I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 875: Robbery (1)

However, just as Jin Shangyu was about to leave the pink camp, Na Murong Yuyan also smiled and said, "Master Jin, this is your place, so just leave! Don't recall the smile of the little princess Duanbu! "

"Well, girl, what do you mean! Yes, you are right, this is the place where Duan Yunyan once lived! Why, what do you want this son to remember! Is it possible that memories are lingering with her! "

"You, dare to talk nonsense, just, just"

"That's it! Say it!"

"Go away, this girl hasn't eaten it yet!"

"Don't eat it! Anyway, this son will be sent by someone!" While talking, Jin Shangyu didn't care how angry other Murong Yuyan was, he just lifted the curtain and left.

"Jin Shangyu, you, you **** off!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's figure was slowly moving away, Murong Yuyan's scolding voice came from the pink camp.

"You girl, it looks like things are not going well! It is possible that this girl is also interested in Lao Tzu, why care about the owner of this tent! Forget it, I don't want this, let's try the breakfast of Duanbu!" As he went to the Duanbu Zhongjun's large account, Jin muttered to himself.

In this way, before too much time, Jin was already sitting in the Chinese military account of Duanbu Camp.

"Why, that girl still won't come! By the way, the king forgot, she has a mask on her face, it is really inconvenient to eat here! Or, you can send her something! After all, she is also important to the Murong clan Character!"

"Thank you, brother, in fact, the younger brother has just found someone to take breakfast! However, whether she eats or not has nothing to do with the younger brother!"

"Oh, how do you say this! It seems that your kid must have offended someone just now, otherwise, why would she not eat if she is so good!" At the end, Zuo Xian Wang Duan Pixi also showed a weird smile.

Of course, because of the arrival of Jin Shangyu, Xianbei generals including Mozha and Duan Shiwu also came to the Great Account of the Chinese Army by coincidence.

"Why, none of you have breakfast! Or is it a special meal!"

"Master, I will not dare! I'm just afraid that Lord Jin will be alone!"

"Poor mouth! Since it's here, just sit down! Just study the war together!"

"War! Is it going to be a war!" Hearing Zuo Xian Wang Duan Pixi's words, Mozha also asked casually.

However, when everyone had just had breakfast for a short while, there was also a rush of footsteps outside the account.

"Report, Lord, there is emergency information!"

"Emergency intelligence, is there something happening in Tulong's army! That, it's all my own, let's talk!"

"Return to the prince! Just before, according to reliable information, the Tulong army has begun to slowly retreat! It looks like it is going to be deployed!"

"What, they are really going to sprinkle it! Could it be that Tulong's injury has not been healed!"

"Shi Wu, it's normal for them to run the army! It's just that they don't know from which direction they will return to the land of the Jieren!" After feeling the emotional changes of the generals, Zuo Xian's five-duan Pipin also said slowly .


"Mother, I'm going to run so soon! No, since I'm here, I have to pay a price, otherwise I won't come often in the future!" While listening to the report of the sergeant, Jin was confused in his heart. Thinking.

However, at this moment, the Zuo Xian king Duan Pixi in the center also smiled slightly and said to Jin Shangyu: "Why, not saying a word, are you thinking about this? Let's talk about it, what should we do? response!"

"Well, the eldest brother joked, the younger brother is willing to follow the eldest brother's arrangement!"

"Okay, don't be like this between our brothers! I know your kid must have an idea! You don't want to go around, speak up and listen!"

"This, I really made the elder brother right, the younger brother really has a countermeasure in his mind!" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu also slowly stood up, and then slowly walked to the front of the northern sketch of the Chinese military account.

Maybe they all wanted to hear Jin Shangyu's insights, so everyone, including Zuo Xian Wang Duan Pixiong, put down their tableware and came to the northern sketch.

In other words, this sketch of the north, which is the sketch drawn by the Xianbei of Duanbu at the time, is marked with Murong Xianbei, Yuwen, and even the Jie people in the northwest direction, and Tuoba Xianbei in the north. and many more.

However, the only shortcoming of this sketch is that it is not accurate and may be the approximate location. But then again, this is already a good map for people in the Great Jin Dynasty.

"Brother, look, we are in this relatively flat place now! Here, here, there should be two not too big mountains. If we can cross the past, maybe we can save some time!"

"Shang Yu, you, you plan to raid Tulong's army! This, this is a big event. Although this king also has this idea, if the operation is not done properly, there may be even greater losses!"

"Big brother, what you said makes sense! But the soldiers are so fast. In fact, you should know that the reason why they were able to come to us this time and raid us, to put it bluntly, is that they have some maps that are more accurate than ours. ! Otherwise, they won't follow their way!"

"Yes! But, we only have this simple map here!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu initially expressed his thoughts, the Zuo Xian King Duan Pixi also let out a long sigh.

"Mother, what's the problem? Isn't it just a map! I only need a few hours to draw a real map!" After feeling the change in Duan Pixi's mood, Jin also Not to mention breaking, just staring at the simple map tightly.

However, at this moment, the old general Hushuobi who had not said a word still spoke.

"Wang Ye, Shang Yu, in fact, our information should have been discovered yesterday, so now we can no longer pursue them at their positions when they didn't go, otherwise they will be lost!"

"It seems that this **** is still hot! The old general is right! Brother and younger brother are willing to lead five thousand cavalry to chase Tulong!"

"Five thousand, isn't it a little less! That Tulong is known as a fine rider of fifty thousand!"

"Big brother, you have to know, this time the younger brother did not go desperately, the purpose is to robbery! Who would let him Tulong dare to go to our turf!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strong sense of confidence.

Facing such Jin Shangyu, Duan Pixiong, the king of Bu Xianbei, finally made up his mind.

"Okay! This king will give you five thousand flying knights! Also, let Mozha give you the forward!"

"Thank you, big brother! Little brother will definitely bring back benefits! However, there is another request from the younger brother, and the older brother must agree to it!"

"What's the matter! Let me tell you! As long as this king can do it, I can promise you!"

"After the younger brother leads the army, the eldest brother can't scatter the army's camp, especially the barracks that confronted Tulong before. You can't move a single soldier!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

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