains here are getting more and more precarious! We are all leading soldiers, and we should know what this place is! Fortunately, we met here in advance, otherwise we really don't know what will happen. !"

"General, the current situation is weird. It's not just that the sentry riders didn't return, but even the birdsong in the valley are much less!"

"Oh, it seems that Yunfeng's perception power has improved a lot! If Sirius is still there, his reconnaissance ability is the strongest! It's a pity, this kid doesn't know where he went! Actually, Sometimes, you are both the right arm of the general, and it is normal to make a little mistake!" At one point, when Liu Kun mentioned Sirius, the whole person was also a little helpless.

After all, Sirius is an extremely dangerous person. At the beginning, if it weren't for Jin Shangyu's mercy, now he really didn't know whether it was alive or dead.

However, just as Liu Kun analyzed the situation before him, a huge roar suddenly came from the mountains on both sides!

"No! Something! They actually came!"

"General, the general will perceive it! There are tens of thousands of cavalry on both sides of us charging!"

"Good, good! I really want to kill him! Pass the order, don't worry, and fight while walking! The main thing is to save your strength! You want to disrupt Laozi's formation at once! It's not that easy!" At one point, Liu Kun knew When someone came to attack him, he also issued a series of orders instantly.

Speaking of it, judging from the series of orders issued by Liu Kun, his military talent is still excellent. However, in the face of these weird and powerful enemies, it is really unknown whether they can successfully break through!

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