I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 876: Robbery (2)

In the northern part, in the main camp of Duanbu Xianbei, in a very atmospheric Chinese military tent, a dozen people were talking loudly around a simple map.

"Shang Yu, don't worry, none of the sergeants in front of you will move. This king understands what you mean! This king will make Tulong feel that we are not moving!"

"Okay, then, let's prepare five thousand cavalry now. After all, they are already on the road. If we don't leave, I'm afraid we will really suffer a lot!"

"Okay! Old General Hu, you must mobilize five thousand cavalry now. Remember, you have to choose the best. This time, let's play the role of the best soldiers!"

"The last general leads the orders!" Seeing the Zuo Xian king Duan Pixi directly issued the order, the old general Hu Shuobi quickly went to the outside of the Chinese military account.

"Mozzar ordered!"

"The end is here! This king orders you to go with Jin Shangyu! Everything is under the command of Jin Shangyu! Make no mistake!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay, then you go! All the generals are also dispersed, remember, all return to their respective camps, especially the soldiers in front, no one can show the message of going to war! Violators, cut!" said In the end, the Zuo Xian King Duan Piquan also showed a touch of cruelty.

"You bastard, you really deserve to be a northern lion. This command and combat is really a good hand! Not to mention, let Lao Tzu come to a day-to-day robbery today!" Feeling Duan Pixi’s commanding force , Jin muttered to himself in his heart.

"Why don't you speak! Are you scared!"

"The eldest brother is joking! This little thing, it can't be troubled by the younger brother! Let's do this! Give the younger brother seven days, and you will definitely win!"

"Seven days! Isn't it too much!"

"Well, don't worry, not much! In fact, the younger brother doesn't want to start on our site! After all, if we do that, our losses will be great! And their vigilance is also the highest!"

"You kid, I really didn't expect that there are such considerations! Good! What is seven days not seven days, as long as you Jin Shangyu is safe, and Lao Tzu's cavalry is not lost!" At the end, the Zuo Xian Wang Duan Piyi also repeated Take a long breath.

After all, this is a big military operation. If it succeeds, a large amount of military supplies may be taken back, but if it fails, or is calculated by the opponent, the loss will be the elite cavalry of the section!

Of course, Jin also knows this well, but he just doesn't want to say it!

"Report, five thousand cavalry is ready! Lord, please order!"

"Okay, you go first! Shang Yu, let's go!" Seeing that Mr. Hu Shuobi had already prepared five thousand elite soldiers, that piece of horsetail also went to a comprehensive training ground one after another with Jin Shangyu.

It didn't take long for Jin Shangyu to see a large training ground right in front of his eyes after leaving the Chinese Army's big account.

Look at the five thousand cavalry sergeants who are ready to go, all of them are full of energy, although they are all listed on the horses, but every sergeant is carrying a strong bow and a hard crossbow! On the side of the saddle, there is a scimitar or spear and other weapons.

"At the end see the prince!"

"The old general is so polite! Come on, brothers, today is a good day, so we are going out hunting! And this time, your general is Jin Shangyu! This is a soldier talisman, see the soldier talisman, just like this king!"

"My king is mighty, my king is mighty." At a certain moment, when the Zuo Xian king Duan Pixiong handed over an irregular jade block to Jin Shangyu's hands, the entire training field echoed "My King is mighty" "The sound.

auzw.com "Shang Yu, I hope you can return safely!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay! You can go now! As for how to act, you alone are in charge!"

"Yes! The generals will listen to the order and turn their heads! Let's go!" Jin Shangyu was also very excited when he saw Duan Piquan believing in himself. He shouted loudly for a while, and the sergeants were also quickly led by Jin Shangyu To the layman of Duanbu main business.

In this way, under the gaze of Zuo Xian Wang Duan Pixi, Jin Shangyu also took five thousand fine riders to the northwest.

However, just as Jin Shangyu and Mozha beat their horses, a voice slowly reached Jin Shangyu's ears.

"Prince Jin, I like to leave girls behind anytime!"

"Mother, it's not good, it's her! How could you forget her! No matter, since you are going to war and dealing with Tu Long, it is better to take her!" Once you know who the person is, so does Jin. Murmured in his heart.

"Jin Shangyu, you are too unsound! Even if there was an action, you didn't tell this girl, and you threw this girl alone in the section! Do you want this girl to have a big fight with them!"

"Girl, it's not kind to say that! This son just doesn't want you, a big beauty, to do such **** things!"

"It sounds good! If you really think so, then why let this girl killer in the dense forest!"

"This, this, forget it, you won! Let's go on the road together! Let's see if that Tulong is dead or alive!" At a certain moment, knowing that he could not say anything about Murong Yuyan, he simply gave in.

However, Jin's sudden weakness really made Na Murong Yuyan very uncomfortable. She wanted to speak a few times but didn't say anything!

"Why, I gave up, the beauty is still not satisfied!"

"Poor mouth! Haven't you seen so many people here!"

"Miss Murong, Moza knows I can't beat you, but Lao Tzu's eyes are so good!"

"Smelly boy, want to find a fight, right? I'm not the only one here who can beat you up!" At one point, when Mozha stepped forward and said something very strange, Jin also directly reminded him.

In fact, there is no need to remind, this Mozha also knows the strength of Murong Yuyan. To put it a bit awkward, even if he challenges Jin Shangyu, Mozha is not willing to challenge the great beauty of Murong Xianbei.

In this way, because of Murong Yuyan's joining, the marching road is not too lonely! And this team with five thousand fine knights is also fast walking through the mountains.

The reason why he did not take the big road is because Jin Shangyu is already fully using the future core to guide the army forward.

"You girl, if you go slowly, I will go quickly, but we are not on the same route! As long as you go out of the boundary between Duanbu and Murongbu, I will show you what is real The robbery!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu used the future core to find a simpler path, he was also muttering to himself.

"Well, Jin Shangyu, that's not right, it is General Jin! We really want to turn over the mountain in front of us!"

"General Moza, you think this mountain is huge!"

"It's really big! Look, its far end has stretched out at least dozens of miles!"

"You don't understand this! In fact, this mountain looks big and high, but in fact there is a ravine on its left side. That is an easy way! From there, our cavalry can cross this mountain without dismounting!" In the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strong sense of confidence.

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