I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 882: A thin line of sky!

The twilight is rising, and the battle is thick...

Here Jin Shangyu sent out a thousand cavalry, and at this time Murong Feilong also noticed a change in the situation. At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu took a thousand Xianbei cavalry into battle, that Murong Feilong also let out a slight roar.

"What's the matter! They can even launch a countercharge!"

"Master General, don't be fooled anymore! They used this trick to repel our army last night! Now as long as they step up their offensive, they have to retreat within a quarter of an hour!"

"Oh, your kid seems quite spooky! Come on! Fight the drums, this battle must be won! Didn't you always say that Duan Piquan is the **** of war! I really want to see what he looks like! "At the end, that Murong Feilong also roared in the dark night!

Perhaps it was because of Jin Shangyu’s lack of troops, or it was Murong Feilong’s bold idea. In short, when Jin Shangyu’s team joined the battle group, Murong Feilong also increased his attack intensity to the extreme.

For a time, the Jie soldiers rushed forward like a tide!

"Mozha! Command the sergeant to retreat! But there is one thing to remember, so one of the injured brothers can't be thrown away! Understand!"

"The final commander!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu could still think of the safety of ordinary sergeants at this moment, Mozha was also moved and couldn't talk to himself.

In this way, because Na Murong Feilong launched an unprecedented attack, Jin Shangyu and Mozha also commanded their cavalry to retreat quickly and without chaos!

"General, look, they can't stand it anymore! It seems that they are really underpowered!"

"Fine! Duan Pixiong, you, you also have today, I will definitely show you something beautiful today, I will let you vomit it today if I take things from Laozi!"

"No, Lord General, look at it, they seem to have retreated to a mountain. The most, scariest thing is that their people can escape into the mountain!"

"What is escape! Let them go and see, it can't be escape! There should be something strange!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu and Mozha led their sergeants slowly to enter the rock that had already walked once. When the fault occurred, Na Murong Feilong and his counselors also observed these changes.

"Report! Report to Lord General, the enemy has been defeated in a rift valley!"

"What, Rift Valley! What the **** is going on! Come on! Have they resisted there!"

"If you go back to the general! They not only set up a blocker there, but they are still fully guarding! If we are going to attack, please show the army!"

"Well, I would have thought that their baggage must be right after the Rift Valley, and now they must be making the last resistance! If we were not afraid of sacrifices and took one step forward with our efforts, we would definitely win a big victory!"

"General, the villain has also been observing for a while! You see, it's dark now! We can only roughly see a big mountain blocking our eyes! Then, is it possible that they have already dropped an ambush!"

"Impossible! The most anxious thing for them now is to leave us quickly! Not to fight with us! So, the judge must be right! Tell my brothers, don’t wait anymore, try your best to attack, be sure Annihilate the enemy in the Rift Valley!" At the end, Murong Feilong also showed a touch of determination.

Facing such a commander, the counselor wanted to persuade a few more words, but in the end he did not speak. They still knew Murong Feilong's temper after all.

In this way, because Murong Feilong made up his mind, this ten thousand sergeant also launched a fierce attack again.

But this time, their advantages were not immediately apparent. After all, this rift can also allow the three horses to run in parallel at the same time, so the battle has become unusually stalemate.


"What's the matter! Why did it take such a long time to advance to a distance of a few hundred meters? This is impossible!"

"Um, Lord General! Actually, my brothers did their best! It's just that this place is too narrow!"

"This is not a reason! They just spotted this point, so they threw a small number of sergeants here to hold us, I believe that the current Duan Pixi has long gone away with money and food! So, we can't know the difficulty. Retreat! Brothers, give me life! Whoever breaks through this rift first, rewards a thousand taels of silver!" At the end, Murong Feilong also showed a hideous face.

After all, this time, he went out alone with more than 10,000 soldiers! If he loses another battle or gains nothing, I am afraid he will really lose all the games at that time.

In this way, because Murong Feilong has thrown out a large amount of rewards, the reason that there must be a brave man under the reward is also exemplified here.

All of a sudden, the entire battle situation has also undergone a fundamental change. Although the cavalry led by Mozha was able to persist, the pace of retreat was already fast.

Because they did not dare to retreat, if they did not retreat, they would be outflanked by the opposing cavalry. There was only a dead end at that time, so after this battle, the Xianbei cavalry would retreat alternately in groups of three!

At a certain moment, just as Moza's cavalry was about to withdraw from the large rock fault, a figure appeared behind him.

"Brother has worked hard! Come back!"

"You, when did you still wear a mask! Oh, I see, you are afraid that Murong Feilong will see you!"

"Forget it! It's time! The order is passed, so the archer prepares to seal this rock fault! No enemy can rush out!"

"The last commander!" Seeing Jin Shangyu with more than a thousand cavalry guarding the outermost side of the rock fault, Moza also understood everything.

For a while, although the Jie tribe army led by Murong Feilong was very brave, they were also flesh and blood, and they couldn't stand the rush of arrows.

"Report! General, the mouth of the rift is ahead!"

"This is a good thing! It looks like they are going to finish!"

"No, that, General, our people rushed to the mouth of the Rift Valley, but outside of Taniguchi, thousands of Xianbei people actually blocked our way forward with random arrows!"

"What, there is such a thing! Then, let's rush over!"

"General, the general has tried several times. Not only did he not rush out, but he also lost a lot of sergeants!"

"Why, why is this ending!"

"It’s not good for an adult! The villain feels that something big should happen! You can see the bright moon directly above this rift valley. What does this mean? It means that this is a dangerous place! If the enemy is really Set up an ambush on the Rift Valley, then we are really doomed! Let's evacuate! The most important thing is to save yourself!" At the end of the talk, two counsellors had already jumped off the horse and fell to the ground.

Facing such an unfavorable situation, that Murong Feilong is not stupid!

"Two, please! I know that you are all loyal to my general! Come here! Leave five hundred sergeants in a feint, and the rest will withdraw along the same path!"

"The final commander!" Seeing that Murong Feilong finally chose to retreat, the two counsellors also took a sigh of relief and then mounted their horses separately.

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