I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 870: poor!

***In the unnamed mountains and forests, two teams have already formed a confrontation, but the difference is that this time, the Jie Ren team is clearly in a defensive posture! Even their leader, Guo Feiyi, has blank eyes and is at a loss!

"Mother, you Guo Feiyi, you dare to come here, it seems that you don't want to go back alive! I have had many times, as long as you dare to come, you will never return!" Feeling the emotions of everyone After the change, Jin also kept muttering in his heart.

However, just when everyone was not talking, Duan Shiwu, who had just been holding a mortal heart, also slowly said: "Shang Yu! I believe you have seen it too, we have already killed a dozen brothers!"

"What Brother Shi Wu means, Shang Yu understands! Guo Feiyi, Man Sola, we have some intersections before! But none of these can be your excuses for slaughtering others. The murderer must be prepared to be killed! come on!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then Mr. Guo will first learn about Lord Jin's brilliant tricks! However, Mr. Guo still hopes you can let them go!"

"Brother, if you really want to kill, fight us with your combat power, is that bullying! Brother, I don't accept it!" At one point, when Jin Shangyu and Guo Feiyi were about to start a one-on-one battle, that Man Sola is also angry.

In the face of such a Man Sola, Jin Shangyu was actually embarrassed to be cruel, after all, the relationship between this person and himself was really good.

"That, okay! Man Sola, you first step back, wait until Lao Tzu and this master take a few tricks!" I wanted to say a few more words, but in the end, Jin Shangyu made up his mind to fight Guo Feiyi.

It was too late, then soon, just before Jin Shangyu's words were over, Guo Feiyi's figure was already moving.

I saw that he didn't know where he actually took out a soft sword, making a creepy sound in the air from time to time.

"A shot is a big move! It seems that this guy is desperate! Even a unique job that has never appeared! Okay, let you see how Lao Tzu has changed over the years!" Feeling Guo Feiyi After the fierceness and decisiveness, Jin Shangyu also quickly changed his figure, and the whole person was also dealing with it like clouds and flowing water.

For a time, both of them were approaching their extreme physique, and almost everyone present could not see clearly.

"Jin Shangyu, you just used some body techniques, that's it! It seems that I am not as good as you!"

"Guo Feiyi, you are already pretty good! So, let's go down!"

"You, you..." After a brief conversation, Jin Shangyu's physical fitness also skyrocketed, and almost instantly kicked Guo Feiyi, who had just taken off his body, into the air.

"Ahem, you, you won! Let's start! But Guomou still said that, I hope you can let them go!"

"People who are about to die, dare to talk gibberish, how did you slaughter Laozi just now!"

"Big brother! If you want to kill, just kill me, brother! Back then, in the devil training camp, if it weren't for Master Guo, I would have died many times, brother! So I asked him to let him go. !"

"You, okay! In that case, stand up ten of you and I will fight against them! The living will go back by themselves. If you die here unfortunately, don't blame Laozi!"

"Boss, you are bullying, and now even Lord Guo is seriously injured, even if they go together, it will be in vain!" In the end, Man Sola showed a helpless expression.

auzw.com After all, this Man Sola is not bad at all. Even if all the Jie people come forward together, I am afraid there is really only a dead end.

Because Jin Shangyu's body shape just shown was so fast, almost desperate.

However, facing such a Man Sola, Jin Shangyu was finally shaken. I saw him startled, and then said in a low voice: "Man Sola! Lao Tzu will take a step back! So, if you have ten people, I will also have one person. Then you will have to resign! "

"This, this, okay! It's your eldest brother! You, and you, ten of you are out of the list, whether you live or die, it depends on your good fortune! However, Lao Tzu also puts the words first, if you die, Don't blame Lao Tzu! Did you hear that!" During the conversation, Man Sola also named ten people randomly.

Of course, just before the voice of Man Sola was over, ten Jie people quickly gathered together, and then came to Jin Shangyu's front lightly.

However, in this way, the people in Duanbu also began to agitate. Because they all know it, except for Jin Shangyu who is a super strong, Duan Shiwu is amazing.

But here is the problem, because Duan Shiwu was already scarred in the previous battle.

However, just as everyone was watching each other, Jin Shangyu who was standing in the front also opened up again: "Beauty, I won't come out yet, but when will you wait! Remember, the lives of these ten people are up to you!"

"Prince Jin, this is yours! Come on, let's go together!" In the meantime, I don't know where a dark shadow flew out from the sky, and then a graceful figure appeared in front of everyone.

Although her face was covered by a veil, everyone knew that this must be a big beauty.

But the words are coming back. This is not the place for beauty pageants. The current situation is a life-and-death struggle. In the face of Murong Yuyan who was born out of the sky, the ten Jie tribe warriors who had just stepped forward were shocked, but then they returned to their usual state, and some even showed a very contemptuous smile.

However, the most surprising thing at this time was the seriously injured Guo Feiyi!

"It's you! It turned out to be you! How could this be possible! You, aren't you from the Murong Xianbei tribe! Why do you want to wade in this muddy water!"

"Guo Feiyi! It seems that you still have a good memory! You even remember the deity! Well, if that is the case, just straighten it! The deity wants the lives of these ten people today!"

"You, you can't do this, you guys go back! She is not an ordinary person!"

"Want to go! It's late!" At a certain moment, when Guo Feiyi signaled his subordinates to retreat quickly, Murong Yuyan, who had just arrived here, already launched an attack.

For a while, everyone was stunned on the spot, because in an instant, Murong Yuyan actually slid out with a sword, like pear blossoms floating in the sky.

In the next moment, the ten Jie tribe warriors had already slowly fallen. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these ten people don't want to resist, mainly because the opponent's speed is so fast that they have no room for reaction at all.

"You girl, this is too cruel! It turned out to be one hit and ten kills! It seems that sometimes this woman is still not easy to provoke!" Seeing Murong Yuyan's action is thunder, including Jin Shangyu. Everyone was shocked in a cold sweat.

After all, these things happened between the electric light and flint. Except for a few people like Jin Shangyu who could see clearly, the others just saw the result. That is the crash of ten Jie people.

Of course, at this moment, there was blood leaking out from time to time under those ten people. ***

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