I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 871: Duan encounter!

In the northern land and between the dense forests, a seemingly puzzling battle came to an end within one move. However, the result of this battle is surprising!

"You, you are the devil! They are ten living people! You killed them all with one blow!"

"Guo Feiyi, if I knew today, why bother back then! In that day, but you Jie people came to me Murong first! Now, you kill people first, why, all the principles have become your principles! What a hypocrite !"

"Yes, but, Jin Shangyu, you, you did it on purpose! I, Guo Feiyi, won't let you go!"

"Guo Feiyi! But let go, just come, if I say nothing, you will win!" At the end of the day, Jin Shangyu's figure slowly fell to Murong Yuyan's side! His body exudes a strong killing air.

The reason for doing this is that Jin is also afraid that Guo Feiyi will suddenly launch a fatal blow, after all, Jin Shangyu has not dug out all of Guo Feiyi's hole cards!

"Big brother, no, Jin Shangyu! From now on, we can't be brothers anymore! If you want to kill, you can do it! If Sola says half a word, then it's not your good brother!"

"Well, okay, let's go! But I still said that, if I meet you on Laozi's territory in the future, except for drinking, the rest is killing! You know!"

"Okay! Then, then we're leaving!" At a certain moment, seeing that his brother had already been killed ten people, Man Suola frowned. Maybe he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. Just silently led Guo Feiyi and others to leave this dense forest.

"Shang Yu, you really let them go! If your brother is right, next time, their methods will be even tougher!"

"Brother Shi Wu! Forget it, after all, they are also humans! Besides, I had some intersection with them on that day! Even if you still have a favor! See you next time, I'm afraid it won't be that simple!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's expression is also It's very unnatural.

After all, in front of Duan Shiwu, letting Jie Ren go is really unreasonable. But Duan Shiwu also knows what's going on, so just ask!

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's timely arrival, he can be regarded as saving Duan Shiwu, and the birth of Na Murong Yuyan caused heavy losses to Jie Ren.

"Girl, your shot is too powerful!"

"Master Jin wants to say that this girl's methods are vicious!"

"No, no, how could it be! After all, you girl still did something that I can't do!"

"If you can't do it, let this girl take the blame!" While speaking, Murong Yuyan also nodded slightly to Duan Shiwu to show the meeting.

"I would like to thank girl Murong for her great kindness! If it weren't for the girl, I'm afraid I don't know when I will repay the hatred of Duan Erlang!"

"General Duan was joking! Actually, you have actually been to our clan and know some things! Well, then I don't know why General Duan met the strongest killer team of the Jie clan here."

auzw.com"This, this is a long story! In fact, when you come, it means that you all know about the Jie people's sneak attack on Duanbu!"

"Brother Shi Wu! I know that what I can hear is some intelligence information, there is no specific thing at all! You can tell me that my eldest brother is okay now!" At a certain moment, Shi Wu and Murong Yuyan chatted. At the moment, Jin also said anxiously.

Facing Jin Shangyu, who was very anxious, Shi Wu was not talking to Murong Yuyan, and instead said softly: "Shang Yu! You can come here! It means you know the seriousness of the matter, and you value our section!"

"Okay, when is the time, and you still say these polite remarks! Let's talk, how did they sneak on us!"

"Actually, it's actually that we don't have the heart to defend ourselves! That was a few days ago, the old general Hushuobi wanted to take troops to inspect the border area, but just when he arrived at the border area, he was actually attacked. A sneak attack by the Tulong army! They rushed to kill our cavalry team in an almost crazy state!"

"In the end, did you lose in the end? Then, what happened to the old general Hu? Is it badly hurt?" Hearing this, Jin Shangyu was also a little anxious, and he asked from time to time.

"Well, Shang Yu, don't worry. Although the old general fought hard to the end, he was outnumbered and had to break through! Pity our three thousand good brothers! They will never come back! Fortunately, at the last moment, These good brothers desperately dragged Tu Long, the old general and the remaining two thousand sergeants were able to survive!"

"What, unexpectedly, you have lost three thousand cavalry! Tulong, Tulong, you are too bullying! If this hatred is not reported, Lao Tzu will come to this world for nothing!" At a certain moment, once I knew the encounter The tragic degree, Jin Shangyu's heart is also inexplicably sad!

At this time, Murong Yuyan did not say a word, but silently looked at Jin Shangyu, for fear that some major changes would happen to the current Jin.

In this way, because the powerful enemy had already escaped, Jin Shangyu also learned from Duan Shiwu's mouth about the basic situation of Duan during this period of time.

In addition to the frustration of the previous cavalry, in the next battle, the two sides really suffered each other's casualties! But overall it is acceptable.

"Well, Brother Shi Wu, you mean, Brother wants to send you out to inquire about military intelligence!"

"Forget it! But no one would have thought that he would run into a strong enemy before he went far!"

"Yes, you all want to know each other's situation. Of course, Tulong also wants to know your details! However, if this Tulong can invite Guo Feiyi, it means that their leader really wants to fight Duanbu. !"

"Then, that, Lord Jin! Actually, we don't have to worry about this! After all, we have solved some major problems now! For example, Tu Long's injury!"

"Oh, it seems that your girl's brain is turning fast! Well, since Tulong has been injured by you, I should not launch a big offensive in a short time!" When Murong Yuyan's analysis is in place , Jin also said to himself.

In fact, the reason why Murong Yuyan said this was because she personally injured Tu Long. And the deeper reason is that Jin Shangyu defeated that Tianjun Jun!

In this way, because it was already a matter here, everyone gathered together and slowly walked towards the northern section of Xianbei.

"Um, it turns out that it was Girl Murong who helped out! I would like to thank Girl Murong on behalf of Duan Bu!"

"General Duan is serious! In fact, we are all people of the same ethnic group, but we have had more battles over the years! But this time we were able to do this because of the old man Jin! After all, he was our Murong Xianbei tribe. The king!" At the end, Na Murong Yuyan was also a little embarrassed, after all, it seemed strange to tell Jin Shangyu's alternative identity from her mouth.

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