I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 881: Words of counsel!

In the northwest, among the unnamed mountains, Namurong Feilong also stopped the sergeant who was retreating urgently. However, when Murong Feilong heard some unusual voices from a counselor, he also thought of a lot in his heart.

"Well, well, you are right! So that's it! Then, we should report the news to Tu Long as soon as possible, after all, he has 20,000 vitality in his hands!"

"General! If you tell the truth, then you have committed a serious crime! After all, our dead and wounded brother, this crime is not a small crime!" At the end, the counselor also took a step forward slowly.

Faced with this new situation, that Murong Feilong is already a Liushen Wuzhu. After all, he is neither going to advance nor retreating. What should he do, the once big man is really at a loss.

Speaking of which, we can't blame Murong Feilong for taking care of him. The main reason is that after all, he is a Jie Ren, and his position is sometimes embarrassing.

"General, or let's take a risk and grab the military supplies back again. I believe that as long as we do our best, they can't escape! Even if they run away, the supplies will stay!"

"Okay, just as you say! The order goes on, so everyone, except the wounded and sick, will fight back! Lao Tzu doesn't believe that you have three heads and six arms to stop Lao Tzu's army!" At a certain moment, after Murong Feilong thought of something , Is also determined to return to the army.

For a time, the entire team, the norm of about 12,000 people, also turned the horse's head and rushed to the original barracks.

The reason why only 12,000 people are left is that some people have already evacuated first.

It was too late to say, then soon, just when Murong Feilong and the others reacted, their horses had already quickly arrived at the place where they once lived.

"Report! Lord General, our people have already regained control of this camp!"

"What's the use of control! Let me talk about the important point first, where are the money and food! How much is lost!"

"This, the money and food are all gone! It seems that they have already returned!"

"Go back! It's not that easy to go! Pass the order, leaving two thousand guards here, and the remaining ten thousand elite horses chasing the enemy at the fastest speed! I don't believe it anymore. With a team of their size, I think It is impossible not to leave a trace!"

"The final commander!" Seeing that Murong Feilong had made up his mind at this time, those young generals were also quickly urging the horses, following the traces left by Jin Shangyu and others, and walking all the way.

Of course, the sky was already bright at this time, and Murong Feilong let out a long sigh as he looked at the tent of the seven wise men.

"Duan Piquan, there was no big enmity between us! But you blocked Lao Tzu's way, then, then you have to die!" At a certain moment, when Murong Feilong was furious, there was a tens of thousands of cavalry teams. The arrow from the string ran northeast.

In this way, as Xiyang went down to the west, Na Murong Feilong had already brought his tens of thousands of cavalry to a valley!

"General, it's getting dark, but they should be not far ahead!"

"Why do you think so!"

"Because there are obviously large troops walking through the mountains!"

"Well, if that's the case, I will try my best to attack them! I hope to catch up with them!" At the end, that Murong Feilong was also muttering.

After all, Jin Shangyu's team may be not far ahead.

auzw.com "Report! General Murong, has found the opponent's rear army! It seems that the battle is under the twilight!"

"Duan Piquan! It seems that you still can't run away! If you want to run, then keep the supplies in your hands!"

"Master General, let's attack or slow attack! After all, they can't let us rush to the front directly!"

"Does this still need to be said! Tell my brothers, you must fight with all your strength, and you will not be treated badly at that time! Besides, it is even more difficult for them to escape with a lot of money and food!"

"The final commander! The final commander will definitely take back all the things we lost! Please rest assured!" After receiving the order from Murong Feilong, the general commanded the sergeant quickly!

For a time, the entire valley also entered a situation of short-handedness in an instant. At this time, Moza's army was also the first to feel unprecedented pressure.

"Well, General Mo, what shall we do! Who would have thought that they would actually chase after him!"

"Don't worry, what's the fear of this! Tell my brothers that your own personal safety is the first priority! Lord Jin has made arrangements! Believe us! However, there is one point, everyone should listen to the generals. No one can Let the opposing sergeant pass by our side! Otherwise, the military will do it!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay, let's go! I'll be there to help in a while!" As he spoke, Moza was already riding his horse and galloping away quickly in one direction.

"Boss, this, really made you guess, they really came!"

"Come, just come! Have you arranged everything!"

"Then I need to say that the general told them a long time ago. It should be a situation of fighting and retreating! However, on the surface, there is no flaw. After all, their number should be an absolute advantage. Let's retreat. It should be!"

"Okay! Okay! So let's do it! However, your pressure is not small. After all, there is still a way to go to that place. Besides, I don't know how the girl is preparing! After all, the later we pass, ours The higher the success rate!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

In this way, after a few simple conversations between the two, Moza turned his horse's head to the front line of the battle.

"You girl, I didn't expect you Murong Feilong to really think about it! Forget it, since you are here, if I don't give you something! How can I say the past!" Looking at Moza's war horse whistling. Go, Jin is also talking to himself in his heart.

In this way, with the full attack of Murong Feilong's army, Mozha's two thousand sergeants also withdrew from Taniguchi little by little and entered a wide area.

Of course, as the fighting time gets longer, the dark night also slowly descends.

"Well, it's time to counterattack! Brothers rushed over with the general! Remember, only one charge is allowed, and then you must retreat with all your strength! Make no mistake!"

"The final commander!" Just when a general yelled, Jin Shangyu personally led a thousand sergeants into the battle group like a tide.

For a time, although Jin Shangyu had fewer people, but because of the addition of new forces, it also instantly changed the situation of the battle.

"Boss, you, you are here too! Isn't this too dangerous? Or, you should go back! Brother, I can handle it!"

"Mozha, you are quite confident! Tell you the truth, now you are facing the rush of Murong Feilong's nearly tens of thousands of fine riders! To be honest, it is good for you to persist until now! However, Your brother and I are not the kind of master who is exhausted! Come on, let's fight together, brothers!"

"Well, it turned out to be like this! Well, well, I will listen to you everything, this will work!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu appeared next to Mozha, Mozha was also taken aback, and then relieved. Up.

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